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Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 02:30
by MU
ok, as I upgraded Puppy 3, I had to add a lot of new libs.
I made a pack of them.
They are sorted by name.
All from slackware, sometimes with slight changes.

You will need not all.
Especially try to avoid to use glibc, glib and Gtk2.
I think Puppy 4 might be up to date already, at least it also uses a version of Gtk 2.12.
Backup your savefile often, that is a MUST when updating system-libraries!


These cannot be "installed", you must copy what you need with a filemanager.
I recommend to use a filemanager with 2 panes like ... 0.5.91.pup
or: ... -12-22.pup
(don't know, if they work in Puppy 4, there also might be newer versions in the forum).

So use only those libs, where Puppy 4 complains about missing libraries.
I think important is to use the two "shadow" packs.
They have commands to add users/groups.
And dbus, hal, udev.
I add an archive "etc.tar.gz". Copy all files to your Puppy, they start the daemons.

I also add "etc-users.tar.gz". Do NOT copy the 4 files in it:

Instead, compare them with your existing files, and add the lines that miss.

I think you will not need the last one, but not sure...
Some apps might need Python.
It has Python, Compiz and DRI-drivers for Xorg 7.2.
As Puppy 4 has Xorg 7.3, do not use the DRI files!

I just added them, to have a complete package of my addons online. ... -to-build/

The packages reflect the current state I have here, so they are somewhere between Alpha08 and beta 01 (coming this week).


Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 16:41
by Jim1911

Still no luck. I did eliminate the error message generated by the ./installgnome-2.22.2 command by adding and to usr/lib. Apparantly, they were the only libraries missing. Still unable to boot into gnome. I really appreciate your work and your taking precious time to guide me in what I needed to do. However, this is beyond my skill level to continue trying to get this to work with Pup 4.0.

Looking forward to your beta.


Enabling Cario-dock???

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 16:31
by AnewJeff

Thanks for all of your work. I'm new to Muppy, and I've had a lot of fun playing around with it. I'm still very much a noob, so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here.

I can't figure out how (where) to start cario-dock, which is listed among what's included in 0084 Alpha.

FYI - Frugal Install of Muppy 0084v6, along with Addons 084, KDE 358, Games, and Office 083 (renamed 083). Used SFS Combiner to put KDE/Games & Addons/Office into two big SFS's.

Everything has been working well.


Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 16:55
by MU
no, cairo dock is not included.

Compiz+emeral (3D Desktop) are in 0084alpha08.

A comination with both, Gnome and Compiz, will be the beta01, which I plan for this weekend.
It includes many fixes especially for Gnome.
I currently write a backup-program, that must be finished first.


Cario Dock

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 17:12
by AnewJeff
Thanks for the quick reply!! That explains why I couldn't find it. I completely understand needing to finish what you're working on now.

So you know why I thought it was included... see page one of this thread:
"I added Alpha 02.
Just msy_084.sfs changed.

Did I misunderstand the post or should that be edited out to avoid more confusion??? Obviously, it isn't critical.

When you get around to it, I've also been trying to get Songbird running. I followed the instructions from this post ( with all the necessary pets. I got it running once but haven't been able to since - even tried a new install.

Again, this can wait. Thanks again for EVERYTHING you do!!!


Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 18:57
by MU
Ah I see.
Cairo is not Cairo-dock, it is a library needed by Gtk.
Hence the confusion.

I will have a look at Cairo-Dock and Songbird for the Beta.
Thanks for suggesting them, they would fit well into Muppy :)

One more question.. sorry!

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 22:51
by AnewJeff

Sorry to bother you again, but I have had a hard time figuring out how to change the menus in Muppy - specifically how to Add an app.

I've successfully installed Songbird but can't seem to find the right menu to add it to. When you have a chance, I'd appreciate you insight.

BTY - I believe I can figure out the script if you can tell me where I can find the menus for Muppy Panel, LX Panel & IceWM - seem to have Openbox worked out.



Posted: Sun 10 Aug 2008, 00:59
by MU
menu-entries are defined by files in /usr/share/applications.
If an application misses one, you can copy one, then edit it to your needs.

songbird.desktop has an invalid category, change:



Posted: Sun 10 Aug 2008, 03:41
by AnewJeff
Thanks Mark! I can't thank you enough for your help.

Can't wait for the new release!


Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 01:50
by MU
I uploaded Muppy008.4 beta 1.
It should be stable, but a beta is intended to find final bugs.
So please report issues that should be fixed for the final release.

This version is based on Muppy 008.3, and Slackware 12.1/gsb 2.22.1

Gsb stands for "Gnome Slack Build".
It has some newer libraries than the standard Slackware 12.1.
The included libs allow to run most programs compiled for Puppy 3 and 4.

What you get.
- Mini:
-- Abiword 2.6.4
-- Opera 9.51
-- Flash 10 beta2
-- Analogclock

- Mini-addons:
-- wine 1.1.2 + Startmenu
-- java 1.6u7
-- Compiz fusion 0.7.6 (from wow)
-- Gnumeric 1.8.2
-- Pidgin 1.6.3
-- skype
-- Firefox 3
-- Gdesklets
-- Google Gadgets beta
-- Songbird
-- Exaile
-- Streamtuner/ripper
-- much more

- Mini-games-addon:
-- same as 008.3

- Mini-Office-addon:
-- Acrobat reader, OpenOffice 3 beta2

Instead of the Mini with these addons, you also could use the "Live" Iso, that includes all of them in one file.
It depends on several settings of your computer, what runs faster.

Some hints:
- you have 256 MB, and use a frugal installation: use Live.
- you have 512 MB, and use a frugal installation: untested, please report which is faster!
- you have 1024 MB, and use a frugal installation: use Mini (this is the fastest combination).
- you plan a full, not frugal installation: use Live.
- If you feel afraid about using SFS files, because you are completely new: use Live.
- If you like to optimize your Muppy, use Mini, and modify the addons with the SFS-Combiner.
- If SFS-Combiner is not sufficient for your needs, create a custom Muppy with the buildsystem. Here you can add/remove very specificly.

Gnome 2.22.1 full (660 MB).
It requires Mini+addons or Live.
It is very huge, and includes Mono, Evolution (without libsoup), Epiphany, Blender.
I removed some apps like Abiword (is in the others already), and added Avant Window Navigator and Cairo-Dock.

Muppy now uses dbus, hal, and udev.
This slightly slows down startup (maybe 5 seconds), but increases compatibility with many programs.
Some other modifications reduced the startup time using SFS addons.
Hotpup was modified to be able to deal with mountpoints from Gnome (/media), when you switch from Gnome back to a Desktop that uses Rox/Hotpup.
You will recognize, that it sometimes redraws the drive icons from scratch, this is required to sort them correctly (it redraws when mount-folders are created/deleted).

MuppyBackup offers you to create a backup of your savefile at startup, or restore a session from such a backup (frugal installations, not full).

To switch among different desktops, please use the "Desktop-Environment" utility.
Try to avoid to do things like "xwin mywindowmanager" instead.
If you break something and cannot start X, type:
This restores some factorysettings.


Some notes concerning the beta: not all new tools written by me are localized yet.
They are english, and will be localized in the final release.
An updated KDE follows in the next days.
I did not test yet, if there are conflicts with the old KDE-3.5.8.


Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 16:22
by Jim1911

Your new beta is great and for the most part very stable. I'm using it with both your new addons and openoffice beta 3 sfs. Very impressive and all links appear to work. I was pleasantly surprised at the update speeds when I added a few pet files. Also, your bootup is much faster than with the alpha.

Forgot to mention, the updates were:,,, and I added All of which worked fine. However, just prior to entering this edit, Opera crashed and would not restart. Had to restart X server to get Opera working again. Oh, yes restarting the X server also corrected the problem with firefox, noted in (5) below.

A few problems were noted: (1). Selecting Desktop Environment "Fluxbox" lost the menu and when I right clicked to try to get a prompt the system locked up. Was able to recover by doing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and typing startmuppy at the prompt. (2). Selecting "Openbox" same as (1). (3). 3D Emerald + MuppyPanel locked up Amiword which was open at the time. Was able to close Amiword, however, nothing could be entered. (4). Emerald theme manager shows alternate themes but will not change the theme. (5). Firefox is missing the top bar and cannot be moved around and has to be closed using File Quit. The xerrs.log didn't have any useful information about these.

I'm looking forward to trying it with your new gnome and kde releases. Incidently, is there any information available on the "minisys" in english? I had a few quarters of German, but that has long been forgotten due to lack of use.

Thanks again for all the great work you do.


PS: Additional problems: The drive icons do not accurately reflect my optical drives, although it shows two drives, both of them point to the same drive. MUT accurately shows two optical drives. The TkDVD CD/DVD burner does not see my burner drive, when I enter the path that MUT shows /mnt/hdd, it still does not recognize it.

A happy note, installed your MuppyQuickmount on this beta and on your KDE 3.5.8 operating with Barry's 4.0.5 alpha. It works great on both.

Posted: Tue 12 Aug 2008, 08:01
by MU
1.) >Fluxbox/Openbox

The Fluxbox/Openbox menu initially is almost empty, you must click the menu-entry "rebuild menu". This takes some seconds until it has created the full Puppy menu.
Concerning "exit to prompt" I must look in detail, I maybe should remove that.

2.) >,,

The Mini includes pburn 1.9.7, the Live already 1.9.8.
Good to know it works, thanks!

3.) >Opera crashed and would not restart.

I did not encounter this since weeks. Was it only once, or does Opera crash often on your system?
I vaguely remember, I had this once some weeks ago with older versions.

4.)>3D Emerald + MuppyPanel locked up Amiword

Compiz is not 100% stable.
It also depends in a high degree on your graficscard.
For example with my Ati 9250 I must click somewhere on the desktop, to see menu and windows, after I started Emerald, or I see only Rox.
See Compiz as "nice to have", but not as an environment for critical usage.

5). >Emerald theme manager shows alternate themes but will not change the theme.

Hm, works here, I have no idea :oops:

6.) >Firefox is missing the top bar and cannot be moved around

I also cannot reproduce this error.
Did this also happen in Compiz?

7.) >Hotpup shows wrong icons for optical drives

I must look at this, i just have one drive, which is shown as "dvd".
But I already got reports, that there are issues.
I think I should modify it to mount these drives to standard locations, like hdb.
Not sure though, if they can use the CD icon then. Must have a closer look at the code.

8.) >Minisys english

Currently it is only partly localized, Stefan is working on english/spanish localization.
I'll announce it, once it is finished.

Thanks for your detailed feedback :P

Posted: Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:26
by Jim1911

I accidently duplicated part of the previous problem with Opera by hitting the "Hide the panel" button while reaching for the "Start" button. Opera closed, however, it did restart. Don't understand why that would close Opera. Although, I discovered that the "Hide the panel" button closing Opera is related to the missing top bars because the panel covers the top bar of maximized applications, so that's a non-problem since you provided that button.

I've installed your new aMSN pet update in Muppy084 and some other distributions and it works perfectly. Also installed and used Thunderbird and it works perfectly in 084B.

Other problems, the printer setup wizard does not have an option for USB printers. Icewm + MuppyPanel, Show desktop and Window overview buttons do not seem to do anything.

Thanks again for your hard work, dedication to excellence, and your helpful attitude toward your Puppy friends. For example, your aMSN pet update helped many of us get back online with our pals.


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 00:02
by MU
I uploaded two versions of KDE 3.5.9. ... ns-common/

kde359micro_084.sfs (73 MB)

The "micro-version" includes:
+ some ruby and js bindings from kdebindings-3.5.9-i486-2
It is english only.

kde359_084.sfs (360 MB)

The other one is a full KDE with Koffice, and french, english-GB and german localization added.


Run them from the Desktop-Environment Switcher.
Or run single applications from Puppys Menu or a console.
I would suggest, to run it FIRST from the Desktop-Environment Switcher, because this will run the KDE setup, that creates some basic setting.

KDE 3.5.9 uses like Gnome the /media folder as mountpoint for drives.
So my script to run KDE from the Desktop Envirnment Switcher (muppykde) performs similar steps as the one that runs gnome (gnomestarter).
So the automount feature and HotPup should not conflict.

This solution works, but has a little bit "workaround" character.
The problem is, that Rox depends on /etc/fstab to be able to display mountable drives.
If you switch often between different desktops, it might be a good idea, to disable automount in the options of Gnome and KDE.
Just try out, how it works for you.

KDE requires addons.sfs if you use Muppy-Mini.
It also will run without it, but not all features are available then, as addons.sfs includes libs like libtag or Python.

If you encounter, that a program will not run, run it from the console please, and tell me, what missing library it reports.


Minor Audio Bug with FF3 & Flash

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 00:53
by AnewJeff

Great work as always!

Just wanted to let you know about a bug I came across:
- I had no audio in FF3 (with Flash 9) initially. Same thing happened with Flash 10. After "activating" each of them a couple of times, F9 & F10 have audio but still none with F7. Unfortunately, the video renders better with F7 and is a little pixelated with F9&10.

FYI - This is with a Frugal Install of 084b Mini with Addons & Games.

- I've also instaled GtkPod successfully. I added then removed Songbird - found it to be a resource hog.

Running on a Gateway 200ARC laptop - 1400 MHz Pent. M with 512 MB ram. Compiz, Wifi, and all else working well so far.


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 01:03
by MU
thanks for your fine reports :)
Flash - I have no explanation for this.
It is a hint though, that it makes sense to keep 2 or three versions in Muppy.

Concerning Opera maximized:
It should not be covered by the top-panel, as it sets some "hints" to position Opera correctly.
Here it works, so I must investigate, why it not always does.
You can click on the arrow left beside the Muppy-menu in the top panel, to "minimize" it.
Maybe you must click twice.
I will have to patch it slightly, to react better on mouseclicks.


KDE micro???

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 01:27
by AnewJeff
Does the micro include any of the Edutainment Suite (really wishful thinking ... icon10.gif )?

I've just started using Puppy and have wanted to use it to make some older PCs into "Kid-Friendly" Computers. I love the idea of the KDE Edutainment Suite on a kid's computer, but the full KDE just slows down the system too much.

Downloading Micro now with my fingers crossed...



Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 01:43
by MU
no, the edutainment is in the full only.
I think it will depend on several more libs, like kdemultimedia.

I can upload in 1 hour my KDE buildsystem for Muppy.
Then you can try to build your custom one.

It is easy to use.
Extract it on a linuxdrive, like

Then look in the folder:

Here you have all packages.
Move the ones you will not use somewhere else.
Then type:
cd /mnt/hda5/build-KDE359full

To start again with other packages, delete first these newly created folders:
/packs/ALL except __muppy

I'll keep you informed, when you can download it from: ... ildsystem/


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 02:15
by MU
I had uploaded a wrong Office addon for the Minis.
It included OpenOffice only.
I now uploaded updated versions (english/german), that also include Adobe Acrobat (PDF-reader) 8.1.2.
The Live ISOs still include 8.1.1, this will be updated in the next release.


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 02:51
by MU
Uploaded the KDE buildsystem mentioned above.