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Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 05:09
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Description of Bugs here: ... 837#613837

BugFix & Update PET 01

- Menu Suite Bugfix
- LazImUL Bugfix

Updates of
- Menu Suite
- Backup Settings (now 1.4)
- Dillo Bookmarks
- Icons of some .desktop Files
- mtPaint locale de
- Multipup Install saves now the de .desktop
- free-nms now in Startup

Menu Suite has new option to hide and/or show menu categories (main categories only)

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2012, 22:49
by RSH
LazY Puppy 2.0.1

No, this is not a joke. I am not kidding! LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 was LazY Puppy 1. LazY Puppy 2 has been uploaded at 18th of march 2012. Now, Lazy Puppy has evolved and is still evolving. It will be LazY Puppy 2.0.1

Yes, this is LazY Puppy Evolution. Flexibility has a (new) Name - LazY Puppy 2.0.1

New Boot Options for LazY Puppy 2.0.1

LazY Puppy 2.0.1 loads automatically the StArtLPx2_Extension.sfs, if available. Boot option lpextsfs=nolpextsfs boots without loading the StArtLPx2_Extension.sfs.
I will create and use StArtLPx2_Extension.sfs later to make the Basic LazY Puppy ISO a bit smaller and put the extracted applications into StArtLPx2_Extension.sfs. Could be useful on smaller RAM. And from time to time maybe i'll put some other applications in there - we'll see.

The New LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Boot Option = lpextsfs

The New LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Boot Parameters:

lpaudiostudio - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Audiostudio
lpvideostudio - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Videostudio
lpofficesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Office Suite (Standard Office SFS)
lpkdeofficesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Office Suite (KDE Office SFS)
lpopenofficesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Office Suite (OpenOffice Office SFS)
lplibreofficesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Office Suite (LibreOffice Office SFS)
lpgraphicssuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Grafk Suite
lpnetworksuite - - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Internet & Netzwerk Suite
lpwebsuite - dito
lpinternetsuite - dito
lpmediaplayersuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as MediaPlayer Suite
lplazarusfpcsuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Lazarus & FreePascal Suite
lptoolboxsuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with Toolbox
lputilitysuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with Utilities
lpwinesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Windows Suite
lpsciencesuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Wissenschafts Suite
lptechsuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Technik Suite
lpphytechsuit - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 as Physik & Technik Suite (man lese und staune!)
lpdevxsuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with Standard DevX SFS
lpdevxgambassuite - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with Gambas DevX SFS
lpkernel - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with LazY Puppy Kernel SFS (
nolpextsfs - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 without StArtLPx2_Extension.sfs
lpuser1ext - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with UserExtension SFS 1
lpuser2ext - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with UserExtension SFS 2
lpuser3ext - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with UserExtension SFS 3
lpuser4ext - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with UserExtension SFS 4
lpuser5ext - runs LazY Puppy 2.0.1 with UserExtension SFS 5

so, if this is not enough of Boot Options, you can also give any file name of an sfs file, to start LazY Puppy with the wanted sfs.

Some may say, it wouldn't be necessary, because the user has almost his up to six favorite sfs files loaded by the bootmanager. But as i always wrote: i do not use any save file on my home workstation to 100% - except testing new Programs after they are working in my usually working mode (no save file)

All this is now working on my currently running iso! :D

Previous presented List had some old and wrong entries, so i present here now (2012-04-13) the whole boot menu list with all the right entries

Code: Select all

DEFAULT   /syslinux/vesamenu.c32
KBDMAP    /syslinux/german.kbd
F1        /syslinux/lazy/hilfe.txt
ONTIMEOUT lazystdext

MENU AUTOBOOT LazY Puppy 2.0.1 startet in # Sekunde{,n}...
MENU BACKGROUND /syslinux/lazy/splash2.png
MENU TITLE State of the Art LazY Puppy 2 (StArtLPx2) ( [F1] = Hilfe )
MENU TABMSG Mit [Tab] editieren Sie die Boot-Optionen

INCLUDE /syslinux/syslinux_layout.cfg
INCLUDE /syslinux/syslinux_colors.cfg

LABEL lazystdram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Standard (RAM, -Guides, -Wbar, -PWidgets)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=nolpextsfs pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazystd
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Standard (-Guides, -Wbar, -PWidgets)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=nolpextsfs pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyfullram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Full (RAM, +Guides, +Wbar, +PWidgets)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyfull
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Full (+Guides, +Wbar, +PWidgets)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyaudioram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Audiostudio (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpaudiostudio pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyaudio
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Audiostudio
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpaudiostudio pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyvideoram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Videostudio (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpvideostudio pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyvideo
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Videostudio
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpvideostudio pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazygraphicram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Grafikstudio (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpgraphicssuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazygraphic
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Grafikstudio
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpgraphicssuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazylazarusram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Lazarus & Free Pascal (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lplazarusfpcsuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazylazarus
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Lazarus & Free Pascal
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lplazarusfpcsuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazywebram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Internet-Suite (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpwebsuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyweb
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Internet-Suite
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpwebsuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffstdram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite Standard (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpofficesuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffstd
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite Standard
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpofficesuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffkderam
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite KDE-Office (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpkdeofficesuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffkde
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite KDE-Office
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpkdeofficesuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffooram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite OpenOffice (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpopenofficesuite pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyoffoo
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 Office-Suite OpenOffice
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpopenofficesuite pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext1ram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 1 (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext1
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 1
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext2ram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 2 (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext2
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 2
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext3ram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 3 (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext3
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 3
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext4ram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 4 (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext4
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 4
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext5ram
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 5 (RAM)
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=ram pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

LABEL lazyext5
 MENU LABEL LazY Puppy 2.0.1 User Extension 5
 KERNEL /lazy/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=/lazy/initrd.gz lpextsfs=lpuser1ext pfix=usbcard pmedia=usbflash pkeys=de

INCLUDE /syslinux/syslinux_hdboot.cfg
INCLUDE /syslinux/syslinux_reboot.cfg
INCLUDE /syslinux/syslinux_mainmenu.cfg

Maximum of SFS Files in LazY Puppy 2.0.1

There are still 6 sfs files loadable at boot up using the bootmanager. But Lazy Puppy 2.0.1 will have possibility to load up to 64 sfs files after boot up without complain. Also it will be possible to increase this up to 100 sfs files while running LazY Puppy.

Save-Secure-System in LazY Puppy 2.0.1 (save existing files):

LazY Puppy 2.0.1 has security functions to prevent existing files not to be overwritten.


Once you have made an edition of an .desktop file, perhaps setting a new, nicer icon and made some translation to your language (german,french etc). All is nice and looks well. Then, if you are installing the new release of this application, the .desktop file (menu entry) will be overwritten and the work is gone.

LazY Puppy has already activated option to save the existing .desktop file, if you are installing a .pet. After installing a .pet, you can choose to start the LazY Puppy Menuentry-Editor automatically and then edit the .desktop file (if necessary). 8)

This is just a short Info/Overview.of LazY Puppy 2.0.1. There is some more really useful struff, like creating run-scripts of prgrams inside sfs files. If clicking on such run-script, it will run the program. if the sfs is not loaded, it will load the sfs. If the sfs nedds another sfs (like lazaraus, that needs the devx), it will load the dependent sfs. Then, if all needed sfs files are loaded, it will run the program.

Run-Scripts are created by rightclick on an unmounted sfs! :!:

This is never been seen in any puppy: sfs files do know their dependencies and will make the puppy able to load them automatically! :idea:

The Working-Title currently is The German SFS-Werfer and the Idea of the title is inspired by/to the blitzkrieg-defender by kirsten-duarte. :lol:

There is more information still to come... ...just have to sort it out.


By the Way, here a short Info to interested English Users:

Yes, LazY Puppy boots into a German Desktop, but you can change this to english or any other language right after the desktop is available. So, don't be afraid on that fact. German users do always boot into English Desktop and change this after X is loaded. Trust me - in that case of fact.

Posted: Fri 06 Apr 2012, 06:37
by minesadorada
RSH wrote: By the Way, here a short Info to interested English Users:

Yes, LazY Puppy boots into a German Desktop, but you can change this to english or any other language right after the desktop is available. So, don't be afraid on that fact. German users do always boot into English Desktop and change this after X is loaded. Trust me - in that case of fact.
If you have plang=en_UK in the menu.lst entry, does that mean it would always boot into an English UK desktop?

Posted: Fri 06 Apr 2012, 16:08
by RSH
minesadorada wrote:
RSH wrote: By the Way, here a short Info to interested English Users:

Yes, LazY Puppy boots into a German Desktop, but you can change this to english or any other language right after the desktop is available. So, don't be afraid on that fact. German users do always boot into English Desktop and change this after X is loaded. Trust me - in that case of fact.
If you have plang=en_UK in the menu.lst entry, does that mean it would always boot into an English UK desktop?
Yes, it should do so (Edit: - i think). If you are using boot option pkeys, then this will overwrite system settings. I do use this boot option always. So, why it should do not?


System settings says English Keyboard Layout and boot option is set to pkeys=de, then you will always have German Keyboard Layout.


Note: I did forgot something to tell you about the settings of wbar!

If you have configured the wbar -let's say in user mode advanced- do save the wbar settings for user mode advanced (you can do this using the New LazY Puppy Menu Suite).

Usually it should save all your settings automatically, if you are changing the user mode - just to make it sure. :)

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 16:13
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Dear LazY Puppy Users,

if you do need help and/or support on a problem using LazY Puppy and/or one of its special features like the New LazY Puppy Menu Suite etc.pp., please do not send me private messages.

I don't want to hijack your pm's and then quote them inside the LazY Puppy thread.

But i also do not want to send replies on such requests as a private message.

If i can do any help, i will do it with pleasure (if i am able to do so). But there is a need to get other users informed on such issues/problems as well and i don't want to write the same stuff again and again because of you are sending me private messages instead of posting inside this thread.

Please, don't do this.

I will not longer reply to such requests received as private message.

I hope you will understand my intention and i will hope also you do not wipe the LazY Puppy CD/USB Stick as a result of this my post.

Thanks for your support and understanding...


Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2012, 03:25
by RSH
Uuuhhh, what a surprise! :D :lol:

I found this on the web, but unfortunately i couldn't understand anything of what he is saying. :cry:

Can someone take a look and then post me a translation from the language this guy uses to an english form, that i can read?

This would be nice. :)


Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2012, 03:33
by humblesoul
i think he likes it. he dislikes pwidgets generally as he believes it slows the system down regardless of puppy. otherwise positive review.

Lazy Puppy for begunners

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 11:17
by minesadorada
Can I suggest that when mode=beginner:

1 ) The WBar should not have links to Console or PFind, but should have a link to sylpheed (or other email program), GnomePlayer and Zine.

2 ) It might also be an idea to disable the menu tree altogether/make it invisible as it's not needed in beginner mode. (WBar does everything they need)

3 ) The bootup splash dialog is disabled

4 ) Frisbee is the default network connector

5 ) Desktop drive icons are enabled (at least the USB stick/card reader one anyway, since users like to transfer and/or view photos easily)

6 ) All drives are automounted on bootup

I had to make these changes recently when setting up Lazy 2 for a laptop where the elderly user (like many people) only used their computer for:
a ) Surfing the net
b ) Reading emails
c ) Looking at photos
d ) Playing DVDs

From a 10-minute bootup in Vista to a 45 second bootup in Lazy - my laptop friend is pretty impressed with his 'new' laptop!

I also symlinked the 'My Documents' and 'Downloads' directories to the hard disk, but I realise this cannot be automated (or can it?)

Changing the name from 'beginner mode' to 'surfer mode' would make it seem more cool :)

Re: Lazy Puppy for begunners

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 11:49
by RSH
minesadorada wrote:Can I suggest that when mode=beginner:

1 ) The WBar should not have links to Console or PFind, but should have a link to sylpheed (or other email program), GnomePlayer and Zine.

2 ) It might also be an idea to disable the menu tree altogether/make it invisible as it's not needed in beginner mode. (WBar does everything they need)

3 ) The bootup splash dialog is disabled

4 ) Frisbee is the default network connector

5 ) Desktop drive icons are enabled (at least the USB stick/card reader one anyway, since users like to transfer and/or view photos easily)

6 ) All drives are automounted on bootup

I had to make these changes recently when setting up Lazy 2 for a laptop where the elderly user (like many people) only used their computer for:
a ) Surfing the net
b ) Reading emails
c ) Looking at photos
d ) Playing DVDs

From a 10-minute bootup in Vista to a 45 second bootup in Lazy - my laptop friend is pretty impressed with his 'new' laptop!

I also symlinked the 'My Documents' and 'Downloads' directories to the hard disk, but I realise this cannot be automated (or can it?)
1. Should be possible and released when i upload the new iso.

2. Should be possible too. The FbPanel has option to disable the menu, so i will set this as default in beginner mode.

3. I want to have the bootup splash dialog when booting without using a save file. I will try to find a solution to disable this when a save file is used - but can't make promises on that fact. If it fails, i think it should be easy to a beginner, to move file /root/Startup/zz_run_lazyinfo into /root/Startup/off.

4. This needs to install frisbee?!?!?! Will it make the iso much bigger?

5. Also easy to do and i will set this as default in beginner mode.

6. I don't know if it is possible to set this as default without using a save file. Usually you can't run automount/startmount (or whatever it is named) without using a savefile - got to improve this
I also symlinked the 'My Documents' and 'Downloads' directories to the hard disk, but I realise this cannot be automated (or can it?)
I don't know, where the LazY Puppy is installed on the users computer and i don't know actually that much on bash. I could made this default on sda1 (f.e) but i think it would be better to do so on the boot hd/directory. I don't know how to get the boot hd/directory by bash functions. :( Surely someone in the programming section (sunburnt, bruce b, jpeps, scOttman etc.pp) does know this. If you could find out, maybe getting some code from there, would be fine - i am busy, busy, busy... :D
Changing the name from 'beginner mode' to 'surfer mode' would make it seem more cool
This would be a lot of work to do - but you can edit the menu entry - oh, no that's also a lot of work. Needs to edit 4 .desktop files in 4 different directories. It isn't really that un- 8)

LazY Puppy 2.0.1 - Multiboot DVD

Posted: Fri 20 Apr 2012, 14:59
by RSH
Hello to all who are interested on LazY Puppy 2.0.1 (coming really soooooon!),

i have build (just for fun and testing) a LazY Puppy 2.0.1-rc1 Multiboot DVD that contains all sfs files plus a LazY Puppy Win Installer which contains also all sfs files and installs LazY Puppy frugal with all sfs files in windows.

First screenshot shows dvd main menu (only LazY Puppy 2.0.1-rc1 n.y.p.)
Second screenshot shows dvd sub menu (boot as LazY Puppy Audio Studio, RAM only)
Third screenshot shows boot sequence of loading LazY Puppy Audio Studio SFS

All running from DVD using LazY Puppy Tools (VirtualBox) SFS...




I think this is really interesting and i might want to build such dvd to download - when LazY Puppy 2.0.1 is released.

But this ISO is a huge one - it's about 4,2 GB and it will surely take a lot of time to upload/download such huge file.

So if there would be any interest on such LazY Puppy Multiboot DVD to download, let me know.


Posted: Fri 20 Apr 2012, 17:10
by minesadorada
When you release Lazy Puppy 2.1, can you include a sample menu.lst as a textfile (perhaps in the 'guides' section)?

This will make it easy for a user to copy/paste all the sfs load options into a frugal install menu.lst rather than having to (mis)type them.

Looking forward to Lazy Puppy 2.1 :)

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2012, 06:27
by sunburnt
Hi RSH; Have you considered using Squash Apps. instead of SFS files?
They are mounted but not unioned, so less complexity and cpu overhead.
They`ve been used in Puppy before, and Tiny Core Linux uses them too.
The Sq.App. package build and compile is almost the same as normal.

Pets and other legacy loose file packages take up Save file space.
They can get viruses and be corrupted, Squash file packages can`t.
If all app. packages are Squash file types then no union FS is needed.

I have a Sq.App. menu written in BaCon that mounts and runs the Sq.App.
when it`s clicked, and unmounts it when the Sq.App. is exited.
I need to write a menu right-click to remove the and it`s config. files.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 03:46
by RSH
minesadorada wrote:When you release Lazy Puppy 2.1, can you include a sample menu.lst as a textfile (perhaps in the 'guides' section)?

This will make it easy for a user to copy/paste all the sfs load options into a frugal install menu.lst rather than having to (mis)type them.

Looking forward to Lazy Puppy 2.1 :)
Yes, this is almost exactly what i plan to do. But i want to go one step beyond that point. Currently i am able to do some work on this for the use with my own syslinux bootloader and also for Grub4DOS. I would like to make this also for Grub and/or Grub2 but i do not know how these boot menu entries have to look.

What do you use for booting LazY Puppy or other Puppies? Can you give an example for Grub and/or Grub2?

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 03:56
by RSH
sunburnt wrote:Hi RSH; Have you considered using Squash Apps. instead of SFS files?
They are mounted but not unioned, so less complexity and cpu overhead.
They`ve been used in Puppy before, and Tiny Core Linux uses them too.
The Sq.App. package build and compile is almost the same as normal.

Pets and other legacy loose file packages take up Save file space.
They can get viruses and be corrupted, Squash file packages can`t.
If all app. packages are Squash file types then no union FS is needed.

I have a Sq.App. menu written in BaCon that mounts and runs the Sq.App.
when it`s clicked, and unmounts it when the Sq.App. is exited.
I need to write a menu right-click to remove the and it`s config. files.
I did never hear of Squash Apps and my experience to compile sources is less than less (and unfortunately almost unsuccessful). Do you have a link to a working .pet of Squash Apps and/or some information, where to find, how to use, how to make own squash apps etc.pp.?

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 06:33
by minesadorada
RSH wrote: Yes, this is almost exactly what i plan to do. But i want to go one step beyond that point. Currently i am able to do some work on this for the use with my own syslinux bootloader and also for Grub4DOS. I would like to make this also for Grub and/or Grub2 but i do not know how these boot menu entries have to look.

What do you use for booting LazY Puppy or other Puppies? Can you give an example for Grub and/or Grub2?
I use Grub4Dos, with its simple menu.lst. I don't specify the partition, but use the 'find --setroot' command, which searches the available partitions:

Code: Select all

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /lazypuppy528/initrd.gz
kernel /lazypuppy528/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=lazypuppy528 pfix=fsck acpi=off
initrd /lazypuppy528/initrd.gz
I have used grub(2) and it is more powerful, but as I recall, you have to edit a copy of the menu.lst (or the custom40 list), then run the update facility which copies the changes to the real menu.lst.

For Puppy installs, grub(2) seems like overkill.

I like your boot wallpaper. I never managed to get graphics to work in my grub4dos setup.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 19:25
by sunburnt
Sorry about the delayed reply, my main PC just died crippling me.

Sq.Apps are configured with: --prefix ( Path to Mount Point )
This sets the path where the app. is installed to, and also
where the app. expects to find it`s dependencies at.
App. C code has RPATH and CPATH that is set by this.
Anyone experienced in compiling should have no trouble with it.

Static built packages are more robust and run on more Linuxes.
Sure they`re bigger but media apps. are really library picky.
So the more that`s compiled in the greater chance it`ll work.

I only have built Mahjongg and Dead Meat music player Sq.Apps.

I can post my files for you to examine if you like...

minesadorada`s "find" for booting Puppy sounds great!
Does it make a menu of all found bootable O.Ss.?

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 09:20
by minesadorada
sunburnt wrote:minesadorada`s "find" for making boot menus sounds great!
Does it make a menu of all found bootable O.Ss.?
It doesn't make a menu. It just searches all available hard disk partitions for the frugal subdirectory. I have 7 hard disks on my system some with multiple partitions, and it's easy to forget which (hdn,n) each installaton is on. Besides, I don't want menu.lst to break if I change my system disk setup.

This Grub4DOS code can find Windows if it exists on a bootable partition:

Code: Select all

# Windows
# this entry searches Windows on the HDD and boot it up
 title Windows
   errorcheck off
   find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd  /bootmgr
   chainloader /bootmgr
   find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd  /ntldr
   chainloader /ntldr
   find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd   /io.sys
   chainloader /io.sys
   errorcheck on

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 19:53
by sunburnt
That`s great! I`ve been wanting a boot setup for Weeners.
I don`t use it myself but many friends and family still do.

I think there`s a simple way to have code setup a Grub4dos menu with found Puppies.
Then as you say, a change to the PC`s hardware wont break the boot setup.
I`ve changed drives as we all have and had the PC be unbootable. USB time...
At least a default search profile at the bottom to find one Puppy would be good.

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2012, 18:29
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center
sunburnt wrote:I only have built Mahjongg and Dead Meat music player Sq.Apps.

I can post my files for you to examine if you like...
Sorry for late reply - i am just so busy. Yes, please do post your files.

I plan to upload all files of the new LazY Puppy 2.0.1 within the next week.

After release of LazY Puppy 2.0.1 i do plan a break of active develpoment for several weeks (except needed bug fixing).

More Information here


Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2012, 18:55
by sunburnt
RHS; And everyone. I have looked into Tiny Core Linux`s SCM files.
These are TC`s version of SqApp files, and there are a lot of them.

They seem to work fine in Puppy, I think this has been done already.
I`m not very good at compiling apps, so this is an easy way to go.

SCM files seem to be single app. only, SqApp files can have many apps.
Groups of like apps. go well in one Sq. file, media, server, office, etc.
SCM files can have more than one app., but how to tell what`s in it?
The /bin dir. in some scm files is cluttered with files, making it hard to
find the real run files. So then a sort of manifest file is needed to fix it.

SCM files also seem to have no dynamic "mount/umount" at run time.

I`m going to rewrite my auto. menu to use them, I`ll let you know...
Make the dirs. "/apps" and "/mnt/(Partition for Files)/SCM"
Download SCMs and move to "/mnt/(Partition for Files)/SCM"
Make dir. "/apps/(SCM file name, NO extention)
Do: mount -o loop /(Path)/(SCM File) /apps/(SCM mnt. dir.)
Exec. the app`s run script in /bin.
Here`s a link to TC`s repository of SCM files: