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Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 21:47
by cthisbear
( lvds

This release of eXpand215b-Barbie_Revamped hopefully correct the mouse bug some of you encountered. )

Edsel has now become Do Tell after your upgrade.

I will distribute this around Sydney to any likely suspects.

Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 14:01
by cobelloy
heres why women dont want to use a compiler


we work full time, keep a household and raise children, some even tend gardens and look after pets (and husbands too) and also have had to learn how to use powertools in this new 'equal opportunity' world - those of us who are also computer nerds usually find nerding time is limited to almost none at all.

although I do have time to sit and play a hundred mb of games, so i think I might download it, since someone else made it for me to use...

one word of advice though - the word expand is something that women will have a natural aversion too, just calling it 'barbie edition' would have been enough.

Posted: Fri 18 May 2007, 07:32
by heri

Barbie not found

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008, 02:31
by Lilahblossom
I would be so happy if I could download Expand Barbie. I tried the link and it isn't working? Or I'm doing something wrong? Barbie is so pretty and the games look fun. Thankyou

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008, 02:53
by alienjeff

Try this link: and select "eXpand215b-Barbie_Revamped.iso" from the listing. The md5sum.txt file is directly below it.


Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008, 17:14
by Lilahblossom
Ok thankyou so much. I've downloaded and am going to run it now. I've been home for over a week from work with viral pneumonia and gonna be home a few more days. Now I can play with Barbie. Also, I've made a donation so others can keep downloading all the lovely puppies.

Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2008, 01:09
by whyme
The links point toward a forbidden 403 message

then the 1 of 2 barbie iso files from the puppyiso site produced multiple failed download attempts . it would stop in the middle of downloading for some reason. ( Perhaps the firefox browser download scheme )

So i tried the other Barbie ISO from the list and it was around 225MB but had
errors when booting the live CD

I thought the wife might enjoy trying Linux and I wanted to see what a Girl's OS would be like
Will it require designer handbags and shoes every other week?


Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2008, 01:19
by gray
Will it require designer handbags and shoes every other week?

Worse than that - For a few days every month it becomes impossible to use :?

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 01:19
by Billwho?
whyme wrote:The links point toward a forbidden 403 message

then the 1 of 2 barbie iso files from the puppyiso site produced multiple failed download attempts . it would stop in the middle of downloading for some reason. ( Perhaps the firefox browser download scheme )

So i tried the other Barbie ISO from the list and it was around 225MB but had
errors when booting the live CD
I have always had problems with big downloads in Firefox and Seamonkey so always use wget for the big stuff.

1/ Right click on the download link for the file you want to download and choose "copy link location" from the drop down menu.
2/ Open a terminal in the directory you want to download the file to and enter

Code: Select all

wget -c
3/Centre click your mouse in the terminal window. You should now have

Code: Select all

wget -c "the web address of the file  you want to download"
4/ Press enter.

Your file will now download to the desired directory. The -c switch in the above code means "if the download stops before it is complete restart automatically from the point that the download stopped at".
whyme wrote:Will it require designer handbags and shoes every other week?
Careful with comments like that. You leave yourself wide open for things like.

From the Aussie country song "Love away the night" by Adam Brand
"Well you've got your Racecar, Let talk about that

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 19:53
by whyme
I tried both Barbie ISO links. with wget

I must have the wrong link

thanks though..i like using the command line


Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008, 10:21
by Billwho?
Hmm I just found the wget log from when I downloaded the iso myself (can't believe that is still kicking around on my hard drive :oops: ) This may be the site I downloaded from myself Everything looks the same as you screenshot .
As an experiment I tried to download it again with Firefox and got the 403 message myself.
403 Forbidden

You are not allowed to access this page. Possible problems:

* Authentication Failure
* Incorrect file or folder permissions Clustered Webhosting running enhanced Apache Webserver
I wonder if this has anything to do with the attacks on some of our websites that are being discussed here
I also found a second wget log using this address. ... vamped.iso
Maybe this is where I got the iso before. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work either.

Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008, 08:54
by Billwho?
Being on dial up I couldn't realistically upload the file myself but have asked my Brother in law to do so today. Will report back when he has finished.

Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008, 10:49
by cthisbear

You are in NSW.
PM me and I'll send you a other Puppy ISOs.
My treat.


Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008, 08:17
by Billwho?
Thanks for the offer Chris, but I think you misunderstood. I already have a copy myself and am now trying to help whyme get a copy himself by getting mine uploaded to megaupload. Downloading is not really a problem for me. (true it takes me three or four days to download instead of the three and a half hours it took my Brother in law to upload last night) but wget -c gets it for me eventually.

The uploads are now complete and the file is available at for the iso
and for the md5 text file.

Note for others who come across this post at a later date these files will be automatically removed in one year from now.

Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008, 11:05
by cthisbear

Roger that.


Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 15:11
by whyme

do i have to be a member of megaupload to get the iso you uploaded?


NEVERmind , i figured it out :D

next time i will finish my coffee before trying to think

Thanks for the help !

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 01:19
by Previously known as Guest
pkagfiles mirror should be working soon, dns transfer still in progress & am uploading eXpand iso again.

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008, 20:52
by joopyhellspawn
I am downloading this right now. I was wondering if there is any plans to make one of these using 3.01 or even 4 when it comes out.

I want to try it out as I am going to set up a laptop for my sister and she might find this more appealing. She is completely computer illiterate.

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008, 21:40
by Bruce B
alienjeff wrote:@Lilahblossom

Try this link: and select "eXpand215b-Barbie_Revamped.iso" from the listing. The md5sum.txt file is directly below it.
Thanks AJ - as of the time of this post - is says bandwidth exceed - account suspended. I'd really, really like to have this distro for a girl. Any one have ideas?

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 00:43
by Previously known as Guest
dns changes "should" have propagated now. If you have problems, let me know. > puppy-mirror-isos > eXpand