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Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 07:13
by john biles
Hello denny14,
All I can tell you is that the PC I use for testing and my nieces use to surf the net, chat using gaim and watch the odd DVD has a Pentium III 800Mhz Processor with 128Mb's of RAM and 1GB of swap. It has no external graphic card besides the one on the motherboard and they seem quite happy using it. One asked if I could remove Vista off her new laptop and install TEENpup because it was faster. I use this old PC regularly as well and to me the speed is more than exceptable. I guess it depends on what each user see's as being exceptable.
In the end you must decide if installing TEENpup is worth the risk or not.
If your happy with your current system, stick with that. I know that TEENpup won't work for everyone, but there will be a few users who will be happy and use TEENpup.
I know I wasn't happy with Ubuntu, Mepis, SuSe, fedora and the list goes on and on, Others Love these versions of Linux but for me Puppy lets me explore be hopefully creative.

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 08:14
by HairyWill
Did you use a full or frugal install?

I gave TEENpup2008 a go yesterday. Shiny.
I tried doing a manual frugal install, I have no optical drive. The install would not boot properly until I added an empty pup_save to the boot partition. I can't remember if I had this problem with vanilla 2.14. I tried listening to some music at, it uses a flash player. Seamonkey crashed and checking the logs I found the old G_FILENAME_ENCODING error. However, subsequent use of lastFM seems to be OK.

keep up the good work

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 09:03
by john biles
Hello HairyWill,
I normally run TEENpup live or as a full install with no problems.
As for your's and everyone else's problems with TEENpup 2008 all I can say is that I've spent countless hours testing and I thought making TEENpup 2008 as bug free as I could.

Like HairyWill if anyone finds a fix for any of these Bugs please let me know.

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 13:46
by john biles
Seeing Seamonkey isn't behaving itself as it should, here's how to install Opera 9.26
First go to Opera's Website and download Opera 9.26 for Linux, you need the version ending in TAR.GZ
Once you have the download make a new folder in root for example and unzip Opera. You shouild see a file called Now open a terminal by right mouse clicking in ROX and selecting window>Terminal Here
Once you have the terminal type ./ you will now be asked a couple of questions, just enter Y for each question until it goes back to # by itself.

You now need to add opera to the menu so you can navigate there any time you want. I have made the required file and all you need to do is navigate to /usr/share/applications and drag and drop it in.
You now need to navigate to/usr/sbin open a terminal there and type ./fixmenus

Lastly if you've already installed Java , Opera should supply support straight away for both Java ans flash.
Its late I've been at work all day so if this doesn't make sense, sorry I falling asleep here.

getting the two puppys to talk to internet at the same time

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 14:54
by eccentric
First John thanks for the prompt reply about the clock.
I tried the two net work cards and cross over cable but no luck, all i learned from that was
the net address was , that was after i in stalled the program. so i tried one card
in the sever, this i set up with my static net address and PPPoE.this cable went to a hub,
the cable from the wall socket also went to the hub, i then went to the WWW.and that worked. the slave machine i put a DVD of another puppy also to the hub. on this i set up the net card as address:- . net mask
DNS Servers both the server uses a 2gig C/F card in an IDE adapter as a hard drive. the slave i only tested using just the DVD. the hub is a router without using the wide band WAN output socket. My way this is a little different from the write up with the program but it works for me.

I set up CUPS and used the colour photo software you supplied, printed first class.
HPdeskjet920c and gloss paper. also the WEB cam works for the first time in puppy.

Now to get the torrent to work??? then i can seed for 24/7 and give something back to every one. Regards to you all Michael an eccentric grandpa :roll:

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 22:09
by john biles
Hello eccentric,
I'm happy to see you've got a lot of your hardware working.
Good Luck with using TEENpup :D

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 22:32
by crabbypup
hello, i have been using teenpup 2.14 for a while. and when i whent to softpedia to download the upgrade to 2008, the site said it was redirecting and then appeared broken. could you please provide an alternative download site? thanks.

but TEENpup2008 looks great!! 8) hope to see more like this in the future. a click and run replacement for xp would be amazing!! (especially a puppy based one!) :D

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 22:38
by Caneri
Hi crabby,

Look here


Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2008, 23:59
by Dingo
I finally tried TeenPup ... It is incredible! Fast, beautiful! Only two questions:

Pup_save of the TeenPup can live with the pup_save Puppy 3.01?

I saw that serves double click to launch programs: how to set my single click?

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 01:03
by Ray MK
Hi John

TEENpup2008 on the hdd running v sweet in the partition that used to accomadate XPdoze.

There is a problem closing tabs in seamonkey but thats a minor hiccup when considering
all the other improvements and as you say - Opera can be installed as well if desired.

Maybe there is a setting somewhere that needs changing - still looking, learning and
generally familiarising myself with all the goodies.

Just like a PUPPY scampering about finding nice juicy new bones everywhere - dont know
which one to pick up (click on) and play with next. And cant always remember where I
buried the one I had just been chewing on (playing with) 'cos I keep finding new ones
and start getting interested in them. "Wunderbar" <<--- (hope the spelling correct)

Haven't even glanced at the destructions yet - this little lot will keep me occupied
for some considerable time - many thanks again John for an absolutely SUPERpup2008.

One V happy Puppy n00bie and Ex.doze user

Ray MK

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 13:38
by langecom
Hi John,

I have been trying your TEENpup 2008 and found it is wonderful.

According to the User's Guide - While “Flash 9

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 16:02
by john biles
Hello langecom,
I should have been in bed hours ago its 3am where I live in the world.
I went to the website you listed and strangely a flash advertisement on the right of screen is working fine, but on the left of the screen the flash player there is asking for you to install flash? I don't know if there is a problem with the site.
Have you tried to watch youtube to see if flash plays there?

I really need to go to bed so won't answer again for at least 7 hours.

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 18:48
by accessdenied
I just tried that same web site from Firefox and the left Java area for the video plays fine.

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 19:54
by crabbypup
@ Caneri:

it doesn't work either. i am using freshdownload manager for winblows. all other links but that one work. it says the file is only 30mb or less and says that it is an html file, not an iso. please, help!! :cry:

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 20:11
by Caneri
Hi crabby,

The iso is correct...hmmm..I will look further and post back to this message.
Well it seems ok here.
try the direct link

I can download with no problem...if you can use Puppy to download use this command from a terminal
wget -c
or use Pwget from Lobster with a cut and paste solution for wget.
Look here ... 10&t=25567

The server is in Toronto down by the Queen's Quay so you should be fast.


TeenPup 2008 and NFS

Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 21:52
by DreamsToGo

I have experimented in the past with Puppy and was very pleased to come across TeenPUP with everything installed. Thank you.

I have installed in on an old PC - celeron 836 with 256 ram. Works great and much faster than Ubuntu. I have installed CUPS to print on the shared printer on my network server. Works great.

Now, I also want to be able to access my music files which are stored on the server. Under Ubuntu (which I have been using up to now), I installed NFS, changed FSTAB file and bingo it just worked. I want to be able to do the same on TeenPUP.

I changed the FSTAB in /etc to add my remote mount; created the target directory on the local machine; rebooted the machine - bungo - no luck.

CUPS works so the server is seen, the network is working, the NFS server is running - other machines in the house connect no problem

What do I need to do to get NFS client to work on TeenPUP? any help would be greatly appreciated as this is a show stopper for me. The client in question is in the Out house and I listen to my music when i am doing the cooking!!

Hilary from South of France

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 03:18
by john biles
Hello DreamsToGo,
While I created the TEENpup series to take the Puppy concept and expand it into something more with extra Applications, ease of use and a look and feel that originally would appear to teenagers, the goal now is to drive the TEENpup concept towards all users. I want someone coming from Windows or one of the popular Linux versions out there upon seeing the TEENpup desktop to say to themselves "This doesn't look to bad at all!". I hope this will lead them into spending more time to fall in love with the Puppy concept itself.
Now having said that, in reality is TEENpup wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today if it wasn't for Puppy forum user's like MU, muggins, lobster, WhoDo, zigbert, plinej, dougal, jcoder24, Pizzasgood, rarsa, GusetToo, gekko, disciple, caneri and a host of other forum users who great work I have used in TEENpup.

One reason it has taken 4-5 months between releases is a large amount of time has been spent checking, testing new pets or dotpups made by the above members, spending time taking the best from Debian, Mandriva etc etc and adapting what ever I could to improve TEENpup in one way or another. Basically in the end 95% of what you see in TEENpup was created by 100's of other Linux user's in one form or another. I'm just the 5% that brought it all together.

After all that and the reason I posted the above is that I don't have all the technical answers as much as I would like to say I do, I don't. So if any of you wonderful forum users can shed light on any of these problems, please feel free to do so.

Lastly I don't have the cash to setup a network of PC's to experiment on sadly.

Even though I've included enough I believe to get Bluetooth working in TEENpup in this version, I haven't included the bluetooth applications in the menu as I couldn't test it. If you look in /opt/kde/bin you will find the exec's to experiment with getting Bluetooth working in TEENpup. If someone has some luck in setting it up, please let us know whats needed.

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 08:36
by john biles
Hello Everyone,
To users trying out TEENpup2008 if you haven't tried "Desktop Themechooser" under Desktop in the menu here's an idea of some of the extra themes included.

can't get internet to work on Teenpup2008

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 10:05
by Qiyasea
Hi, I'm new to this whole Linux experience, but eager to move away from Windows. However, I can't access the internet by ethernet cable or by wi-fi.

My laptop is an older Acer Aspire 3003 Lci, 40GB HDD, 256 RAM, AMD 1.8 Ghz, internal 802.11b/g wifi. Had WinXP on it, was working fine except quite slow.

I wiped the hard drive with Dban so I could install Ubuntu. Had problems trying to do that initially, then I found Puppy Linux. Just noting what happened with Puppy & Ubuntu bc of my internet experience with both...

First I tried Puppy, and everyone is right, the system was super fast, especially web surfing! It took only a few clicks to connect to my ADSL internet (don't recall which connection worked, wireless or ethernet, just remember only 1 did). I couldn't get Skype to work, however - could not even install it after checking several "how to's" online.
Then the next day my Ubuntu 7.10 alt CD was ready so I installed that to see about Skype access. I was able to connect to the internet with Ubuntu. But I now realize with 256MB Ram it's still too slow, esp surfing the web & for Skype.

Then later I booted up into Puppy, into the saved file, and could not get connected to the internet at all. Checked everything I could, spent an hour or two to no avail. It recognizes both the wireless signal and the ethernet connection, but can't finish with the DCHP part. (I wish I remembered how it worked the first time, but I didn't expect to have a problem.)

Then I came across Teenpup2008, and I was excited to see that Skype is pre-installed along with other packages. Looks like an ideal midpoint between Puppy & Ubuntu, and probably better than Ubuntu in functionality & simplicity!

Teenpup2008 loads up beautifully with the live CD.

But... I can't get internet access at all on Teenpup2008 either! argh! I just love the package, my kids love the games, the GUI is so nice and I love that I don't have to install VLC, Skype etc

But without internet access, it's almost useless for our needs! I've gone thru the wizard many times, tried loading a couple different drivers as opined by the wizard, but no luck. I'm not a computer techie, and I am clueless about drivers. :-(

The wizard recognizes the ethernet cable connection, but not the wireless signal at all.

At this point, I've been working with this on & off for 3-4 days. (This is why I stopped trying to use Linux several years ago... too many hours & days, and still no luck. Had to keep Windows!)

If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. If I can get Teenpup2008 working on just one of our laptops, I can justify switching all of our computers over!

Thanks much!

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 10:10
by DreamsToGo
Hello John,

Thank you for your post. I understand your constraints; the more I play with TeenPUP, the more I like it. It does seem to do everything I want straight 'out of the box' except the NFS bit.

To explain; I have a home network with a server and 6 clients all using Ubuntu up to now and all connected to the server via CUPS for printing and NFS for file sharing. I have four teenage girls, so when I came across TeenPUP, I was delighted since Ubuntu is running increasing slowly since Gutsy on my Out house and washroom clients (as I said before I like to listen to my music collection while cooking or ironing!) and also a distro with everything included is really cool.

Over the past year or so, I have gained quite an understanding of how to set up NFS from the server and client ends when using the pre-packaged NFS software as supplied in Ubuntu. What I don't know how to do is to package the software required.

So if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it; I will do the testing no problem - that's the easy bit.

I'm new to Puppy and dotpups. Do you have to have a Dotpup to install to TeenPUP or could you use other packages direct from other distros?

Best wishes and thank you John forall the effort and time.
