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IRC regulars

Posted: Sun 30 May 2010, 23:18
by raffy
When I responded here, I said
I can try to moderate the process, with lots of help from IRC regulars. I would leave the discussion of content to the co-chairs.
I did not see the old hands at IRC in this thread or at the start of the meeting, but Whodo was at IRC together with the other devs, so starting the meeting still made sense.

You can treat the ideas generated in that discussion as useful starting points.

how good

Posted: Mon 31 May 2010, 00:34
by Enrique Corbellini
There has been a meeting! sounds so good, having reunions is a symptom of good health in a community. :D
There is something important we should consider some day, I believe. It is that, Puppy is not a little system, it is small in weight because we wanted it to be small, but is far big in efficience and practicing, it's the end of every headache using PCs, I always repeat that.
Despite that, it never appears hardware for Puppy as hardware for Windows appears. I mean, if there are good programmers creating something like Puppy, why is it that impossible to find good machine factory's builders to create the appropriate hardware for people, including the appropriate hardware for Puppy?
I swear the day I have some time to speak about this with some people, I'll certainly dedicate part of my time to find this builders that will make us stop running before Gates feet as if he was some sort of god. It's only a person, we shouldn't forget that.

Re: how good

Posted: Mon 31 May 2010, 01:09
by tlchost
Enrique Corbellini wrote:why is it that impossible to find good machine factory's builders to create the appropriate hardware for people, including the appropriate hardware for Puppy?
Because the number of people who would buy those machines is so small, the factory can't justify producing the hardware.

What keeps hardware shops running? People buying new computers. Puppy doesn't need new will work fine on systems the factories stopped building years ago.

Why don't you start producing the computers you will be a hero, freeing people from the evil Bill Gates.


Posted: Mon 31 May 2010, 02:00
by shariebeth

All of my questions have been answered.

Mind boggling. Really.

Posted: Mon 31 May 2010, 17:37
by big_bass
A team comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.

A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.

in modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly. Dictatorships are often characterized by some of the following traits: suspension of elections and of civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents without abiding by rule of law procedures; these include single-party state, and cult of personality

you decide which qualities are best
its a free world


Posted: Mon 31 May 2010, 20:25
by ttuuxxx
would be nice if the puppy forum had a chat phpbb plugin, Then we could login and user our main nicks etc

Posted: Thu 03 Jun 2010, 10:29
by Lobster
Guys our IRC meeting was such a success
that some of us did not turn up
and we were still there :D

Time to move on . . .

I have sent pm's and emails to those I have contacts for
- if you are a woof or puplet creator
or major compiler / developer
let me know if you want to join the developer chat

I am aware that some developers are chatting by email and pm
- good news

======== Jemimah (Puppeee, Fluppy) asks about communication between developers . . .

========= Larry (playdayz) has proposed:
a team effort for 5.1
leading into 6
and using the Woof development system
(does not have to be Ubuntu based)

======== Warren (two official Puppy releases)
has offered advice on including developers such as
trio, Zigbert, shinobar, disciple and Technosaurus

===== Joe (Big Bass) Slaxer_pup ====
can sometimes be found on IRC
so talk with him further there
- I also note Ttuuxxx is there on occasion

========== Pizzasgood (Jeremy) various projects is busy but has said
Pizzasgood wrote: As always, if anybody needs any help with anything I've done in the past, they are more than welcome to ask and I'll do what I can.

Posted: Wed 09 Jun 2010, 17:28
by big_bass
this chat is to talk and exchange ideas between "people" adding support to puppy I would like to invite more people I havent invited people from the chat because you have to have the email address of the person

I would hate to list names here for fear to leave someone off the list
so if you build stuff and add in support sign in send Lobster a PM
a log is saved so you can drop in at any time to discover something new or post a question in a non public quiet area

P.S thanks to Lobster for setting this up I got a chance to talk with Jemimah and playdayz (Larry)
and exchange ideas and work
it would be nice if more people take a step to
see and hear whats going on from those that are
working on special projects whatever they may be to become
more informed and just have a real geek chat
that nobody else understands :D
