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Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 05:31
by darry1966
For a start why do you and a certain other member of these forums post such silly over top headlines like its Armageddon or to put it another way Put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye stuff - basically the same stuff that Tabloid Journalism is guilty of.

So patches have been provided thats great especially for servers that will be the most targeted. So just present the facts allow users to calmy take it all in and decide a course of action, not create hysteria through attention grabbing headlines.

To me Mike is the kind of person to have around when things go wrong - they are calm and carefully consider things not panicking or creating hysteria.

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 05:47
by Bindee
darry1966 wrote:For a start why do you and a certain other member of these forums post such silly over top headlines like its Armageddon or to put it another way Put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye stuff - basically the same stuff that Tabloid Journalism is guilty of.

So patches have been provided thats great especially for servers that will be the most targeted. So just present the facts allow users to calmy take it all in and decide a course of action, not create hysteria through attention grabbing headlines.

To me Mike is the kind of person to have around when things go wrong - they are calm and carefully consider things not panicking or creating hysteria.

It's a discussion forum and things are being discussed? , If anyone doesn't like a post then they are not forced to read it and can freely scroll past or create a topic they wish to discuss?

I think you'll find that the panicking & hysteria is being created in your own head.

If something needs patching and there is a free patch then why not?

It is to be spoken about in any manner people wish too discuss it as long as the word gets spread about , Unless you have mastered the power of mass telepathy?

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:05
by mikeb
Well since these recent scares apply to servers when you read the information (or are so unlikely to ever be used due to their obscure nature and difficulty implementing anything coherent other than a crash) then that's why I would apply the fixes to my server..but I am not running a public server.

it also seems that if anyone questions your scarmongering approach then you start insulting them or make out they are trolling. If I wanted treatment like that I would visit ##windows on freenode.....

yes i do use internet banking on windows and linux...and have done for years...the provided security appears to do the job and I have not come across anything that seems to require applying as a client yet.

I don;t apply most of the windows updates since most of the security ones apply to IE and related software I do not use since they were removed (and truly removed not just a hidden icon).... not unlike the server or lack of approach. I wonder how much you know about mshtml/active x etc etc...where real security breaches happen all the time.

Anyway I am not being defensive or hysterical here... just annoyed at your rudeness.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:19
by Bindee
You seem to pick and choose when this discussion is about patching in general and now you are trying to counter specifically with one of the exploits in this thread that is just about servers.

So not only was you rude by starting to make personal implications against peoples mental state ( paranoia - yes you started it ) about those that are interested in the latest patches and keeping up to date you are now making false accusations of scaremongering and being rude for what is just a reaction to your backwards thinking logic for staying unpatched.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:37
by mikeb
There have been several security items on this forum over the last few months and the vast majority have applied to servers. So I fail to see the pressure to apply apply apply when they do not apply to puppy users.

'paranoid' means taking unnecessary steps ...this is what i see happening.
My opinion of the situation...take it personally if you like..i have questioned others on this forum on the matter and they don't start name calling like this.

scaremongering is what the register do...yet you keep quoting from them.

And continually trying to twist my words is your best defence?


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:48
by Bindee
mikeb wrote:There have been several security items on this forum over the last few months and the vast majority have applied to servers. So I fail to see the pressure to apply apply apply when they do not apply to puppy users.

'paranoid' means taking unnecessary steps ...this is what i see happening.
My opinion of the situation...take it personally if you like..i have questioned others on this forum on the matter and they don't start name calling like this.

scaremongering is what the register do...yet you keep quoting from them.

And continually trying to twist my words is your best defence?

Who said this was specifically about puppy when it's the off topic section?

I think you'll find you are trying to twist "My opinion of the situation" because you would rather promote staying unpatched.

And who cares what others have said to you on this subject when this is my own personal opinion?

I am my own consultant and not part of your imaginary clique.If you don't like my opinion and if you find my British Humour , Banter as being rude then why even bother replying?

Just keep yourself to your others on here as the quickest solution.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:57
by mikeb
Ok an example of a more civilised discussion...

actually I noticed the scaremongering starts with the titles in both cases 'takeover' and 'severity' seem a bit strong for the subjects in hand...this example was similar in that sense and when you read the information its an extremely low risk problem..... its when the journalisms sneak in I see a problem.


simultaneous post.... yes unfortunate that the puppy forum has a security section that is in the offtopic (as opposed to the offtopic offtopic subsection) as many will take it as applying to puppy regardless since this is a forum for puppy users. Guess I will capitulate on that one since I cannot argue with that technicality... still using puppy as a server would be madness....

I am not twisting anything and trying to make out personal insults are in some way humour is not funny...I detect hostility not fun in your replies and an attempt at personal defilement. I have had the joy of trolling on this forum many times and I have no clique...i don't try to be popular.

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:05
by Bindee
mikeb wrote:I am not twisting anything and trying to make out personal insults are in some way humour is not funny...I detect hostility not fun in your replies and an attempt at personal defilement.
Sounds like Paranoia. :roll:

Oops , Did i really just say that. :mrgreen: ... ity_holes/
Adobe insists it is taking the security of its Flash Player seriously amid increasing pressure to put the troubled software out of its misery.

The Photoshop giant, based in San Jose, California, says it is making an "extensive" push to secure its plugin before another wave of security vulnerabilities are revealed in the software. We're told that, as a result of "recent developments," Adobe is stepping up its efforts to shore up Flash's defenses.
Yeah right , they are only saying that now when browers such as Firefox and chrome have recently stated their wish to either drop flash completely or make all flash content sandboxed and click to run.

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:09
by darry1966
Quote "I think you'll find that the panicking & hysteria is being created in your own head. "

Nope not in my head but for somebody with not much computing experience these kind of headlines will cause that. Like I said patches provided great just not need for the stupid over the top its the end of the world headline.

For the record Mike is right you are rude.

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:12
by mikeb
Well that's up to readers of this thread to decide...were you joking or being hostile.....

Actually the only twisting I see is happening is by the journalists and inside you from filling your head with junk websites....

Even your last quote is full of the emotionalising that they use to worm their way into your brain... techniques used all over the media and not just related to this particular subject. They use it to stir up racial hated, nationalism, hate thy neighbour etc etc

Sad to see something like computer technology being infiltrated by such people... paranoid...perhaps though there does appear to be much to support my viewpoint.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:17
by Bindee
Just because you and Mike agree with each other you constitute that as being right :shock: and what makes you think i care if i'm so rude?

You didn't need to post , you could have just scrolled past or continued to discuss this topic with one of the others, but you made your choice and thought it would be best to be rude about my so called rudeness. :roll: :wink:

I'm sure it's old news but incase anyone is interested and missed it from the flash post above. ... b-browser/

How to make flash click and play if you don't already have it as default.

Though somewhat and oxymoron as you would need to click and play to find out if you will get exploited. :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:22
by Bindee
mikeb wrote:Well that's up to readers of this thread to decide...were you joking or being hostile.....
Errrrrr , no , it's up to me if i was being humorous , i should know i posted it and how it was meant.
mikeb wrote:Perhaps though there does appear to be much to support my viewpoint
So you need support from one person to have your viewpoint? , Try supporting yourself. :wink:

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:27
by Bindee
Linux Foundation serves up a tasty dish of BUGS ... h_of_bugs/

[quote]While the list includes more than 20 utilities, some of which are highly exposed to Internet risks (mail transfer agents, DHCP, BIND tools and so on), the survey is measuring not the “level of bugginess

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:36
by mikeb
Hmm ok lets drop the personal tit for tat battle for a minute and look at the bigger picture...sticks and stones... I would rather have a technical discussion than a slanging match that's all.

Here's a little conspiracy paranoid theory of my own.

Over recent years there appears to be an attempt to make out that Linux and open source projects such as Mozilla are producing software as woefully insecure as the operating systems and browser integrated mess that Microsoft hoisted upon the world with 98/ME/2000 and XP in their attempt to control the internet as well as computer sales.

Since that company are famous for using dirty tricks as part of their sales techniques and have had several sessions in court related to such mal practices perhaps they are taking a more discreet approach via this wave of 'security' journalism.

After all we are suddenly supposed to be shocked into running to Windows after exploits that have been around for 15 years + have just emerged even though there are no cases of exploitation as one example goes.

yes there is twisting going on here... but on a much larger scale.

I assume you have reasons for using Linux and security is one of my case that's also true as I have a far easier time keeping us safe using Linux. Are you finding your confidence is being more than a little shaken with all these news items?

And it does seem to keep us arguing amongst ourselves....


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:43
by Bindee
mikeb wrote: Are you finding your confidence is being more than a little shaken with all these news items?
Nope not at all , Apart from the main News Headlines at the BBC i take most of the other sites with a pinch of salt and just something to read to pass a few minutes or as something to discuss on text based forums.

I don't look into it that deeply.

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:52
by mikeb
Apart from the main News Headlines at the BBC i take most of the other sites with a pinch of salt
so why do you keep quoting these other sites then?

After all its this stuff i keep seeing and questioning how seriously to take the information....

How much time to you get to use your computer for anything other than browsing security sites and applying the 'fixes' ?

And don't forget the BBC are funded via the government therefore have strings that can be pulled...they are NOT neutral...but that's another story.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 08:59
by Bindee
So you are under the impression if someone quotes a News Story it's their own personal opinion? :shock:


It's just a topic starter and a way of spreading the word as i know from experience people like to discuss the subject of security.

I'm just encouraging discussion , Nothing else. :wink:

Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 09:14
by mikeb
Well it does suggest that you are somehow validating the information.... if i posted from 'Nazi World Today' or 'The Sun' it may reflect on my character and would suggest I believed what they wrote.... why would you post something you think is drivel...?

It would be much clearer and make more sense if we heard from YOU rather than some third party sensationalism site...I am sure you do have useful items in there to contribute.

Another factor...

with any form of engineering you hit a point where everything just works... the bugs are ironed out, the technology meets the requirements...then what.

Well in a commercial world you have to keep selling so once you have past 'this is the best we can do' you have to find something else. For cars they used fashion, performance, safety, tonka toys etc etc.

With software and computing the same sales techniques will be in, 'power'...... and well yes security. Antivirus is/was big business...must have made billions by now... just one example. Notice how the adobe crew et all are running around like blue arsed flies it seems...but in the end its lots of software 'engineers' intensely getting lots of overtime and security companies and journalists making a nice living out of this subject. The hardware changes demanded by Vista must have provided a similar gravy train.
Make it a very big pinch of salt as you browse.

Anyway the info is on the thread for those who feel the need to patch..

I do tend to work on the courtroom basis of dealing with what has happened rather than what might happen.

I read all your posts so i hope you afforded me the courtesy of doing the same.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 09:34
by Bindee
We seem to be on completely different pages , As it's off topic i see it as nothing more than tittle tattle and gossip.

Just gossiping and passing the time is news aggregation and not meant as personal validation.

If i had an personal opinion , concern or a complete lack of understanding about the latest bug doing the rounds i would have posted about it under the URL link.

As i say it was nothing more than a conversation starter as nobody else had posted about it yet and i used a dumbed down tabloid site such as theregister as it's easier as a starting point for newbies to try and grasp.

The complexity of a bug report ticket sites to most newbies looks like a foreign language and i have no wish for them to feel excluded from the discussion and that the thread is just for the l33t.


Posted: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 09:34
by Bindee

Double post