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Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 17:36
by Barburo
Hi TazOC
I previously wrote about my nvidia display problem on the notebook:
The display quality of the background image seems better in KDE than in IceWM:
If I use a background like "blue bend" that has large areas of blues that shade into each other, it displays well in KDE, but the same image in IceWM shows jittery transitions.
This is true for the notebook only - my regular desktop box displays the backgrounds with equal precision. Still i can't figure why the notebook is like this.
I looked at xerrs.log (notebook) and it shows this when booting into icewm:
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Fri May 30 10:06:41 2008
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(II) Module already built-in
(EE) NVIDIA(1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!
(EE) NVIDIA(1): *** Aborting ***
Synaptics DeviceInit called
SynapticsCtrl called.
Synaptics DeviceOn called
/etc/rc.d/athcool start
Warning: Only changing the first 5 of 9 buttons.
Enabling Athlon powersaving mode...failed.
test: /usr/share/backgrounds//default_blue.jpg
option: -stretch
stretching: /usr/share/backgrounds//default_blue.jpg
The errs.log shows this when I change to KDE:
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Fri May 30 10:37:39 2008
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(II) Module already built-in
(EE) NVIDIA(1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!
(EE) NVIDIA(1): *** Aborting ***
Synaptics DeviceInit called
SynapticsCtrl called.
Synaptics DeviceOn called
Warning: Only changing the first 5 of 9 buttons.
/etc/rc.d/athcool start
Enabling Athlon powersaving mode...failed.

This is the LAN Information Server LISa 0.2.3
It is free software according the GNU General Public License
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Alexander Neundorf
running on port 7741
Have fun ! :-)

xset: bad font path element (#239), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
startkde: Starting up...
failed to find gam_server
Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam-root-
kbuildsycoca running...
kded: WARNING: [KDEDModule* Kded::loadModule(const KService*, bool)] Could not load library. [ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ]
kded: WARNING: [KDEDModule* Kded::loadModule(const KService*, bool)] Could not load library. [ Library files for "" not found in paths. ]
grep: /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo: No such file or directory
grep: /src/*: No such file or directory
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
sh: /usr/bin/cpp: No such file or directory
failed to find gam_server
Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam-root-
It looks like nvidia isn't starting for either but the screen displays correctly in KDE. Any suggestions how to fix this?

Display problem on nVidia notebook in IceWM

Posted: Fri 20 Jun 2008, 00:42
by tazoc

I could have replied to you earlier on this. Display issues give me headaches... You might try the nVidia drivers available here: Nvidia drivers for Puppy 3.0

From your description it sounds like a color depth issue?

Or look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf while running in KDE and then in IceWM to see if there is any difference.

That's all I can think of--maybe someone else can help here?

LH 3.01a

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2008, 22:50
by Barburo
Hi TazOC
Operator error as usual. It was a colour depth problem as you suggested.

I was foolish enough to enter "reboot" in a Konsole window, and lost most of the customization of the KDE desktop on next and subsequent boots. I learned plenty about the control panel getting it back the way I wanted it. However I now get the KDE panel error "Media manager not running" each time I boot (this started happening immediately after my "reboot" in Konsole).
I tried turning off the mediamanager in Control Panel but the message comes up regardless. Looking back through this thread I see that Diamond also had this problem and a bit of googling around shows that it is a fairly commonly reported KDE problem. The solution however is less evident. I could rebuild a new save file from your CD (I always run "frugal" installs) but I now have lots of customization so I am somewhat reluctant to do so if there's a simple fix. B.

Re: LH 3.01a

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2008, 06:08
by tazoc
Barburo wrote:I now get the KDE panel error "Media manager not running" each time I boot (this started happening immediately after my "reboot" in Konsole).
I tried turning off the mediamanager in Control Panel but the message comes up regardless.
I found this on an OpenSuse forum: Look in KDE Control Centre for 'Service Manager' and make sure 'KDED Media Manager' is checked, and also the 'Media Notifier Daemon', then reboot.

I can't think of anything else to try, except to see if anything in your Autostart folder might be launching Konqueror, or somehow trying to automount a drive.

Posted: Tue 08 Jul 2008, 05:17
by macadavy
I ran a GeForce4 card on my old box. I could only get low-res, no 3d etc. video performance 'till I installed the proprietary specialized NVidia drivers. I think doing so will probably fix your problems.
Also check the KDE services manager as TazOC suggested.

Posted: Tue 15 Jul 2008, 07:02
by Barburo
Thanks TaZoc and Macadavy for your suggestions - I decided to re-create from the LH iso. Lots of fun, but I keep the dotpups and pets that I install so it's easy to re-apply them. Of course I had to re-set-up the apps the way I wanted them. I had a corrupted nvidia pet that kept me busy until I re-downloaded it with wget and verified the checksum.

I still like Lighthouse the best - the KDE implementation is quick and clean.
My son, looking over my shoulder when I was trying Tiger with the compiz-fusion effects was very impressed (wow - that's a lot smoother and faster than on my laptop under XP) but I find Lighthouse more usable day-to-day.

Thanks Tazoc for your excellent version of puppy and your kind responses to my sort-of dumb problems. B.

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 09:55
by Bligh
Sorry if this post is in the wrong place. When I used new post, it appeared in derivatives.
I don't have a paypal account,how can I contribute to Lighthouse? Thanks.


Posted: Sun 17 Aug 2008, 05:45
by kayan
I have installed as frugal on my laptop , i am very happy with the kde & icewm
but i am not able to connect to intenet , both the browsers firefox & Koncorer reports no internet connection but pppoe-status reports connection ( i am able to browse with puppy 4 dingo and other variants of puppy) when checked with route and ifconfig commands they are the same as in puppy 4...
Please help

Posted: Sun 17 Aug 2008, 06:38
by kayan
following is the result to the commands of route & ifconfig

-bash-3.00# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo
default * U 0 0 0 ppp0
<root> ~

<root> ~
-bash-3.00# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:36:01:91:CF
RX packets:51 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:51 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:3216 (3.1 KiB) TX bytes:3769 (3.6 KiB)
Interrupt:5 Base address:0x2000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:60 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:60 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:4716 (4.6 KiB) TX bytes:4716 (4.6 KiB)

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:19 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:718 (718.0 B) TX bytes:653 (653.0 B)

<root> ~

rox icons

Posted: Mon 18 Aug 2008, 15:12
by elraven
I was trying lh 301a4 and had the problem listed at the begining of these posts ,namely icons on desktop vanished . Trying the fix mentioned in the original post , I found it didn't work . I discovered I had bigger problems . Whether I was in Rox , or the terminal , or file finders like Pfind , stuff i enstalled like apache wasn't being recognized . I used konqueror to get apache started .

Any who , just a bit ago I went snooping in the /root /Config/ rox-filer folder. Then I saw something . I saw I had two globicon listings . One was globicon and the other was globicon.original . So like the mad idiot I am . I gave globicon the extension .bak . Then I renamed globicon.original to globicon. I exited to prompt ,restarted icewm and hooray I had icons ! Except for the one for K3b . Rox is fine now , the Pfind and the other file finders are remembering .

So give this a try , it might work for you too 8)

Posted: Mon 18 Aug 2008, 18:09
by Barburo
I don't have a paypal account,how can I contribute to Lighthouse? Thanks.
TazOC only surfaces occasionally now - try sending him a private message (PM) - he may reply. I know he would appreciate a contribution.
Why not set up a one-time PayPal account, use it, then ignore it. I have had horrible problems with PayPal myself so I can appreciate if others are unwilling to use them (see for horror stories - they also point you to alternatives).

Getting wireless to work is tough. Sometimes the wireless "connect" in Puppy fails to do the job.
I have a script "wireless-gtkdialog" that I use first. I believe it's been renamed to pwireless. I think it's now a pet - here's the link: ... ch&id=7379
Download and install.

If that doesn't work I wrote a simple brute force script that nearly always will get me connected, even if I have to try multiple times. I have a bcm43xx module in my laptop that is very poor at connecting. The script is for WEP and eth1 . Substitute your router information (you get it from iwconfig in a terminal) for module, essid, WEP key (use a ten digit key), channel, and access point (ap). I heard that multiple iwconfig commands work better than a single one with multiple arguments. It has worked for me.
I run this script in a terminal window. If you try it be sure to make it executable. Your computer may use a different identifier than eth1. (I grabbed the last bit of code from wireless-gtkdialog so that I could get feedback whether the connection had succeeded or not). B.
rmmod bcm43xx
sleep 3
modprobe bcm43xx
sleep 3
ifconfig eth1 down
ifconfig eth1 up
iwconfig eth1 essid xxxx
iwconfig eth1 key open xxxxxxxxxx
iwconfig eth1 channel 11
iwconfig eth1 nickname default
iwconfig eth1 mode managed
iwconfig eth1 ap 00:13:46:F5:E3:B0
iwconfig eth1 bit auto
iwconfig eth1 rate auto
iwconfig eth1 txpower auto
sleep 3
iwconfig eth1
echo "Trying DHCP for eth1"
rm -f /etc/dhcpc/*.pid
dhcpcd -t 30 eth1
IP=`ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr:' | sed 's/^[ ^t]*//' | sed 's/inet addr://g' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
echo "IP Address:" $IP
exit 0

I don't have a paypal account, how can I contribute

Posted: Tue 19 Aug 2008, 02:24
by tazoc
Bligh wrote:Sorry if this post is in the wrong place. When I used new post, it appeared in derivatives.
I don't have a paypal account,how can I contribute to Lighthouse? Thanks.
I just checked and it looks like PayPal does require account creation, even just to donate with a CC. I'm glad to hear that you want to contribute. PM me if you'd like to have my mailing address to make a donation. I don't have a business, nor an address suitable for posting on the web.

Or there are other ways you can contribute to the Puppy Community--testing new versions, development of other Puppy derivatives, documentation, forum feedback, etc.

Hope that helps,

Re: i am not able to connect to intenet PPPoE

Posted: Tue 19 Aug 2008, 03:01
by tazoc
kayan wrote:I have installed as frugal on my laptop , i am very happy with the kde & icewm
but i am not able to connect to intenet , both the browsers firefox & Koncorer reports no internet connection but pppoe-status reports connection ( i am able to browse with puppy 4 dingo and other variants of puppy) when checked with route and ifconfig commands they are the same as in puppy 4...
Please help
I'm assuming you've tried the connectwizard (Connect to Internet icon). Are you on a wired or wireless connection? If wireless, did Barburo's suggestions work? I'm not familiar with PPPoE connections, maybe someone who is can help here?

Posted: Tue 19 Aug 2008, 15:58
by kayan
Dear Barburo
i am trying to get connected to internet through eth0,i am able to connect in puppy dingo ,

but when i use the roaring penguin pppoe in Lhpup, it gets connected ,but browsers are giving the error message as not connected..

after going through the forum and help from others .i used the following commands in terminal "route del default ,route add default ppp0"

now my problem is solved :D


Posted: Sun 05 Oct 2008, 00:41
by Bligh
I am just getting up to speed with Puppy and Lighthouse, but am enjoying it very much. Apparently I did not copy the lighthouse 301a.sfs file to the hdd when I set this up, can I copy the file to the hdd now to speed up the boot up?

Posted: Sun 05 Oct 2008, 01:03
by MU
Bligh wrote:I am just getting up to speed with Puppy and Lighthouse, but am enjoying it very much. Apparently I did not copy the lighthouse 301a.sfs file to the hdd when I set this up, can I copy the file to the hdd now to speed up the boot up?

Posted: Sun 05 Oct 2008, 01:40
by Bligh
Thanks, much faster now.

LighthousePup Update soon...

Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 20:20
by tazoc
I'm working on an updated Lighthouse 3.01b with a slew of updates, including a new LookNFeel Panel with KMenu tweaks, KDE 3.5.9, FireFox 3.03, Java 1.6u7, Muppymplayer and more IceWM features from Lighthouse 2.15. For performance and reliability reasons, I disabled Shadows and Translucency by default, but you can still turn it on if desired.

Any other suggestions are welcomed here. I'll start a new thread as soon as the ISO is uploaded. Java 1.6 was requested. I think someone asked about Amarok but its size and dependencies convinced me to leave it out for now. Maybe I can find or make an add-on package for it if there are more requests.

Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 20:35
by Colonel Panic
Good work. Is it possible for it to run in 256 MB of RAM, for those of us with older machines?

Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 22:32
by tazoc
Colonel Panic wrote:Good work. Is it possible for it to run in 256 MB of RAM, for those of us with older machines?
Good question, I'm afraid not unless there is a technique I'm unfamiliar with. KDE, Firefox, GIMP and mplayer w/codecs are sizable, yet I use them all regularly. Although I wish I could 'cut the fat' I still want most of the apps and graphics I use available in LiveCD or first-boot mode--hence Lighthouse has grown quite a bit. The beta I'm working on has a core file, pup_301b3_lighthouse that is 286 MB. In my brief VBox testing, it needed about 384mb RAM to boot.

Other than LighthousePup 215, which doesn't have KDE and I don't plan to update, you might consider official Puppy and add EZPup (which includes IceWM window manager, or MU's great puplet Muppy-Mini

If I manage to build a stripped-down Lighthouse in the future that boots on 256 MB RAM I will let you know.

Take care,