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Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 13:18
by panzerpuppy
@Patriot: Please restore the ability to resize windows from the top.
This JWM issue is one of the main reasons why people dump JWM and switch to other window managers.

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 19:14
by playdayz
<add>Never mind. I remembered I had not read of all of your excellent documentation. All the positives still stand ;-)

Thank you Patriot. I thought I would use your enhanced jwm with Who's Unnamed Puplet, mainly because the unnamed pup is the only one I have found that detects my ati 3850 video *and* installs the proper xorg radeon driver *and* with dri working *and* with xcompmgr working correctly. Also the pcmanfm desktop was giving me trouble. So it seemed like a good fit.

When I installed the pet however, the next time I started X it was still with the LXDE desktop rather than jwm. I edited .xinitrc so that it ends with exec jwm and also so that the "currentwm" stuff in the two lines preceding the last are commented out. Now jwm starts with its ROX desktop and I have the rounded corners. However, none of the composite programs start. I wonder how you intended for jwm to start so I can do it the right way. Thanks.

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 20:11
by MU
you can add to .xinitrc before jwm is launched:

Code: Select all &
Lxde in ultrapup runs it automatically, but for jwm you must launch it like described.


Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 20:38
by playdayz
Hey MU, Yeah, I finally remembered I hadn't read all his great docs and went and found that answer.

Now, I have kcompmgr running

Code: Select all

kcompmgr -I 0.05 -O 0.15 -f -n & # composite, fade-in/out & transparencyr
It is indeed running because I can see the process in top and I am getting fading in and out on the menus. However nothing else is semi-transparent--so there must be another step I am missing, which I can't find in the docs. I am sure it is a simple one. What do I need to do activate the full transparency?

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 20:48
by scheck.r
zigbert wrote:Suggestion:
Let's say that I want to drag a image from ie (a maximized) Seamonkey to Rox which is hiding below Seamonkey. Would it be possible to drag image to the Rox traybutton - wait 1 sec - Rox pops up - and drop image.

If Rox is on another desktop I could drag the image to the chosen desktop - wait 1 sec - entering new desktop - drop my file.

Another solution would be to add a option to configure JWM like this:
- Raise window when clicking inside an application (yes/no)

If yes, it is the actual behaviour.
So, if you have seamonkey maximized and a rox window not maximized but focused you can see both windows but as soon as you click inside the seamonkey window then the rox window is hidden and unfocused

If no, one has to hold Alt and click inside the application to raise a window.
So, if you have seamonkey maximized and a rox window not maximized but focused you can see both windows but as soon as you click inside the seamonkey window then the rox window is not hidden but unfocused. However if you click inside the seamonkey window while holding Alt then the rox window is hidden and unfocused like before.


Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 20:53
by `f00
@MU - yup, fiddle about and sometimes it 'settles in' by simple exercise

either via the taskbar button or headermenu (right click) for the windows. the menu, pager etc are semi-fixed (but may be adjusted in the chosen theme file *-jwmrc - to see the results of any editing, often it's helpful to change themes back and forth and re-jwm .. one reason I have or make a dedicated submenu rather than an option/dialogue for 'shutdown' items that are more related to change than 'hard' switches) .. not sure if the windows may be transluced or opaqued as a group (read further up for Patriots key-bindings or possibly elsewhere if I'm dreaming again/still :lol: ) but individual windows tend to use less resources drawing, especially if moved about or if window content is active (like a slideshow or animation)

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 21:07
by MU
try to activate the theme "Cool vg" in the jwm settings.
It should provide a transparent startmenu.

I have other themes that just get transparent, once I chose Cool-vg before.
I have not yet tried to find out the reason.


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 03:51
by Patriot
Hmmm .....

@MU & playdaz
I hope both of you enjoyed the enhanced JWM ...

The translucent/opacity level is controlled in your jwm theme file. Please take a look at the sample Cool-VG. There're <Opacity> options for Menu, Window and Tray. The value should be between 0 and 1 (ex: 0.75 = 75%) ...

Menu and tray opacity is automatically set on JWM startup/restart if composite components is running. Window translucency/opacity can be turned on/off from the winmenu or through group/keybindings ... I'll update the Q&A later for this ...

I've thought of making an internal config panel but that's going to take time to build ...

Resize from top ... no promises ... if it's easy enough then maybe ...

Taskbar appearing on fullscreen client was meant against gxine and mplayer. There's many other fullscreen client that still breaks JWM. It's an on-going process and needs more time to fix ...

That's right `foo ... some experimentation helps ... ;-)

I'm aware of the jwm config manager breaking in a few places ... I'll take a look when I have some time ...

I wish I can do that in a few lines of codes ... Imagine doing all this with just Xlib ...

I'll probably get back to messing with JWM some time soon this week. I still need to clean up the codes too ...

Right now I'm busy getting hplip (on cups-1.3.9) ready for Puppy and NOP413. I have to get this done first since the printer used for testing will have to be returned soon.


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 04:57
by joewing
I just thought I'd let everyone know that I finally got around to working on JWM some more. Sorry that it's taken so long... Anyway, I've merged most of the patches in this thread into my svn repository (very cool patches, btw) and made a few more changes as well (the ability to resize from the top of the window, for example). I also started doing nightly builds again. You can get them here:

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 06:22
by 01micko
Nice work Patriot! (and helpers) and thanks Joe!


Mick :P

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 07:41
by Patriot
Hmmm ...
joewing wrote:I just thought I'd let everyone know that I finally got around to working on JWM some more. Sorry that it's taken so long... Anyway, I've merged most of the patches in this thread into my svn repository (very cool patches, btw) and made a few more changes as well (the ability to resize from the top of the window, for example). I also started doing nightly builds again. You can get them here:
Finally ... Joe has arrived ... I was wondering when will you get wind of this ... ;-)

My hands are full right now with other stuffs. Thanks for getting that resize from the top done and the code cleanups ... I'm pretty lame with that ...


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 07:43
by panzerpuppy
Another thing I'd like to see is numbers in the pager 'windows'.

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 07:53
by ttuuxxx
yes and 24x24 sub root menu icons to match the main menu icons in size, since we have 24x24 default icons already installed, no need to look at them 16x16.

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 08:38
by panzerpuppy
Hover buttons (visual feedback on button click and mouseover) is another nice feature I'd like to see in a future build.

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 09:03
by BarryK
I'm overjoyed that you have seen all this, especially the work done by HairyWill and Patriot, and put most of it into SVN. We have "kept the faith" for JWM, awaiting your return! :D

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 09:30
by panzerpuppy
But what I'd like to see the most is a fix for the taskbar bug when playing fullscreen flash (YouTube) videos.
[Flash 10 + Firefox/Opera/SeaMonkey]:


Tested with JWM Build 444

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2009, 01:57
by playdayz
As you say Patriot, Cool-VG shows off the transparency, and as MU said, after Cool-VG Gradient Gray also has a transparent menu.

Everything is copacetic--I am so happy I probably won't even fiddle with my desktop for a day or two ;-)

BTW I am running your beta with Wow's Unnamed Puppy (WUPpy ;- ) and so I had to add /usr/sbin/jwmconfig and /usr/local/jwmconfig2/ folder in order to run jwmconfig to pick a theme.

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2009, 04:33
by 01micko
Ok using Joe´s 445 build on my old clunker. It all works nice except for one issue. I have this cool grey/peach theme going on (well to me it´s cool :lol: ) but the window in focus always draws a red border! I don´t have a clue. :? Using 2.16-fat_free dillo on a full install.


Thanks for any help.


Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2009, 04:53
by ttuuxxx
01micko wrote:Ok using Joe´s 445 build on my old clunker. It all works nice except for one issue. I have this cool grey/peach theme going on (well to me it´s cool :lol: ) but the window in focus always draws a red border! I don´t have a clue. :? Using 2.16-fat_free dillo on a full install.


Thanks for any help.

Your missing a configure file, I've seen that before. Its not JWM. Its a messed up configure file for JWM

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2009, 06:24
by dejan555
ttuuxxx wrote: Your missing a configure file, I've seen that before. Its not JWM. Its a messed up configure file for JWM
Yep, like there's a wrong color code somewhere in jwmrc-theme, if it doesn't recognize the color, it draws red.