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Re: hello from beta5

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:08
by flugwelpe
flugwelpe wrote:firstrun frugal experience:
* numlock is deactivated
* setting firstrun use wbar
* apply settings -> immediate(!) x server restart; that was a little unexpected and killed my running firefox
* ok, icons are gone from desktop, but wbar doesnt show up
* doing a reboot, writing to savefile
* icons are back again, no wbar
next i'll check apt support :)
* rerunning first launch client; enabling wbar a second time, some behaviour as first time
* wbar appeared somewhen inbetween
* installing stuff via package manager to get the aqualung (debian version) running
* missing 1 dependency sth. like libavcodec5.ko
* starting to update the repository contents
* getting a dead X-server :shock: ; here a bit from the xorg log

Code: Select all

Fatal server error:
Ring end
space: 130724 wanted 131064

FatalError re-entered, aborting
and here is the rest
* being dropped out, going with alt+ctrl+1 to console and start xwin, but that won't help
* reboot..
* icons AND wbar are here

that dying x server i already got with beta-4, but then i had thought i had fumped up my configuration there.

so, not too lucky with beta-5 on this machine ( fujitsu lifebook, p1510-d that is )

Dpup482-beta5 testing

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:33
by yarddog
new to liniux - previous post went to wrong place
hopefully this one will be to correct location

just downloaded and began using dpupbeta5 and encountered the following problems

control panel - opens from wbar however none of the items under user settings, hardware, drives and misc work. I changed from pcp3 to pcp2 and all now work except Add/Remove under user settings

Gnumeric - when click on format cells, program immediately closes

Console - when opened, tabs and view buttons in top left of screen do not work

please bear with me as I am x windoze user

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:36
by 8-bit
I tried doing an ext2 file system chck of the Dpupdave file from Puppy 4.3.1 scsi and got a message saying it did not recognize the dpupsave file as being an ext2 file system. and to try some block something on it.
I am dumb when it comes to that, so I left it alone.
All of us have been using e2fsck or fsck to check our pupsaves and partitions.
Does it work correctly with later file formats such as ext3 and ext4 file systems?
Has anyone ever asked or just assumed it did??

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:49
by Béèm
8-bit wrote:I tried doing an ext2 file system chck of the Dpupdave file from Puppy 4.3.1 scsi and got a message saying it did not recognize the dpupsave file as being an ext2 file system. and to try some block something on it.
I am dumb when it comes to that, so I left it alone.
All of us have been using e2fsck or fsck to check our pupsaves and partitions.
Does it work correctly with later file formats such as ext3 and ext4 file systems?
Has anyone ever asked or just assumed it did??
There is no need to double post.
Please select carefully the forum in which to post.

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:52
by Lobster
yarddog wrote:new to liniux - previous post went to wrong place
Using my Sith admin powers I was able to delete your empty post . . .
control panel - opens from wbar however none of the items under user settings, hardware, drives and misc work. I changed from pcp3 to pcp2 and all now work except Add/Remove under user settings
Yes - clicking on icon images = not working
you can click on text and they work
I believe Guy is in the process of rewriting this from Pascal to C++
so a bug
please bear with me as I am x windoze user
and I thought I was the personification of wikidness
Are there many of you I wonder . . .

Guy and team Dpup
Beautiful work
Clean screen and wbar - it is SimplePup again - hooray!

I burnt to a CD (normally I use a DVD-RW but will pass on this copy)
The dpup.sfs was slow to load on initial startup but I would expect improves after save or HDinstall. Anyway it is a big file and worth the extras included.
Been playing with sound - no luck with drec or mhedit
but I do like drec
- tutorials will be so easy :)

Restart JWM

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2009, 23:53
by Béèm
Will a restart JWM be implemented later?

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 00:28
by tubeguy
Got it looking hunky-dory! Fun fun fun. Love wbar!

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 00:44
by gposil
Looks great tubeguy, could you get me a copy of your background...

Re: Restart JWM

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 00:49
by gposil
Béèm wrote:Will a restart JWM be implemented later?
Sorry Béèm, I forgot it...yes it will be in...

On another note, the APT/Synaptic addon will not be up till tomorrow, and there will also be a Cinelerra 4.1 addon for Dpup.

Re: Restart JWM

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 01:15
by Béèm
gposil wrote:
Béèm wrote:Will a restart JWM be implemented later?
Sorry Béèm, I forgot it...yes it will be in...

On another note, the APT/Synaptic addon will not be up till tomorrow, and there will also be a Cinelerra 4.1 addon for Dpup.
I just found out as a circumvention, that going in jwm configuration can restart jwm as well.

SFS support

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 01:21
by Béèm
As far as I know dpup uses sfs4

Puppy 4.31 shows the non supported sfs's. Dpup don't do this?

With puppy 4.31 I converted a sfs 3 to sfs 4, but it isn't seen in the boot manager sfs selection panel. In puppy 4.31 it is seen and can be selected. Any idea how come?

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 03:34
by tubeguy
Looks great tubeguy, could you get me a copy of your background...
Here ya go!

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 03:37
by gposil
Thanks tubeguy...

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 03:49
by musher0
Hello, everyone.

Ok, here's a report on my 1st try of dpup-beta5. This is the 1st time I'm doing this systematically, reflexively, with note-taking. So I don't how much of what I'm reporting are lacks / oversights in dpup, and how much of it are lacks / oversights upstream... NB This test is very incomplete.

WARNING [mimicking what is said on Canadian TV for some programs]: This post may provoke depression in viewers so inclined. Viewer discretion is advised.

In any case, here goes. Some good, some bad, some annoying.

* screensaver (nice!)
* save to 1.5 Gb DVD-rw ok (great!)
* Abiword 2.8 (with conversion)
* new screenshot script & mini-window for choice of timing (very convenient)
* All programs under calculate sub-menu work fine. (Did this one as a spotcheck. Will check others later.)

* Time zones
Canada/Eastern != GMT-5 (shoud be) Canada/Eastern takes me back 6 hours, indicates 12 pm when it should be 6 pm.
( Mind you, ZenWalk and a few others put the Montreal, Canada time zone in the middle of the Atlantic. Oh, well, our ancestors were mariners ! )
* CUPS: no USB port connection available for such printers. So still no printer available other than the CUPS-PDF.
* Asking for a clear screen at Startup still leaves all the disk icons. If you ask the pup-event script to leave only the "drives" icon in this "empty screen", it doesn't put it on, only the trash can remains.

Hm... Strange; it should be simple enough to have / create a completely empty PuppyPin in ROX using head and tail or echo and >>. Something like this structure:

head 3-4 first lines of PuppyPin > EmptyPuppyPin
tail last line of PuppyPin >> EmptyPuppyPin
rox -p=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/EmptyPuppyPin
(Whatever programs that are on screen will stay there.)

* the jwm "add a button" feature does not seem to work
* script gives a "corrupt" message after 5 -6 times of changing and validating changes. So you have to do things manually again. (In all Puppies I've had, so this is not a dpup thing.)
* if you put jwm at top, title bars of programs slide under it, and programs become difficult to manage.
* right click on time in jwm bar does nothing. Checked ".jwmrc-tray" : clicking on the time should launch minixcal... Osmo's there, but where's minixcal?
* using htop, clicking on close button of jwm window does nothing. Luckily htop provides F10.
(If ever you were wondering why I prefer the echinus wm! :) Well, now you know!)

* double eject of CD or DVD with save-to-CD option
* no item in control panel works... (work in progress?)
* nano editor not included (yikes!)
* only pburn as CD/DVD burning utility. I never had any luck burning isos to 1.5 Gb DVD's with it. Regression here since Puppy 3.01? It had 3 or 4: burniso2cd, tkburn (correct title?), and a couple of others?

* this posting, unfortunately...

That said, you still did a great job, gposil. Putting together a Puplet is never easy, as we all know. Thanks for accepting the task. Take heart. Italians have a proverb which applies nicely: "Criticism is easy, but art is difficult."


Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 04:13
by gposil
Thanks for report Christian...this is what we need to iron out all bugs...

OK...lets address some of these...

1.) TimeZone....bug in woof will fix...
2.) Cups...I don't get this problem, I have 2 usb printers, Canon ip3000 and HP Deskjet F2235, both show up in cups drop down when plugged in. (more investigation on this)
3.) I left the drive icons in the clearscreen option...I'll adjust that if you think that would be good.
4.) JWM add button...yes I had noticed oversight on my part...bug to fix
5.) JWM top problem...bug to fix
6.) Right click on fault, left it out...will fix.
7.) Htop not closing with window close button...I did that on purpose so you actually had to quit htop...if that is not a desirable feature, i'll adjust it.
8.) Double eject ...bug to fix
9.) Control text underneath icon...a new version with icon clickable as well is under way.
10.) Nano should be in Document is in mine...maybe i've done something wrong there could you confirm...
11.) Pburn/burniso2cd....burniso2cd is still there, as Pburn uses it...I can add menu entry back, but Zigbert tells me it works in Pburn now.

As I said...good report, keep them coming..


Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 04:40
by vtpup
What worked:

Downloaded wine 1.1.33 in .deb format from Winehq. Clicked on file, it installed. Everything I threw at it in an .exe ran fine.

What didn't work:

Xvidtune still doesn't write a usable custom modeline for me in xorg.conf.

I still have to modify the name from something like "1680x1050" to "1680x1050blahblah" or "1680x1050vtpup" or anything other than an apparently protected standard resolution mode name.

I'm testing with an Nvidia graphics card using the standard puppy installed linux kernel driver -- not the nvidia proprietary driver.

Works fine when I change the name in 3 placed manually in xorg.conf as explained above.

EDIT: something else I'd like to mention if the above gets addressed.

In xvidtune the xvidtune window overlays the purple puppy explanation/help window. This help window should actually be readable while editing the xvidtune widow. Can the help window be moved so it's visible?

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 04:53
by gposil
Thanks vtpup...Xvidtune is still not right....i'll post re-write when i'm finished it...sorry

The help window problem I will address also, an important point...

Good news on the Wine front, that make things easy...i'll include it in Dpup repository.

Thanks Again

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 05:13
by vtpup
By the way, of course, sorry I didn't mention it first:

Good work!

Now, more results:

I chose not to have wbar on new installation. But then later to test setting it up after the frugal install I did the desktop>wbar config>start button, and then did a restart of X. Wbar didn't show up, but I did see the momentary flicker after a second or two that I recognize as wbar trying to start.

I tried the start button and X restart again, but it still didn't work.

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 05:20
by 01micko
Hi all,

Just downloading now..

One issue with the web page Guy (

The main download link on the main page triggers the browser download. Now we all here know better and use wget. .. but how is Joe Average supposed to know that? It isn't stated on the main page. Perhaps a hot link to Windows version of wget would be handy too.

He clicks the link, it may (or may not) crap out after 10 minutes and he may (or may not) give up..

Just a thought.


Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 05:23
by gposil
vtpup wrote:By the way, of course, sorry I didn't mention it first:

Good work!

Now, more results:

I chose not to have wbar on new installation. But then later to test setting it up after the frugal install I did the desktop>wbar config>start button, and then did a restart of X. Wbar didn't show up, but I did see the momentary flicker after a second or two that I recognize as wbar trying to start.

I tried the start button and X restart again, but it still didn't work.
vtpup...can you try Re-run First Start Wizard in Setup menu, and choose Wbar on and apply...and let me know result.
