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can I have version 0.0.1?

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2010, 20:01
by bubblopup
Hi, this is just the thing I wanted. You have great fu.
Alas I was too late and am stuck with 0.0.2 and the splash-screen.
I always want a second drive mounted so the splash is superfluous for me.
Can you either post 0.0.1 or include a splash-screen disable in 0.0.3 please?

Isn't it nice to know you had it right the first time around.


Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 00:19
by davesurrey
I had to rebuild my test PC today :-( so just got around to testing v-0.0.2
I gave it a good testing in 214X RC2 and have to say that it's just perfect.

214X now shows the drive/partition info corrrectly and without the home drive.

It does this whatever I have set the drive icons to be on the desktop.

I really appreciate the "Previous specified drives" info.

Also that it comes with a reminder at boot-up.

Excellent work guys.

Another one you can be proud of.

Many thanks

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 01:00
by tasmod
Thanks Dave, glad it works out.

Both Mick and I downloaded 214X to test it out and to look for common ground.

we are addressing the issue of more partitions in version 3 and the readout in the gui. Hope you will be pleased when it comes out.

That feature is in hand for ver3 too. I also want a particular drive mounting on start all the time, without the nag screen. So we intend to include a checkbutton to select nag/nonag on boot.

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 01:06
by 01micko
Rob has said it all :)

Glad it is working for you Dave and you too vovchik.

bublopup, we didn'd quite have it right the first time.. :lol: , did you fail to keep the ver 1 pet? Anyway as Rob said that issue will be addressed in ver3


Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 01:51
by davesurrey
Hope no-one minds but if bubblopup really wants version 0.0.1 then here it is again.

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 03:18
by tasmod
Updated to ver

Now with addition of checkbox for disabling splashscreen.

Also works in Quirky 002

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 06:32
by bubblopup
many things rock.
this has been one of them.
cheers boss

fix vfat drivers script for CJK Language

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2010, 04:39
by sasaqqdan
fix script /usr/local/Startmount/startfunc
old script:

Code: Select all

if [ "$PUPVER" != "214" ];then
    for i in $CHOICES ; do echo "/dev/$i  /mnt/$i  auto" >> /etc/fstab ; done 
new script:

Code: Select all

if [ "$PUPVER" != "214" ];then
    for i in $CHOICES ; do
     GUESSFSTYPE="`guess_fstype /dev/$i`"   
    if [ "$GUESSFSTYPE" = "vfat" ];then
    echo "/dev/$i  /mnt/$i  vfat  shortname=mixed,quiet,utf8" >> /etc/fstab
    echo "/dev/$i  /mnt/$i  auto" >> /etc/fstab

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2010, 07:26
by 01micko

Thanks sasaqqdan.

The next version will also include a fix for ntfs-3g and usb drives should mount correctly every time.


Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2010, 14:54
by tasmod
Version 0.1.0 released

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 11:47
by 01micko
Hi everybody

So how is the latest Startmount-0.1.0 working for you?

Do you like the new gui?

Do you like the old gui?

What can we do to improve this app for you?

Our ideas are to add an entry for custom commands at startup and improve on the user interface. Would you like that?

Are there any other features you would like?

All comments are appreciated.

Thank you.

Cheers :)

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 17:04
by edoc
What a great app!

Previously I had been told to hardcode the automount of a device to rc.local:

Code: Select all

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3
modprobe evdev
I just loaded your v 0.1.0 and it looks great!

Question: It appears to only recognize apps that were loaded by default, none of the add-on apps appear in the list, e.g. Oxygen Office or Seamonkey 2 or Gimp. Is there a way to be sure that it picks those up, please?

Note: Does it only see apps that are inside of pup_save? I tend to put as much outside of that due to past problems with personal storage space, etc.

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 17:12
by tasmod
Hi Edoc,

Default apps is a deliberate choice to be able to read easily all apps in one place as installed to a users puppy variant.

It will read the default apps in 214, 421, 431 as well as Quirky etc and list those as different, it does this on each startup of the Startmount program gui. So if the user changes the default app it changes the list.

However we are planning an entry box facility to allow users to enter apps of choice.

Half the fun is anticipating the various uses the user will put it to and to catch the write to file correctly for each use.

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 19:35
by edoc
Sure appreciate all of your work on this! It definitely makes Puppy more user-friendly.

Will stand-by for your next updates re. non-default apps.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:32
by abushcrafter
My drives don't show up.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:38
by 01micko
My drives don't show up.
Can you be more specific? ie, which version of puppy, how many drives do you have and what sort are they..

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:42
by abushcrafter

Code: Select all

Puppy 431

Linux puppypc #1 SMP Tue Sep 1 15:48:26 GMT-8 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

startmount 0.1.0
The first version I got the drives in the list. It also did not mount the drive I set to mount at startup but with newer versions (I did uninstall the older versions.) I get nothing in the drives list.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:46
by 01micko

ok, this sounds strange....

can you run this in a terminal and post the output?

Code: Select all

probepart -k 2> /dev/null | grep '^/dev/' | grep -E 'iso9660|ext2|ext3|ext4|reiserfs|msdos|vfat|ntfs|minix' | cut -f 1-3 -d '|' | tr '\n' ' '

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:50
by abushcrafter

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# probepart -k 2> /dev/null | grep '^/dev/' | grep -E 'iso9660|ext2|ext3|ext4|reiserfs|msdos|vfat|ntfs|minix' | cut -f 1-3 -d '|' | tr '\n' ' '
/dev/sda1|reiserfs|30001356 /dev/sda6|reiserfs|457892631 /dev/sdb1|ext2|7960176

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:55
by 01micko
ok, that tells me 2 possibilities,

What should happen is that 2 of your drives should show up.

I'm guessing you are running off a usb stick?

Either that or we have a problem with reiserfs.

Which drive is puppy installed?