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Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011, 00:34
by Béèm
01micko wrote:I also made some improvements to the cpu_bar widget. For some reason it wasn't working correctly with multi core processors. :roll: :? I don't know what happened there but this version I think is ok.

Thank you Mick,
I have indeed one bar now for my single processor.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 23:50
by 01micko
:oops: there's an oversight in the new weather plugin.

Acuweather RSS site's weather code has spaces for cities that have 2 words in their name, for example Gold Coast. It's an easy fix, but I should not have missed that one!

Code: Select all

#fix weather code if it has a space 2011-02-06
	WEATHER_CODE_NEW=`echo "$WEATHER_CODE_NEW"|sed -e 's/ /%20/g'`
Patch is attached (for both Weather and Weather2)

Posted: Mon 07 Feb 2011, 10:00
by zigbert
I have added your fix for the next release.

I have rewritten the calender script for faster rendering.

Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 22:02
by zigbert
Version 2.3.4
See main post

- Faster rendering of Calender.
- Rearrange Weather widget.
- Bugfix: Weather widget: Places with spaces in name. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Weather widget: UTF encoding. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Apply-splash width.
- Bugfix: Puppy Name in 'Puppylinux' widgets. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Reduced height of cpu-graph.

Posted: Thu 17 Feb 2011, 23:09
by zigbert
Have fixed the CpuBar widget to keep theme colors.
Included in next release.


Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2011, 00:53
by titanreign
The wiki link on the initial post leading to more widgets is dead.

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 09:19
by zigbert
Argolance has extended ionic.ttf with more chars. It is bigger than the one in the pet, so I have attached it to the main post as an alternative.


Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 09:21
by zigbert
titanreign wrote:The wiki link on the initial post leading to more widgets is dead.
Link updated

Thank you

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 11:03
by zigbert
Version 2.3.5
See main post

- Improved language detection.
- Bugfix: CpuBar. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: show puppy-name in puppylinux widget.


Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 18:05
by yordanj94
It's my first time to use your program.Everything was fine unless calendar.
I use bulgarian localisation and can't see days .If use english localisation there is no problem.

Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 07:19
by zigbert
The best offer I can give right now is to edit line 5 in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/Calendar

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

LANG=C CAL=`cal`
which gives english output instead of bulgarian for the calendar heading



Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 08:45
by yordanj94
Thanks for your help.
I don't know if this can help ,but in Lighthouse with pwigets version-2.3.0 i got this result.

Re: Calendar

Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 20:06
by Dougal
yordanj94 wrote:I use bulgarian localisation and can't see days .If use english localisation there is no problem.
It looks like it might be a font issue. Maybe LightHousePup uses a different font? You need Cyrillic letters which might not be included in the font used by default. (Zigbert will have to tell you about the font and how to change it...)

The other option is that you need the locale file for "cal" -- you can look in LightHouse in the directory /usr/share/locale/bu/ for a file named cal.[?] ("bu" is the Bulgarian locale, right?)

Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2011, 09:25
by zigbert
Dougal is right (yet another time), Pwidgets uses a small font that doesn't include too many chars. - Monofonto (/usr/share/fonts/default/TTF/monofont). To change font for all widgets it would probably be easy to replace the default font with a link to another one. All fonts are controlled by the widget config script. /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/config/.

I think pwidgets should stick with Monofonto..... because at this moment, no widgets supports translation, and I see no reason for a bulgarian calendar when the other widgets still is english.


Using Pwidgets on FATDOG

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2011, 19:51
by gcmartin
Pwidgets has recently been available on FATDOG. The only issue I seen is the items in the picture which relate to disk/FS.

Edited: The system has a HDD with several partitions and a USB attached as well. But, only 3 partitions are mounted. The system was booted LiveCD with pfix=ram.

Can someone suggest a reason why those 4 pwidget entries are not posting to the desktop?
  • Drive_space
  • Space_... (3 items)
Thanks in advance
PS. I had the same issue running Pwidgets on couple other PUPs. Thx

Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011, 06:54
by gcmartin
I was asked to run the following command and post this here, as. maybe others might know why this is occurring:

Code: Select all

# /root/.pwidgets/pwidgets-exec_conky
# Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Ram_graph: 7: no such configuration: 'HEIGHT=135'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Ram_graph: 8: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_LEFT=40'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Ram_graph: 9: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_RIGHT=20'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Weather: 16: no such configuration: 'HEIGHT=100'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Weather: 17: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_LEFT=40'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Weather: 18: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_RIGHT=20'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Cpu_bar: 7: no such configuration: 'HEIGHT=50'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Cpu_bar: 8: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_LEFT=40'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Cpu_bar: 9: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_RIGHT=20'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Processes: 7: no such configuration: 'HEIGHT=155'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Processes: 8: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_LEFT=40'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Processes: 9: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_RIGHT=20'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Downspeed: 7: no such configuration: 'HEIGHT=100'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Downspeed: 8: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_LEFT=40'
Conky: /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Downspeed: 9: no such configuration: 'OFFSET_X_RIGHT=20'
Conky: forked to background, pid is 19106
Conky: invalid configuration file '/root/.pwidgets/widgets/Space_drives'

Conky: no readable personal or system-wide config file found
Conky: forked to background, pid is 19107
Conky: forked to background, pid is 19108
Conky: forked to background, pid is 19109
Conky: forked to background, pid is 19110

Conky: desktop window (400023) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2600001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: setting bg window (2600001) 
Conky: desktop window (400023) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2800002)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: setting bg window (2800002) 
Conky: setting bg window (2800002) 
Conky: desktop window (400023) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2400001)
Conky: desktop window (400023) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2a00001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: setting bg window (2400001) 
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: setting bg window (2a00001) 
Conky: setting bg window (2400001) 
Conky: setting bg window (2a00001) 
Conky: desktop window (400023) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2e00001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: setting bg window (2e00001) 
Conky: setting bg window (2e00001) 
Conky: setting bg window (2600001) 
I see lines complaining about configuration file(s), but I am unsure what to do to resolve.
edited: List Space_drives file.

Code: Select all

# cat /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Space_drives
#this is a Pwidgets config file
#the actual building of the graphics is defined in bottom of this file, - after 'TEXT'.
#Disk space

#### PWIDGETS #####

#### CONKY ####
#COLORS --- 0:headings 1:base-info 2:extra-info 3:markers 5:green 6:red
#Colors are defined in theme-files, - NOT here.
color0 A2914E
color1 666666
color2 bbbbbb
color3 ffab00
color5 499D3A
color6 red

background yes
own_window yes
own_window_type roxdesktop
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour hotpink
double_buffer yes
total_run_times 0
update_interval 5
minimum_size 140 5
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 2
border_margin 4
border_width 1
default_color white
default_shade_color 333333
default_outline_color red
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
use_spacer none
#font fixed
use_xft yes
xftfont DejaVu:bold:size=13

${color2}${font Pdingobats:bold:size=20}:${font}$alignc${color0}Drive Space
Anyone ever used those disk settings? Anyone have ideas or have seen this before?

Is there documentation available on this tool's use?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011, 15:43
by zigbert
please post the content of /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Space_drives


Followed requests

Posted: Sat 02 Apr 2011, 17:27
by gcmartin
zigbert wrote:please post the content of /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Space_drives
Edited into Original Post

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 21:00
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, zigbert :)!

Sorry to admit, I haven't been widgeting much as of lately.
I just took the new lupu525 for a test-run today and thought I'd also try the pwidgets (v. 2.3.1 through quickpet) out.
Tried the (very) few widgets I was responsible for, and saw that the EUR_USD exchange rate widget was broken (not a serious matter at all, I presume, since that widget was only made as a rapid response to a user request - don't know if anyone has been using it, or how long it has been broken).

Anyway, since I noticed it was broken, I fixed it and also took the opportunity to attempt to localise the decimal comma/decimal dot.
I'll attach the two files with names ending in the directories they should go in to + fake .zip extensions to fool the forum software ......

hth :)/

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 12:21
by dawg
Hei Zigbert
Upon being stopped, Pwidgets screws with my desktop background (i.e. sets the default one). Do not want. :)
(Puppy: Wary511)

Also, could you make it not use the HDD "all the time"..
I for one prefer my HDD spun-down when it isn't needed for a good-enough reason. (This applies to HDD frugal or full installs, I guess.)
Well, I'm sure more people would appreciate less disk activity when not necessary.

Great app otherwise, takk!