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Posted: Sun 15 Jun 2008, 14:09
by trucker33377
Heres how I see it profit is not a dirty word. so windows is ok if you have money to throw away. but if not a 3p and puppy will get the job done alot of ppl all over this world would love to just do that. keeping PC's out of the landfills as long as possable is what i like about this Puppy distro , and when you add to that, that coming from windows to linux Puppy was one of the most newbie friendly ones iv found. I looked at alot of linux programs over the past few months They all have there quirks but when i get hung up its more times then not somthing i did... At least with linux i just pop in the disk and start over, i do windows beside my linux for now so when i put in my windows xp disk that i bought from Frys got the receipt I call and tell them why i want to put it back in, sooner or later I know microsoft will do what they did on my last copy of windows when it wouldnt pass there inspection. we know its not a pirated copy but you should just go buy a new one
As for vista well looking at side by side comparisons from a link i got at pcpitstop win98 and xp both did better. Maybe thats why windows7 is coming so soon
As far as is linux right for you only you can make that call. try a few out look them over burn them to a cd not like it cost all that much who knows maybe you will find one you like

Posted: Mon 16 Jun 2008, 10:21
by urban soul
Bruce B wrote:I don't when Apple/Macs started the phoning home, but I've know of it for a long time.
The point is here that the typical Apple user sees it as a big advantage that Apple stores (collects?) private information about his music preferences etc. It all comes down to trust. Most OS X users trust Apple, whereas this phenomenon is unknown to XP users. :wink: :D

Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2008, 02:54
by Eyes-Only
Bruce wrote:
"If anyone read through all this, thank you."
I surely did! And as always---magnificiently done! If you write like this when you're tired Bruce, then dang! I'd sure love to see an exposition from you when you're fully-awake!

In my book Bruce: You are "The Man".

Thanks for all the work you do here on the Puppy Forums. And that goes out to the rest of you as well: Thanks for all the selfless dedication that the rest of you likewise have in helping others with Puppy and Linux in general. It is people such as yourself who are making Open Source/Free Software what it is today---The Best.

Enough of my ramblings I guess.



Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2008, 11:16
by 37fleetwood
Hi, I started reading this thread thinking it was going to be about one thing and it has turned out to be about something much more exciting! :D
I must admit to being torn. I like the availability of well developed and polished windows programs, developed to their fullest potential, on the other hand I absolutely love the speed and lack of virus potential of linux among a host of other things. I suppose if you run from a live cd and are judicious about what you keep and do a multi session disk is almost as good as it gets. once set up how you like it there is no further worry of developing some new problem. on the down side windows seems to want to pry into every aspect of my useage.
the downside of linux is clearly a product of it's very nature. Linux is dependant upon the community developing it and as such some of the more obscure projects I would like to see pursued, and which I am totally inadequate to develop myself, often get dropped before they get fully optimized (lets start with a nice front end for par file checking so I can remain blissfully ignorant of the command line!).
I suppose, to address most of the comments on this thread, the problem Microsoft faces, or more to the point refuses to face is the public fear as to where they are going with their lack of openness. Microsoft seems to sneer at questions about these concerns which makes smart people suspicious, most likely for good reason. Microsoft seems to feel entitled to do what it chooses without regard to the feelings of it's client base. they have and most likely will continue to buy or squash dissenters.
one issue I would like to raise is the difficulties associated with playing media files in Linux. I installed Suse 10.3 on a computer for a friend and it took me hours to figure out how to get the thing to play a legally bought DVD! mp3's are no easier. the files needed are available but you have to hunt them down. why is this a problem for Linux distributions but Windows has no problem right out of the box. I have been suspicious of Microsoft in this situation as it has been an increasing issue that Windows wants to check every media file you play to see if you have permission to play it. has anyone read anything about whether Microsoft has any deal with the movie and record companies to hamstring Linux in exchange for rights protection crackdowns in Windows. it is simple math that most people with computers use them for various types of media, music, photos, videos, etc. If Microsoft can jam up Linux's ability to play these types of files easily it would be a great advantage to them in the race for dominance. I think you will find this very issue is at the heart of most people's hesitance to move to Linux, this and obviously games.
sorry, I didn't think my response would get so lengthy. :oops:
Scott 8)