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Posted: Thu 22 Oct 2009, 14:50
by Eyes-Only

Posted: Thu 22 Oct 2009, 18:11
by Pizzasgood
Sorry, I should have explained-- I'm going to be turning this laptop over to a six-year-old girl as soon as I'm done setting it up.

The wrapper script would work I guess, but its hardly elegant in my opinion. I could clobber that together as a contingency but I'd prefer to do it "right" if I can.
I kind of think that using a single sudo command to run the wizard would be more correct than embedding a bunch of sudo commands into the scripts. Seems more secure to me.


Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 06:30
by timremy
hello pizzasgood

i would like to ask, i might be wrong, but with your pupplet,

when i start my computer and if i am running multiuser, i can

configure the program to ask for a login?



Can't create user

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 22:07
by technowomble
Hi pizzasgood,

I'm running Multiuser Revision 1 as a full install on a Dell Latitude laptop - 192Mb RAM, 6Gb HD if that has any relevance - and if I try to create a user useradd fails to create a home directory with error code 3. I'm trying to create a user on a new install, and having looked at useradd it looks as if I should be able to create a user in a terminal by entering the appropriate parameters. Any thoughts on why the wizard isn't working or what I need to input in a terminal? TIA.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 18:12
by Pizzasgood
@timremy: Yes. Menu->Setup->Autologin Wizard.

@technowomble: Not sure why that would happen off the top of my head. One possibility is that you tried making a user with a capital letter in his name. I think it only likes lowercase letters for usernames. According to the man page, error code 3 means "invalid argument to option" but I'm not sure how you could have given it an invalid argument. Did you use spaces? You can't have spaces in a user name.

To do it from the terminal you would do this, assuming the user you were adding was named 'bob' and you don't want him assigned to any groups:

Code: Select all

useradd -m bob
passwd bob
mkdir -p /etc/X11/bob
chown bob /etc/X11/bob
To add bob to some groups, for the useradd command you would do something like this instead:

Code: Select all

useradd -m -G audio,disk,power bob
otherwise you could add him to the groups later with this:

Code: Select all

gpasswd -a bob audio
gpasswd -a bob disk
gpasswd -a bob power

User created

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 20:13
by technowomble
We progress! This time when I tried the GUI useradd it gave error code 12, unable to create /home for user. Playing a hunch I looked at the file system, no /home directory. I created an empty directory and this time successfully created a user. Seems as if useradd couldn't create a /home until it had somewhere to put it? :o
The next step is to let the user bring up my PCIMA wireless card, which I suspect will be a case of altering a few permissions. Wish me luck!

EDIT Well, I've got on line as user by getting the wireless up in root and saving for next boot. Not the most elegant - or flexible - solution, but it's a start. Maybe tomorrow I'll do some searching, what seems to be stopping me controlling wireless from user is ifconfig wlan0 up/down, I tried sudo'ing it, but evidently I don't have that set quite right yet.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 00:14
by Pizzasgood
No /home on a full install... Okay, that means I'll need to take a look at the install script this weekend. I'll also take a look at gksu and some of the other stuff Nathan mentioned.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 01:13
by Lobster
It has taken me awhile to understand why multi-user is a good thing.
Eyes-only clarified it for me in his posting.

Many users (multi-users in fact) using the same computer - with their desktop and bookmark settings etc. Is that right?

So it is ideal as a family computer
or in an internet cafe.

Does this relate to an intranet (locally networked computers)?

Many thanks :)

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 23:11
by Pizzasgood
Multiple save files is good for when you have multiple trusted people who want to have full control of their OS.

Multiple users is good for multiple untrusted people who don't care so much about being able to install things and you want to prevent them from screwing things up.

And of course, multiple users can be combined with multiple save files, optionally encrypted. So you could have a save file that the rest of the family all share via. multi-user, and then a second one that you use so that you can un/install things at will without bothering your family when you accidentally break everything.
Lobster wrote:Does this relate to an intranet (locally networked computers)?
I'm not sure what you mean. I understand the difference between intra-, inter-, and Internet just fine. But I don't see what difference they make to the multiuser-ness of an OS.

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2009, 00:26
by Lobster
Lobster wrote:
Does this relate to an intranet (locally networked computers)?

I'm not sure what you mean. I understand the difference between intra-, inter-, and Internet just fine. But I don't see what difference they make to the multiuser-ness of an OS.
With what has been described - many users can access their settings on one computer.

If there are are multiple computers, going through a router, or perhaps with a server, can a user sit at any computer of a network and access their settings. Is this something different?

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2009, 11:10
by smokey01
Lobster wrote:
Lobster wrote:
Does this relate to an intranet (locally networked computers)?

I'm not sure what you mean. I understand the difference between intra-, inter-, and Internet just fine. But I don't see what difference they make to the multiuser-ness of an OS.
With what has been described - many users can access their settings on one computer.

If there are are multiple computers, going through a router, or perhaps with a server, can a user sit at any computer of a network and access their settings. Is this something different?
Lobster, I would call what you described a roaming profile. I'm not sure how this would work on the internet but I know it works well on Intranets.

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2009, 19:01
by Pizzasgood
Ah, I see now. You could do that with a little more work. You'd have to set up a networked partition on one of the machines, and then have the other ones configured to automatically mount it on /home after they boot.

The root user would always have a local profile, since his home is at /root, not beneath /home. But everybody else would have a roaming one.

The login info wouldn't stay synced with that method though (i.e. if he changes his password on one box, it will not have changed on the others). There are systems for keeping them synced that could be implemented. I haven't used them so I can't say much on that topic.

EDIT: Of course, that is the traditional way. With Puppy, you could do it another way: add enough support to the initrd.gz file to be able to mount networked partitions. Then store the actual pup_save.2fs file on a networked partition and mount it from whatever machine you boot from. Or go a step further and do purely networked boots. I don't have any experience with that sort of thing, but I think sunburnt and ecomoney do. Multiuser-ness doesn't have any impact on these methods though.

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2009, 21:28
by smokey01
The roaming profile is the one that is always used so it stays current no matter which box you are on. The local profile is only used if you lose your network connection.

There are normally authentication servers to take care of this process.

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2009, 01:24
by Pizzasgood
Revision 2 is uploaded. This fixes full installs, and also makes fixmenus work for limited users along with letting them have the desktop drive icons.

I really ought to have done those last two in the first place. They were easier than I expected (especially fixmenus).

I will upload a service pack in a couple minutes, too.

EDIT: Done. I went ahead and made one from original-release -> r1 in addition to one from r1->r2.

Revision 2 - possible bug?

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009, 10:54
by technowomble
I installed SP2 ( R1>R2 ), which appeared to work as advertised, until I tried running 4.3.1 from a CD - I was going to boot ' pfix=ram ' to see if it would play nicely with my wireless card - but the laptop wouldn't boot from the optical drive, and Pmount crashed when I tried to run it. I ended up running Pfind and manually removing all traces of Pmount, then my optical drive showed up and I was able to boot R2 as ' pfix=ram ', run gparted and do a clean install.
Setting things up - create user etc. worked perfectly - I wanted to load some images from a CD to change my user desktop, but as user Pmount only saw my HD and the legacy floppy. Switch to root, and it detected my optical drive and I transfered the images with no problems. Is this a bug - which my earlier experience makes me suspect - or a feature? :) Later I'll try mounting a flash drive as user and root to see if there's the same difference - if you follow.

EDIT: USB drive detected, mounted and opened, so it looks as if I'd only need to switch to root if I dl'd an ISO and wanted to burn it to CD.

Another mirror...

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009, 15:36
by russoodle
Thanks very much, Pizzasgood.

Another mirror: ... SER-r2.iso
User: puppy; Password: linux

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009, 18:07
by dejan555
Hey Russ, is the big rush over yet? :)
BTW, I read that Barry might be implementing multiuser in woof builds, congrats Pizzasgood!

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009, 19:54
by Pizzasgood
Something in the way it detects CDs must not be working how I expected. I'll take a look later this week. Thanks for letting me know.

Posted: Sun 08 Nov 2009, 22:56
by Pizzasgood
Okay, revision 3 is up. I fixed CD mounting and made the unmount process more reliable.

Mirror for R3 now up too..

Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2009, 10:15
by russoodle
dejan555 wrote:Hey Russ, is the big rush over yet? :)
Heya Dejan, how's it going? I'm a bit braindrained from this nasty hot weather down here...among other things..

The big rush is over now but it's been a crazy time in other precious multi-Puppy-machine was nicked last week but i don't wanna hijack Pizza's thread, so i'll fill you in via email :cry:

Pizzasgood: OK, you're a hard one to keep up with sometimes! Anyway, i've got your latest release (R3) up now, + the addon for R2, which is still on my server. ... SER-r3.iso ...
User: puppy
Password: linux

Like the projection of yourself at 70...heh; also have to agree that the "..cold jug of milk straight from the bulk tank" is a great way to go..