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PCMCIA Problem

#41 Post by Mstar »


I found the comment about moving the files in a note you'd left in one of the scripts. I don´t now enough to make that kind of stuff up.

Ran uname and got the correct version in response.

Checked the wireless configuration and it is identical in both. Only someone who had never made a dumb mistake would be insulted by that kind of question, and that certainly is not me.

I will have to look into the command line solution, that is a bit above my pay grade. But I will give it a try.

Now that you mention it, I was not able to load the driver until after I did a frugal install. Got the driver failed to load message, but assumed it was because this machine is ram limited (192 meg only). Maybe not, though.

I will report back on the command line effort.

Thanks again.

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#42 Post by Pizzasgood »

I found the comment about moving the files in a note you'd left in one of the scripts. I don´t now enough to make that kind of stuff up.
No, I don't think you're making anything up. I thought maybe you just misunderstood what I'd changed, or maybe mistook someone else's comment for my own. Because I honestly don't remember doing anything like that. I just looked through all my notes and didn't see anything about pcmcia. Do you have any idea which script it was that said that? Did it have my name following the comment?

It's possible that I did something like that back in the beginning and forgot to document it, then actually forgot it. But I think you probably saw a comment someone else had made that was near one I made and mistook it for my own.

Of course, if I'm losing my memory I'd really like to know about it :shock:

EDIT: I did move the ALSA stuff from rc.local0 to rc.sysinit. That's not pcmcia though.
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#43 Post by jcoder24 »

Pizzasgood wrote:No, the firewall isn't automatically set. I should set it to do that, considering it runs dhcpd automatically.
Did you write a script to do this or did you just call it from rc.local[0]?

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#44 Post by NathanO »

Maybe I missed this some where, but it would be nice to add a GUI to change the clock at the right end of the task bar from 12H to 24H rather then having to change a script.


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#45 Post by JustGreg »

I did a full installation to an ext2 partition. PCpuppyOS works great. Wine comes up without a whine about missing libraries. I have some questions about things that I can change.

First, I would like to set the tray clock to 24 hour format. Which script do I have to edit the settings for miniclock. I checked the usual suspects, oops, scripts and could not find it.

Second, I would like the calendar and analog clock not to start running at startup. They are nice. Once again, which script do I have to edit? I found this out. Just go to /etc/init.x and change the permissions to no execute on the startup files.

I have gotten two minor errors. The first is Cybernet ZPC-9000, I using does not have a floppy drive. I get a error opening /dev/fd0 at boot. Once again, which script do I have to edit?

The second error was with the program xnetstrength. When I tried to run it, it terminated with this error message: "font load failed" Resource temporarily unavailable."

I have not used icewm before and now I am impressed. Everything looks nice. The icons are great. It is easy to change themes. Friedsorjm and Pizzasgood, you did a great job.
Enjoy life, Just Greg
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#46 Post by friedsonjm »

JustGreg wrote: Second, I would like the calendar and analog clock not to start running at startup. They are nice. Once again, which script do I have to edit?
Check out Utility-Toggle Services

Lots of stuff you can have auto turn off or on!


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#47 Post by Pizzasgood »

Maybe I missed this some where, but it would be nice to add a GUI to change the clock at the right end of the task bar from 12H to 24H rather then having to change a script.
I'm back in Pizzapup right now so I can't check, but maybe the IceWM configuration tool can do that. I think that's in Start->Desktop. I know it can do some other stuff, and I think it could do the clock too.

Otherwise, sure, I can make one of those.
Did you write a script to do this or did you just call it from rc.local[0]?
Neither. I figured out how the network wizard saved it's settings, and set it up with pre-saved dhcpcd running.

I added the firewall by putting in the same rc.firewall script that the wizard generates when using the default settings, and added code to rc.local0 so that when it creates rc.local (if it doesn't already exist, which is the default) it includes code to load the firewall. I thought about instead using the /etc/init.d directory and the toggle scripts for it, but then it would mess up the firewall wizard (in case the user wants to modify the firewall).

Maybe I could modify the wizard to be compatible with that though. Yes, I think that would be better. More consistent with the rest of the stuff.

I have gotten two minor errors. The first is Cybernet ZPC-9000, I using does not have a floppy drive. I get a error opening /dev/fd0 at boot. Once again, which script do I have to edit?
Not sure. Does this happen with a normal Puppy? I don't think I modified anything involving floppy disks, so that might be a normal part of Puppy's boot sequence.

Also, are you sure it was /dev/fd0 and not /dev/fb0? /dev/fb0 would be referring to the framebuffer device, which indicates an error with the bootsplash. Perhaps you didn't chose to use a framebuffer device, but also didn't enable the pfix=nosplash boot option?
The second error was with the program xnetstrength. When I tried to run it, it terminated with this error message: "font load failed" Resource temporarily unavailable."
Hmm, I'll have to look into that.
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#48 Post by JustGreg »

Thank you, Pizzasgood. The problem was the frame buffer and pfix=noboot splash did work and eliminated the message at boot. I did confirm the problem with xnetstrength. This is not a major problem for me since RutilT provides similar information. I just want to see how xnetstrength looked.
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Trouble with CUPS

#49 Post by davec51 »

This may be a CUPS rather than a pcPuppyOS problem, but when I try to set up a connection from my pcPuppy OS to a remote printer, the setup doesn't offer a Samba option. I have configured 3.01 with such an option. Am I being directed to an older CUPS page?

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#50 Post by JustGreg »

I am posting this to help others. if you want the tray clock format to be a 24 hour format and not a 12 hour with AM or PM, then one has to edit /root/.icewm/perferences with a text editor (i.e. geany). To get the 24 hour format, one has to remove the "#" at the beginning of line 474. Make the change and save the file. To get the format, one has to restart icewm using the shutdown menu.

I have another minor error (fix it when there is time, but it is not a bug!). Conky is placing in the flie /tmp/xerrs.log this message, "Conky: statfs 'mnt/home' No such file or directory". My installation is a full to ext2 partition so there is no /mnt/home. For others, unless you leave your system on continuously, this is not a problem. At each startup, this file is deleted and a new xerrs.log file is started.
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#51 Post by JustGreg »

Here is how I fix for my full ext2 system for Conky placing an error message about /mnt/home in the /tmp/xerrs.log file. It requires modification of the /root/.conkyrc file. One has to remove the two lines that check /mnt/home for the file system reporting. One removes line 159 , starts with "${if_mounted /initrd...". In the next line (160) one needs to remove "${endif}" only from the line. The "${endif}" completes the if statement. The other items on line 160 are needed for proper operation. Only do this, if you are having the problem. I hope this helps.
Enjoy life, Just Greg
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Found It

#52 Post by Mstar »


The comment about moving PCMCIA files was in /etc/rc.d/README-pcmcia.txt. I thought I'd imagined it, but finally found it.

Here's what it said:

The pcmcia_cs package normally has /etc/rc.d/pcmcia script,
however, I have extracted the functionality of the script
to /etc/rc.d/rc.modules to start pcmcia running, and
/etc/rc.d/rc.reboot to shut down pcmcia.

It's quite likely that I misinterpreted what that means, thus my comment.

The command line wireless set-up does not work. Have to go now, but will post the messages a bit later.

Thanks for all your efforts, and help.


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#53 Post by Pizzasgood »

That file wasn't me. Whew. My memory is at least marginally reliable still. :)
Conky is placing in the flie /tmp/xerrs.log this message, "Conky: statfs 'mnt/home' No such file or directory".
Hmm... I thought the "${if_mounted" thing would prevent that. Actually, I think the problem is that that directory doesn't even exist in a full install. So maybe it only works when booting with an initrd.gz file.

I'll have to see if "${if_existing xxx}" works on directories, then nest that whole line in one of those.
This may be a CUPS rather than a pcPuppyOS problem, but when I try to set up a connection from my pcPuppy OS to a remote printer, the setup doesn't offer a Samba option. I have configured 3.01 with such an option. Am I being directed to an older CUPS page?
I'll have to check the compile options for CUPS. Maybe the samba part requires a special option or something. Or it could be a CUPS 1.3 problem (Puppy uses 1.2).
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

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#54 Post by friedsonjm »

JustGreg wrote:I am posting this to help others. if you want the tray clock format to be a 24 hour format and not a 12 hour with AM or PM, then one has to edit /root/.icewm/perferences with a text editor (i.e. geany). To get the 24 hour format, one has to remove the "#" at the beginning of line 474. Make the change and save the file. To get the format, one has to restart icewm using the shutdown menu.

I have another minor error (fix it when there is time, but it is not a bug!). Conky is placing in the flie /tmp/xerrs.log this message, "Conky: statfs 'mnt/home' No such file or directory". My installation is a full to ext2 partition so there is no /mnt/home. For others, unless you leave your system on continuously, this is not a problem. At each startup, this file is deleted and a new xerrs.log file is started.
Both fixed in the new version, and lots more.

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#55 Post by BlueScreenBetty »

Thanks again for this derivative-I'm running it on my work tablet from bootable USB, and it has worked out well for me. Plays wonderfully with my equipment, and I now have citrix too. I can have a good look at Linux without risking my Windows installation. My IT Director liked it as well. :)

Pardon the newbie question, but can my USB installation be updated in the same manner as a LIVE CD update? If I boot from my USB drive, will the boot process find the updated files on the CD even if I'm not booting from CD?

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#56 Post by buttonss »


the java runtime environment packaged with the latest pcpuppyos distro is update 2. The latest is update 3. How do I change this?

newbie question. Thanks.

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#57 Post by davec51 »

This may be a CUPS rather than a pcPuppyOS problem, but when I try to set up a connection from my pcPuppy OS to a remote printer, the setup doesn't offer a Samba option. I have configured 3.01 with such an option. Am I being directed to an older CUPS page?
I'll have to check the compile options for CUPS. Maybe the samba part requires a special option or something. Or it could be a CUPS 1.3 problem (Puppy uses 1.2).[/quote]

I just got the latest build of pcPuppyOS (RC1) and the cups configuration still doesn't offer a SAMBA connection. It's very frustrating. Is there some way I can get a different version of CUPS, not through the wizard?

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#58 Post by WhoDo »

davec51 wrote:I just got the latest build of pcPuppyOS (RC1) and the cups configuration still doesn't offer a SAMBA connection. It's very frustrating. Is there some way I can get a different version of CUPS, not through the wizard?
Actually there is a very easy way to add a Samba option to your CUPS config in Puppy. It involves creating a text file somewhere like /etc but I can't remember the details. You might search the forum for samba and CUPS and see what pops up.

Hope that helps.
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#59 Post by friedsonjm »

buttonss wrote:Hi,

the java runtime environment packaged with the latest pcpuppyos distro is update 2. The latest is update 3. How do I change this?

newbie question. Thanks.
Being worked now. Per Pizzasgood:

Fixed missing samba option (needed a symlink to smbspool in /usr/lib/cups/backends/)
Upgraded Java
Upgraded Wine
Updated Clam-Av def's to today

ISO will be posted today or tomorrow...

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#60 Post by Pizzasgood »

Sorry for the delay. I haven't been able to visit the forum since Monday.
Pardon the newbie question, but can my USB installation be updated in the same manner as a LIVE CD update? If I boot from my USB drive, will the boot process find the updated files on the CD even if I'm not booting from CD?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. The newer ISO's of pcPuppyOS won't update themselves, as they all use the same internal version. If you replaced the pup_xxx.sfs, zdrv_xxx.sfs, initrd.gz, and vmlinuz files with files from a newer Puppy (a hypothetical 3.02), it would attempt to upgrade, but would probably really mess stuff up (all the new stuff I added would get removed). Replacing the files from an older Puppy with those from pcPuppyOS would also trigger an upgrade, in which case it may or may not be successful.

To upgrade Java, you could just download the newer package from the Java website, chmod 755 it, place it in /usr/local, then run it (./jre_xxxxx) and let it install itself. Then you might need to adjust the symlink in /root/.mozilla/plugins/ to point to the new version.

But I did upgrade Java tonight, so the next ISO will include that. I also upgraded Wine.

@Whodo: Thanks, that helped. What you need to do is symlink /usr/bin/smbspool to /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb. This will also be fixed in the next version (probably to be uploaded tonight, as I already have the ISO built but not tested. Though I might come up with more things to add before then and rebuild it. And there's always a chance that my dorm just explodes out of nowhere, so no guarantees on tonight ;) ).
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

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