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Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2005, 12:13
by MU

If you do not write an "if"-condition in 1 line, you must close it with "end if".


Code: Select all

if result = 1 then print 1

Code: Select all

if result = 1 then 
  print 1

Code: Select all

if result = 1 then 
  print 1
end if
This one works:

Code: Select all

// a menue
include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

// Menu of available tutorials

dialog = "--title 'Tips' "&
"         --menu 'Double click for selected tip "&
" Choose a Section:' 0 0 10 "&
"        '1'  'Writing and running a first script' "&
"        '2'  'Calling sub programs or procedures' "&
"        '3'  'Other stuff'"

result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

if result != 0 then
  dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'dismissed' 0 0"

  if choice = "1" then dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'Writing and running a first script' 0 0"
  if choice = "2" then dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'Calling sub programs or procedures' 0 0"
  if choice = "3" then dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'Other stuff' 0 0"

  result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

end if

Also, you mixed up result and choice.
result just will have one of 3 values:
255= Window was destroyed.

Your "1" "2" "3" -values will be returned in the choice-variable.

You can write the example a little bit shorter, using a list.

A list is a list of strings, you can index with a number, like mylist[1] mylist[2] mylist [3].

Look at this example:

Code: Select all

// creating Menue with a list
include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

// Menu of available tutorials

//--- Putting the menue-points to a list 

MP = { "Writing and running a first script" , "Calling sub programs or procedures" , "Other stuff" }

dialog = "--title 'Tips' "&
"         --menu 'Double click for selected tip "&
" Choose a Section:' 0 0 10 "&
"        '1'  '" & MP[1] & "' "&
"        '2'  '" & MP[2] & "' "&
"        '3'  '" & MP[3] & "'"

result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

if result != 0 then
  dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'dismissed' 0 0"

 //--- to use the value of the string choice as an index-number, we must convert it to a number using "val()"
 result , choice = xdialog ( "--title 'info' --msgbox '" & MP[val(choice)] & "' 0 0" )

end if
Greets, Mark

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 10:13
by BarryK
Beaver has color syntax highlighting compatible with UltraEdit.
So I got the highlighting file for Qbasic from

I have placed this into the file /root/.beaver/wordfile.txt
I only gave it one file extension, WXBS, but more can be added, separated
by spaces, for example
and the extension has to be capitals.

I've attached the wordfile.txt because although wxBasic is based on Qbasic, it seems to be a somewhat tenuous relationship.
If anyone feels like it, they're welcome to fix it up to work better with

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 21:15
by JohnMurga

Just a quick question ... How would you use a progress bar when using xdialog within wxBasic ?

I know how to do it in shell script, but I an not sure how it would work from here.


Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 22:40
by MU
I haven't looked at progressbars yet.

If you post the shellscriptexample, I might translate it to wxbs.


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 04:10
by MU
Example: using a gauge (Progress-bar)

The gauge wants to get its values sent via Shellscript-echo-commands.

So I create those commands in wxbasicScript, and send them through a pipe(|) to the gauge.

You could add any commands, for example check the size of a large zip (50 MB) you create.

The example shows, that the gauge is really reacting to events.

First I define the commands.
Then I run xcalc in Background.
Now I launch the progressbar (gauge).

It is feeded from the shell-commands, that check with help of "ps", if xcalc still is running.
If not, the gauge is closed (exit).
If yes, the value in increased in 20%-steps, until 100% is reached.

If 100% is reached, xcalc is killed and the script ends.

So run it, and close xcalc, when the gauge reaches 40%, you will see the gauge stops.

Code: Select all

include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

GAUGE = "("&
"echo \"20\" ; sleep 5;"&
" if [ ! \"`ps |grep xcalc`\" ];then exit;fi;  echo \"40\" ; sleep 5;"&
" if [ ! \"`ps |grep xcalc`\" ];then exit;fi;  echo \"60\" ; sleep 5;"&
" if [ ! \"`ps |grep xcalc`\" ];then exit;fi;  echo \"80\" ; sleep 5;"&
" if [ ! \"`ps |grep xcalc`\" ];then exit;fi;  echo \"100\" ; sleep 5;"&

shell ("xcalc&")
xwin_exec( GAUGE & "|Xdialog --title \"Gauge\" --gauge \"test\" 8 30" )
shell ("killall xcalc")

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 14:23
by JohnMurga
In that example you seem to be calling xdialog as a command as I would from a shell script ...

What if the wxBasic program is doing what you want to report progress on, how do you do this without having to run the function as another process piped to xdialog ?

Also, on the GtkDialog homepage there is a REALLY cool example of doing event driven BASH ... Would it be possible to do even driven wxBasic ?


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 14:36
by MU
JohnMurga wrote: What if the wxBasic program is doing what you want to report progress on, how do you do this without having to run the function as another process piped to xdialog ?
I think this will not work, you would have to do this with the "big" wxBasic.
It allows you to run subs or functions parrallel, with help of wxTimer().
An example can be found here: ... .php?t=769

The Backup-program displayes the procentual size of a tempfile in a wxGauge, while a file is zipped.

The only way to do it with wxbs would be something like this (this does not work,dont't know how to use while in shellscripts, just as an idea):

Code: Select all

"while [ ! "`cat gauge.tmp`" = "20" ];do;done; echo "20";"& 
"while [ ! "`cat gauge.tmp`" = "40" ];do;done; echo "40";"& 

xin_exec( GAUGE & "|Xdialog ...  &" )

  writestringtofile("gauge.tmp" , "20")

  writestringtofile("gauge.tmp" , "40")
JohnMurga wrote: Also, on the GtkDialog homepage there is a REALLY cool example of doing event driven BASH ... Would it be possible to do even driven wxBasic ?
Do you mean updating the RPM-lists?
The Dotpup-downloader uses Gtkdialog embedded in wxBasicscript, I will write an introduction to use Gtkdialog to create such programs this weekend.
Meanwhile you might to have a look at the source, added some comments, but it is not well documentated yet.


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 16:22
by JohnMurga
MU wrote:Do you mean updating the RPM-lists?
The Dotpup-downloader uses Gtkdialog embedded in wxBasicscript, I will write an introduction to use Gtkdialog to create such programs this weekend.
Meanwhile you might to have a look at the source, added some comments, but it is not well documentated yet.

Yeah, in the RPM-lists program it calls functions inside a bash script.

Thanks, I did look at the source. It looked like it invoked the sub-routines as scripts in themselves, which is cool ... But I was wondering if it would be possible to call functions in the same way as with the Bash example.


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 16:45
by MU
No, I think this is not possible.

In fact wxbs/Xdialog is not a perfect combination.

wxbs is just a "wrapper", that "hides" shell-commands by putting them in functions in itself creates shell-commands to run Xdialog/Gtkdialog.

But wxbs is missing the functionality of opening a process connected via a pipe to other programs.
I wish I had such functions, but I am not fit enough in C to add them to the interpreter yet.
Maybe in half a year or so.

I'm sorry :?

Greets, Mark

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 16:54
by JohnMurga
MU wrote:But wxbs is missing the functionality of opening a process connected via a pipe to other programs.
I wish I had such functions, but I am not fit enough in C to add them to the interpreter yet.
Maybe in half a year or so.

I'm sorry :?
No problem !

I was trying to discover the limits of what can be done currently ... What you are are doing is still really cool ;-)


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 17:46
by MU
Yes, it is not really a problem.
wxBasicscript is intented to be mainly for Beginners.
(Although the string-functions are nice for advanced, too).

If you are experienced and want to use some advanced techniques, you might try the "big" wxBasic, or write the applications completely using shellscripts :)
