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Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 00:43
by jrb
anikin wrote:Hi jrb,

Racy babybarebones fails to boot. It 'pauses' saying 'can't find puppy_racy_5.3.sfs'. Frugal install on an ext4 sd card, pfix=ram.
Right you are anikin. Must have been a bad upload (that's my story...). :lol:

I've reuploaded with my retested home copy, then I downloaded it, put it on a usb and booted a computer. Should be good to go.

Cheers, J


Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 02:34
by Pelo
I would'nt have guessed that it will be MTpaint the hardest to install.
Yesterday i failed. Gimp is ok.
Have you some help to give me about installing MTpaint on Racy Barebones ?

Merci beaucoup.

Re: MTpaint

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 03:48
by jrb
Pelo wrote:I would'nt have guessed that it will be MTpaint the hardest to install.
Yesterday i failed. Gimp is ok.
Have you some help to give me about installing MTpaint on Racy Barebones ?

Merci beaucoup.
Hi Pelo,

This is a good example of how to reinstall a program! 8)

First I went to /root/.packages/woof-installed-removed. This is a list of the packages that I took out of the original Racy-5.3. Scrolling down we find:
mtpaint-3.40-w5c|mtpaint|3.40-w5c||Graphic|464K|||+gtk+,+jasper,+lcms,+libtiff|A simple GTK+ painting program|puppy|wary5||
This tells us that mtpaint needs "+gtk+,+jasper,+lcms,+libtiff" to run.

I'm too impatient to look for all these dependencies first and besides sometimes there are dependencies not listed. So I go to the Puppy Package Manager (PPM) and type mtpaint into the find window and click Go. Up comes mtpaint-3.40-w5c which I install.

Now I open a terminal, (console on the desktop) and type in "mtpaint". This is the message I get:

Code: Select all

# mtpaint
mtpaint: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Aha! Jasper is missing. So I type jasper into the PPM. Up comes which I install. Now when I type "mtpaint" into the terminal the program starts. Yay! :D

Of course to be thorough I should track down those other dependencies and make sure they are really there, but of course I just start using the program. If I have problems I'll look for them then.

This is how to reinstall. If you're installing something from scratch you do it the same way but you can't look up the dependencies as easily. You can use the terminal the same way and it will tell you whats missing step by step. Or you can find the program executable, like /usr/bin/mtpaint (listed in /root/.packages/mtpaint-3.40-w5c.files) open a terminal in /usr/bin and type ldd mtpaint. This will list all dependencies and flag the missing ones.

That's the process. Hope it works for you. Cheers, J

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 15:42
by anikin
jrb wrote:I've reuploaded with my retested home copy, then I downloaded it, put it on a usb and booted a computer. Should be good to go.
Still no go, still pausing. Will it run on ext4 at all?

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 16:45
by jrb
anikin wrote:
jrb wrote:I've reuploaded with my retested home copy, then I downloaded it, put it on a usb and booted a computer. Should be good to go.
Still no go, still pausing. Will it run on ext4 at all?
I just setup the copy I downloaded into a frugal on an ext4 drive and it booted no problem.

Have you checked the md5sum of your downloaded ISO?

Code: Select all

# md5sum ./racy-5.3-BABYbarebones.iso
a3c0f41e3172e8d2701ff93c47cf8a5b  ./racy-5.3-BABYbarebones.iso

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 20:47
by anikin
Hi jrb,

Did manage to tame the baby. But, (and it's a big but) it still can't boot from an ext4 SD card. However, it boots from a fat32 pendrive. With a pause, but boots. No go on ext4 even after a long pause. The SD card has been formatted thusly: ... n-sd-card/
Later on I will test it on an ext2 partition. Just don't have one at the moment.

Thank you for your time jrb.

Question on Racy barebones

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 04:32
by e_mattis
Hey all,

I'm trying out the Racy barebones and have a program that uses dbus. My problem is that when I start the program, it tells me 'DBUS error: Make sure DBUS session message bus is running' :(

I've looked around and tried a few things, including reloading dbus pets, but nothing seems to be working. Any ideas on how to get the session message bus running? Same program works well in Racy and Precise, so I figure it is something that got removed to save space. :o

Any help appreciated!



Re: Question on Racy barebones

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 02:33
by jrb
e_mattis wrote:Hey all,

I'm trying out the Racy barebones and have a program that uses dbus. My problem is that when I start the program, it tells me 'DBUS error: Make sure DBUS session message bus is running' :(

I've looked around and tried a few things, including reloading dbus pets, but nothing seems to be working. Any ideas on how to get the session message bus running? Same program works well in Racy and Precise, so I figure it is something that got removed to save space. :o

Any help appreciated!


Hi E,

Sorry to take so long getting to your question. Must have got distracted by Valentines Day (too much chocolate). :lol: If you can let me know what program you're trying to get running and possibly a download link I'll have a try at getting it running.

Cheers, J

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 04:09
by e_mattis
Hey jrb,

Yea, the chocolate conspiracy :lol: mmmmm....

Thanks for responding. I think I have it now. I d/l the dbus_glib and dbus_permissive pets (sorry, don't remember where I got them, think it was in the ibiblio repo/puppy 4?) amd re-installed the program (efax). It seems to work now.

Sorry I forgot to update the post earlier, like you said, the valentine's monster :oops: :D

Anyway, love the options available with the barebones! thanks a bunch!

BTW, also working with precise BB - remaster giving me a fit! if I try to replace the /tmp/root files with files from my /root, it tells me there's not enough space on the device :roll: - i'm using a 100GB drive and a personal storage of 2GB ; the entire remaster is only about 353MB on disk :shock: ; shouldn't be a problem i would think. :? Anyway, do you know if there is a problem with the precise remaster? Any help appreciated!



Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 06:10
by jrb
e_mattis wrote:BTW, also working with precise BB - remaster giving me a fit! if I try to replace the /tmp/root files with files from my /root, it tells me there's not enough space on the device :roll: - i'm using a 100GB drive and a personal storage of 2GB ; the entire remaster is only about 353MB on disk :shock: ; shouldn't be a problem i would think. :? Anyway, do you know if there is a problem with the precise remaster? Any help appreciated!


I just booted up precise barebones and ran through the remaster procedure. It worked OK for me. I didn't add too much but had no problem copying files from /root to /tmp/root. 2GB should be more than enough personal storage. You say you have a 100GB hard drive. Have you checked how much free space you have on it? Menu-Filesystem-Utilities-Partview

I'm calling it a night now. Will check this thread tomorrow.

Bye for now, J

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 22:16
by e_mattis
You say you have a 100GB hard drive. Have you checked how much free space you have on it? Menu-Filesystem-Utilities-Partview
yea, jrb, i actually have 111.3 GB with 107.8 free. One response in another post reported having this type problem before - had to do all the rebuild on the same HDD as the remaster program (99.3 GB with 98.9 free). I'm trying that now. Also noticed that a lot of the files are being re-writen back to default rather than the modified version. I've tried deleting and copying the mod files to /tmp/root but at time of compile, they all seem to revert.

Still plugging at it :D



Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2013, 00:40
by rubantin
I am running wary on an old thin-client that I am using for serving web pages... It seems that barebones 5.3 is faster than regular wary 5.3... is that just my perception or are there background processes that are running as well?

Also, I install the LHMP stack in the regular with no problems, but with the barebones there seems to be permission issues... any reason why? (Should be called LHMP)

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 11:38
by Smithy
Hi Jrb, thanks for doing these babies.

Any chance you could get Jack running on the Racy Baby Barebones?
It shows up in the menu, but does not come up when clicked on. (jack-d
Was looking to replace your 431 barebones with Racy as a minimalist Puppy.
As you say, time moves on!

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 12:13
by simargl

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 19:47
by jlst
:shock: Thanks a lot !!!!! :)

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 20:34
by jlst
Could you please reupload your files??

New Links

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2013, 14:00
by jrb
Hi, Sadly I just revised all the download links on the original post. :( As most of you probably know Russoodle's Meownplanet website was destroyed by malicious hackers. I want to thank her for all her hard work and the support she has given the Puppy community. Its much appreciated :!: Its a shame the Forces of Good (Linux community) should be subject to these kind of attacks by the Forces of Evil. (Enough on that subject here. It belongs in the paranoia section of the forum).

Oh yeah, I've uploaded all the ISO's to google drive (dealing with the devil) and when I tried downloading it gave me a message about the ISO being too big to scan for viruses, did I want to download anyway? Trust me, there aren't any viruses in these Puppies. :D

Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 08:03
by polekat
When I tried downloading wary bare bones it would get about a third of the way done and then restarted. It happened 4 times. Just thought you might want to know.

Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 11:36
by cthisbear
" When I tried downloading wary bare bones it would get about a third
of the way done and then restarted. It happened 4 times "



I moved recently and have a much slower connection
here in OZ than I had.

But as a test I downloaded this in about 3and a half minutes.

Using this download....wary-5.3-barebones.iso ... dudVU/edit

Done >>> as I typed.

I would question your connection,

i didn't look at your OS specs etc.

Anyway mate...welcome to puppy.


Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 20:29
by polekat
Well I just tried again with the same results. Gets to about 30% downloaded and resets back to zero where it starts again.I tried precise barebones last night with the same results. I 'm running precise 5.5 with the default firewall. 3.2ghtz pentium 4 and 4gigs memory. It's no big deal ,I can wait for it to show up on some mirror. Just curious if any one else was running into the same b/s. I do like the recent puppy uploads over at, much better folks than the google vampires.
edit : I think it may be the Opera browser I use, I got a unsupported browser warning using your link and then it wouldn't even start the download. Google sucks.