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#3101 Post by saintless »

Hi, Dan.
Just confirm when you have the time to post details if you are using this GoogleEarth.squashfs or different install GoogleEarth method. ... 676#782676

About DebianDog testing:
saintless not expect too much for DebianDog. It does not aim to replace puppy or windows. lets keep work on it mostly for our fun and for our needs.
My view hasn't change last months. It works perfectly for me and I learn a lot about linux working on DebianDog.


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#3102 Post by saintless »

From the instruction here compiled cryptoloop for debian kernel 3.2 series:
Uploaded here with Readme.txt included: ... 3.2.tar.gz
Maybe it will be useful for backward compatibility sometimes.

Edit: Adding also for next version:

Code: Select all

apt-get install patch
Needed for patching initrd.img for example. The package is small and useful. Better to have it available inside main module.

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#3103 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Can you check if changes.dat encrypted save file works for you if it is less than 500Mb? I get fsck error and the save file is not in use after that. With 500Mb and more it works fine.


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#3104 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Can you check if changes.dat encrypted save file works for you if it is less than 500Mb? I get fsck error and the save file is not in use after that. With 500Mb and more it works fine.
Strange, I did all my previous tests with a savefile smaller than 500Mb, no such problems.
Also just tried on Jwm version (which isn't remastered yet with cryptsetup installed), using initrd1.xz-crypt, also no problem.
Can you give more details of how you made the encrypted savefile and what your kernel commandline is.?
I can do do exactly the same and see how it works for me then.


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#3105 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
I use new mk-save scripts from you with checbox for encryption.
Tested on both Openbox and Jwm version.
Boot code:

Code: Select all

title DebianDog-Porteus changes=/live/changes.dat
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ changes=/live/changes.dat
initrd (hd0,0)/live/initrd1.xz-crypt
Also tested manually encryption this way with 200 Mb save file that works:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/live/image/persistence bs=1M count=200
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 6.64379 s, 31.6 MB/s
root@debian:~# losetup -f
root@debian:~# losetup /dev/loop1 /live/image/persistence
root@debian:~# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/loop1

This will overwrite data on /dev/loop1 irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter LUKS passphrase: 
Verify passphrase: 
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-2824 failed: Device or resource busy
root@debian:~# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop1 crypt
Enter passphrase for /dev/loop1: 
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-2850 failed: Device or resource busy
root@debian:~# mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/crypt
mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
50800 inodes, 202752 blocks
10137 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
25 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2032 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done                  
root@debian:~# e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/crypt
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/mapper/crypt: 11/50800 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 7963/202752 blocks
root@debian:~# mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt

# Creating manually persistence.conf with content / union inside /mnt

root@debian:~# umount /mnt
Works with porteus-boot (the same boot code after renaming to changes.dat) and for live-boot-3x persistence.

And one quick question only if you know the answer without serching:
Do you know what icon name and place is needed to show encrypted drive proper?

Edit: Forgot to add I use 02-cryptsetup-aespipe.squashfs inside /live.


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#3106 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Do you know what icon name and place is needed to show encrypted drive proper?
Doing this shows which icon it searches for:

Code: Select all

killall pup-volume-monitor
pup-volume-monitor &
For crypt I have this:

Code: Select all

Device crypt:
First "icon_name" shows "themed icon", second: gtk-harddisk
In Jwm version there is no icon theme recognized I think.
I didn't test but I think if you copy drive-harddisk in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/devices to "gtk-harddisk" it should show same icon as harddisk icon.

I'll get back later about the other encryption issue.
The difference between your results and mine could well have to do with the extra squashsfs you loaded but that's just a guess.


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#3107 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni.
copying /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/devices/drive-harddisk.png to "gtk-harddisk.png" didn't work for me (on Jwm version) but copying to /usr/share/pixmaps/gtk-harddisk.png did show the harddisk icon for crypt on desktop.

I cannot reproduce the problem you have, I think I did almost exactly the same as you did, also with the extra cryptsetup_aespipe.squashfs loaded at boot.
Here's my blkid output (on JWM version):

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# blkid -o list
device     fs_type label    mount point    UUID
/dev/sda1  ntfs             (not mounted)  A260A8A860A8851F
/dev/sda2  ext4             (not mounted)  960e5eb6-6aed-4134-95f7-afd1d43ee9bc
/dev/sda3  ext4    hd-data  /mnt/live/mnt/sda3 da4763af-3d30-45ee-b7d9-77119e9c4251
/dev/loop0 squashfs         /mnt/live/memory/images/01-filesystem.squashfs 
/dev/loop1 squashfs         /mnt/live/memory/images/02-aespipe_cryptsetup.squashfs 
/dev/loop2 crypto_LUKS      (in use)       e097f2c9-3857-4592-abff-41a71995c554
/dev/loop3 squashfs         /mnt/live/memory/images/021-apps-porteus.squashfs 
/dev/sda5  ext4    live-rw-foo (not mounted) 3a76b94a-0e71-4b5f-8505-3564a6cf70f6
/dev/sda6  swap             <swap>         a4ada463-3646-4a74-b508-27ba6126eb52
           ext4             /mnt/live/memory/changes e87d1fce-91d4-4a91-964b-cc36d0b56c46
My boot partition is sda3.
It looks like when the prompt for password appears at boot it's always for "loop2"


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#3108 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Thank you for the icon tips.

I will make more tests tomorrow about the 500Mb limit problem. I suspect it could be some old hardware or old BIOS issue. I can't mount the encrypted files even manually if the size is less than 500Mb and the file is created with last mk-save encryption GUI.
Mount command asks for file system and what ever I type it errors with wrong file system type. I get the same result on two almost same age computers. I will test on newer hardware.
But default encryption with this command works fine for any size on the same computers:

Code: Select all

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/loop1
I see lines 220 and 223 in linuxrc /dev/loop2 is specified for encrypted save file. I don't know if this can make problems when more squashfs are loaded on boot but I think it will not be a problem. I will test this also.


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#3109 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
I will make more tests tomorrow about the 500Mb limit problem. I suspect it could be some old hardware or old BIOS issue. I can't mount the encrypted files even manually. Mount commad asks for file system and what ever I type it errors with wrong file system type. I get the same result on two almost same age computers. I will test on newer hardware.
There seems to be a difference if you create encrypted savefile manually.
I compared your manual code in previous post with how it's done in mk-save.
Almost the same except that mk-save searches for a free loop device and uses that and more important maybe: in line 212 for live-boot and line 334 for porteus boot :

Code: Select all

cryptsetup -y -s 256 luksFormat $loop <<< $PPHRASE 2> /dev/null 
Try change these to (leave out the "-s 256"):

Code: Select all

cryptsetup -y luksFormat $loop <<< $PPHRASE 2> /dev/null 
Maybe that is solution.
I just copied this from the porteus make-changes script without knowing what the "-s 256" does.
EDIT; well, on second thought, after looking at the help, I doubt if this makes any difference:

Code: Select all

-s, --key-size=BITS                 The size of the encryption key
In lines 220 and 223 in linuxrc /dev/loop2 is specified for encrypted save file. I don't know if this can make problems when more squashfs are loaded on boot. I will test this also.
Looks like it is not a problem as you can see on my blkid output:

Code: Select all

/dev/loop3 squashfs         /mnt/live/memory/images/021-apps-porteus.squashfs 

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#3110 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Solved but not sure if the news is good.
It has nothing to do with size or compression command. Over 500Mb encrypted save file made with mk-save and also started to make problems for me.
Then I found both scripts work wrong because I had testing LUKS formated partition for live-boot-3x and live-boot-2x After removing the LUKS partition all seems fine.

Code: Select all

/dev/sda5: UUID="231c1f89-8465-49de-b7ce-07864594db9b" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" 
mk-save.gtkdlg before removing sda5 LUKS partition:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mk-save.gtkdialog
bash: mk-save.gtkdialog: command not found
root@debian:~# mk-save.gtkdlg


Can't do passphrase verification on non-tty inputs.
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3146 failed: Device or resource busy
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3185 failed: Device or resource busy
mkfs.ext2: option requires an argument -- 'L'
Usage: mkfs.ext2 [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-C cluster-size]
        [-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options]
        [-G flex-group-size] [-N number-of-inodes]
        [-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os]
        [-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory]
        [-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]]
        [-t fs-type] [-T usage-type ] [-U UUID] [-jnqvDFKSV] device [blocks-count]
/opt/bin/mk-save.gtkdlg: line 116:  3203 Terminated              yad --on-top --title="Make-Save" --text="  <span size='large' foreground='dark green'><b>*** Formatting $P/$F... ***</b></span>  " --center --undecorated --no-buttons
After removing sda5:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mk-save.gtkdlg


Can't do passphrase verification on non-tty inputs.
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3024 failed: Device or resource busy
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3062 failed: Device or resource busy
mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Filesystem label=persistence
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
63488 inodes, 253952 blocks
12697 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
31 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2048 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729, 204801, 221185

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done 

/opt/bin/mk-save.gtkdlg: line 116:  3080 Terminated              yad --on-top --title="Make-Save" --text="  <span size='large' foreground='dark green'><b>*** Formatting $P/$F... ***</b></span>  " --center --undecorated --no-buttons (mk-save.gtkdlg is link to before removing sda5 LUKS partition:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mk-save.gtkdlg
Can't do passphrase verification on non-tty inputs.
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3129 failed: Device or resource busy
Device crypt already exists.
After removing sda5 LUKS partition:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mk-save.gtkdlg
Can't do passphrase verification on non-tty inputs.
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3133 failed: Device or resource busy
device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-3171 failed: Device or resource busy
Formatting /mnt/sda1/live/changes.dat
mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
50800 inodes, 202752 blocks
10137 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
25 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2032 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done 

/opt/bin/mk-save.gtkdlg: line 379:  3190 Terminated              yad --on-top --title="Make-Save" --text="  <span size='large' foreground='dark green'><b>*** Formatting $SAVEBASE... ***</b></span>  " --center --undecorated --no-buttons

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#3111 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Solved but not sure if the news is good.
Not sure why you are not sure :)
I'll look at it more tomorrow.
I already found a way to create new encrypted savefile while /dev/mapper/crypt already exists (by make it use "crypt1" or "crypt2").
To avoid error when creating encrypted savefile.
Didn't think it would be that important but it seems it is.

Still can't understand why manual creating worked well for you. :?:


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#3112 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
fredx181 wrote:Still can't understand why manual creating worked well for you. :?:
As I see the problem it is because mk-save and produce encrypted save file without formatted ext file system when I have LUKS partition. Manually creating the file and formatting /dev/loop1 produces ext formatted save file that works.

What I don't understand is how I got at least 2 times 500Mb working encrypted save file created with mk-save.gtkdlg.
I'm not sure the problem is completely solved because on the second computer I didn't have separate LUKS partition and created encrypted save file 250Mb with mk-save also didn't work.
I will remaster the main module with cryptsetup and aespipe tomorrow and test all again on both computers.


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Frisbee problem

#3113 Post by debernardis »


I like the idea of a puppified debian and tried it, but network connectivity was a showstopper for me immediately.

No way I could make frisbee setup a static IP connection (I'm using the ethernet lan at work, and I have no problem with that using Frisbee in Slacko).
It kept telling my IP was wrong and resetting to Auto instead that Static on eth0.

SNS only looks for DHCP, no static IP.

Any hint on how should I go on? Thanks

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Re: Frisbee problem

#3114 Post by saintless »

Hi, Debernardis.
Static IP needs boot code additions. Here is information what exactly has to be set in your kernel boot line and example for manually setting up static IP, Netmask, Gateway and DNS. The manually changes can be put in script started from /root/Startup after boot: ... 470#774470

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#3115 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
I made small improvements to the make-save scripts:
- It will now create savefile even if /dev/mapper/crypt exists (using crypt1 then or even when crypt1 exists it uses crypt2 etc..).
- Added e2fsck line
Should do it the same as when you create manually.

new mk-save scripts
(4.26 KiB) Downloaded 196 times

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Re: Frisbee problem

#3116 Post by debernardis »

saintless wrote:Hi, Debernardis.
Static IP needs boot code additions. Here is information what exactly has to be set in your kernel boot line and example for manually setting up static IP, Netmask, Gateway and DNS. The manually changes can be put in script started from /root/Startup after boot: ... 470#774470
Thank you, this worked, in fact I am posting from that.

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#3117 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:I made small improvements to the make-save scripts:
Thank you, Fred!
Tested after creating again sda5 LUKS partition and 200Mb save files works fine for porteus-boot and live-boot-3x.
I will do more tests in the next days. I still need proper testing on the second machine where LUKS partition was missing but I think we have good encrypted save file option for DebianDog now.


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#3118 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
Test on the second computer with mk-save problem shows encrypted save file made with new mk-save scripts works fine.
I think the problem on this computer (without separate LUKS partition) was from creating more than one save file with mk-save.gtkdlg in one session. The first one is dev/mapper/crypt and formating works. The second one fails because /dev/mapper/crypt is already created and LuksClose is not executed for crypt before creating second save.


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New version of pAVrecord released

#3119 Post by mcewanw »

Hi Toni and Fred,

I've been busy coding/testing the past couple of weeks.

New 0.9.5 version of pAVrecord released. Substantial under-the-hood changes and bug-fixes. Release announcement and download (dotpet for Puppy and deb package for DebianDog) via here: ... 582#656582

Cheers, William
github mcewanw

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#3120 Post by saintless »

stemsee wrote:a couple days ago I acheived remedial save function with DebianPup equal to the solution saintless posted for booting puppy with DD (DebianDog) initrd. This assumes booting to ram from sda3 chang appropriately for your setup or add searh for savefile function.

Mount script
mkdir -p /media/sda3 && mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda3
mount /media/sda3/live/debian-save.2fs /initrd/pup_ro5
cp -r -p /initrd/pup_ro5/. /initrd/pup_rw/

restart X to see changes or add to init

save script
cp -r -p /initrd/pup_rw/. /initrd/pup_ro5/

But work continues to implant full puppy options

Edit: the official fatdog64 option is to specify a kernel argument pupsave=ram:/path/to/savefile #mounts save file on /initrd/pup_rw ram layer
or pupsave=save:/path/to/savefile #mounts savefile on /initrd/pup_save - which doesn't exist outside of real FatDog64 initrd.
neither worked for me, maybe not enough testing.
Hi, Stemsee.
I have much better option for you (and for anyone who like to work on adapting puppy scripts to work on debian).
Download this archive with your 3.15-pae kernel: ... pae.tar.gz

Content and changes:
1. initrd.gz (better compression and now support save changes in folder with latest init script from woof-ce - it was not with the original initrd.gz) Also added search for ydrv_puppy.sfs and adrv_puppy.sfs inside /live on boot. If modules with the same names present they will be loaded on boot.

2. kernel-modules.sfs - better compression only (untouched).

3. vmlinuz (untouched)

4. debdogsave - directory that will save changes on boot inside if /live is on sda1 and ext3 formatted. If you use different drive and filesystem change the lines pointing to sda1,ext3 in /live/debdogsave/etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE (I'm sure you are better than me in editing puppy configuration files).
debdogsave has proper links to /live/image and /live/cow for PUPMODE=12 so RemasterDog and RemasterCow will work proper.
Works also with save file debdogsave.2fs inside /live or anywhere if you copy the content of debdogsave inside and make the changes for path and name debdogsave.2fs.

5. The name of main module changed to 01-filesystem.squashfs.sfs (just add .sfs at the end for easy testing). All ubuntu prefix in distrospec changed to debian.

Use this boot code for sda1:

Code: Select all

title DebianDog-Puppy kernel 3.15 testing
kernel /live/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=live pfix=fsck
initrd /live/initrd.gz 
At least further testing is easy now since loading 2 more sfs modules on boot is possible and save file and save folder work with manually setting up the partition in /live/debdogsave/etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE
And the most important for me - Debian structure in the main module is untouched.

EDIT: New archive for testing here. Previuous one removed: ... 468#788468
Last edited by saintless on Fri 11 Jul 2014, 14:49, edited 1 time in total.

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