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#381 Post by saintless »

Hi, Tm_mT.

Give me some more details to try to make the same setup as you.
Jwm or OpenBox version (I guess it is still Jwm).
Where is installed DebianDog - usb, hdd, what file system (ntfs, ext2,3,4, vfat)?
How big is the save file and what file system (ext2, 3, 4)?
Is the save file name persistence or changes.dat?
Is it created from live-boot-2x or 3 x or from porteus-boot?
Copy the boot code from menu.lst here (I want to use the same boot code).
Is there any keyboard layout set by you?
Can you use encrypted save file with default kernel included in the iso (vmlinuz1 and initrd1.xz) and is the same persistence unmounted error there with the default kernel and non-encrypted save file?

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#382 Post by Tm_mT »

Will answer your questions tomorrow evening. Need to take a ' nap ' now ;)
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#383 Post by saintless »

Ok, Tm_mT. When you have time.
I see from the picture you use Jwm version and the save file is /changes.dat
One thing I can't test and may be is important is Copy to Ram. I'm not sure Fred made such test with encrypted save also.
Please, before posting answers to my questions remove copy2ram from your boot code to check if the same persistence unmounted error appears and if encrypted save works without copy to Ram.

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#384 Post by fredx181 »

Hi, Tm_mT.

Give me some more details to try to make the same setup as you.
Yes, please do, I've not seen before something like this.
Where do you think the name "persistence" comes from, partition labeled like that or maybe "changes.dat" is labeled "persistence" when you created it when booting with live-boot.
Normally, from what I've seen it shows the path to the save file like: /mnt//sda2//changes.dat: clean..... when checking save file, for you it's only "persistence" without path.
And does it boot and run normally after, no problems?
And what happens when you enter password for encrypted save, no error message, nothing?


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#385 Post by fredx181 »

I'm not sure Fred made such test with encrypted save also
Toni, copy2ram or not makes no difference for me using encrypted save.
But that's with kernel 3.2, I can't test with 3.14 at my home.
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#386 Post by saintless »

Thanks, Fred.

Without copy2ram kernel 3.14-pae works without problem with 4Gb or smaller encrypted and non-encrypted save file for me. I will try to test it with copy2ram today with friend's computer.
There should be something special with the setup Tm_mT has to get this behaviour.

BTW - thank you for the google drive instruction. I have to upload Porteus-Wheezy, DebianDog-Jessie and some more older files but this is great for DebianDog backup.

Edit: OK, Fred, kernel 3.14-pae works also with copy2ram parameter with encrypted and non-encrypted changes.dat save file frugal install on ext2 formatted flashdrive. The save files are ext3 formatted (non-encrypted with label persistence and encrypted created from porteus-boot without label) are located on the flashdrive.
fredx181 wrote:Where do you think the name "persistence" comes from...
Label persistence is the reason for persistence message we see on the picture. It will be live-rw if the save file is labeled live-rw. As far as I can tell from quick reboots label persistence for save file changes.dat does not create problems. I still can't get the message "persistence not clear unmounted..." even if I switch off the PC from the button while the system is runnung. Maybe the save file for Tm_mT is not located on ext partition or something else makes the difference.


#387 Post by stemsee »

saintless wrote: ... 368#776368
Replace the files and you can make up to 20Gb save file from porteus-boot.
I asked Fred for 100Gb limit but he said "No!" Sorry... :).
I altered lines 160 and 212 and now it works fine in puppy! As long as you don't select encrypted ( I guess you could install that type of encryption)

Code: Select all

# Savefile creator
# Copyright (c) alphaOS
# Written by simargl <archpup-at-gmail-dot-com> modified for DebianDog by fredx181
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

[ "`whoami`" != "root" ] && exec gsu ${0}

export LC_ALL=C

export wrk=/tmp/savefile
[ -d $wrk ] && rm -rf $wrk
mkdir $wrk
echo "0" > $PIDLOCK

function gtk_message(){
export PMESSAGE='
<window window_position="1" title="DebianDog message" icon-name="cdr" allow-shrink="false" width-request="'$2'">
  <pixmap icon_size="6">
   <input file stock="'$3'"></input>
  <text wrap="true"><label>"'$1'"</label></text>
  <button ok></button>
gtkdialog -p PMESSAGE > $wrk/junk
}; export -f gtk_message

function cleanup(){
rm -rf $wrk >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf /mnt/vault*
[ -f $PIDLOCK ] && rm $PIDLOCK

function check_loop(){
x=`ls -1 /dev/loop*|tr -d [:alpha:][:punct:]|sort -g|tail -n1`
let y=x+1
[ ! -e $loop ] && mknod $loop b 7 $y

function bad_passphrase(){
gtk_message "No key available with this passphrase." 500 gtk-dialog-warning
};export -f bad_passphrase

function create_passphrase(){
<window window_position="1" title="Passphrase" width-request="400" icon-name="cdr" resizable="false">
<vbox margin="20">
	<text use-markup="true">
		<label>"Please provide a passphrase which will be used to decrypt your savefile container."</label>
			<text width-request="90"><label>Passphrase:</label></text>
			<entry visibility="false" invisible-char="120" tooltip-text="visibility, invisible-char">
				<action signal="changed">enable:pp2</action>
			<text width-request="90"><label>Repeat:</label></text>
			<entry visibility="false" invisible-char="120" tooltip-text="visibility, invisible-char" sensitive="false">
		<button cancel></button>
		<button ok></button>
gtkdialog -p CREATE_A_PASSPRASE > $secret
[ `egrep "Exit|exit|abort|Cancel|cancel" $secret` ] && { rm $secret; exit; }
## Make sure the passwords matched
sed -i 's@"@@g' $secret
p1=`grep "pp=" $secret|awk -F= '{print$NF}'`
p2=`grep "pp2=" $secret|awk -F= '{print$NF}'`
rm $secret
if [ "$p1" != "$p2" ]; then
	gtk_message "PASSWORDS DO NOT MATCH" 500 gtk-dialog-warning
	unset p1 p2

## Make sure password is not blank
if [ -z "$p1" -o -z "$p2" ]; then
	gtk_message "BLANK PASSWORDS NOT ALLOWED" 500 gtk-dialog-warning
	unset p1 p2
export PPHRASE=${p2}
unset p1 p2
}; export -f create_passphrase

TEXT="All of your settings and additional software that you install, 
will be stored within the save file, by default, so it can 
become quite large if not managed. I suggest you keep 
all of your documents and photos etc. in another location.

Please select desired size below.

MESSAGE="File $SAVEFILE_NAME created successfully! \nYou may need to update your boot options:
MESSAGES="File $SAVEFILE_NAME created successfully!  \nIt will be mounted and session will be saved. \nYou may need to update your boot options:
CHANGES=" It seems like you are already running the system with changes enabled. \n You can proceed creating a savefile but it will not be used until rebooted. 

ERROR="Error! File $SAVEFILE_NAME could not be created!

if [ ! -f /mnt/live/etc/nochanges ]; then
yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$CHANGES" \
--image="dialog-information" --window-icon="dialog-information"
[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && exit 1

SETUP=`yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$TEXT" \
--window-icon="folder-system" --form  \
--field="Savefile Size   MB:NUM" "100!100..20000!10" \
--field=" Encrypt the savefile:CHK" "FALSE" \
--button="gtk-cancel:1" --button="gtk-ok:0"`

[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && exit 1

SAVEFILE_SIZE=$(echo $SETUP | cut -d "|" -f 1 | cut -f1 -d".")
ENCRYPT=$(echo $SETUP | cut -d "|" -f 2 | cut -f1 -d".")

if [ ! -f /mnt/live/tmp/changes-exit ]; then

HDRV=`cat /mnt/live/etc/homedrv`
if grep -qv noauto /proc/cmdline; then
HDRV=`cat /mnt/live/etc/homedrv`

HDRV=`cat /mnt/live/etc/homedrv`
SAVEFILE_NAME=$(yad  --center --save --confirm-overwrite="File exists.\nReplace?" --title="Savefile Creator" --filename="$HDRV/changes.dat" --height=600 --width=800 --text="Type a name for the new savefile. \nE.g. changes.dat or debsave.dat." --file )
[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && exit 1

QUESTION="Do you want to create personal file $SAVEFILE_NAME 
with size of $SAVEFILE_SIZE MB?
INFO=`yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$QUESTION" \
--image="dialog-question" --window-icon="dialog-question" \
--button="gtk-cancel:1" --button="gtk-ok:0"`

[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && exit 1

if [ -f $SYSTEM_DIR/$SAVEFILE_NAME ] ; then
  INFO=`yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$ERROR" \
  --image="dialog-error" --window-icon="dialog-error" \
  --button="gtk-cancel:1" --button="gtk-ok:0"`
  exit 1

if [ "$ENCRYPT" = "TRUE" ]; then
#xterm -T "Savefile Creator" -si -sb -fg white -bg SkyBlue4 -geometry 65x14 -e "dd if=/dev/zero | bar -s ${SAVEFILE_SIZE}m | dd of=$SAVEFILE_NAME bs=1M count=$SAVEFILE_SIZE iflag=fullblock"
(dd if=/dev/zero | pv -n -s ${SAVEFILE_SIZE}m | dd of=$SAVEFILE_NAME bs=1M count=$SAVEFILE_SIZE iflag=fullblock) 2>&1 | yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --height="100" --width="400" --progress --no-buttons --auto-close --text=" Creating $SAVEBASE... "
if [ -e /dev/mapper/crypt ]; then
x=`ls -1 /dev/mapper/crypt*|tr -d [:alpha:][:punct:]|sort -g|tail -n1`
let y=x+1
echo "Formatting $SAVEFILE_NAME"
yad --on-top --title="Make-Save" --text="  <span size='large' foreground='dark green'><b>*** Formatting $SAVEBASE... ***</b></span>  " --center --undecorated --no-buttons &
losetup $loop $SAVEFILE_NAME
cryptsetup -y luksFormat $loop <<< $PPHRASE 2> /dev/null
cryptsetup luksOpen $loop $crpt <<< $PPHRASE 2> /dev/null || bad_passphrase

## We need to feed 'yes' to terminal because it will complain
## about the device not being valid block.
	mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$crpt <<<YES
e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/$crpt
#cryptsetup luksClose $crpt
#losetup -d $loop
echo "SAVEFILE="/dev/mapper/$crpt"" > /tmp/savefile.txt
kill $pd

#xterm -T "Savefile Creator" -si -sb -fg white -bg SkyBlue4 -geometry 65x14 -e "dd if=/dev/zero | bar -s ${SAVEFILE_SIZE}m | dd of=$SAVEFILE_NAME bs=1M count=$SAVEFILE_SIZE iflag=fullblock"
(dd if=/dev/zero of=$SAVEFILE_NAME bs=1M count=$SAVEFILE_SIZE iflag=fullblock) 2>&1 | yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --height="100" --width="400" --progress --no-buttons --auto-close --text=" Creating $SAVEBASE... "
echo "Formatting $SAVEFILE_NAME"
yad --on-top --title="Make-Save" --text="  <span size='large' foreground='dark green'><b>*** Formatting $SAVEBASE... ***</b></span>  " --center --undecorated --no-buttons &
echo y | mkfs.ext4 $SAVEFILE_NAME
echo "SAVEFILE="$SAVEFILE_NAME"" > /tmp/savefile.txt
kill $pd

if [ -f /mnt/live/etc/nochanges ]; then
EXIT1=`yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$MESSAGES" \
--image="dialog-information" --window-icon="dialog-information" \
EXIT=`yad --title="Savefile Creator" --center --text="$MESSAGE" \
--image="dialog-information" --window-icon="dialog-information" \

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#388 Post by fredx181 »

Sorry, post deleted, probably misunderstood something.
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#389 Post by Tm_mT »

saintless wrote: One thing I can't test and may be is important is Copy to Ram. I'm not sure Fred made such test with encrypted save also.
Please, before posting answers to my questions remove copy2ram from your boot code to check if the same persistence unmounted error appears and if encrypted save works without copy to Ram.
Just removed copy2ram, persistence error still present. Will try (if it is still needed) later to boot into an encrypted save.
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#390 Post by Tm_mT »

saintless wrote: Give me some more details to try to make the same setup as you.
Jwm or OpenBox version (I guess it is still Jwm).
Jvm indeed.
saintless wrote: Where is installed DebianDog - usb, hdd, what file system (ntfs, ext2,3,4, vfat)?
sda2 hdd - ext4
saintless wrote: How big is the save file and what file system (ext2, 3, 4)?
non encrypted 4 Gb - ext2 - encrypted save file was 2 Gb - ext 2
saintless wrote: Is the save file name persistence or changes.dat?
saintless wrote: Is it created from live-boot-2x or 3 x or from porteus-boot?
Encrypted tried both and both the same error.
Non encrypted not sure, probable live-boot-2x
saintless wrote: Copy the boot code from menu.lst here (I want to use the same boot code).

Code: Select all

title DebianDog Porteus in RAM changes=/changes folder
 uuid afca251b-50da-4e0a-87e7-cabd2e8ee8ce
 kernel /live/vmlinuz6 noauto copy2ram from=/ changes=/changes.dat
 initrd /live/initrd63.xz
saintless wrote: Is there any keyboard layout set by you?
saintless wrote: Can you use encrypted save file with default kernel included in the iso (vmlinuz1 and initrd1.xz) and is the same persistence unmounted error there with the default kernel and non-encrypted save file?
will try this out later and report back.
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#391 Post by saintless »

Thank you, Tm_mT.
I need some time to make same setup as yours.
No need to experiment more removing copy2ram. I tested today with copy2ram and it works well for me. Something else makes the errors you get.

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#392 Post by Tm_mT »

sure, no worries. The encryption is not necessary, it is only a nice to have so no rush.
If I can help with additional tests or uploading log files (isn't there anything in /var/log that can help you?) let me know.
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#393 Post by Tm_mT »

fredx181 wrote: And does it boot and run normally after, no problems?
And what happens when you enter password for encrypted save, no error message, nothing?
Hi Fred, sorry for not answering before. just noticed you also asked a question.
Debian dog hangs, so no entering of a password at all. To illustrate that - the num lock of my keyboard is on, but doesn't respond on trying to turn it off. Seems to me that is a sure sign of a classic ' hang' ;)
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#394 Post by saintless »

Hi, Tm_mT.
Tm_mT wrote: (isn't there anything in /var/log that can help you?) let me know.
Unfortunately I see no information in /var/log related to the problem you have with encrypted save. Since the system freezes on entering password nothing in /var/log will be saved after reboot anyway.
The only line for non-encrypted unmount error message that can be useful is this one in /var/log/porteus-livedbg which I'm sure is the same (except UUID part) for you:

Code: Select all

/mnt/sda2//changes.dat: LABEL="persistence" UUID="a306672d-86ae-4263-88e6-f538cd584e5d" TYPE="ext4" 
LABEL="persistence" is the impotrtant information for us. You can also check the label by typing:

Code: Select all

e2label /path-to/changes.dat
What ever I do I can't make encrypted save to freeze as it does for you. Tested with encrypted save created from live-boot-2x and from porteus boot on hdd sda2 (sda2 formatted ext4, ext3, ext2). Changing the size to 200Mb, 500Mb, 2Gb... It just works without issue for me with default 3.2 kernel and 3.14-pae:


I hope Fred will think of something more to test about encrypted save problem you have.

What I can suggest is confirmation you have the same md5sum for the files (the path is correct if you boot DebianDog on sda2):

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/vmlinuz6
6005a7715ab306aeb747d96b373ec5ad  /live/image/live/vmlinuz6
root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/initrd63.xz
3ca3c3edf48c1ef18af5dac8168f833e  /live/image/live/initrd63.xz
root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/026-kernel-3.14.0.bpo-pae.squashfs
d051f1f5090be35ec9d0fbcb42414dce  /live/image/live/026-kernel-3.14.0.bpo-pae.squashfs
And maybe testing to install firmware-linux-nonfree if something hardware specific is missing:

Code: Select all

apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
Regarding non-encrypted changes.dat I can reproduce the same message on ext4 partition and changes.dat with label persistence:


The error message exists every time after reboot if changes.dat has label peristence (I guess it happened when you created 4Gb save file with live-boot-2x or 3x). I will change make-save GUI by default to keep empty space for label option for next iso version.
Label persistence for changes.dat file creates this problem for porteus-boot.
I think it is harmless message but to prevent it create new save file without label persistence (if you use live-boot-2x just make sure to choose blank field in Label box or use from porteus-boot the new fixed mk-save.gtkdlg for 20Gb limit save file from Fred).
I will make more tests about the encrypted save file problem you have but can't think what else to try yet. Unfortunately you are the first one reporting encrypted save test for the moment and it works fine on mine and Fred's setup and hardware.

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#395 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Tm_mT,

I also couldn't reproduce the 'freezing' when using encrypted savefile.
Tested also to label the encrypted savefile "persistence", works fine for me.

Maybe it's best to try again creating encrypted save when booted with porteus-boot.
As you have already "changes.dat" I'd name new encrypted save for example "changes-crypt.dat" and create it also on the root of the partition (/changes-crypt.dat).
Then add a new entry in your menu.lst like this:

Code: Select all

title DebianDog Porteus in RAM Crypt changes=/changes-crypt.dat
 uuid afca251b-50da-4e0a-87e7-cabd2e8ee8ce
 kernel /live/vmlinuz6 noauto copy2ram from=/ changes=/changes-crypt.dat
 initrd /live/initrd63.xz 
And see what happens when you boot with this.

Last edited by fredx181 on Wed 13 Aug 2014, 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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#396 Post by fredx181 »

Hi all,

Here's skype 4.3 portable, I tested on Jwm and openbox version.
It's sfs module and portable script in same folder.
In extracted folder run "skype43-portable" and module will be loaded and skype starts along with included pulseaudio. ... sfs.tar.gz

See for more info in ReadMe in extracted folder.

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#397 Post by Tm_mT »

saintless wrote: The only line for non-encrypted unmount error message that can be useful is this one in /var/log/porteus-livedbg which I'm sure is the same (except UUID part) for you:

Code: Select all

/mnt/sda2//changes.dat: LABEL="persistence" UUID="a306672d-86ae-4263-88e6-f538cd584e5d" TYPE="ext4" 
LABEL="persistence" is the impotrtant information for us. You can also check the label by typing:

Code: Select all

e2label /path-to/changes.dat
Indeed the same info in porteus-livedbg (only EXT-2 instead of EXT-4) and the label is persistence.
saintless wrote: What I can suggest is confirmation you have the same md5sum for the files (the path is correct if you boot DebianDog on sda2):

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/vmlinuz6
6005a7715ab306aeb747d96b373ec5ad  /live/image/live/vmlinuz6
root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/initrd63.xz
3ca3c3edf48c1ef18af5dac8168f833e  /live/image/live/initrd63.xz
root@debian:~# md5sum /live/image/live/026-kernel-3.14.0.bpo-pae.squashfs
d051f1f5090be35ec9d0fbcb42414dce  /live/image/live/026-kernel-3.14.0.bpo-pae.squashfs
Exactly the same for me.
saintless wrote: And maybe testing to install firmware-linux-nonfree if something hardware specific is missing:

Code: Select all

apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
results in
/boot/initrd.img-3.14-0.bpo.1-686-pae does not exist. Cannot update

and that is correct, I only have this in /boot/

saintless wrote: Regarding non-encrypted changes.dat I can reproduce the same message on ext4 partition and changes.dat with label persistence:
Nice :)
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#398 Post by Tm_mT »

fredx181 wrote:Hi Tm_mT,

And see what happens when you boot with this.

OK Fred, will try it later (maybe tomorrow though, pretty busy this evening)
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#399 Post by saintless »

Tm_mT wrote:results in
/boot/initrd.img-3.14-0.bpo.1-686-pae does not exist. Cannot update
But the install process is finished, right? This message at the end is from update-initramfs to rebuild initrd61.img for live-boot-3x. It will not work for you anyway because you use porteus-boot initrd63.xz
The important thing is to have firmware-linux-nonfree installed to see if this helps (I doubt it will but worth to try).
If it does not help remove it with:

Code: Select all

apt-get purge firmware-linux-nonfree
apt-get autoremove
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#400 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni, Tm_mT,
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
Maybe this can help but the problem is that (re)booting with encrypted savefile doesn't work so how can you possibly test the result of installing firmware-linux-nonfree when (re)starting with working encrypted savefile is not possible (unless you make remaster first with it included).
But maybe I'm missing something.

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