Climate report understates threat

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#361 Post by backi »

There is no End of the Madness in Sight.
Greta Thunberg and the Dawning of the Anti-Sciences.........and the dark Connection between EXTINCTION REBELLION and other "Death Cults" to Occultism ,Black Magick,Necrophilia,(Neo)Satanism and Cannibalism.

Soylent Green reloaded .

(Wannabe?)Satanist-Pseudo-Feminist Sicko`s Takeover ?
Post Human Ethics ......or Trans Human non Ethics ?

Reproduction Stop.......(aka Child Sacrifice -Mass Murder?)
Because of Climate Change ?
(Mad)"Professor" calls for Human Extinction:

"Philosophies-Professor" Patricia MacCormack from Ruskin University Cambridge.

An absolutely must have seen !
Comments below the Video :
"it's a sad Testament to the standards of modern universities that this crazy person is allowed to indoctrinate children."

"This woman is calling for the extinction of humanity to stop "climate change". I am convinced about 80% of the environmental groups are using "climate change" as means for their real goal: communism and mass murder. Real climate scientists better reclaim their science from people like this before it goes down the road that genetics did in the late 19th century and first half of the 20th century. In other words, eugenics hijacked genetics.

An A-human (satanic?) Manifesto :
Patricia MacCormack on Necrosexuality :
Is Being Evil More Fun? | Full Debate | John Milbank, Patricia MacCormack, Christopher Hamilton

The Morality of Climate Change | Patricia MacCormack

Is Reproduction A Form Of Transhumanism?
Patricia McCormack:

Another One :
Patricia MacCormack - Deleuze and the Demonological Text:

The Mad Chick "PROFESSOR" Patricia MacCormack

This is Professor Mad Chick`s Website:
The Whole Package of lunatic Absurdities .

"Those who can make you believe Absurdities can make you commit Atrocities" - Voltaire

Be carefull....this is not funny.......These kind of People are ruthless and dangerous .Reminds me somehow on those dark Witches like Marina Abramovic-Lady Gaga and similar connected necrophiliac/pedophilic Ca(nni)balists/ Satanists and their sick Agenda. ... 5xoWkBD5M:
Occultist Professor MacCormack.jpg
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Patricia MacCormack.jpeg
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#362 Post by musher0 »

That's an easy one to solve, backi.

"Occult" that professor of "occult arts" -- like she does not exist.
As in this definition of the word, entry # 1!

If she does not have an audience, how is her "knowledge" going to get around, eh?
Don't let yourself get all upset with such individuals.

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#363 Post by backi »

Hi musher !
Not a bad Idea . :idea: :idea: :lol: :lol:

Best Regards !
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#364 Post by greengeek »

phat7 wrote:
In its [url=]Global Climate Report - Annual 2019[/url] NOAA wrote:The ocean heating is irrefutable and a key measure of the Earth's energy imbalance: the excess greenhouse gases in the air trap more heat inside the climate system and drives global warming.
The ocean to the west of New Zealand has been reported as being 6 degrees above normal for the last couple of years - but no-one has explained why.

There is no way the air temperature has been 6 degrees higher so why are the oceans 6 degrees warmer?

So here is a genuine question for those of you who believe that mankind is making the whole earth hotter - Is it possible for the molten rock within the earth's core to cyclically push that heat upwards into the oceans?

Has anyone ever measured if the temperature cycles could be triggered by internal geological events and vulcanology (as well as cosmological events) rather than human heat output?
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#365 Post by phat7 »

greengeek wrote:The ocean to the west of New Zealand has been reported as being 6 degrees above normal for the last couple of years
Reported by whom? Source please. Stats NZ reports deviations of up to 0.6 degrees.
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#366 Post by wiak »

phat7 wrote:
greengeek wrote:The ocean to the west of New Zealand has been reported as being 6 degrees above normal for the last couple of years
Reported by whom? Source please. Stats NZ reports deviations of up to 0.6 degrees.
Possibly referring to: ... ove-normal

Though above link refers to "the east" of NZ.
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#367 Post by wiak »

I have found the following New Zealand govt-advisory document (a pdf) concerning climate change rather interesting and informative. It is from "Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Committee": ... report.pdf

It is pretty old though (2013) but interesting nevertheless.

Above is from an archive. More recent info from pmcsa can be found here:
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#368 Post by greengeek »

Hi Wiak - thanks for the link re 6 degrees temperature increase on NZ's east coast.

I had not seen that one.

The reports I had seen referred to the WEST coast in the prior two years. ... -all-norms ... -heres-why ... -the-chart ... hot-before

Massive volcanoes were found in that area recently: ... n-sea.html

I still wonder if the changing ocen currents and thermal mass changes are related to undersea vulcanology rather than CO2.

There was also a massive pumice raft off Tonga earlier this year as a result of undersea eruptions. Here is a video of people sailing through it:

The Tongan and Kermadec volcanoes are to the east of New Zealand's coast so maybe there is volcanic activity off BOTH coasts of NZ triggering warmer waters.

Such localised heat peaks certainly NOT caused by CO2 though.
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#369 Post by backi »

Doomsday now or later ?
Sighting of multiple Black Swans ?
(Black Swan Event ... swan-event

Maybe Corona Virus (Bio Weapon?)Threat will supersede global Warming as top Theme Nr.1
Or experiencing some kind of pan-apocalyptic Scenario ,
We`re going to see .
Exciting Times we`re living in .

Greengeek gave the link to:
There was also a massive pumice raft off Tonga earlier this year as a result of undersea eruptions. Here is a video of people sailing through it:

Found a "strange" comment below the Video :
"Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn"

A kind of magical/occult "Spell" or Invocation/Evocation from a Grimoire called the NECRONOMICON.
The Call of Chtulu.
The Rite of the Communion of Cthulu: ... urite.html

What does it have to do with Patricia MacCormack the Mad Chick Professor`s "A-Human Manifesto"....??
......not sure .....but strange .... ... to&f=false

Really creepy .

Sounds really foolish..... i know.....
But there seems to be "something" i can`t completely grasp ....
Just desperately trying to connect and interpret some strange Coincidences/Dots with a kind of nonlinear Method .
My applied Guerilla Ontology Tactics.
The Goal of Guerrilla Ontology is to expose an individual or individuals to radically unique ideas, thoughts, and words, in order to invoke cognitive dissonance, which can cause a degree of discomfort in some individuals as they find their belief systems challenged by new concepts."

The ultimate goal of Guerrilla Gntology is to promote positive brain change and new ways of experiencing and adapting to reality
"That’s what Guerrilla Ontology is–breaking down this one-model view and giving people a multi-model perspective."

Dada Magick or Gaga Magick......who knows ?
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#370 Post by greengeek »

Abnormal highs must be balanced against abnormal lows. No-one can say the globe is warming if they only ever report hotspots without also reporting cold spots. Earth distributes it's energy in a dipole fashion. A "hot" in one area is balanced by a "cold in another.

This is why looking at "global temperature" is nonsense. One must always look at true averages. and these true averages never get calculated by pro AGM "scientists". ... iran-iraq/ ... -snowfall/ ... -11-years/
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#371 Post by Flash »

Did scientists get climate change wrong?

Sabine Hossenfelder is something of a YouTube star, it seems.
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#372 Post by greengeek »

The guy that Sabine is interviewing puts forward the view that anthropogenic CO2 is warming the atmosphere - but then goes on to admit that the variability in climate models renders them too inaccurate to be of use.

He says that current climate models fail to take into account accurate understanding of where/when ocean currents well upwards or sink downwards, and fail to take into account regional differences in where/when clouds form and impact solarisation of the surface.

At 12.55 he makes the following statement:
we've got to step up a level in terms of getting our models bias free
I feel this viewpoint is important to understand and accept.

If the models are wrong (or even merely incomplete) then the signal to noise ratio that he discusses at the beginning of the interview ensures that the conclusions are invalid.

ie: the spread of predictions from the various models is so huge relative to actual data spread, that the models MUST necessarily be valueless and in need of revision.
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#373 Post by Flash »

You seem to imply that since the models aren't perfect, we can safely ignore any predictions based on them and continue to burn fossil fuels and cut down forests.
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#374 Post by musher0 »

Your opinion only, g/g, your opinion.

What I got from Professor Tim Palmer is that the models used for obtaining the
global warming averages are correct and valid. It's for the regional levels that they
need to be refined. Refined, not dumped.

I also appreciated the tone of the interview, which tried to stay away as much as
possible from politicizing the debate.

It also occurred to me, listening to this interview, that no particular country, group,
political position, or more generally "entity", can gain control over another "entity"
if it takes actions to curb GHG emissions and to reduce other types of pollution.

How could it? The problem is global, it concerns all of mankind and even the
biosphere. Each "entity" needs to approach its solution(s) in co-operation.

The sources of GHG are multi-form and multi-place; so will the solutions have to be.

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#375 Post by greengeek »

Flash wrote:You seem to imply that since the models aren't perfect, we can safely ignore any predictions based on them and continue to burn fossil fuels and cut down forests.
No, I simply feel that since the models are so imperfect we should try to avoid tearing down our social fabric in the pursuit of idealism based on CO2 hate.

With regard to forests - I completely agree that we should take care of the environment.

Most of all I am deeply irritated by the failure to identify the real causes of "global warming" - if it truly exists at all.

Why the hotspots in sea temperatures near New Zealand?

Why has the Arctic ice not disappeared as AGW theories predicted it would?

Why are there record snowfalls in some areas?

Why don't people realise that the heat coming out of an IC engine is far more of a problem than the CO2 coming out of it?

Why does no-one make it illegal to run airconditioners - when it is clear that aircon makes life better for the rich and much worse for the poor? The temperature in a city is higher than it needs to be as a result of the aircon units making the temperature inside the buildings nice and comfortable at the expense of external temperature and humidity.

Why does no-one ever quantify the massive heat output from undersea volcanoes and evaluate it's contribution to atmospheric temperature??

Until the "models" take into account ALL of the factors that contribute to atmospheric temperature the conclusions drawn are valueless - in fact in my view the current models and conclusions are really dangerous because they make people blind to science.

Question - if you decide to get rid of a "fossil fuel" car and replace it with an electric car - where is your electricity going to come from? Probably a coal burning station or a nuclear power source. So which is worse??

The Australian bush fires can't be fought with anything other than diesel trucks and kerosene fuelled helicopters.

This is an example of the realities of our dependence on hydrocarbon fuels. Idealism and faulty conclusions jeopardise our lives and we really need to take care to avoid empowering the next generation to hate the infrastructure that supports them.
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#376 Post by Moose On The Loose »

greengeek wrote: Why don't people realise that the heat coming out of an IC engine is far more of a problem than the CO2 coming out of it?
It may be because it isn't.
Just say'n
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#377 Post by musher0 »

greengeek wrote:[(...)
Question - if you decide to get rid of a "fossil fuel" car and replace it with an electric car - where is your electricity going to come from? Probably a coal burning station or a nuclear power source.
Why consider only coal and nuclear? There are many other technologies that can
develop energy.

In countries and regions where there is regular sunlight exposure throughout the year,
solar energy can be used.

In other regions of the globe, antisolar panels could be used as a supplemental source.
(Still experimental, but promisig.)

How about tidal? Pros and cons here
Or wind-generated power?

You may want to complete this overview by going to the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) web site and clicking on their "Renewables" tab. There you will
find blurbs on bio- and geothermal energy.

Speaking of coal, haven't you heard? The War on Coal is Over: Coal Lost

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#378 Post by greengeek »

musher0 wrote:In other regions of the globe, antisolar panels could be used as a supplemental source.
(Still experimental, but promisig.)
Such devices work because of the thermal differential that exists at night.

However - in theory CO2 should stop this thermal differential from occurring. So how do you rationalise the fact that such devices work fine - when Al Gore and co tell us that they can't work because "CO2 creates a blanket that stops infra-red transmission to space" ?

The reality is that CO2 has virtually no effect on our ecosystem as far as temperature goes. It does not create the thermal blanket that AGW supporters have been suggesting. You have provided an example of the faulty, incorrect and inflammatory information provided by the doomsday controllers. Thanks!

Like I said - the heat and exhaust moisture released by an IC engine is far more of a problem than the CO2 it releases. It is the heat and moisture that causes the rise in sensation of temperature and humidity.

By all means outlaw IC cars and airconditioners - but do it for the right reasons.
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#379 Post by musher0 »

I find that that litany on CO2 as non-cause is starting to sound like a broken record,
it's getting long, you know...

For my part, I forgot, as sources of electricity / energy / "power":
hydro (it's so prevalent where I live, right under my nose, I didn't think to
mention it, haha!)
for cars, hydrogen tanks / electrolysis batteries, which in effect makes hydro-
electricity portable. The target of hydrogen car research actually being trucks
and buses at present, it seems.
Please see Institut de recherche sur l'hydrogène,
Université du Québec à trois-Rivières
(Sorry, no English translation available on the site; please use DeepL.)

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#380 Post by jafadmin »

Your evenings on "solar"


Question for the geniuses: Where did all the carbon in our "carbon footprints" come from?

Bonus points: Where did all the carbon in our "feet" come from?

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