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Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 19:52
by MU
Beem, does it work, if you rename your symlink, and then try again?
then a new folder /root/dotpups-downloads should be created.

debernardis, thanks.
I replaced some files with symbolic links to reduce the space, maybe that confused the dotpup.


Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 20:20
by Béèm
Yes that works.
It's working nice, the uninstalled packages being brown, the ones installed yellow.
But the drawback is, that the downloaded package is no in dotpups-downloads, thus taking space from the pup_save file and that's why I created the symlink.
So I am happy to see you use a usb hard drive for this. This is a direction I wanted to take as well having a desktop and a laptop. A usb hard disk would serve for files to be accessed from Linux as well from XP and from the laptop as well from the desktop.

My usb device is that Zen Micro removable drive, which isn't a hard drive but a kind of flash device I think.

Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 20:27
by MU
Beem, I have no idea... tried the same now with a fat32 partition, just to be shure it has nothing to do with the filesystem, but this works, too.


Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 20:34
by Béèm
My dotpups-downloads symlink in /root points to /mnt/sda/puppy/my-dotget.
Could that be a problem?

Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 20:47
by MU
> /mnt/sda/puppy/my-dotget

jep, that's wrong.
It must be sda1 or another number.

Delete the symlink in /root.
Mount your drive.

Type such a command:

ln -s /mnt/sda1/puppy/my-dotget /root/dotpups-downloads

Replace the "1" with the number, that is shown in MUT.

Posted: Wed 20 Sep 2006, 21:34
by Béèm
Well that's the strange thing I always have noticed in Puppy.
My usb devices have sda or sdb
The second usb device I have being a 6-1 card reader device build in the all-in-one EPSON printer.

In other distro's they are sdaX or sdbX.
Never understood why I didn't have that in Puppy..

So right now in MUT the Zen Micro is mounted as sda without any other digit.

This Zen Micro device has always be a bit strange, altho I can access it, well except in the case of the PSI.

Mut sees the device as sda.
Gparted sees a /dev/sda1 partition on /dev/sda device.
But when I try to mount the /dev/sda1 I get the message that the device /dev/sda1 doesn't exist.

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2006, 17:49
by MU
version 05

1.) fixed bug in sorting subcategories

2.) added the current ibiblio unleashed-packagelist to the mirrorlist.
This is a static workaround until this list can be generated automatically.
Before you had to add it manually, see version 04.

3.) the dependency-check now tries to find packages, where the missing library belongs to.

The old report looked like this:
Dependency-check for: Epdfview-0.1.5
These libraries miss, the application might not work without them:
The new one:
Dependency-check for: Epdfview-0.1.5
These libraries miss, the application might not work without them: : found in package Poppler-0.5.3 : found in package Poppler-0.5.3-Puppy-210
so if you enter "Poppler-0.5.3" in the search, you can install the missing package immedeatly.
I will add a automatic search later, this is a bit complicated.

This list is based on 9 lists sent to me by other users (thanks everybody :!:).
Please send me more files, to enhance the list, details:


Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2006, 22:53
by MU
update: the dependency-check created some temporary "tail" processes, that did not terminate. Not critical, but not very clean.
Fixed it now.

Puppy Software Installer Icon

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2006, 00:17
by dewdrop
Hi Mark and other pups,

I've attached an effort at making an icon of your PSI program. I used Xara to do the design, but cannot figure out how to get rid of the white background.

Anyway, I figured that since Puppy is Australian in origin, I thought "why not a boomerang" for at least one icon to represent a great utility program that really is Puppy specific.


Any comments, or how to's on getting rid of the white area?

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2006, 00:25
by MU
Thanks Dew, I really like it, but I see 2 problems.

1.) reduced to 16x16 pixel (for the menu (, the text is not usable.
2.) I prefer "self-speaking" icons, in this case a package.

Maybe for a desktop-icon it would be good, if a package could be integrated somehow?

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 00:31
by cobelloy
how do you use this to install a deb that is downloaded to ~/dotpups-downloads

i click the button marked downloads and it opens that dir but clicking on the deb package does nothing

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 01:09
by MU
It requires pkgtool, that is not checked correctly when installing a deb.

install a .tar.gz first with PSI, for example

That installs pkgtool, too.

Then you can install debian-packages listed in PSI, like Desktop-Tools/

To install a .deb not listed in PSI:
/usr/local/bin/pb-debianinstaller on your desktop.
Now you can drag and drop .debs on it.


Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 01:16
by cobelloy
ok i did what you said and that extra pkgtool package installed, but I had pbdebinstaller first (uninstalled it to install psi)

the reason I installed psi is because pb-deb cant start ghtppd and so cant work - after looking on the forum I was directed to psi that said in the first page of posts that it had a deb installer - i assumed I could install any deb with it

ghttpd is configured for localhost other than that I dont know what the problem is

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 01:29
by MU
please run pb_debianinstaller from a consolewindow, and post the errors you get there here.
What Puppy do you use?

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 01:42
by cobelloy
sh-3.00# pb-debianinstaller
[Syntax error]
Unable to open "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/" or "/root/ghttpd/assi1-scripts//usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (top): 0x08081918 ***
/usr/local/bin/pb-debianinstaller: line 3: 22723 Aborted /root/ghttpd/assi1-scripts/checktempfiles.pb
Null httpd 0.5.1
Binding to 'http://localhost:80/'...
Bind error: Address already in use

using puppy 2.12

i wondered if i have to set up ports on my router or something?

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 02:15
by MU
Unable to open "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"
Then your installation is broken, that file is part of the Puppy-iso.
To repair it: ... 2.5.tar.gz

Extract it somewhere with xarchive, and copy to the correct location. (/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/
Null httpd 0.5.1
Binding to 'http://localhost:80/'...
Bind error: Address already in use
That is ok, as it was started already before.
It just tells you, that the webserver runs already.


Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 02:26
by cobelloy
ok - did that, but same problem -

sh-3.00# pb-debianinstaller
sh: line 0: cd: /tmp/PB-Debinstall: No such file or directory
Null httpd 0.5.1

then a message says "widget needs webserver, stast it [yes][no]
clicking no exits, clicking yes gets this:

Binding to 'http://localhost:80/'...
Bind error: Address already in use

and another message says "Ghttpd could not be started, exiting..." [okay]

at this point it stops

Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 02:37
by MU
What do you get with the command:
ps | grep http

should look like this:

sh-3.00# ps | grep http
13954 root 772 S ./httpd
13968 root 772 S ./httpd
21155 root 584 R grep http

maybe best is to reboot after all these changes.


Posted: Sat 02 Dec 2006, 02:45
by cobelloy
i have just rebooted

sh-3.00# ps|grep http
8603 root 300 S ./httpd
10163 root 580 S grep http
sh-3.00# pb-debianinstaller
sh: line 0: cd: /tmp/PB-Debinstall: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/pb-debianinstaller: line 70: dillo: command not found
/usr/local/bin/pb-debianinstaller: line 70: 123=SatDec210:48:49PUP2006: command not found

OK - it works now i have the dillo pup in place.

thanks (again)

Just discovered this program

Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2006, 10:50
by kleung21
All I can say is WOW.

I've been using puppy for about 3 weeks now and JUST found this beta program. It is awesome, really helps to simplify installs; especially with the debian package support.



PS - I think this should DEFINITELY make it into the ISO; hopefully by the next revision