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Exprimental M-S ISO

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 18:39
by volentib
Flash wrote:Try being a little more verbose please. Explain in more detail what you did and what happened.
I'm using a Sony DVD-RW mini. I d/l'd the 1.0.6RC, burned to CD from Windows - boots fine.

From the m-s cd, I d/l'd TedDog's 20Oct ISO, and burned to mini DVD from w/i booted puppy CD. Used the growisofs command he suggested in the forum (via the TkDVD (?) program).

When I try to boot from the newly created DVD, it gets to probing USB and up to, say, device 5 it hangs there. No kernel panic, no device/driver errors - just sits there. The CD pauses for a few seconds during this phase also, but rocks on quickly.

On rear PC ports I have a 4-port hub connected: has a BT adapter, smart card reader, and tht's it. A wireless USB mouse/keyboard too.
The other main interface (front) is empty.

In case it helps: Dell 8300, 1GB RAM, no vfat/ms-dos partitions on HDDs - just NTFS on XP. Like I said, I've never had a problem with the CDs from 1.0.5 on - just trying to use muliti-session DVD-RW.

Should the bootup output be logged some where? Think that might be helpful in diagnosing?

USB junkie .... Oct 20th is BK's test iso

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 19:11
by Ted Dog
I bet it is a multi-card reader too :lol: If 106rc works for you reburn the mini-RW with that. I ran into a batch of bad memorix mini-RW sadly only could burn twice and there was a inculsion (pocket of air??) bubble early in the disk. Maybe my laser is too hot? Two of the Three just did not cut it.
I booted my windowsXP after a long time (going to harvest a harddrive from it :twisted: ) It is still downloading bug fixes. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: USB junkie .... Oct 20th is BK's test iso

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2005, 03:52
by volentib
Ted Dog wrote:I bet it is a multi-card reader too :lol: If 106rc works for you reburn the mini-RW with that. I ran into a batch of bad memorix mini-RW sadly only could burn twice and there was a inculsion (pocket of air??) bubble early in the disk. Maybe my laser is too hot? Two of the Three just did not cut it.
I booted my windows XP after a long time (going to harvest a harddrive from it :twisted: ) It is still downloading bug fixes. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Nope, no multi-card reader - just 4-port USB ;)

Gonna try the last 2 or 3 CD ISOs and burn your DVD from those. Hopefully, it'll work out.

Once this M-S DVD iamge works for me, I'll have the ultimate boot/recovery/do-every-damned-thing-imaginable disc!


Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:47
by willhunt
well I grew the 1.06rc several times and each time I get a error
when booting :oops:

Diskerror 20 ax=42C4 drive EF

I tried to set down the speed to 1 and still the same problems what am I doing wrong I am using P1.05 I grew the iso from the command line

#growisofs speed=4 -Z /mnt/hdd=puppy file

it did not find /dev/scd0 or /dev/hdd

Re: USB junkie .... Oct 20th is BK's test iso

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2006, 07:42
by volentib
volentib wrote:
Ted Dog wrote:I bet it is a multi-card reader too :lol: If 106rc works for you reburn the mini-RW with that. I ran into a batch of bad memorix mini-RW sadly only could burn twice and there was a inculsion (pocket of air??) bubble early in the disk. Maybe my laser is too hot? Two of the Three just did not cut it.
I booted my windows XP after a long time (going to harvest a harddrive from it :twisted: ) It is still downloading bug fixes. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Nope, no multi-card reader - just 4-port USB ;)

Gonna try the last 2 or 3 CD ISOs and burn your DVD from those. Hopefully, it'll work out.

Once this M-S DVD iamge works for me, I'll have the ultimate boot/recovery/do-every-damned-thing-imaginable disc!

Just an FYI. Tried same old (Sony & Opto) -rw mini-DVDs with 1.07 - no luck, still hangs on USB probe.
Threw in a regular old -R (and CD) and no probs. All settings/sessions save on reboot and it even remembers I want eth0 DHCP this time.
Got some new Dell D610 laptops s to test at work too. Will post success/problems with USB/MS DVD.

mini disk update

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2006, 12:02
by Ted Dog
OK, here is a wierd one, I was able to rescue all three mini dvd-rw in which two I reported as bad. One of the problems is lossy prep at the factory, I wrote about it in the message one line backup of root.
The problem was two fold. One BarryK's scripts really make it difficult for non DVD-R types ( My view is he put an over protected method on growisofs, checks that it does internally ) and second all rw media must be 'setup' prior to use.
I have been able to use without problems muli-session DVD mini in all versions with the hints on this link

note: if you use this method close all programs on desktop, like mozilla. terminal is ok to leave open. Otherwise lock files will cause problems on reboot. Oh and the methods listed above link also work with DVD-RAM disks/media, but much faster.

Blanking Utils

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2006, 21:37
by volentib

I'll give that a shot, since I get blanking errors occassionally under Windows too with these 2 discs.

Hopefully, that tool isn't too hard to find.

tools already in lastest versions

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2006, 22:30
by Ted Dog
those commands are supported in puppy.