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Posted: Sun 18 Oct 2009, 15:15
by over_soul
Thank you Dingo :) I'm downloading now :)
richard.a, thanks for the info :)
One last question - what are the minimum system requirements? And how it'll work on a very slow machine (say, 300 MHz, 512 RAM)? I'm asking, because I'm thinking, maybe I'll be able to bring to live some of my old computers, witch will be great :)

Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2009, 07:27
by richard.a
It should work very well

I have run the basic 2.02 as a demo on a Pentium 100 (without MMX) with 64Mb of RAM and a swap file. It was not fast. :)

I have run it very succesfully on Intel Pentium 300MHz and an AMD K6-2 300MHz (and faster) from the old fleet of IBM Aptivas with very great success.

They all have two slots for RAM and seriously you should be able to pick up sticks of RAM for those boxes for literally nothing.

The RAM they use would have two notches in them, to differentiate from later RAM tht has a single notch in a different location.

I would also recommend your using Firefox browser (you can upgrade from to once installed using Mozilla's update menu item). Also to use Sylpheed as an email client if you don't wish to use web mail. Leave the other browser and mail clients in there, they use very little overheads.

I'll post a link to how it looks on one of my boxen when I get a moment

Best of luck

Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2009, 10:50
by ttuuxxx
over_soul wrote:Thank you Dingo :) I'm downloading now :)
richard.a, thanks for the info :)
One last question - what are the minimum system requirements? And how it'll work on a very slow machine (say, 300 MHz, 512 RAM)? I'm asking, because I'm thinking, maybe I'll be able to bring to live some of my old computers, witch will be great :)
have you tried 2.14X?
its made for older computers with the latest software like firefox 3, flash 10, rox, and over 100+ updates, but still has the older kernel and Xorg , uses 34MB of ram at boot and sata drives work fine.

download links unavailable

Posted: Tue 04 Jan 2011, 01:14
by danrael
Been trying for days to download xpuppy pro from the two links provided. One looks down permanently and the other unavailable. Are there other active links available someone here knows about and can post? If not, can someone upload their copy and provide a viable download link. This is frustrating.


Posted: Tue 04 Jan 2011, 05:14
by 37fleetwood
I have to say that coming from Windows the biggest issue I had with Puppy Linux was the use of ROX. I have played with both Jwm and fvwm95 and 98 pretty extensively and found that the most "Windows XP" experience is simply had by picking the latest Puppy and installing Xfce. it makes sense and functions very intuitively. you could also simply install Thunar and change a few things so when you click on a folder it comes up. it's not as small but I think the whole Xfce package is worth it for a Windows convert.
if it serves your purpose better to have an older puplet use one of Grey's NOP puplets. I still have my old puppy-216-NOP disc laying around, I even have the iso in a folder ! :lol:
216-NOP uses Jwm and ROX but if you move up to 217-NOP it uses Xfce.
I think all the NOP's are still readily available.
wNOP-v0.2 is kinda fun, it's basically a puppy 3 variety with the NOP treatment and Compiz added in for fun.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 11:46
by richard.a
the latest puppy is version 5.11 (actually 5.1.1) and there is a delightful modification of this called MijnPup (Dutch for "My Pup") which works nicely with JWM customised with OpenBox which looks more like the XFCE desktop mentioned above

It also has Ice-Wm installed so you can use the Ice taskbar which looks more like Vista or XP

It comes with the full open version of OpenOffice called Libre Office loaded.

Runs flash video etc etc
and because it is a modern kernel it will install on old and new hardware.

I'm working on considerable modification of the Application launcher button-bar system and it has huge potential. Nothing worth writing about the alterations except to mention I've put some of his nice stuff from BrowserLinux (by the same developer in Netherlands)

So why don't you try downloading it?

The page has a flash slide show showing the look, and while the download is large for a puppy, it is smaller trhan a "big" distribution.

I've had it running on two 800MHz processor machines without much RAM, and have a couple of slower ones yet to try on

Richard in Adelaide

Posted: Fri 21 Jan 2011, 22:48
by 37fleetwood
well, I got bored and decided to play with Xfce to see how easy it was to make it look like XP. here's what I came up with in less than an hour total.
xubuntu (Xfce) and Gnomenu (some work would be needed in puppy to get Gnomenu working an dependencies met).
I downloaded the wallpaper and Gnomenu came with a silver XP theme.
here are a few screencaps:

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 08:43
by richard.a
Very impressed 37fleetwood :)

what was the basic system you were using? Assume Xubuntu which may suit a requirement I have for my wife's Acer Aspire laptop

struggling with an Aspire 6930 (orignally Vista Home, did the 7 upgrade for her and that doesn't seem to be an improvement) which I bought for her and she has extreme difficulty with anything that is "different" - her memory retention is very poor, and each replacement laptop - Win95 original, then 98SE, then Me, then 2000, then currently XP Home has had to be identical in menuing etc etc

Richard in Adelaide

Download Links Not Working

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 12:03
by danrael
Dingo wrote:
over_soul wrote:I like it, I want to download it, but the links are inactive... (the core is Puppy Linux, right?)
Can someone give me an active link?
Thanks in advance :)
BTW, how big is it? (Megabytes)
you can download from me (76.11 MB) ... s:puppy_xp
If the link WAS working, it is no longer available.

What gives with XPuppy Pro? Lots of talk about it, but it is simply not available.

Can you or anyone else kindly provide a good download link?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 22:28
by 37fleetwood
richard.a wrote:Very impressed 37fleetwood :)

what was the basic system you were using? Assume Xubuntu which may suit a requirement I have for my wife's Acer Aspire laptop

struggling with an Aspire 6930 (orignally Vista Home, did the 7 upgrade for her and that doesn't seem to be an improvement) which I bought for her and she has extreme difficulty with anything that is "different" - her memory retention is very poor, and each replacement laptop - Win95 original, then 98SE, then Me, then 2000, then currently XP Home has had to be identical in menuing etc etc

Richard in Adelaide
Thank you Richard,
I did start with Xubuntu.
there were 2 reasons, first, I chose Xubuntu because Xcfe is available in puppy, and second I chose it because I'm not knowledgeable enough to get Gnomenu going in Puppy, and getting it going in Xubuntu is pretty easy. someone better at doing these things may be more able to get it going.

I Googled your Acer and it should be able to run regular Ubuntu pretty easy. Gnomenu is designed for Gnome.
my desktop computer is running Ubuntu 11.4 with Gnome and Gnomenu. I don't have it looking like XP however.
there are a bunch of nice looking Gnomenu themes at
danrael wrote:If the link WAS working, it is no longer available.

What gives with XPuppy Pro? Lots of talk about it, but it is simply not available.

Can you or anyone else kindly provide a good download link?

Thanks in advance.
I looked through the puplets folder on my machine and I don't have XPuppy Pro.
I don't know what happened to it. but you may have to keep in mind that this thread was started in 2006 and soo much has changed in Puppy since then. this Puplet, if you ever find it, is a Puppy 2 version running fvwm95. you could simply download one of the available Puppy 2s like the new 2.14x and install fvwm95, it's available in the repository.
there also was a fvwm98 version available somewhere that looked like Windows98. I've played with both and wasn't impressed because in the several years since they were hot, so much has happened and so many better options are out there. try one of the NOP puplets you will like them a lot, they're still fresh looking and work really well. (and they're easier to find!)

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 22:33
by 37fleetwood
just a quick post from the virtual machine running xubuntu, I've changed the wallpaper and gnomenu theme, here's what it looks like now.

Posted: Mon 24 Jan 2011, 08:47
by nooby
I am too sleepy to think straight. Richard told us about MijnPup and I did download it and it worked very well on my gear which most puppies don't do.

But how is MijnPup related to XPuppy Pro? I don't get it.

Is MijnPup based on XPuppy Pro? same dev or what?

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 14:53
by CatDude

I have uploaded a copy of XPuppy Pro
here: Username / Password = puppy / linux


Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 12:58
by Eyes-Only
Thanks Catdude for making this available as it permits me to archive it to DVD later on from my "/BackUp" directory that I keep here on my HDD of assorted "unusual" puplets. :)

Hmm... come to think of it now I wished I could recall the specific thread which I'd read yesterday where someone was actually looking for this exact .iso file! Ah well...

Take care my friend and thanks again! :)



Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 13:49
by CatDude
Hello Eyes-Only
Eyes-Only wrote:Thanks Catdude for making this available...
You're most welcome mate.
Eyes-Only wrote:Hmm... come to think of it now I wished I could recall the specific thread which I'd read yesterday where someone was actually looking for this exact .iso file! Ah well...
You are not thinking of this one are you :?: My Puppy is more gorgeous than yours!
where they were asking where they could get the theme.
It was that post that spurred me into uploading the ISO.


Posted: Fri 23 Mar 2012, 07:36
by Eyes-Only
BINGO! ;) That's it mate! That's the very thread I read be gob! Thanks for refreshing my ever-failing memory - and - for making this available for that person.

Thumbs up Catdude. You're alright in my book my friend, for more reasons than I could ever count, but especially for how quickly and unselfishly you work to help those who need help around here - and all with a smile at that!* :D



*Plus I've always admire that avatar of yours with those eyes. LOL!