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Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2007, 18:39
by Lobster
MU wrote: Logo? Ok, I'm curious :)
The current one is a mix of the wxWidgets-logo (mondrian, a painter , who painted such yellow white blue red paintings), and the Gtk-logo.
I used the wxLogo because I like it, and Gtkbasic derives of wxBasic.
Though it has no more "wx" left in it at all.
I am familiar with Mondrian - they have some of his paintings in the Tate Gallery London and Apple had a special edition computer with his design (I think it was Apple)

However I am not familiar with any existing logo?

you mean this?

OK I am on it . . .

Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2007, 18:55
by MU
There is an icon included in the dotpup, the larger original pictures are in the source.tgz (in /media).
I attach the current icon.
It was however just a quick solution to have something that fits more or less, so other suggestions are welcome :)

Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2007, 19:34
by Lobster

Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2007, 19:45
by MU
hey, looks great :-)

I would reduce the bottom-part, so that the whole picture becomes a square (for the Desktop-Icon).

I think I will add it to the next update, good work, Lob :D
You did that with Xara?

Btw. I think of leaving germany, as I currently just earn 10 Euro/hour.
In London I found via web jobs for Perl-programmers, where I could get 3-6 times more.
So I'll start writing an english CV soon.

Would be nice to drink a coffee together after work, right?


Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2007, 21:39
by Lobster
Glad you like it - modify any way that suits :)
Yes done in Xara

London is great but expensive to live in
Coffee would be great - you can get great coffee

BUT . . . years ago I was travelling by National Express coach from London, with my Spanish girlfriend and the hostess came along and asked if we wanted coffee . . . I declined and advised NOT to order 'coffee' - but she ordered . . .

"You have not drunk your coffee?" enquired the hostess collecting cups and litter
"That is not coffee!" she was informed with suitable disdain.


Posted: Sat 09 Jun 2007, 13:03
by MU
Ok, I can ask my mum to send me instant coffee from germany ;-)

I updated:

It now includes a *simple* IDE.
It might be unstable, I encountered Xlib-errors again, but more seldom now.
I however decided to release it, as it already might help to get started.
The IDE itself does not "save" files, it just uses leafpad and Glade.
So it is not so worse, if it should crash.

You currently can create new projects (a button or a calculator), run them, modify them, dotpup them.

Not much more yet, but I think for someone completely new it is hepfull to have everything available from one interface.

Here is a screenshot:


occasional crashes when the "new"-dialog opens.
The Textview crashes often, if the text you load contains ":".
For this reason I wrote a function as a workaround, that replaces ":" with "-->".
Very dirty, just to avoid crashes, until I found out what the heck is going on here.

Please see it still in Prototype-stadium, but now at least somewhat usable.
You can use xkill to delete crashed windows: ... ach&id=217


Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 05:06
by MU
I made a very slight change to the button-release code, what might fix the xlib-errors.
At least no crash yet in my tests, but I must test more to verify it.
Updated the dotpup.

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 06:00
by MU
updated the dotpup.
I think I could workaround the issue with ":" in the textview.

You can open the IDE project in the IDE itself, to examine it.


Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 06:24
by MU
made an error while packaging, uploaded again.

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 09:09
by DavidBell
Does the .pup contain everything needed to try, or does it need some extras? I would like to try it in the next couple of weeks.


Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 12:09
by MU
You need the pup and libglade.
I think libglade is already in the PuppIso, if not, install it with pupget.

The small dotpup includes everything you need, except the list of supported Gtk-functions.
That one is in the source-dotpup ... source.tgz

The source-dotpup is a bit out of date, I'll upload a new one later.
I'm currently messing around with clists, so my sourcefolder is a bit unclean.
It is not required however, just for people who need that functionlist and want to hack the C code.


Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 16:42
by BarryK
Just had a play with it ...fascinating!

Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2007, 18:57
by MU
Here is the first "stable" version.
I finally could fix the xlib-errors, my first fix was buggy.

Now you can use Gtkbasic to control space-stations ;)

Ok, there still might be smaller bugs.
If I right-click the textview in the IDE, it crashes.
But that is not a Gtkbasic problem, but one of the widget or gins.
I made some quickchecks, and it should be fixable soon.

I also added a Clist-Demo.

Clists are lists with text (pictures come later).
You can drag entries from one list to another one.
The function-calls might change, as I plan to add more stuff.

But if you will use it already, just tell me, then I use different names for backwards-compatibility.

Here is a picture of 2 clists supporting Drag'n'Drop:


Download the dotpup with everything needed: (158 kb)

Download source with functionslists, only for people who want to try more than available in the example-programs of the dotpup: ... source.tgz (800 kb)
That is a snapshot not cleaned up (backups and such), so it is a bit huge.


Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2007, 17:54
by MU
My last update caused new segmentation faults caused by modified events.
Fixed this now :)

Looks very stable now.


Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2007, 17:42
by Komodo
I believe this may be what I have been looking for, a small linux basic language with a GUI designer that can produce attractive, advanced applications. Now maybe I can dump wxLua!

From what I understand GtkBasic is based on wxBasic, correct? Does GtkBasic support all of the wxBasic data types and language features listed at ... ameset.htm ? I'm also a little confused about when to use the gins functions verses the Gtk functions. I looked at gtkfunctions.txt and ginsfunctions.txt and they seem almost identical. So which ones would you recommend that we use?


Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2007, 18:40
by MU
Does GtkBasic support all of the wxBasic data types and language features listed at ... ameset.htm ?
Also all Puppybasic-programs should run with it.

gtkfunctions.txt is a file generated by my buildscript.
It then is used to generate ginsfunctions.txt.
So that one lists the supported Gtk-functions, though some still might not work. This currently requires trial and error, until my scripts become more intelligent.
ginsfuntions.txt lists a few less, as it does not list those functions my script had to drop because of typeconversion-problems.

Now that the clists work, I hope I soon can add a list of inbuilt functions to the IDE :)

Please be aware, that Gtkbasic is a new project, and far not as functional yet as wxLua.

You can build small wizards with it, so it often could be used as an alternative to Gtkdialog or Xdialog,
But wxLua supports a lot more widgets you need to build advanced window-layouts.
The Demos I include give a quick overview, of what currently can be done with Gtkbasic.

However, now that I got it working stable, I can concentrate again on adding more widgets and functions :-)
This bug-search was very timeconsuming.


Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2007, 23:17
by DavidBell
Hi Mark,

Even though it's still early this looks like it could be really useful. One maybe bug, sometimes I find I have to press buttons twice to make them work, or maybe hold down a bit longer on the click, I'm not sure.

Also can you tell me where to find libglade, the Glade button in the IDE doesn't seem to work and I couldn't find it in petget package manager.

One last question, is there a way to run C functions from a compiled lib?

Thanks in advance. David

Posted: Tue 26 Jun 2007, 08:46
by BarryK
Glade support is in the 'devx_216.sfs' file, you can get it off ibiblio, download to /mnt/home, then reboot.

Posted: Tue 26 Jun 2007, 18:21
by MU
I also mad a dotpup once: ... -3.0.3.pup

I think it includes Glade and all required libs.
I think I renamed glade to glade3 , so you might rename it to glade.

Concerning own functions:
You cannot run functions from external .so or .dll files, as they have no interfaces in wxBasic (Gtkbasic is based on wxBasic).

But you can add own functions to Gtkbasic, if you are a bit common with C.
Look at builtin.h in the sourcepackage, I'll explain it using a function I added in the past.

A function is declared by 2 lines:

Code: Select all

void wBuiltin_xwin_system(void);

Code: Select all

   {"xwin_system",           wBuiltin_xwin_system,           1,  0},
The "1" means, that this function expects 1 argument.

"xwin" is an extension I once wrote, similar to the Gtk extension.
Now where is the code for this function?
in main.c you find:
#include "xwin.c"

So that file has my function.
Lets look at it:

Code: Select all

void wBuiltin_xwin_system()

	wVariant *variant;

	variant = (wVariant *)wMalloc( sizeof( wVariant ) );

	variant = wStackPopString();
  	char bufline[10240];

        char mystring[1000];
        wVariant *mylist;
        wVariant *myvariant;
        wVariant *mykey;
        int c=0;

	myvariant = (wVariant *)wMalloc( sizeof( wVariant ) );
	mylist = (wVariant *)wMalloc( sizeof( wVariant ) );

	mykey = (wVariant *)wMalloc( sizeof( wVariant ) );

        FILE *fp;
        int status;

        fp = popen(wStringChar( variant ), "r");
        if (fp == NULL){

        while (!feof(fp)){
           //-- create a key
           sprintf( mystring,"%d" ,  c );
           wVariantFromChar( mykey, mystring ,3,3 );
           //-- create a string
           wVariantFromChar( myvariant, bufline ,4,4 );

           //-- append it to the list
           wTableInsert(mylist , mykey, myvariant );  


        status = pclose(fp);
        if (c>0){
          wTableRemove(mylist , mykey ); 
    //-- return the wList to wxBasic
    wVariantMove( wStackPushNothing(), mylist );
           sprintf( mystring,"%d" ,  status/256 );
           wVariantFromChar( mykey, mystring ,3,3 );
    wVariantMove( wStackPushNothing(), mykey );

    //-- cleanup    
    wVariantDeref( myvariant );
    wVariantDeref( mylist );
    wVariantDeref( mykey );

I'll explain it.
wxBasic internally uses variant as datatype. Variant allows to use variables without declaration, so they can be int, char or others.
In C you had to declare
char mystring[1024];
int mynumber;

In Basic you just do:
myvariable = "test"
myvariable = 1 + 4

When a Basic-function passes an argument to C, it is a variant lying on a stack.
So you do not pass it as it usually is done in C, like

Code: Select all

void myfunction ( char *argument){
Instead you pass nothing directly to the function, but get the argument later.
So we must get it from there with this inbuilt function of the interpreter:
variant = wStackPopString();

As C does not know variant, we then must convert it to a standard C type.
wStringChar( variant )

It is used in a typical C function, that in this case runs the command(program) passed as argument using popen(), and then returns the result.
This result can have several lines (for example if you run "ls").
So the resulting lines then are converted to a wxBasic table/list and returned to wxBasic.

xwin.c is rather old, it were my first serious attempts to program C.
In gins.c , I meanwhile have added some more functions that simplify the use of variants, like

Code: Select all

//-- gets an argument from the wxBasic stack and returns it as string --

gchar *getstringarg(){

Code: Select all

//-- return a string to wxBasic

void returnstring(char *thestring){
If you added own functions, run
make&&make install
to compile your own Basic-interpreter :)


Posted: Tue 26 Jun 2007, 18:35
by MU
Buttons must be pressed a bit longer.
This is a contribution to JWM, that "eats" GDK_BUTTON_PRESS.
So I had to modify GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE to act somewhat similar.

Without this modifikation, Gtkbasic would be unusable in JWM :(
