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Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 15:18
by davesurrey
Full Install again...
ttuuxxx you may regret asking me to have a look at Full installs of 214X. :)
I did some booting tests a while back (not very scientific I admit) and found that 214X was one of the fastest Puppys and that frugal installs were generally slower than full ones (as far as booting was concerned.)

Just now I felt that 214X RC3 full installs where taking too long to boot so I did the following tests and found:

(time between section at grub menu and appearance of desktop)
431 FULL 23 seconds
431 frugal 39 secs

214XRC3 FULL 51 secs
214XRC3 frugal 27 secs
I noted that on booting the 214X Full install takes about 32 secs at the stage "Loading kernel modules" whereas 431 takes a sec or two. If it didn't then the 214X Full result would be about right.

Something funny going on here.

Update dillo?

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 16:17
by don922
I have downloaded and started using dillo 2.2 in Puppy 4.12. It is still in beta, but seems to be stable and, after a short period of use, seems to be a better browser than the dillo series 1 included in 214X.

ttuuxxx: you might consider upgrading dillo 0.8.5-4.1 to dillo 2.2. Dillo 2.2 uses CSS and is particularly useful for reading books.
davesurrey wrote:1. New Dillo pet works well.
Note: davesurrey's post quoted, above, follows this post.

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 20:19
by davesurrey
Okay here's an updated list of the status of RC3 as I see it hopefully to help produce a Final Version (includes repeat of previous post)

1. New Dillo pet works well. ... 363#387363

2. allows running by clicking of icons. ... 326#387326

3. works well. ... 070#390070

4. clarf's fixes "Right click in Thunar> Open Terminal here...doesn't work" ... 524#388524 and ... start=2824

5. clarf's works well. ... 524#388524 ... start=2757

6. Minnesota reports problem in gnumeric not setting left margin. ... 305#386305

7. clarf's fix for Pwireless crashing when some aspects of profile are changed....Sorry, I can't test this as no wifi on this PC. ... 239#387239 ... 565#387565

8. can't click on sfs files to open them. ... 018#388018

9. MHHP reported no sound with .swf files ... 935#389935

10. clarf produced a revised ... 814#389814

11. add new xfce themes ...XfcePB-4.2.1.tar.gz etc to /usr/share/themes. Set as default theme? ... 265#390265 ... 905#388905 ... 924#388924 ... 933#388933

12. Menu>SetUP>Thunar default settings....what does this do? Didn't seem to work.

13. Menu>Personal has Control Panel in it. This is in addition to Control Panel on the menu list and all the other wizards and setups repeated in Menu>SetUp.
ttuuxx I really feel this is cluttering up the Menu structure and ask again if you would consider deleting all these except the basic Control Panel in the main Menu list. Thanks.

14. MHHP asked for a gsview that wouldn't break his printing. ... 044#388044

15. mount/unmount/eject problems. Affects shares. ... 989#387989

16. clarf's Pnethood-update. ... 759#385759
I don't use domains so can't test. But we trust clarf don't we. :)

17. Not even sure what lameSMBxplorer. It finds my networked PC but that's it. Can't see inside the share. In which case I prefer PNethood as it just works. But if others need it so be it. But what does it do better than/different from Pnethood?

18. Add sinc's mailcap_mimetypes.tar.gz ... 078#386078

19. Some MIME types need fixing. ... 018#388018

20. clarf suggests "Add PupRadio hack (adds BMP support)" ... 027#386027

21. clarf says " Add latest dropbear launcher (includes missing gtrayicon libs). ... 282#382282

22. Samba mounts don't work? ... 989#387989

Sorry it's a long one but I hope it'll help you in getting to 214X final.


Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 20:43
by ttuuxxx
Thanks dave this report really helps a lot :) And thanks for the PUI test you did, at this point in the game its best to have things like that tested by users, so great job, I'll start working on the final now :)

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:01
by davesurrey ... 996#379996
Well I might have been a few days late on the 200 page prediction but I may still get my wish for 19 Feb??!! :)

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:03
by davesurrey
Okay I've been trying to set up a network printer and failed even though I am doing exactly the same as I did before with x16. I wonder of it's a samba share issue?
Anyone else managed to set up a printer either locally or to a printer attached to a Windows PC over a LAN?


Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:58
by davesurrey
As 214X approaches final, I have taken the liberty to offer some suggestions as to what might follow it. I hope you will see this as a positive affirmation ttuuxx of 214X and all your hard work. :)

Please see ... 108#393108

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 23:06
by davesurrey
Any chance getting Abiword 2.8.2 into 214X? I know it's late to ask but I just saw in another thread you said you had got it working in 214X? Or perhaps a pet?

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 01:44
by sinc
Hey Dave, it is fantastic having you back. You are soo thorough, it is great seeing your reports.

About the printer I tried a while back when RC3 came out to use the printer and couldn't get it to work. I mentioned it on this thread but ttuuxxx said he hasn't touched printing in 6 months so I figured it must have been me and I never tried again I just printed from Dpup but to answer your question I did have trouble printing also.

How is your girlfriends neck? Is that what has been keeping you busy?

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 04:37
by clarf

I just downloaded and tested all my updates and found that Pnethood wasn´t the latest version, so I uploaded the latest Pnethood patch it´s about 6.47 KB. Please updated to the latest one in the same link. ... 759#385759

ttuuxxx, I remember BMP had problems related to play some stream station extensions like http://radio_station/fun.pls. Did you added more plugins to BMP?


Re: Update dillo?

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 06:00
by don922
don922 wrote:I have downloaded and started using dillo 2.2 in Puppy 4.12. It is still in beta, but seems to be stable and, after a short period of use, seems to be a better browser than the dillo series 1 included in 214X.

ttuuxxx: you might consider upgrading dillo 0.8.5-4.1 to dillo 2.2. Dillo 2.2 uses CSS and is particularly useful for reading books.
davesurrey wrote:1. New Dillo pet works well.
True, but dillo 2.2 works even better!

Surf this forum with dillo 2.2 then surf it with dillo 0.8.5-4.1 -- dillo 2.2 wins hands down.
2.2 is substantially better.

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 11:01
by davesurrey
Hi and nice to be back here.
Thanks for updating me on printing. Mine are attached to a Windows PC and connected over my LAN so it may be a samba share issue? Hopefully this can be sorted before the final.
Thanks also for asking about my G/F. She is getting better but it's taking a lot longer than expected. Kind of you to ask. :)

I like Dillo so tried to install dillo 2.2 to 214X but couldn't get it to run. It gave two instances of Dillo (dillo and dillo web browser)in the menus and both came up as version 0.8.6-i18n-misc. Not sure what the problem is.
How exactly did you install it?

I do see however in the dillo thread that there is a current discussion between aragon and disciple over some unresolved issues so not sure ttuuxxx will want to add it at this stage. But it's his call of course.


dillo 2.2

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 12:46
by don922
davesurrey wrote: don922:
I like Dillo so tried to install dillo 2.2 to 214X but couldn't get it to run. It gave two instances of Dillo (dillo and dillo web browser)in the menus and both came up as version 0.8.6-i18n-misc. Not sure what the problem is.
How exactly did you install it?

I do see however in the dillo thread that there is a current discussion between aragon and disciple over some unresolved issues so not sure ttuuxxx will want to add it at this stage. But it's his call of course.

I did not use dillo 2.2 in 214X I used it in Puppy 4.12.

The version of dillo included in 214X is 0.8.6-i18n-misc. The version in the new Pet that was included in this thread was 0.8.5-4.1. I have used both of these and settled on 0.8.6-i18n-misc. (Note: I don't like to try to load one version of a program on top of another.) This is why I wanted to get the best available dillo browser, ie 2.2, included in the final version of 214X
davesurrey wrote:I do see however in the dillo thread that there is a current discussion between aragon and disciple over some unresolved issues
The way I read disciple's comments I don't believe that he was really "up to speed" on dillo 2.2. He seemed to be more in the fault finding mode.

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 12:55
by davesurrey
I did not use dillo 2.2 in 214X I used it in Puppy 4.12.
Ah, now I understand. Thanks Don for the clarification.
I don't like to try to load one version of a program on top of another
I agree but it seems it's hard coded so I had no option.
Hopefully ttuuxxx will decide what's best.

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 23:16
by clarf

Once again I uploaded a new version for my Pnethood Patch, fixed a small bug in Domain authentication with cifs enabled.

The latest one can be found in the same link and it´s from Feb 18 (also renamed to ... 759#385759

I did as many test as I could and now it seems very stable now for Domain or local authentication.

Thanks for the attention pleased,

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 10:38
by ttuuxxx
thanks for the updates clarf :)

I compiled wterm on 2.14X ... 595#393595

and a quick tar.gz right click on a folder app is located at


wireless ok with 214xrc3 live cd: not when 214xrc3 installed

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 23:13
by mmmrr
howdy tuuxxx, others

wireless ok with 214xrc3 live cd: not when 214xrc3 installed
seemed so strange so i ran cd again, with pfix=ram and the rest
same as before, 'puppy nomce pci=biosirq pfix=debug,nofirewire'
and i hooked up with ndiswrapper a-ok again

tried again with installed version, ndiswrwapper loads, according
to the gui, but does not see the wireless card.

help most welcome, cheers, mm

older toshiba laptop, pent-2, 266 mhz, 160mb/ram 60gb-hdrive

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 05:15
by clarf
Hi ttuuxxx the new right click option for Rox is a great idea :) .

You work inspired me... I added more custom actions to Thunar, I attach a picture for the new Right click options...

Decompress the uca.xml file in /root/config/Thunar/. I hope all Thunar fans like it...

UPDATE: Added two new options, create tar.gz file from Folder and extract .tar.gz files.


Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 07:00
by ttuuxxx
Nice Rox options clarf, I'll add them to the list :)

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 17:58
by ttuuxxx
Hi guys we have a forum member with booting issues with grub, As you know I run live and very seldom ever install, by far I'm no expert, so if anyone could help it would be nice :)
