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Posted: Fri 18 Mar 2016, 08:46
by wjaguar
don570 wrote:Tahr pup was always okay. The patch doesn't affect it.
It's Ubuntu Tahr that needs the patch.
Precisely. And the difference between the two is: Ubuntu inserted into GTK+2 a shitty module for perverting scrollbars, and Tahrpup left the module out.
Raspberry pi Jessie to test because I read that
it uses gtk3
GTK+3 is irrelevant.

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2016, 20:32
by don570
updated to version 3.49.02

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2016, 00:27
by don570
wjaguar Version 3.49.03

Fixed [ ] keys for next/prev color
Fixed compilation on Windows
Disabled liboverlay-scrollbars-gtk2 to get rid of glitches on Ubuntu

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2016, 00:25
by don570
version 3.49.03 is available in first post


I also made a fatdog 64 bit version



Posted: Tue 29 Mar 2016, 16:40
by don570
version 3.49.04
Added option for gamma-corrected alpha blending
Made *_row() and render_layers() parallelizable
Switched simple luminance formulae to integer math
Fixed "Transform colour" sometimes losing original palette (since 3.44.81)

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2016, 19:05
by don570
Updated to version 3.49.04 :lol:

I noticed the following. I'm not sure if it's a bug or feature???


1) open a gif
2) make an alpha channel with several levels of alpha
3) put the result in a clipboard
4) paste in a gif ----> only the highest level of alpha will paste in the window

5) paste in a 24 bit rgb image and all levels of alpha in the clipboard is

I assume this is the regular behaviour of the gif format because only one color
is chosen to be transparent

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2016, 06:35
by wjaguar
don570 wrote:I assume this is the regular behaviour of the gif format because only one color is chosen to be transparent
All indexed images support only on-off transparency. Because alpha mixing would produce colors not existing within their palette.

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2016, 20:49
by don570
Updated to version 3.49.06. Working well 8)

All indexed images support only on-off transparency
Does the PNG image format support on/off transparency as well
as an alpha layer (0 to 255 levels)?


Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2016, 21:36
by wjaguar
don570 wrote:Does the PNG image format support on/off transparency as well as an alpha layer (0 to 255 levels)?
Transparency in PNGs is a complicated story.
Basically, the format was designed by control freaks, and combining color-key transparency with alpha is forbidden "because reasons". Same as combining alpha with indexed color (!).
mtPaint works around the latter limitation by writing its own chunk type, like for the other two utility channels. But the former one is just not worth the hassle; color-key is virtually never used with RGBA, and with indexed+alpha the problem does not arise.

But as image formats go, the only one where standard allows indexed+alpha is TIFF - and even there, not all readers honor it (GIMP does, however).

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2016, 22:37
by don570
version 3.49.07 available at first post. Works well.
I'm using it with fatdog arm distro. 8)

Posted: Sat 09 Apr 2016, 19:53
by don570
Recent improvements by Dmitri:

Added path selector & format chooser to "Configure animation"
Allowed layers to stay visible in canvas while "Configure animation" is active
Fixed lockups in layers renderer in threaded mode (since 3.49.07)
Fixed another glitch with modal dialogs (since 3.44.97)

Simplified animation view logic
Made canvas window unaffected by animation


Multithreaded layer rendering
Zoom up to 8000%

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016, 17:31
by don570
New version 3.49.09 available on first post.

I noticed that this version won't run on tahr 6, but it's easy to
compile --->

Code: Select all

./configure release intl --prefix=/usr
make install 

Posted: Thu 21 Apr 2016, 22:01
by don570
version 3.49.10 available

An obscure bug... gifview shows the wrong animation...


Make a gif animation but save one of the layer images as png format.

Export an animation under 'File' menu --> however use the same name as another
gif animation previously made. You will see an error message
because of the png image, but gifview will show the previous animation.



Posted: Thu 21 Apr 2016, 22:12
by don570
The raspberry pi forum reported successful compiling of mtpaint

Code: Select all

    sudo apt-get install build-essential git libgettextpo-dev liblcms-dev argyll libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libgtk2.0-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev libgif-dev
    git clone
    cd mtPaint
    ./configure intl
    make -j4
I suggested libjasper-dev as well

Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2016, 22:33
by don570
new version 3.49.12 at git

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 21:07
by don570
I compiled new version 3.49.12.

Arm version compiled with 'release' configuration option


PartedMagic on test bench at home

Posted: Tue 03 Jan 2017, 09:14
by Pelo
PartedMagic on test bench at home. No MTpaint, i cannot do whithout this app. Downloaded from sourceforge debian package.
I just had to add libjasper and link to so4 libtiff
and MTpaint opened on my desktop.
That is a feed back, no action required.
Happy new year to photographics lovers, and all others, of course. :shock:
mtpaint_3.40_i386.deb 3.1MB

Posted: Tue 03 Jan 2017, 23:05
by don570
Barry K newest distro xerus-8.1.5 has the wacom tablet driver built-in.
This is great! No more worries about installation. ... nounce.htm


config issue?

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 00:40
by sszindian
installing- gtklp_1.3.1-0.1_amd64.deb - in the new Slacko64- mtpaint 3.49.12 does get mtpaint to 'print' however the 'config setup' for the print doesn't seem to respond to,, tried placing a small clipart in the left/hand upper part of the image-setup, it still prints a FULL-PAGE graphic? yes... I saved my setup prior to printing!

The default 'kprint %f' is WAY to large to install besides many dependencies are missing.


mtpaint v3.49.13

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2017, 20:13
by don570
A new version is available at git
version 3.49.13
@wjaguar wjaguar Version 3.49.13

Updated & fixed packaging for Windows
Fixed compilation for GTK+1
Added workaround for KDE's "dialogparent" effect
Other assorted fixes