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Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 16:49
by jrb
tlchost wrote:I'm still confused(nothing new)...4.3x versions can not run older sfs files? Older versions don't run the new sfs files?
It is confusing but here's an explanation. The older kernels, and, will only run SFS3's, an older squashfile system. The new kernel only runs SFS4's, the latest squashfile system.

So here we are with Puppy430 which has versions of all three kernels. What a mess! So I have been making SFS3 and SFS4 versions of all my ch packages but I haven't uploaded any of the ch3's so far. Will do so next week.

Great to here that 431 is working for you. :D Is that with the old keyboard too? It looks like Barry is ahead of schedule so I may jump right to ChoicePup431. I've just installed the service pack conversion into ChoicePup430test1 this morning so will be putting that through some testing but so far it seems fine. Maybe if the new kernel 431 works for everyone I can dispense with the older kernels?

Cheers, J

Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 17:10
by jrb
Have just uploaded

Nicer messages and a slight fix to deal with difficult SFS's.

Please uninstall SFS_Linker-1.2-430 and try this one.

Thanks, J

Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 19:44
by tlchost
jrb wrote: It is confusing but here's an explanation. The older kernels, and, will only run SFS3's, an older squashfile system. The new kernel only runs SFS4's, the latest squashfile system.
That's what I thought....
Great to here that 431 is working for you. :D Is that with the old keyboard too? It looks like Barry is ahead of schedule so I may jump right to ChoicePup431. seems that Barry's fixed a LOT of stuff in 431.....He commented that it might be that this version will be renamed the final version. I see some bugs reported....but not too many.
I've just installed the service pack conversion into ChoicePup430test1 this morning so will be putting that through some testing but so far it seems fine. Maybe if the new kernel 431 works for everyone I can dispense with the older kernels?
It appears that might be the case. The vexing stuff will be converting some of the old sfs to the new format....I make an sfs of the latest works I suppose I could remake it.

Did I recall you saying you might add some extra loops in this version of ChoicePup? The concept you have is better than sliced bread....


Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 21:15
by jrb
Have just reuploaded

Realized one of the corrections I made didn't make it in. :oops:

If anyone has already downloaded and installed. Please uninstall and do it over again.

Thanks, J

Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 21:27
by jrb
tlchost wrote:The vexing stuff will be converting some of the old sfs to the new format.
Actually most of the SFS packages I've converted with trio's converter have run right from the get go. The problems have come in trying to get them to work from the Desktop icons.

Only three have been difficult and thats OpenOffice, Googleearth and Koffice. They each needed special accomodations but I think I've got them running OK now. Some programs need absolute links right to the main program file or a script to that effect. Googleearth needed to be installed directly to /mnt/Googlearth/etc/opt... Still not sure if I can get it to run when loaded with bootmanager.

The mozilla browsers caused a few problems but only because I didn't want them sharing the same /root/.mozilla.

Good luck with your LAMPP file. Give me a shout if you need any help

Bye for now, J

Posted: Tue 13 Oct 2009, 13:38
by tlchost
jrb wrote: Good luck with your LAMPP file. Give me a shout if you need any help
Thanks for the kind offer...I finally found another USB drive that I setup to

use with the sfs converter...and now have a 4 version of XAMPP172

and OxygenOffice 301.

It seems that any version of OpenOffice3.1.1 available for Puppy causes the MySQL in XAMPP to stop working.
I've noticed the problem with XAMPP installed normally and the sfs files.
Have just reuploaded
Once again, I am confused....does this overcome the small number of loops that Barry allows in 4.3 and older versions?


Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 00:07
by jrb
tlchost wrote:.does this overcome the small number of loops that Barry allows in 4.3 and older versions?
Yes, as long as you:
If you set up a frugal or usb install please add:Code:
to the kernel line in menu.1st or the append line in syslinux.cfg. With it you can use 24 SFS packages, without it you get 9.
This is already done if your using the ChoicePup CD. You have to set it up yourself for frugal and usb installs.

Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 15:29
by tlchost
jrb wrote:If you set up a frugal or usb install please add:Code:
I've tried with 2 different downloads to install it in puppy431 and 430....
Get and error message "failed to install"

Any ideas what to do?


Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 14:18
by jrb
[quote="Get and error message "failed to install""]Get and error message "failed to install"[/quote]
Took me awhile to figure out what you meant. I downloaded SFS_Linker1.3 and tried it, same message. Must have been a bad upload.

Try this one instead,

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 15:07
by tlchost
jrb wrote: Only three have been difficult and thats OpenOffice, Googleearth and Koffice.
I used the inbuilt converter in 4.3.1RC2 to convert you 3 version of Koffice to 4 .... it seems ok .... what problems did you experience?


Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 15:11
by tlchost
jrb wrote: Try this one instead,
Seems to load w/o I need to also install ldconfig into Puppy 4.31, or was just for older versions?


Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 15:51
by trio
Just a note, sfs converter built in 4.3 which I made, can convert version 3 to 4 also 4 to 3

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 16:29
by tlchost
trio wrote:Just a note, sfs converter built in 4.3 which I made, can convert version 3 to 4 also 4 to 3
Haven't had to go from 4 to 3 (yet), but thanks for making that available.
Was the last one that converted sfs to pet?

Thanks so much for the applications and the help you've given. Good luck with the new job.


Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 18:07
by jrb
tlchost I need to also install ldconfig into Puppy 4.31, or was just for older versions?
Yes, you should install and my_links.petinto Puppy431. Then you should be good to go.

As for K-Office, I had a tough time getting it to open from the desktop icons. I can still only get it to uninstall by rebooting.

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 18:12
by jrb
trio wrote: sfs converter built in 4.3 which I made, can convert version 3 to 4 also 4 to 3
Thanks for pointing that out trio. I didn't realize it would go from 4 to 3. I've used it lots to go from 3 to 4. Going the other way too will be a real time saver.

Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2009, 22:57
by jrb
I have just uploaded This is a self-contained package which will add SFS "on the fly" capability to the standard Puppy431 distro.

See this thread, SFS_Linker-431bk-1.0 for further details.

Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2009, 14:48
by Caneri
Hi jrb et al,

I have a request about another sfs package to add to this interesting Puppy derivative/project.

Would/could anyone please make an sfs file from the language files maintained by Irihapeti here

I think the language capability via scim is important and with Choicepup and sfs on the fly I feel it would be used and enjoyed by many people worldwide.

I have spoken to Irihapeti who has agreed to help tweak anything that needs to be done for language support via scim and sfs...alas, neither of us are sfs builders and need the help of the community on this one.

Any help is appreciated..TIA,

Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2009, 21:58
by Bert

Posted: Wed 21 Oct 2009, 00:33
by Dingo
report for Google Earth

downloaded ans burned Choicepup431
installed NVIDIA drivers for 2.6.30.xx kernel

restarted X

launched Google Earth, seen the splash screen but after some seconds, Google Earth goes in crash and re-goes in crash any time I re-try to start app

Posted: Wed 21 Oct 2009, 01:06
by jrb
Good one Bert! :D