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Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 00:49
by joel
oh ok. Thanks Zigbert. I just noticed now that it says 2.1.1 for the extras package. The whole time i was reading it as 2.2.1, duh. Thanks again. :idea:

BTW is there an extras package in the works. I like the extra widgets like tv, etc.

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 02:01
by 8-bit
I am having problems with Pwigets 2.2.1 in Dpup beta 5.
First, when I make changes to calander and save the file, if I go to the Pwigets menu and select Apply, my changes are lost and the calander file reverts to it's original form.
Second, if I try to select a Pwigets sidebar background, It does not happen and I get an error of "Pwigets_background contains no data."
Also, I have to reset the wallpaper each time as it dissapears to a plain background.
I should mention my color depth is 24 and I have dri and the factory NVIDIA driver installed.

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 11:06
by 01micko
Hi 8bit

I was the one who hacked the wallpaper setter for suitability for Puppy43x with Pwidgets.

Because the wallpaper setter is included in Pwidgets, it simply overwrites files in 43x. In Dpup it is a different story. "Pwallset" seems to be firm. You can go to /usr/local/apps (in Dpup) and look inside Wallpaper and you will see that Apprun is there, that will run the hacked wallpaper setter for Pwidgets. (I haven't tried this, I just turned off the sidebar in my Dpup, but it might work). If it doesn't work you could disable Pwallset in case there is a conflict.

I don't think your hardware or associated drivers are any concern.

It wouldn't be hard to hack Pwallset to make it Pwidgets compliant... I have read some of your threads so I think you are up to it.. :wink: .

If you do manage a hack let us know :) ,... same if you don't.

I'll let zigbert answer your calendar query.


Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 16:30
by 8-bit
I investigated my sidebar background problems with Pwigets by opening /usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/AppRun.
I found that the test was looking in /root/.pwigets for files that just were not there.
So I did a modification to the AppRun script to point to /usr/local/pwigets/widgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.

And low and behold, after making the modification, my desktop background stayed intact and I was able to add any sidebar background I wanted.

The commented lines are original, and my added lines are after.

Code: Select all

#add button for sidebar if installed
#if [ -f $HOME/.pwidgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar ];then
if [ -f /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar ];then #added by 8-bit
# SIDEBAR='<button><label>Sidebar</label><input file icon="applications-graphics"></input><action>$HOME/.pwidgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar &</action></button>'
 SIDEBAR='<button><label>Sidebar</label><input file icon="applications-graphics"></input><action>usr/local/pwidgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar &</action></button>'
I hope that helps someone.

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 17:10
by dejan555
Um, I don't have those lines in wallpaper script in dpup, commented or uncommented. So, where do I exactly add those line, or do I install another wallpaper setter first?

EDIT: I know Mick said it's packaged with pwidgets but aparently not in this package I have (I believe pwidgets 2.5 dev.?)

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 17:53
by 8-bit
On the Pwigets 2.2.1 fix, navigate to /usr/local/apps.
Right-click on Wallpaper and select Look Inside.
There you will find the script file "AppRun"
Open it as text, make the changes and save it.
After that, Click menu, Desktop, Pwigets tiny desktop apps.
Click on Plugins.
Click on Sidebar - Set wigets background.
Pick right or left and the sidebar background you want.
I had best luck with Golden to be able to see the calander.
Click Apply.

That was my short version of instructions for the modification.
Hope it helps.

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2009, 20:28
by 01micko

About 10(?) pages back (maybe less) i made a wallpaper package for 4.3.x and then zigbert included it in Pwidgets 2.1. I haven't time to find it now, off to work


Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2009, 07:31
by trio
Missing working with all of you, and with puppy

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2009, 10:34
by zigbert
The pwidgets package doesn't include the wallpaper setter, - only the pached files. So if you are running a system without nathan wallpaper setter, or another setter that are supporting pwidgets sidebars, the sidebar function will not work correct.
Mick wrote: I'll let zigbert answer your calendar query.
Sorry, but I'm not into Dpup at the moment. :)

We miss you too Trio. What are your real-life-issues?

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 03:29
by trio
Hi Ziggy,

I am currently working as an Operation Director in one of Suzuki Car Dealer in my city. That's why I don't have much spare time. hhhhhh..busy..

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 03:49
by 8-bit
I am glad to hear that you have employment!
A lot of people do not.
I was self employed, working indirectly for another company doing piece work.
Their sales fell and I was told that maybe things would improve in the fall. So I bit the bullet and payed company expenses with no income.
Fall came and I was then told maybe things would improve by spring.
I had not had any business or personal income since July, and decided enough was enough and closed the business, and applied for Social security.
So I am one of the unemployed waiting for my S.S to start.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2009, 17:08
by joel
Why might the temp widget not be working?

I attached a screenshot of my hardinfo displaying a temp of 56C, and the pwidgets temp is always stuck at fan off, temp 45C?

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2009, 22:12
by nic2109
Sorry to be dim but how do new widgets get to be available to be selected?

I've downloaded and installed a couple of .pet packages with widgets that interest me and I was expecting them to then appear in the list of widgets I could choose. But they don't.

What step(s) have I omitted?

I tried the Help but it sent me to a dead place on the old site which isn't much help.

I expect the answer is somewhere in thread, but at 2653 entries I cannot face looking through it for the answer. :oops:


Pwidgets 2.2.1 PuppyLinxu 3.01

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 01:04
by ndujoe1
I have been able to use Pwidgets 2.2.1 successfully in Puppylinux 3.01.

The calendar refuses to change to Sunday as the first day of the week. any suggesitons?

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 08:53
by zigbert
Version 2.2.2
See main post

- Use Cpu_graph as default instead of Puppy space.
- Alarm widget use now aplay instead of wavplay
- Bugfix: Clock didn't show up after changing theme. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Reminder widget. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Start Wallpaper setter in /usr/share/background if pointed to $HOME/.pwidgets/
- Bugfix: Calender with Sunday as first day of week.
- Bugfix: Link to wiki

Pwidget 2.2.2

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 14:06
by ndujoe1
Thanks the calendar starting day is fixed.

EUR_USD script

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 15:18
by gulk
If you want the 1 eur = usd,
just replace the following in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/EUR_USD

Code: Select all

echo $R

Code: Select all

echo "scale=3;${R}/10" | bc
and of course we are not displaying 10 EUR anymore, so change in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/EUR_USD

Code: Select all

$alignc${color5}10 EUR = ${execi 3600 /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/EUR_USD} USD

Code: Select all

$alignc${color5}1 EUR = ${execi 3600 /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/EUR_USD} USD

Enjoy being 10 times poorer ;)

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 11:45
by 01micko
Ok, here is the heavy bling package.. yes it is HUGE! 553kB...

I adjusted such that most of it I know works with current Pwidgets, but some things I could not test, TV widget is one, I expect many channels may fail but they can be replaced easily. I slightly modded the slideshow frame, you can change the colour in mtpaint by altering the hue if you want. Weatherx seems to work , but weather has some documented problems :( . Image widget works ok, and I didn't test the guages but they should be ok, let me know.

I'm not too sure if it will work perfect with a multiuser system unless you run Pwidgets as superuser... it can be done by typing "sudo pwidgets" in a term. I did limited testing in Pizzasgood's multiuser 4.2 puplet.

NOTE: this package replaces the conky-1.6.1 exec with the conky- exec on your system. Also, Imlib2 is added as well as xli and xwinwrap.

Hope it works for you!


Blast it! I can't get TV to work.... trio? ziggy? Others ok

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 15:30
by zigbert
This is really great news
I have updated main post

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!

Battery widget not coming up?

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:23
by yerc1
i did a new frugal install of NOP 431r1 after having been happily using NOP 413r1.
what i'm trying to do now is to setup NOP 431 the same way as i did NOP 413.
with NOP 431, the battery widget does not come up.
i can't find any post about the battery widget not working on Puppy 431 so i'm not sure if the problem is with NOP only or if it's true to all Puppy s.
has anyone had this same problem and found a fix?