kernel compiling in woof-ce

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#31 Post by rufwoof »

You are running in ram? Where was the kernel kit extracted to??
Oooerr - not sure, I just installed/ran it all in/from / (ram space) with no HDD's mounted (frugal boot not full installed). I created a /DV directory and dropped the DEVX sfs into that and sfs_loaded with no copy. Downloaded your tar file to / and also extracted it to there.

The space available icon in my tray indicates 148GB - so enough space there as being a frugal boot that indicates ram space not disk space.

I did swap out the slacko 5.3.3 kernel 3.01 for a 3.10 one as the former was non-PAE whilst the latter is PAE

50Mbit internet connect speed so usually there's no problems with downloading larger files, often I run puppy from the cloud (download a 500MB 'office' sfs from my google drive that supplements a PXE booted 100MB basic/core puppy).

I guess I should do a full install of FatDog or 64 Lighthouse and test using that as that's the more formal/usual/correct way as I understand it.
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#32 Post by rufwoof »

Downloaded FatDog 7beta2 to my old dog, extracted out of the iso the initrd and vmlinuz files and dropped them into my tftpboot (PXE) directory and fired up the PXE server.

On another more powerful PC (my son's Windows box), booted, F12 to net boot and PXE booted fatdog. Used that session to download fatdog's devx and your tar files. Copied devx to a new /DV directory and sfs loaded that. Extracted your tar file and terminal, #./ ..... and its whirring away ... pages of stuff whizzing by - that looks something like a lot of CC'ing and pruning. All four cores running at 100%.

Started that off at 10pm, so probably wont see it run all the way through but looking promising.

EDIT: 10:25pm, still whirring away. Off to bed for a early morning start, powered down the PC's - my guess is that it would have run through to completion OK.

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#33 Post by rufwoof »

Extracted Fatdog vmlinuz and initrd from its ISO, dropped those into a PXE server and booted that FatDog on a 4 core, 4GB ram Windows PC. Downloaded and sfs_loaded FatDog's DEVX sfs

Copied the unattended build tar file from this posing ... 783#823783 to / and extracted. i.e. fatdog running in ram with no HD drives mounted

Plugged in a USB HDD and dragged the / copy of the unattended directory over to that (moved) and then dragged back again and created a symbolic link

Opened a terminal, cd to that /unattended.. directory and ran

All whirring away. Will progress update later.

This is all new to me so I've no idea what to expect or what/where the final output/files from a successful run might be. No changes were made to configs/scripts - all just run as-is. Guessing that they'll be some vmlinuz files for the three (64, 32-PAE, 32-nonPAE) builds, my intent is to drop one of those into a PXE server, boot to command prompt and see if that works.


#34 Post by stemsee »

Glad to see you took the initiative to troubleshoot.

You can see how devs use a lot of time trying to figure out what a remote system's problem is ... so I often say the script is working for me.

Ther is a bug ...'conf' is missing from one place which means kernel number 3 -nopae will be pae.

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#35 Post by rufwoof »

You can see how devs use a lot of time trying to figure out what a remote system's problem is ... so I often say the script is working for me.
Your leading the blind in my case. For instance I've no idea what you were saying in ... 914#812914 and whether I should have downloaded something (DOT) or whether its ok to just run everything as is - as I'm doing.

Nor do I have a clue where any of the final file(s) might be i.e
There is a bug ...'conf' is missing from one place which means kernel number 3 -nopae will be pae.
Just hope that whatever I do/highlight is of some help/use to you. Don't want to be a burden so if you feel the noob is getting in the way just say so - I wouldn't be offended.

After around a hour of running (and still going) I'm seeing a dist directory filling up with some directories/files as per the attached, which to me implies that its running ok
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#36 Post by rufwoof »

1hr15m and started mksquashfs'ing, with some files suggested errors of files/directories missing ... shortly after it did another mksquashfs, and then reported DONE.
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#37 Post by rufwoof »

Yet more noob stuff :

Now that its all run through apparently OK and taking the 32PAE version as a example, in uattended-kernel-kit sub directory packages32-pae I have vmlinuz, aufs....,kernel_headers... and linux_kernel-3.18.3-EmSee.

In my case to boot a frugal version I assume I need that vmlinuz together with the etc and lib folders content from that linux_kernel3.18.3-EmSee folder. i.e. drop that vmlinuz into my PXE server directory, take my existing pup initrd and replace the existing /etc/modules, lib/firmware and lib/modules folders with those new ones, reform the initrd and drop that new initrd into my PXE server directory.

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#38 Post by rufwoof »

I added to my existing pup's /etc/modules the newly build one out of Stemsee's script (32PAE version) - so now that directory has DOTconfig- firmware.dep.3.10.32, firmware.dep.inst.3.10.32 i.e. existing/original stuff and the DOTconfig-3.18.3- i.e. new one

I replaced my pup's /lib/modules and /lib/firmware with the new one

I also extracted initrd.gz (zcat initrd.gz piped through cpio -id) and edited that to add /lib/modules to also include 3.18.3-EmSee-64), reformed the initrd.gz (find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip >../initrd.gz)

.. and then remastered and booted ... to encounter a boot up failure of something like :

Loading drivers to access disk.....
Found main puppy file...
Setting up layered file system
Dumping last lines of /tmp/bootinit.log.
FATAL: module unionfs not found
FATAL: module fuse not found
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed - no such file or directory

i.e. PXE boot grabbed vmlinuz and initrd ok and appears to have booted through vmlinuz ok and into initrd booting ... but failing later in the boot process due to my lacking understanding of what needs to be set up/where. Perhaps due to something like booting a unionfs based newly built kernel against a existing aufs based puppy.

All told I'd say a success for my own testing of Stemsee's unattended build script - as far as I am able to test/take it. On my system assuming just one kernel was being built (rather than all three, 64 bit, 32 PAE, 32 NonPAE), looks like it would have taken around 25 minutes to run through (based on it took 75 minutes to do all three)
Last edited by rufwoof on Mon 26 Jan 2015, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.


#39 Post by stemsee »

Thanks for your test and report.

I may will check the DOTconfig file again. I wonder if the init in your distro requires the id number appended. I may have reconfigured hastily or copied to wrong DOTconfig.

Sorry about that!

I encountered a similar problem with 64bit kernel which booted the os but the modules didn't load so mouse etc wasn't working; my 32-pae kernel boots fine though.

I will go over it thoroughly in the next few days.

EDIT: And i will write a Readme/how to for it as well, seeing as people can't read my mind!! lol

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#40 Post by rufwoof »

Its looking good as far as I understand it stemsee, great stuff in being able to get a complete novice as far as you got me. Some ironing out still looks to be done, but getting there

Cant help with whether a id string is needed or not other than a search for id in init has one extract of

Code: Select all

DEVTMPFSFLG=0 #130618 set it from 3builddistro.

#100911 simple filenames specified in DISTRO_SPECS: DISTRO_ZDRVSFS, DISTRO_PUPPYSFS...
IDSTRING="$DISTRO_IDSTRING" #from DISTRO_SPECS, string appended to kernel.qky, vmlinuz, puppy.sfs, zdrv.sfs, devx.sfs (see 3builddistro).
[ "`echo "$PUPXXXSFS" | grep '[0-9]\.sfs'`" != "" ] && NAMETYPE='traditional' #110422 has version info.

[ $layerfs ] && LAYERFS=$layerfs
[ ! $LAYERFS ] && LAYERFS=aufs #aufs or unionfs
[ "`modinfo aufs 2>/dev/null`" = "" ] && LAYERFS=unionfs #precaution..
So my completely wild guess as that seems to coincide with the boot up error is that yes it does.

Hope that's of some help. Sorry I can't help further than that.

my DISTRO_SPEC is likely wrong, currently containing

Code: Select all

#One or more words that identify this distribution:
DISTRO_NAME='Slacko Puppy'
#version number of this distribution:
#The distro whose binary packages were used to build this distribution:
#Prefix for some filenames: exs: slackosave.2fs, slacko-5.7.0.sfs
#The version of the distro whose binary packages were used to build this distro:
#the kernel pet package used:
#32-byte alpha-numeric ID-string appended to vmlinuz, puppy_slacko_5.7.0.sfs, zdrv_slacko_5.7.0.sfs and devx.sfs:
#Puppy default filenames...
#Note, the 'SFS' files below are what the 'init' script in initrd.gz searches for,
#for the partition, path and actual files loaded, see PUPSFS and ZDRV in /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE
Which was tweaked by me from the original 5.3.3 slack version (3.01 kernel) to cater for me dropping in a later slack kernel (frojm 5.7 slacko).


#41 Post by stemsee »

to append id string to vmlinuz and kernel-modules.sfs do

Code: Select all

echo -n 'some-distro-id-string' >> vmlinuz
repeat for kernel-modules.sfs.

You can also change DISTRO_ZDRVSFS='kernel-modules.sfs' in initrd/DISTRO_SPECS and etc/DISTRO_SPECS, then jiust have the kernel-modules.sfs in the same dir as initrd.gz.


#42 Post by stemsee »

updates to DOTconfig-3.18.3-64 which enables IA32 allowing to run 32bit distros/software.
update to script (one bug for 32-nopae)
Added ReadMe/How-to

EDIT: removed because broken.
Last edited by stemsee on Thu 29 Jan 2015, 06:48, edited 1 time in total.

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#43 Post by rufwoof »

stemsee wrote:to append id string to vmlinuz and kernel-modules.sfs do

Code: Select all

echo -n 'some-distro-id-string' >> vmlinuz
repeat for kernel-modules.sfs.

You can also change DISTRO_ZDRVSFS='kernel-modules.sfs' in initrd/DISTRO_SPECS and etc/DISTRO_SPECS, then jiust have the kernel-modules.sfs in the same dir as initrd.gz.

I've just grabbed the latest version and I'm running that. Only change I made was to change the 32PAE build config to turn FD style off, and the title suffice to -32PAE

... few hours later returned home to a 'failed to compile' error message. Sorry lost the logs as its memory based (PXE booted) and /tmp is gone. USB HDD has just patches and sources in the dist folder


#44 Post by stemsee »

Yeah I think I messed up somewhere. I too am having failed compiles. But mine seem to have something to do with aes crypto. Need to step back. I am going to track down the latest Fatdog64 config and another up-to-date pae config and import them.

Sorry about all this. Maybe I will take more time before updating this time.

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#45 Post by rufwoof »

Is it usual for developers to compile all three - 64 bit, 32 bit PAE, 32-bit non PAE ?

I would have thought that tying into 64 bit excludes many that might be running 32 bit pup's from using the script - and that instead a single unattended build run would be more general. Select what build you want, 32 non-PAE OR 32 PAE OR 64 bit (if running a 64 bit pup) .... and just create that single build.

Or perhaps that adds to much complexity???

I've cleared out the USB HDD now (fatdog etc), so wont be running any further tests for a while. Need to spend some time learning more about initrd's and configs etc.

Thanks Stemsee - learned quite a bit.


#46 Post by stemsee »

woof-ce > kenel-kit is already suiable for single kernel builds, with some configuration setuos and 'make menuconfig' which loses noobs.

Dry Falls
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#47 Post by Dry Falls »

Greetings. I finally got up the nerve and tried the compile script. It was pretty fast (about 30 minutes). Well, I got the compiled kernel sources and headers (only to find that they are already in your kernel modules sfs I placed in the initrd.xz). But that's all I got. Everything said "we have children" right down to the bottom:

Code: Select all

Must remake target `__build'.
Need a job token; we don't have children
Invoking recipe from scripts/ to update target `__build'.
Successfully remade target file `__build'.
Reaping winning child 0x18ed950 PID 5840 
Removing child 0x18ed950 PID 5840 from chain.
Error: failed to compile the kernel sources.
<root> /initrd/mnt/dev_save/stems-unattended-kernelkit/stems-unattended-kernelkit
I tried to attach the build log but no go. Basically, it said
--2015-01-28 18:28:44-- ... 8.3.tar.xz
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: ... 8.3.tar.xz [following]
--2015-01-28 18:28:46-- ... 8.3.tar.xz
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify's certificate, issued by '/C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing/CN=StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Server CA':
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 80944856 (77M) [application/x-xz]
Saving to: 'dist/sources/vanilla/linux-3.18.3.tar.xz'

0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 0%
...2015-01-28 18:31:24 (512 KB/s) - 'dist/sources/vanilla/linux-3.18.3.tar.xz' saved [80944856/80944856]

Cloning into 'aufs3-18-git280115'...
Note: checking out 'origin/aufs3.18'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 85f9860... aufs3.18 20150126
patching file fs/Kconfig
patching file fs/Makefile
patching file include/uapi/linux/Kbuild
patching file MAINTAINERS
patching file drivers/block/loop.c
patching file fs/dcache.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1019 (offset -1 lines).
patching file fs/inode.c
patching file fs/splice.c
patching file include/linux/fs.h
patching file include/linux/splice.h
patching file fs/dcache.c
patching file fs/inode.c
patching file fs/namespace.c
Hunk #2 succeeded at 1733 (offset 5 lines).
patching file fs/notify/group.c
patching file fs/notify/mark.c
patching file fs/open.c
patching file fs/splice.c
patching file fs/xattr.c
patching file security/commoncap.c
patching file security/device_cgroup.c
patching file security/security.c
patching file fs/buffer.c
patching file fs/proc/base.c
patching file fs/proc/nommu.c
patching file fs/proc/task_mmu.c
patching file fs/proc/task_nommu.c
patching file include/linux/mm.h
patching file include/linux/mm_types.h
patching file kernel/fork.c
patching file mm/Makefile
patching file mm/filemap.c
patching file mm/fremap.c
patching file mm/madvise.c
patching file mm/memory.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 2170 with fuzz 1 (offset 7 lines).
patching file mm/mmap.c
Hunk #4 succeeded at 2480 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 2499 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 2889 (offset 3 lines).
patching file mm/msync.c
patching file mm/nommu.c
patching file mm/prfile.c
patching file security/commoncap.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 606 with fuzz 1 (offset 13 lines).
CHK include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
UPD include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/clkdev.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/cputime.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/dma-contiguous.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/early_ioremap.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/mcs_spinlock.h
WRAP arch/x86/include/generated/asm/scatterlist.h
SYSTBL arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/syscalls_32.h
SYSHDR arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/uapi/asm/unistd_32.h
SYSHDR arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/uapi/asm/unistd_64.h
SYSHDR arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/uapi/asm/unistd_x32.h
HOSTCC arch/x86/tools/relocs_32.o
HOSTCC arch/x86/tools/relocs_64.o
HOSTCC arch/x86/tools/relocs_common.o
HOSTLD arch/x86/tools/relocs
HOSTCC scripts/unifdef
INSTALL usr/include/asm-generic/ (35 files)
INSTALL usr/include/drm/ (18 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/byteorder/ (2 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/caif/ (2 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/can/ (5 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/dvb/ (8 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/hdlc/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/hsi/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/isdn/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/mmc/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ (4 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter/ (85 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter_arp/ (2 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter_bridge/ (17 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ (9 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ (12 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/nfsd/ (5 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/raid/ (2 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/spi/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/sunrpc/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/tc_act/ (8 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/tc_ematch/ (4 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/usb/ (11 files)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/wimax/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/linux/ (405 files)
INSTALL usr/include/misc/ (1 file)
INSTALL usr/include/mtd/ (5 files)
INSTALL usr/include/rdma/ (6 files)
INSTALL usr/include/scsi/fc/ (4 files)
INSTALL usr/include/scsi/ (3 files)
INSTALL usr/include/sound/ (11 files)
INSTALL usr/include/video/ (3 files)
INSTALL usr/include/xen/ (4 files)
INSTALL usr/include/uapi/ (0 file)
INSTALL usr/include/asm/ (65 files)
CHECK usr/include/asm-generic/ (35 files)
CHECK usr/include/drm/ (18 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/byteorder/ (2 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/caif/ (2 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/can/ (5 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/dvb/ (8 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/hdlc/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/hsi/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/isdn/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/mmc/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ (4 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter/ (85 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter_arp/ (2 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter_bridge/ (17 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ (9 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ (12 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/nfsd/ (5 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/raid/ (2 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/spi/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/sunrpc/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/tc_act/ (8 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/tc_ematch/ (4 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/usb/ (11 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/wimax/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/linux/ (405 files)
./usr/include/linux/kexec.h:61: userspace cannot reference function or variable defined in the kernel
CHECK usr/include/misc/ (1 files)
CHECK usr/include/mtd/ (5 files)
CHECK usr/include/rdma/ (6 files)
CHECK usr/include/scsi/fc/ (4 files)
CHECK usr/include/scsi/ (3 files)
CHECK usr/include/sound/ (11 files)
CHECK usr/include/video/ (3 files)
CHECK usr/include/xen/ (4 files)
CHECK usr/include/uapi/ (0 files)
CHECK usr/include/asm/ (65 files)
CHK include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
INSTALL include/asm-generic (35 files)
INSTALL include/drm (18 files)
INSTALL include/linux/byteorder (2 files)
INSTALL include/linux/caif (2 files)
INSTALL include/linux/can (5 files)
INSTALL include/linux/dvb (8 files)
INSTALL include/linux/hdlc (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/hsi (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/isdn (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/mmc (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter/ipset (4 files)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter (85 files)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter_arp (2 files)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter_bridge (17 files)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter_ipv4 (9 files)
INSTALL include/linux/netfilter_ipv6 (12 files)
INSTALL include/linux/nfsd (5 files)
INSTALL include/linux/raid (2 files)
INSTALL include/linux/spi (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/sunrpc (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux/tc_act (8 files)
INSTALL include/linux/tc_ematch (4 files)
INSTALL include/linux/usb (11 files)
INSTALL include/linux/wimax (1 file)
INSTALL include/linux (405 files)
INSTALL include/misc (1 file)
INSTALL include/mtd (5 files)
INSTALL include/rdma (6 files)
INSTALL include/scsi/fc (4 files)
INSTALL include/scsi (3 files)
INSTALL include/sound (11 files)
INSTALL include/video (3 files)
INSTALL include/xen (4 files)
INSTALL include/uapi (0 file)
INSTALL include/asm (65 files)
If that's any help. Not sure if it was my mistake or what.



#48 Post by stemsee »

Hi DryFalls

I am aware that my script is de-railed at the moment, I suppos i should remove the links, . I have to go over the script to find what's missing! I fear I deleted something in my haste to put it out. Sorry about that. Either wait or try the previous links.


#49 Post by stemsee »

I beleive that I have got it sorted now.
Updated configs for 3.18.4 (latest stable kernel).
Please try and report bugs.
(120.21 KiB) Downloaded 341 times


#50 Post by stemsee »

Compiled all three kernels this morning consecutively.

Running LightHouse 64 with latest 3.18.4-EmSee-64 kernel.

Here is link to kernel, modules and sources.
(45.57 KiB) Downloaded 674 times
(124 Bytes) Downloaded 316 times

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