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Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2007, 10:55
by gray
I have updated NOP 2.17 to bring it more inline with Puppy 2.17.1
ie updated Universal Installer, Net-setup, modprobe, cfdisk etc
Fixed the keyboard wizard bug
Updated the wmpoweroff & wmreboot scripts to comment out kill -9
Changed mksquashfs from LZMA to GZIP compression - this makes the iso bigger (95M) but fixes all the remastering problems (ie slow remaster & bummer boot up)
Also updated Opera to 9.22

Uploading to MU now - should be available for download soon.

Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2007, 15:22
by Sage
Where is it, gray?!

Later: Oh dear, Mark's bandwidth problem is back again!

Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2007, 20:12
by MU
please try in 3 hours (1 am german time):

Today there seems to be no attac, only extended usage, as also Lobsters Isos were just released.
So the server might be down for some hours the next 2-3 days.


NOP download

Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2007, 20:46
by gray
Thanks MU

Also I am trying the TuxFamily hosting. So give this a go,

Posted: Tue 07 Aug 2007, 15:34
by klu9
up1 NOP update
thanks, Gray! now downloading from tuxfamily. (not very fast, ~25kbps but if it works, great!) I've updated the wiki page, too.

I wanted to put Imageshack clickable thumbnail versions of the screenshots on the wiki page, but I can't access the image attachments on the first page of this thread (no matter which browser I try, logged in or out). Could someone who has those screen shots, or can access them, please host them on imageshack and post the urls for the "succesful upload" page here? (you know, the imagshack page that shows all possible posting formats for an uploaded image). Thanks.

Straight to USB?
Is there a way I can install NOP (or any Puppy for that matter) straight to USB without burning it first?

torrent for NOP via LinuxTracker!

Posted: Tue 07 Aug 2007, 17:25
by klu9
well I registered at and uploaded a torrent for NOP 217up1, following the instructions in this "Create your own distribution torrents" tutorial.

Here it is: {Edit: URL removed, resolving tracker problem right now}

only thing is, it says it's "External" not internal; i wonder if that means if I go offline, nobody can find the file?

Anyways, everybody with the file, please seed it in BitTorrent!!! Everybody interested in the file, try getting it by BitTorrent first!

torrent for NOP via LinuxTracker!

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2007, 03:39
by noprob
NOP-217-up2 iso via using an open tracker from

since Linuxtracker seems to be having problems of late

This is the updated version of the 1up version.


Pleased be advised my upload is slow until noon EST (before noon= 3KB/after=20KB) untill midnight everyday

Nice work!

poweroof/reboot with NOP217.1

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2007, 05:16
by puppynop
Re: poweroof/reboot with NOP217.1

They go as they should be using XORG but not with Xvesa in my desktop.

It is running well as my 3rd puppylinux flavor using 'Puppy2 XP-Installer.

All my puppies use the same extra applications (Open office, Firefox,etc.) which I installed (using DOTPUPs/PETs) in a linux partition (I have 1FAT32 for Win98, 1NTFS for WinXP, 1Ext3 for DOTPUPs/PETs) then creating shortcuts to the Desktop or Toolbar of my puppies.

I have another puppy which I boot using 'PUP4DOS' in Win98.

PuppyNOP is a great improvement/variant among the Puppy flavors especially to newbies. The fastest so far in my experience among the XfCEs.

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2007, 00:20
by klu9
at noprob > torrent
I was in Mandriva at the time, and used a cli tool called createtorrent, which for some reason kept attaching port numbers to the tracker URL, even tho I wasn-t specifying any. I then made one in pupctorrent but had to go off line before I could use it.

at gray or anyone> video
how do I get the nvidia drivers to work? I'm not interested in spinning cubes (yet) but xorgwizard always fails so I have to use xvesa at 1024x768 even tho my laptop-s screen is 1280x800.

Also I have failed to output to a TV via S-Video or ext monitor via VGA (altho xorgwizard detected the ext monitor, everything still happened on the laptop's screen). tried restarting X, ^ rebooting, to no avail.

at gray or anyone> keyboard
typing in NOP 217up1 now! :) But I have a Latin American keyboard, and changing to that in the puppy keyboard wizard doesn't seem to do anything. Do I need to restart X for an effect?

PS Puppy + Opera + Xfce + Thunar = Sweeeeeet! thx gray :D

Xvesa Shutdown in NOP

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2007, 10:49
by gray
I know what is causing shutdown problems when using Xvesa. The problem is in the .xinitrc file in the root directory. Edit the file using mousepad and either delete or comment out lines 37 to 40 ie

CURRENTWM="`cat /etc/windowmanager`"
if [ "$CURRENTWM" = "startxfce4" ];then
exec startxfce4

Also comment out or delete line 44 ie
/usr/bin/autocutsel &

klu9: Getting the nvidia drivers to work can be a bit tricky as xorgwizard always seems to use the "nv" driver not the "nvidia" driver. You need to get an xorg.conf file created in the /etc/X11 folder which you can then edit and change the Driver in the Device section from Driver "nv" (or Driver "xvesa") to Driver "nvidia" then drop out of X (ctrl-alt-delete) and then enter the xwin command.

If xorgwizard wont work for you try using the generic driver option. ie select options in xorgwizard as follows;-
then enter xwin and when the windows fire up edit /ect/X11/xorg.conf (and any file like it except .conf0) as above.

or try nvidia-xconfig command on the command line before xwin

Getting TV out to work is covered in the forum somewhere - again hand edit of xorg.conf is needed.

or you can rename the files in /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers to make xorgwizard use the nvidia drivers ie rename to and link to

For the keyboard I am not sure for Xvesa but when you are finally using Xorg the keyboard wizard Advanced keyboard xorg configuration should work and you shouldnt need to restart X if you press the Set button.

Nvidia drivers

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2007, 11:07
by gray
I just tried something. An easy way to get the drivers to work is just to rename the file to then use the xorgwizard. The wizard picks up the nvidia driver before the onv driver file and uses it !

I have so much to learn (sigh). :shock:

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2007, 23:43
by klu9
pfind found 2 files called
Do I rename 1 or both? Also, I'm running in LiveCD mode: does that matter? Do I have to install first?

thx for your help.

NOP doesn't reboot/poweroff properly

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 14:05
by klu9
installed NOP to flash drive via Puppy Universal Installer, but neither the LiveCD nor flash drive install restart/poweroff properly (for me; YMMV): using Quit>Restart or Quit>Shutdown just restarts xvesa & xfce.

in the terminal, reboot does the same. halt does stop the OS, but nothing is saved to the pup.sfs, so I have to redo x wizard, keyboard settings etc all over again.

<klu9 scratches head>

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 15:45
by klu9
or maybe I shouldn't bother with any of my above problems: I just noticed there's a NOP-217-up2.iso on the tuxfamily server.

fingers crossed all my issues will be resolved! :D But I'll be good and wait for an official announcement before downloading.


Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007, 04:20
by gray
klu9: Did you edit the .xinitrc file as detailed above ? That should have fixed the shutdown problem for xvesa. To use xorg with the nvidia driver you only need to rename usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ to and then run the xorgwizard.

Anyway, as you suspected an updated version of NOP (up2) is now available on the tuxfamily download site (will also upload to MU soon). Update 2 has replaced hv3 with the old stalwart dillo as i had hv3 crash on me a few times. It is only for viewing help docs anyway. I have corrected the .xinitrc and the nvidia driver is now used by xorgwizard. That should be it - I dont think there will be any more updates :oops: .

I have also made a goffice squash file for use with NOP for those who dont need all the power of the openoffice.sfs. The goffice.sfs contains abiword + gnumeric and inkscapelite. Get it from Tuxfamily. :D

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 00:12
by Turpin
I'm stumped on how to install the NVidia drivers. My previous experience was with using the 2.12-2.13 dotpup in Pizzapup. That was fairly easy. So far, I'm absolutely pulling my hair out and neighbors think I'm a lunatic since switching to Puppy 2.17. This should be easy! It's the video driver. 3d. It's a basic function of the hardware. Why must it ... Stopping rant now. Please, anyone? I'm still stumped. I've been on this all day.

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 00:45
by william7
Well I have puppy since July and that what I saw today after booting NOP... Wow, geez it's cool...
Now we waiting for full KDE with puppy :wink:

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 03:30
by Lobster
Turpin wrote:I'm stumped on how to install the NVidia drivers.
Nvidia drivers have not been compiled for the new kernel in 2.17 - until they are Nvidia drivers will not work :cry:

NOP and Nvidia Drivers

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 07:47
by gray

NOP has the 9639 drivers built-in. The 9639 driver should support most Nvidia boards except the very old ones and the latest 8 series ???. Officially this is GeForce 2 MX series to GeForce 4 - but I have tried it on a 5 series, 6 series and several 7 series boards and it works fine for them too. If you have NOP 2.17 update 2 the nvidia driver should be used automatically by xorgwizard. If an earlier verision of NOP then you have to hand edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to change the "nv" driver to "nvidia" and rerun X.

There is a slight oversight :oops: in update 2 in that the delayed run script is called twice - it doesnt cause a problem, but if you comment out the line that calls delayedrun in the .xinitrc script in /root the boot up might be a bit faster.

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 16:33
by klu9
Can more people please seed/share the NOP up2 torrent?

I'm trying to get it now, but only 1 other person sharing, with very slow upload to me.