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Posted: Wed 15 Jun 2011, 20:46
by runtt21
We tested Quickpet a lot. Without issue. It just downloads the .pets. The install script is the same for PPM or just clicking on a .pet.

Good day again... Saturday should be great.

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2011, 06:37
by James C
Still moving up........

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2011, 21:13
by runtt21
The is now in the macpup525 folder. Enjoy!!!

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 20:49
by runtt21
Dude !!! 2 pages hits from #4

Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2011, 11:02
by runtt21

Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2011, 16:31
by runtt21

Posted: Sun 19 Jun 2011, 23:22
by runtt21
Still in the top 10. We will start settling back down around 60 .We have been very successful at DW .Macpup has stayed on the top 100 "last 7 days" chart for almost two years straight. :D

I found this today.Another way to set up a usb install.But works from within windose and uses FAT32. Could be cool. ... e-them-all

A little issue here..

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2011, 12:34
by russoodle
Those reviews were a good read..

Macpup 525 has had a good run at DW too, but tapers off with the page hits once the editorial has fallen off the bottom of the page.

I'm posting from this puppy now runtt, and really like it, but i'm puzzled as to why some modules are not visible anywhere, regardless of which E theme i use, so that's eliminated as a possible cause....see screenie attached.
This is on a Dell Latitude D620, btw, not the Mac desktop :wink:
I can provide specs if you want them.

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2011, 14:05
by CatDude
Hello russoodle

I think i can answer this one for you.

Right click somewhere on the shelf (i used the top edge), and select Contents
Then, in the window that appears, select whatever 'Gadget' you want
and click on the Add Gadget button.

Hope this helps

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2011, 14:21
by russoodle
Thank you CatDude, it did indeed help..
Now i have the battery, wlan and temp indicators :D

Why didn't i know that, i wonder?? :roll:

Macpup 525 full install help

Posted: Sat 25 Jun 2011, 17:46
by openwell2
I really like this new pup.
Just did full install of Macpup 525 and need help.
Everytime I boot I get the "personalize settings" popup box.
It has the settings correct, but it barks two times and popsup.
I went back and booted from ram and saved settings to 32MB save file.
Still pops up each time I boot. Any help to stop it?

Also, I set the firewall like instructed on page 1.
Then I read the note about already having the lupup 525 instant update 001, but not the firewall icon. I would like to turn on and off firewall quickly.
How can I get just the icon and how do I install it?
Or is there a way to do it another way?
Many thanks for any help.

Posted: Sat 25 Jun 2011, 22:45
by runtt21
saved settings to 32MB save file.
This isn't going to work. You need the save file to be 512 or more or you wont be able to install or do anything. You don't have room to save settings.I suggest you boot up in ram.Delete the first save file and make a new one. I also recommend putting the save file on a usb flash drive or sd card.

You will need to add the systray to the bottom shelf to see the firewall icon. Read the e17 guide in the first post.

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2011, 07:52
by russoodle
@openwell2: hi and welcome to the kennels :)

Just to clarify something for you here...
openwell2 wrote:Just did full install of Macpup 525..
A full install doesn't offer you a save-file because you wouldn't need one, so what you have there is a 'frugal' install, which pretty much means a compressed (squashed) and portable sort of install, which doesn't reside on your hdd in the general sense.

With a frugal install, your settings should be saved to the save-file to execute in RAM on reboot, and this is a handy way to run the OS if you have plenty of RAM, because nothing outside of this save-file affects your hdd.

If you have older hardware with only up to about 256mb RAM, you would be better advised to do a full install then, in the normal way, and make a swap file of double your RAM capacity.

As runtt pointed out, to install additional features using a frugal install, you'd need that minimum of 512MB.

Hope this helps you to understand and enjoy your Macpup even more.

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 21:10
by runtt21
This is a little how to for the Engage module that is included in the . It is an updated version of itask-ng the e17 version of wbar.


To load Engage open the module settings window. Select Engage and then load. It will start right away.


To configure it open the settings panel and look under extensions. click on engage.


The engage instances window will open where you can add or remove extra bars . Select the one you want and click configure.


the engage configuration window will open and let you make adjustments.


Under bar items you can add app icons. Just select launcher and configure.


Apply and your good to go.

full install OK and just successfully added firefox 7

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 22:49
by openwell2
Thank you for all your advise russoodle and runtt21. I got full install running great! Just added firefox 7 with your detailed instructions runtt21 and works good!
I do feel like a pig though! I seem to have it all. LOL :-)))) I am using an 8 year old Pentium 4 with 2.5 GB ram and I allocated 50 GB of my hdd to macpup 525. Am having great fun experimenting with E17 and JWM and xfce4.6.2 also. If I was brave I would try a frugal install on my Dell desktop. Everything is working very well. I just reboot and switch desktops with the logout menu items. It is real easy. The choices are so many.
Thanks again for a great pup.

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 22:55
by runtt21
I would try a frugal install
Try it on a usb flash drive ,then you can take it anywhere. Boot up on any computer that will boot from usb with the ram option and your good to go.If you use several computers you can make a save file for each one and any drivers/setting will be saved.See the first post in the thread for usb installs.

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 00:43
by russoodle
Thanks for the Engage guide, runtt :)
openwell2 wrote:I do feel like a pig though! I seem to have it all.
It's good to hear of happy pigs who have it all :D

I'm glad you managed to sort it out successfully and if you decide to follow runtt's suggestion to make a frugal install to usb stick as well, then you'll be even more of a pig :wink:

Modifying remastered Macpup 525 startup

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 06:01
by stevecanb
I have tried Macpup 525 and really like it. I have very limited experience with Linux.

I have been experimenting with remastering it to make a live CD which my wife (who has only ever used Windows) can use painlessly to access internet banking securely, avoiding the risk of malware in a Windows system.

I have managed to save modified pppoeconf and pap-secrets files into the etc/ppp directory in a remastered version, so that my wife can start an internet connection without having to set up DNS etc.

However, I need to make a few additional changes to make it simple enough for my wife to use.

Problem 1

However, the remastered version boots to a text-only video probe screen rather than booting directly to the desktop, as the original version did. While this is easy to deal with, it will deter my wife. How can I get the remastered version to boot to the desktop? Would deleting the /tmp/root/ directory during the remastering process, and copying the contents of the root directory from RAM into the /tmp/ directory achieve this?

Problem 2

Is there any easy way to prevent the initial dialog box about personal settings from appearing after the desktop has loaded? And the subsequent message saying ‘nothing was changed’?

Problem 3

Is there an easy way to stop the automatic search for an internet connection from running once the desktop has loaded?

Problem 4

Is there any easy way to have the puppy internet connect wizard start automatically after the desktop is loaded? This would save my wife from having to navigate through the ‘Wizard wizard’.

Problem 5

Is there any easy way to have pmount start start automatically after the desktop is loaded? This would remove one more step for my wife to navigate (she would need to mount a partition on the hard drive, and / or a USB drive, to save data.

I am hoping that the solutions to problems 2-5 are similar, such as editing a startup config file.

Sorry to ask for so much help. However, the information might be useful to other beginners who would find a similarly modified version of Macpup useful.

BTW I tried to register at to ask these questions, but registration is not allowed on the site.

Re: Modifying remastered Macpup 525 startup

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 06:16
by James C
stevecanb wrote:I have tried Macpup 525 and really like it. I have very limited experience with Linux.

I have been experimenting with remastering it to make a live CD which my wife (who has only ever used Windows) can use painlessly to access internet banking securely, avoiding the risk of malware in a Windows system.

I have managed to save modified pppoeconf and pap-secrets files into the etc/ppp directory in a remastered version, so that my wife can start an internet connection without having to set up DNS etc.

However, I need to make a few additional changes to make it simple enough for my wife to use.

Problem 1

However, the remastered version boots to a text-only video probe screen rather than booting directly to the desktop, as the original version did. While this is easy to deal with, it will deter my wife. How can I get the remastered version to boot to the desktop? Would deleting the /tmp/root/ directory during the remastering process, and copying the contents of the root directory from RAM into the /tmp/ directory achieve this?

Problem 2

Is there any easy way to prevent the initial dialog box about personal settings from appearing after the desktop has loaded? And the subsequent message saying ‘nothing was changed’?

Problem 3

Is there an easy way to stop the automatic search for an internet connection from running once the desktop has loaded?

Problem 4

Is there any easy way to have the puppy internet connect wizard start automatically after the desktop is loaded? This would save my wife from having to navigate through the ‘Wizard wizard’.

Problem 5

Is there any easy way to have pmount start start automatically after the desktop is loaded? This would remove one more step for my wife to navigate (she would need to mount a partition on the hard drive, and / or a USB drive, to save data.

I am hoping that the solutions to problems 2-5 are similar, such as editing a startup config file.

Sorry to ask for so much help. However, the information might be useful to other beginners who would find a similarly modified version of Macpup useful.

BTW I tried to register at to ask these questions, but registration is not allowed on the site.
Until runtt appears. I can probably help you with problem one......playdayz released a pet just to solve that exact problem and allow remasters to boot straight to the desktop.Go down to around the middle of the page.

Actual pet is ...

It should work in Macpup,but you may want to wait until runtt responds.

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 20:48
by runtt21
my wife (who has only ever used Windows) can use painlessly to access internet banking securely,
What I would suggest is that you just install mp525 on a flash drive or boot with the live cd and put a save file on a flash drive. After that first save every time you boot all of your network setting/driver settings loads up solving all of your problems. All she has to do is click on the firefox icon once and then select "start private browsing" in it's menu . Doing that with the use of the firewall is about as safe as you can be. If she wants to save pics or music or what ever just use the folder to open rox. Everything gets save at shutdown except what she does in firefox while running privately.
I tried to register
Sorry about that .We have had some issues at our forum that are getting fixed.