Video editing for Puppy?

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#41 Post by shr1k »

Take a look at Blender it has some good video editing tool in its sequencer and its comp nodes. Big learning curve but its powerful. ... ce_Editing

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Useful video software

#42 Post by KevOB »

There are a handful of programs that are useful for video editing. Some share dependencies with each other and with other programs. Experience elsewhere shows that upgrading any module in a working system is difficult as it is easy to break something unawares, the only recovery then being restoring the whole system from backup.

The useful programs are:


There are others but with the above you can capture video, edit it and output it. You can also make DVD's or VCD's including making VCD's of Divx/XVid avi's .

Avidemux2 is essential. It can change all sorts of formats and output some standard settings for DVD or VCD creation. Thes can be fed to Devede or DVDStyler.
Very handy for downloaded Xvid/Divx avi rips which can be split.

Kino can read VOB files ripped from DVD's but has to remake them and they are about 30x greater in size.

Cinelerra is excellent once you have figure out how to use it and export from it. It is useful if you have clips precut ready to assemble together again. The latter can sometimes be done simply by using the CAT command to joint them.

MPlayer provides libraries for some of the others.

K3b provides the only burner which can easily handle VCD cue files. it also can copy DVD's even encrypted ones. If it can't DVD::Rip can extract the VOB files which can be concatenated.

Devede simple to use DVD and VCD maker.
DVDStyler useful when more complex DVD menus are needed.

GXine with Xine has the only player with control of video colour/contrast/brightness/saturation settings on playback. If you have external output from your video card to the TV this is essential.

Audacity is essential.
For more advanced use a rt-kernel is needed. Jack can then be used and Ardour and other programs.

We could do with separate serious multimedia video and sound modules that can run in a current version. Once they are installed the system should be regarded as fixed until a replacement module is available.By chasing the latest we seem never to have a working system.

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#43 Post by maggotspawn »

I know this is an old thread, but I was wondering if there's anything new on the video editing front. I tried Cinelerra with out success. It plays back video but wouldn't edit it. Anything else out there?

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#44 Post by GeoffS »

I've been using Kino (the version that comes in FatDog) quite effectively recently. Can't do some things but does basic editing quite well. Had to read the instructions sometimes but most of it was intuitive.
Took me some time (and another computer) to get around the problem that mjpegtools won't run on an AMD precessor. Lives, Kino and I believe some of the other packages use mjpegtools.
Those are my humble comments, maybe some others will have more.

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#45 Post by maggotspawn »

Thanks for the reply. I'm looking for a working pet or pup of one of the mentioned apps.

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#46 Post by GeoffS »

I installed FatDog into a full install of Dingo 4.0 using the method described by DesertPuppy. I needed OpenOffice so FatDog provided both.
These programs use ginormous amounts of disk space and I have found that is is all to easy to fill your save file in the 'blink of an eye' by forgetting to define the directory to use for output. Even Audacity, just processing audio can do it - I know :cry: :cry: As a result I now ONLY use full installs.
Of course, I'm concerned that these programs which appear very good don't check the space available and produce warnings. Very poor programming IMHO - no, not so humble on this one!!!
There has been somebody on this forum recently trying to get Cinerella going but I think they put it into the 'too hard basket'. I know when I looked at the Cinerella manual I put IT into the 'too hard basket' :lol:
All the foregoing has been in the nature a comment, a bit of a rant about lousy programming and keeping your thread current - hopefully you'll get some more comments.

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#47 Post by disciple »

Grafpup had/has Cinelarra - you could always try Nathan's package in puppy, although I suspect it's been packaged for Puppy at some stage as well.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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Video Editing for Puppy

#48 Post by gonzo »

New to Puppy, but I've used:-

with MPlayer and Mencoder, plus codecs.

Used Tabencode ( GUI frontend to Mencoder) for converting vid formats ( even RealMedia - rename RMV/RMVB to rm and it works) particularly for vid clips from 'Net.

As yet havent tried any of these, if they are avaiable - in Puppy


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