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Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2018, 04:58
by slavvo67
Yes, I'm building on WoofQ and missing those Right Click Tools.... Not sure if I'm going to release anything for a while; I can't even WoofQ to build his latest Pi version, so I'm playing some catch up. Still, I have it booting and most things working okay. Want to overclock it a bit, to get things really rolling.

Do you know if the Fatdog Arm files convert to use with Barry's? I especially need the right click options for Make Pet, UExtract, and Dir2Sfs. The Open with LibreOffice and Geany are nice touches, as well. I suppose something to handle photos, too but I'm not sure what I'm using there, yet....

Thanks for anything you can do. Right Click remain one of my top 5, must have tools for Puppy / Quirky!

Kindest regards,


Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2018, 06:04
by phat7
Where can I download the latest pet? In your first post you point to the "end of thread (page 14) for latest download". This is not the end of the thread any more and all links I tried are dead.

Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2018, 15:55
by don570
I have an old copy I will post on first page...
It needs updating :roll:

Posted: Sun 08 Jul 2018, 01:48
by slavvo67

Your old copies are great, too. You may want to look in the online libraries for multiple versions. Puppus Dogfellow had a great Google drive with tone of stuff. I gather it's still active...

Posted: Sun 08 Jul 2018, 03:04
by phat7
Old copies would be great.

Posted: Sun 08 Jul 2018, 14:33
by slavvo67
Need to know ur system? X86_64 or 32 bit? I have multiple old sets of right click tools....

version 6.9.9

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2018, 16:25
by don570
version 6.9.9

I found a newer version on my hard drive and updated it with
ptmtimer 2.5 and new extract script.

see first post


Note that this is only for 32 bit operating systems


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2018, 18:05
by slavvo67
Hi Don. Is it 64 bit or 32?

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 00:06
by don570
It should be 32 bit (unless I screwed up somewhere).
Check the binary executables inside like 7z.

I have made versions for Quirky and Xerus that are 64 bit but they are
labelled diferently.