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Posted: Fri 16 Nov 2007, 19:14
by smooth
I'm running wNOP from a PC with quad core cpu , nvidia 8600 and its perfect! Everything works fine! I had tried installing compiz-fusion on NOP but the taskbar disapeared. I'll try it on my personal PC ,with a nvidia 6200 card and see what happens.

Posted: Sat 17 Nov 2007, 01:54
by cb88
click at the bottom of the screen the taskbar should reappear

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007, 13:52
by vanchutr
I'd got this error:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# compiz-manager
Checking for Xgl: not present. 
No whitelisted driver found
aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity 
no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting
Please give me some instructions. TK

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007, 16:20
by cb88
you haven't actually told US anything! :-)

in order to help you we need to know if you have followed ALL the instructions in the first post?

and if you fail after that... what graphics card do you have?

please compress and upload this file /ect/X11/xorg.conf

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# compiz-manager 
Checking for Xgl: not present.  
No whitelisted driver found   <<from this i think you have a black listed ati card... don't worry it is probably easy to fix 
aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity 
no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting 
I recommend that you read this thread:

hope you get wobbling!!

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007, 23:37
by vanchutr
Thank you for your fast reply.
I will try and follow all your instructions.
My graphic card is: ATI randeon Xpress 1200 Series.

Posted: Wed 12 Dec 2007, 05:32
by vanchutr
@cb88 and guis

Specifications of my comp:
CPU AMD Socket AM2, Athlon Dual Core.
Graphic card on board: ATI Randeon Xpress 1200 Series

I re-install (new) the wnop in frugal mode and executed these step:

1. Frugal install on hda1
2. Boot -> 3. personal file = 0 -> 4. Select keyboard = us -> 5. Choice Xorg - 1024x768x24 -> 6. Choice Compiz-Fusion -> 7. Reboot -> Save pup_save.2fs on hda1 -> 8. Reboot and try this command:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# compiz-manager
Checking for Xgl: not present. 
No whitelisted driver found
aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity 
no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting
This is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf (zip in xorg_conf.tar.gz)

May I'd missed something? Did I made any errors or some graphics packs?
Please give me some hints? TK

PS: In main menu I'd seen these items: ConfigSetting Manager, Emerald themes manager. But I don't see the item for "glxgears".

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2008, 02:04
by wow
@vanchutr: You will need the latest proprietary driver: ... adeon.html
But the problem is that it can be hard to install in Puppy-3.xx. Hopefully someone else had compiled the driver for Puppy-3 and search in the Compiz Fusion Forum about configuring your ATI igp.


The new URL for my CompizFusion packages is at (Filefront):
PuppyLinux > Puppy3 > WindowManager > CompizFusion

There is a new directory also, which has packages compiled just yesterday (source code updated to 31 December 2007). I haven't made a "test pack", so these are separate packages and without dependencies, if you want to upgrade CompizFusion you must install:
  • - (core)
    everything else is optional(e.g. plugins-extra, simple-ccsm, freewins)
Screenshot: My Puppy-3.01 showing the new atlantis plugin (not atlantis2):


Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2008, 12:06
by tombh
Much appreciated wow, Thanks :)

I'll certainly be making use of your new compilations and I'm sure they'll make it into the next version of wNOP.

tom :)

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2008, 13:55
by tombh
Just been trying out your latest dotpets and they seem to do that funny bug where the pet isn't installed but just plonked in root. Nevertheless the resulting dotpet can then be executed and does install properly.

I've just done the minimal upgrade so far and tried simple-ccsm and shelf, all seems fine. Although, compiz still returns version 0.5.5 but I assume that's because of git and it not being an official release?

Posted: Sat 12 Jan 2008, 10:20
by wow
tombh wrote:Just been trying out your latest dotpets and they seem to do that funny bug where the pet isn't installed but just plonked in root.
That's strange, I've tested some of those dotpets in a new pup_save file and they installed without problems.
tombh wrote:compiz still returns version 0.5.5 but I assume that's because of git and it not being an official release?
The answer:
Deciare wrote:The definitive word on this can be found in this post by a core developer.

The git master version of Compiz currently identifies itself as version 0.5.5, which is indeed the latest version. Other components to be found in git may be identified as version 0.6.99. The whole collection will likely be released as 0.7 when the next stable release rolls around.

As for confusion between the communities, what kind? A few people have been wandering onto the old site, but most of us should be gathered here.

Posted: Sat 12 Jan 2008, 17:21
by cb88
@tombh I have that problem with ALL dotpets after it starts doing it i just gets hung up copying to / and i have PLENTY space

looking into vector linux they have my nvidia driver auto compiled at installation and it is multiuser and fast (they have a rep for speed as a binary distro) but I will still mess with puppy for fun vector is lacking a f77 compiler sofar :-( no compileing R just yet

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2008, 06:06
by mrkcee
This is great! I was able to get it to work. Thanks guys! :D

I made a PET package of the files: and all of the files in wow's 31dec07 folder in filefront. If you guys are interested, I could upload it.

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2008, 11:41
by tombh
How do you mean? Have you made the and the recent filefront files into ONE SINGLE pet? As a lot of the files would jsut cancel each other out! I assume you mean you've just made a pet of all wow's recent Dec31 files? If that's the case I can provide a compiled version of CCSM that doesn't require python -- it could be included in the pet, thus creating a compiz-fusion package that has 'no' dependencies.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 05:11
by mrkcee
Oh yeah. I just realized now that I did overwrite. Haha. Sorry about that. Could you upload the CCSM that does not require python? :D

"Wobble Fairy Button on top panel magically fixes CF and Emerald crashes"
Could you explain this?


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 14:33
by tombh
Well here is CCSM -- it is tar.gz, after unpacking it is about 4.5MB.

After unpacking it must replace the file /usr/bin/ccsm in your new dotpet.

The Wobble Fairy Button is unique to wNOP. It is a small script that detects for Compiz-Fusion and Emerald as running processes, executing either if they are not detected as running. The 'magic' is that it will not just crudely execute both programs 'blindly' without checking to see if they are running already. You see, sometimes Emerald will crash on its own, whilst Compiz-Fusion is still happily going strong.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 15:07
by mrkcee
Thanks for the CCSM. :)

I now remember why I combined wow's 31dec07 files with the test package. The test package contained libraries (eg. libwnck or something like that) that was needed by emerald.


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 16:33
by tombh
Oh of course, that makes sense!

Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2008, 03:36
by wow
Another update see first post.

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2008, 06:03
by F4m1ne
Has anyone gotten compiz working on a Dell Latitude C800?

The specs for it are

1ghz pentium 3
20 gig hdd
256meg RAM
Puppy 3.01
ATI Mobility M4 integrated AGP

Any help would be welcomed. :)

Posted: Fri 29 Feb 2008, 02:12
by wow
Sad to say your gpu is not supported: wrote:ATI Cards

If you are using an ATI card, Compiz Fusion requires at least a Radeon 7000 (or M6). From the 7000 to the X1050, you can use AIGLX with the open source ati driver. All X1xxx series cards and the Xpress 200(M) must use the proprietary fglrx driver with Xgl.