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Frank Magnitz - A Picture of Democracy from Germany

#3201 Post by ITSMERSH »

Hi Forum Members!

Like in almost all societies in the western world we had discussions in this forum also about Xenophobic, Racism, Refugees etc.pp.

In Germany, a government financed organization called AntiFa (Antifaschistische Aktion) has tried to kill a member of the democratic party AfD (Alternative für Deutschland). This is currently the ugliest and most horrible result of the mainstream media defaming everyone being critical on illegal mass-migration being a NAZI!

Seems to be as I say for years now: far LEFT is the new far RIGHT!

Sorry for making you feeling uncomfortable by having a look at this photograph, but it needs to find its way even into the last and smallest corner of the world - to show the real image of current Germany!

I'm really sorry for the man and I can't write down here what I'm thinking right now...

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#3202 Post by rockedge »

the same thing is happening in the USA

the mainstream media and the left are the main force of the divide among the people of this country.

myself being German and my family living in Germany I am always concerned by events like this.

it makes me feel terrible and small.
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#3203 Post by Flash »

Are we to take your word for what happened to this guy? Nasty looking photo, what does the other guy look like?
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#3204 Post by perdido »

Flash wrote:Are we to take your word for what happened to this guy? Nasty looking photo, what does the other guy look like?
Why not take his word?
His name is Frank Magnitz
Three other guys ambushed him and got away.
Take your pick of articles
https://www.google.com/search?q=Frank+M ... pCqsgWbkQM

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#3205 Post by Flash »

And it's assumed that the attackers were antifa, or did they say they were?
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#3206 Post by greengeek »

Flash wrote:And it's assumed that the attackers were antifa, or did they say they were?
Perhaps they said they were Antifa, but were actually CIA or KGB or Mossad? Getting very difficult to see who is pulling the strings these days...

Whoever they were their actions continue to drive us towards collective democratic domination (the new communism) rather than individual free choice of unity.

Do modern humans have sufficient discrimination to determine facts?

It might be a lost art.

Is Antifa made up of real people or ex military?

#3207 Post by ITSMERSH »

Nasty looking photo, what does the other guy look like?
The "other guy" were three persons.

The German media like Spiegel Online and Welt are displaying different stories of the attack. But both of them liars are referring to a surveillance video. I didn't see the video yet, can't even say, if it's available in the web.

Spiegel Online: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschla ... 47092.html
Demnach näherten sich zwei Unbekannte Magnitz von hinten, ein Dritter lief mit Abstand hinterher. Einer der drei springe Magnitz von hinten an und ramme ihm den Ellenbogen in den Nacken. Magnitz stürze, die Angreifer entfernten sich.
Welt: https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland ... f-aus.html
zwei Personen, die sich dem 66-Jährigen von hinten nähern. Eine dritte Person laufe versetzt dahinter, teilte die Polizei mit. Einer der Unbekannten habe das Opfer von hinten so geschlagen, dass der Mann gestürzt sei.
There's a big difference between "anspringen" and "schlagen"!

Bremen is something like a garrison or stronghold of the German AntiFa. A few days ago, a German politician (Christian Säfken, CDU) declared:

Violent attacks against representatives of the AfD is justified, if the AfD should take over the power.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnypzGQ ... 7912278277
Original wrote:Wenn die AfD kurz vor der Machtergreifung stünde oder diese bereits erfolgte, wäre auch körperliche Gewalt gegen ihre Vertreter legitim. Denn dann ginge es nur noch darum, größere Übel zu verhindern. Solange das nicht der Fall ist, verbietet sich allerdings Gewalt.
Well, the AfD isn't yet to take over the power in Germany. The attackers (I assume) just didn't want to wait until this will happen.

There are daily attacks against people being critical about the current German and European refugees policy. Not all attacks are similar to the one against Frank Magnitz. Though, they burning cars, cutting wheels of cars, people loosing their bank accounts and jobs, people getting requested to leave the cinema (!!!) - if they are publicly known as AfD members or sympathisants or even just being critical against refugees policy and/or simply the European Union.

I'm almost sure, the German mainstream media will turn this in the end into a simple robbery.
Is Antifa made up of real people or ex military?
AntiFa is the legal arm or the successor of the Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) - somehow similar to the Sinn Fein and IRA. Since the political representatives are the German left-winged Parties Bündnis90/Die Grünen and Die Linke.

I call the AntiFa as is: Wehrsportgruppe Göring-Eckardt (some of you may recall the Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann?)!
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#3208 Post by musher0 »

Hello, Rainer and all.

> "Violent attacks against representatives of [any party] are justified(...) "
My edit.

NO. NEVER. For the "fa" party, the "doh" party, or the "anti-sol" party,
for liberals, conservatives, socialists, greens, whoever, it does not
matter, it is NEVER justified.

Whether the news report is true or not, whether that person really said
that, for me, the answer to that sentence remains: "NO. NEVER."

Democracies have evolved, through a long continuum of time, various
levels of Parliaments or Congresses (city councils, provincial/State
assemblies, federal parliaments, and the like) for the very purpose of
avoiding violence amongst citizens, for the purpose of settling our
political differences with words instead of with crowbars (or worse).

Let's all stay "evolved", let's all be on the side of "talk and not hit",
and let's all keep it that way.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#3209 Post by ITSMERSH »

Let's all stay "evolved", let's all be on the side of "talk and not hit",
and let's all keep it that way.
My general thinking... :wink:
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#3210 Post by a_salty_dogg »

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#3211 Post by bigpup »

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The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#3212 Post by WIckedWitch »

Ah, yes ... 1970's-vintage hard disk drives. I once worked at a site where a 60 MB removable hard disc pack on a Univac 1106 experienced a severe head crash. The crash wrenched the read-head off its mounting and sent it crashing outwards through the glass panel at the front of the drive drawer ... ripping the crutch of the trousers of the computer operator who had put the disc pack in and was waiting for it to spin up.

The read-head was subsequently found embedded in a plasterboard wall. Univac told us that it was the second-worst head crash they had ever seen and that, but for wearing late 1970's shoes with platform soles, the operator might well have been castrated.
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#3213 Post by bigpup »

If this offends anyone, lighten up!

Charlton Heston, if they made the movie today and Apple paid for it.
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The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#3214 Post by BarryK »

This is Mel Brooks as Moses, bringing the fifteen commandments down from the mountain:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KXGn34UYrPQ/U ... dments.jpg

...image too big. Here is a smaller one, doesn't look like Mel Brooks though...


There is a video somewhere, ah, here:


...hope no one is offended!
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#3215 Post by p310don »

BarryK did you just break the unwritten forum rule about wide pictures...?
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#3216 Post by BarryK »

p310don wrote:BarryK did you just break the unwritten forum rule about wide pictures...?
Yeah, but what do you do when linking to a large image, and there isn't a smaller one available?

Do I have to download it, make it smaller, then upload it to the forum?

Well, I found another smaller one, have fixed my previous post.
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#3217 Post by bigpup »

I always wondered what was the other 5 commandments.

You can actually translate the tablet he broke.
11. Lo Ta'avor - You shall not pass. (or pass gas)
12. Lo Tatzkhik - You shall not make people laugh or Lo Titzkhak - You shall not laugh.
13. Lo Tikneh - You shall not buy.
14. Lo Talunu - You shall not stay. (But the third letter may be a resh, which makes translation difficult.)
15. Lo Teshaber - You shall not break.

Got this info from here:
http://www.jewishhumorcentral.com/2013/ ... -five.html
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#3218 Post by tallboy »

WickedWitch wrote:...but for wearing late 1970's shoes with platform soles, the operator might well have been castrated.
I have waited all these years, in the hope that some day, eventually, there would come a single good argument for wearing those awful platform shoes! Thank you, thank you! :lol:

(my reason for not wearing them at the time, is that I'm already 6'3", hence tallboy...) 8)
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#3219 Post by Burn_IT »

Short arses wore them all the time!!
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#3220 Post by WIckedWitch »

tallboy wrote:
WickedWitch wrote:...but for wearing late 1970's shoes with platform soles, the operator might well have been castrated.
I have waited all these years, in the hope that some day, eventually, there would come a single good argument for wearing those awful platform shoes! Thank you, thank you! :lol:

(my reason for not wearing them at the time, is that I'm already 6'3", hence tallboy...) 8)
Never wore platforms myself (5ft. 8ins tall) but I quite liked the chunky soles that shoes had then. They were quite hard-wearing.
Sometimes I post mindfully, sometimes not mindfully, and sometimes both mindfully and not mindfully. It all depends on whether and when my mind goes walkies while I'm posting :?
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