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Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2012, 10:15
by i2k
Hi Idolse,
Now I run mpdpup from CF with CF-SATA adapter. I don't see any message that indicates that the OS is copied to RAM during the boot. It was there when I boot from USB disk. Does it mean that the OS now runs from the CF ?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2012, 13:36
by ldolse
i2k wrote:Hi Idolse,
Now I run mpdpup from CF with CF-SATA adapter. I don't see any message that indicates that the OS is copied to RAM during the boot. It was there when I boot from USB disk. Does it mean that the OS now runs from the CF ?

Thanks in advance
It should still be running from RAM - the messages change a bit based on how Puppy Linux views the type of bootup drive. The easiest way I know of to validate how it's actually running is to use the Unix 'top' command. It will report the memory used, and you should see somewhere around 130MB used - most of this memory is the OS running from RAM, actual usage by processes is only a couple of megabytes.

Re: any chance of internet sites

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2012, 19:35
by thisisvv
ldolse wrote:
thisisvv wrote:i know this is real off topic but now adays lot of music i have is in grooveshark or spotify...

anypossible to hear that from this distro....

again thought to ask rather then assume not possible...

again love the simplicity this provides...thie mpd has been able to stream 250MB 24/96 bit file on wireless network without any issues...
Hi thisvv, not terribly off-topic. MPD 0.17 added spotify support - I was debating whether to compile in support for it as I needed to add a new library to the new build, but your question has clinched things for me :)

No idea on Grooveshark though, I don't have any experience with the service and it wasn't one of the services added to 0.17.
so there is new MPD for this....i might want to take it ride for this will be the interface work ...??

Re: any chance of internet sites

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2012, 23:50
by ldolse
thisisvv wrote:so there is new MPD for this....i might want to take it ride for this will be the interface work ...??
See the developer discussion when the feature was added here.

Sounds like another client is needed to make this really clean so that you don't need to find your spotify URLs, not sure what the main developer has done in that regard.

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 02:52
by i2k
I confirm that mpdpup works with Tenor TE7022 USB chip. In my case, it always reset to 50% volume after boot although I already put following lines on the mpd.conf :
mixer_type "none"
mixer_device "disabled"
auto_resample "no"
auto_format "no"

Question :
What is the problem here ?Any particular order to follow with regards to the parameters on mpd.conf ?
I want to try nrpacks parameter, where can I find alsa-base.conf file ?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 07:38
by ldolse
Glad to hear it's working.

Are you sure MPD is actually playing 50% lower? i.e. when you fix it with alsamixer it gets dramatically louder? With those settings it should be bypassing the volume altogether based on my understanding - either it's a bug in mpd or it's impossible to disable the hardware volume on some devices.

Manually set the volume to 100% using alsamixer. Then try entering these commands and see if it will lock to 100%.

Code: Select all

alsactl -f /etc/asound.state store 
The technique I'm using to un-mute and set the volume to 100% doesn't apply to all the different types of cards apparently - I'm trying something different in the next release.

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 08:37
by i2k
ldolse wrote:Glad to hear it's working.

Are you sure MPD is actually playing 50% lower? i.e. when you fix it with alsamixer it gets dramatically louder? With those settings it should be bypassing the volume altogether based on my understanding - either it's a bug in mpd or it's impossible to disable the hardware volume on some devices.

Manually set the volume to 100% using alsamixer. Then try entering these commands and see if it will lock to 100%.

Code: Select all

alsactl -f /etc/asound.state store 
The technique I'm using to un-mute and set the volume to 100% doesn't apply to all the different types of cards apparently - I'm trying something different in the next release.
It works. Thanks Idolse !!!

mpdPuppy SQ Config changes

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 11:50
by jrling
I have now managed to install mpdpup on my Tranquil PC T2E. Dual core Atom 1.6Ghz with 4Gb RAM. Much help from Idolse!

I am impressed with the SQ with my WaveIO feeding SPDIF to a Chord DAC 64 MkII DAC.

This thread has a number of suggestions for mpdPup config changes to improve SQ - however some are contradictory to others or are disputed (fairly though).

I wonder if you those who have played with settings could give advice on improvements in SQ by mpdpup config changes, summarising latest thoughts? With a powerful(ish) PC like mine I can run aggressive settings without fear of CPU overload or shortage of RAM.

Many thanks in advance.

New happy user

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 19:46
May i join the cue of people who are very happy with mpdPup. Finally i have a way of streaming music which is good,reliable and easy to install. After disappointments with Linn Sneaky and Logitech Touch i'm so glad i've found this solution for my audio/music wishes. Can't thank you enough, I understand mpdPup will get updates in the future? Now i use a Lenovo laptop but in the near future i want to buy the fit-PC2, can anybody confirm if this will work well with mdpPup? I ask it because my netbook from Asus had hickups when i tried it. The sound of mpd is beautiful on my Maggies, i'm very thrilled!! :D :D :D Thank you so much!

Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2012, 00:52
by ldolse
Hi Toine,

Welcome to the forum, and glad to hear it's working so well for you. There is an update coming, yes. Lot's of bug fixes, updated packages, advanced alsa tweaking wizards, and the ability to install several GUI options. I don't have tons of spare time these days, so I just chip away on it now and then - hopefully I can get it out sometime next month.

Regarding the FitPC2, it's not an ideal choice if you want to install using the XWindows GUI - the Intel GMA chipset it uses has major problems with Liinux. If you use the command line wizards it's still an option. Just check the Linux compatibility for the graphics chipset of whatever board your interested in. e.g. Intel chipset developed in-house by Intel will be ok, but outsourced ones like the GMA won't be.

Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2012, 02:09
by PET-240
There are several of us here using the Alix board, I believe Idolse has a soekris board, these work quite well, no fans and respond to tweaks. Little but cheaper than the fitPC too I believe so tweaks are a touch more affordable.
Have fun and am glad this is working for you!



Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2012, 02:41
by i2k
So I decide to get serious on this. My plan :

Somehow my Intel D410 board is now RIP (currently uses my MSI E-350 board previously uses as Win music server) so I ordered a J&W Minix D2500 which supposedly consume less power & produces less heat than D410. It is powered from external 12v DC block, so building a linear power supply will be easier (I assume it won't be more than 20 watt). It should arrive today / tomorrow.

Order WaveIO USB interface.

Replace my existing chassis to allow the installation of Imon & linear power supply make the wole package looks better. My existing chassis is CFI6719 which is so cheap & small, it doesn't have any external 3.5 drive slot. Plan : Silverstone ML-03.

Order Soundgraph Imon as recommended by Idolse. Due to this, my initial plan to get a used Alix 3D2 is scrapped as this mini board doesn't have enough USB port for Imon connection.

Build a linear power supply with Talema toroid transformer. Still studying which voltage regulation circuit is suitable for this purpose.

Hopefully it will result in ultimate but affordable music server. It will take some months to complete, just to avoid comments from the wife :-(

Anyway, mpdpup is great package and it deserves lot more attention than it has today.

In search for the right hardware

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012, 19:30
Thank you Drew and Idolse for your advice and kind remarks.
The Alix is high on my list, just wandering weither
a more powerful pc will bring more speed with database update, rebooting and starting of the server?

I saw affordable mini pc's which i find interesting, they have the Graphic Integrated IntelĀ® GMA 3150 GPU.
Searching the web i got the impression this one is suited for linux, is it ok for mpdpup too??

One thing i would like to have is the possibility to view the artist and the title of the song which is playing. I read in the thread about changing the font in ncmpc/pp but couldn't find out how to do is, not in the man page or
config files.
But maybe that's no wonder because i'm a linux dummie. :D Something like neompc (page 6) would be nice to have. Is there a plan to realise now playing info in mpdpup?? Greetings to all: Toine

Re: In search for the right hardware

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2012, 04:17
by ldolse
@i2k, looks like a good plan. Do keep us posted as to how it goes.
TOINE wrote:wondering whether a more powerful pc will bring more speed with database update, rebooting and starting of the server?
I don't think a more powerful PC will make much difference with those items - most of that has to do with storage speed vs. CPU speed.
TOINE wrote:IntelĀ® GMA 3150 GPU. Searching the web i got the impression this one is suited for linux, is it ok for mpdpup too??
Intel GMA 3150 should be ok - it might be slightly buggy with the 0.9.2 release, but I'm updating Intel drivers for the next release, and the 3150 is noted as being a supported Chipset on the Intel driver site.
TOINE wrote:Is there a plan to realise now playing info in mpdpup??
The next release will have options to install three different PHP clients including neompc, as well as, gmpc.

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2012, 09:49
by PET-240
G'day Toine,

I agree with Idolse here, using a dedicated board with an ext client like MPod, MPad on a mobile device, with nothing but the USB dac on the USB bus, OS running out of ram, Idolse has really done us a favour here with the setup and use like an appliance, with wlowes and Ray forging ahead and doing mods to the motherboard such as extraneous chip removal and caps and powersupplies, to have a board that can still buffer an entire song before transmitting over USB, and that being all it does, begs the question as to whether the bigger board is really assisting.
This really can't be tested unless side by side comparo is done.
No doubt you already have an external pc to rip from etc, is there a need to make it more complex? Or do we fill the need to have the most powerful equipment doing a menial task? I know I had to kill that urge a couple times. And the Alix boots straight up happy as a pig in mud!
Just my other two cents....

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2012, 15:02
by i2k
Hi Idolse,

Is it possible to have FTP server integrated on your next release ? It will be useful to copy files to the server for someone who store the music collection on internal disk. It doesn't have to be on all the time, just fired it up when necessary.

And a package manager will be a very nice addition too.

BTW, how can I re-start mpd service ?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2012, 11:14
by ldolse
i2k wrote:Is it possible to have FTP server integrated on your next release ? It will be useful to copy files to the server for someone who store the music collection on internal disk. It doesn't have to be on all the time, just fired it up when necessary.
This is a more reasonable option that adding SAMBA - I'll look into adding the ftp daemon binaries, but I'll leave it to the more technical users to configure for now as this isn't something that I imagine a lot of typical users doing.
i2k wrote:And a package manager will be a very nice addition too.
There is already a package manager as a part of Puppy Linux, but it's not correctly configured in mpdPup - there should be a way to configure it to use the Debian Squeeze repositories, but this is a research project I've left for the future - if you felt like digging into what needs to be done to fix it this would be a great way to contribute to the project - otherwise I'll get to it eventually, but not for the next release.
i2k wrote:BTW, how can I re-start mpd service ?

Code: Select all

/etc/init.d/20.mpd restart

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2012, 11:23
by ldolse

Hardware choice

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2012, 14:48
Thanks again for the good advice, Idolse, you mention the storage speed not the cpu speed is important.
Since mpdpup doens't need a hard drive or cf-card (in case of an Alix board) to function, all "action" comes from the usb-stick (am i correct?),then the storage speed of the usb-stick is important.

Can you give advice which brand and or model of usbstick to use?

Happy to hear about neompc and gmpc, that way it should be possible to have the now playing info visible on a screen.

Drew, you were so right with your remarks about the board and the wrong idea of me, that a more powerful board / pc should be better.

I will (must) follow the rule: less is more, as well as for the software (see how tiny mpdpup is and how good it sounds and how easy to install!!)
as for the hardware: many have tried the alix board and are very satisfied.

So i'm gonna be smart and buy an Alix board, probably the 1D or the 3D3 (is one of them better suited than the other?) because they have vga and i need that for the excellent wizzards and hopefully for now playing info.

One word about the apps for the ipad: i find MPad excellent, specially its speed, because mpad creates a database in his cache on the ipad (do i explain this correct?) browsen trough the library and folders is lightning fast and visually the apps is very nice made. Toine

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2012, 20:58
by i2k
You can use about any type / brand of USB stick. The only difference will be the boot up speed. After boot, everything is loaded to RAM, so the speed of the stick won't be important anymore. I've tested mpdpup on a very old 128MB stick I had from 2005 as well as new 4GB Toshiba stick. New stick boot faster than the old one, after that no difference at all during execution.

I can hear a pop whenever I start to play a song (only the first time, the next song will be OK). I read that this is because the system power off the sound card (Tenor TE7022 in my case) and it can be solve by set "power-safe=0" via modprobe or modprobe.conf. But it doesn't work, the sound card is removed after I apply the parameter . Do you have any idea on this ?