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Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 20:22
by 01micko
edoc wrote:Agree with DAVES, printing is the best so far AND Wifi is very reliable as well -- and it remembers settings from boot to boot.
rcrsn51did his fair share in that department, I know playdayz had a good cups template too. I tested printing in every lupu since 502... I got me a new printer :wink: (er... wifey had the printer under her "work station", a bobby pin fell into the old printer and stripped the gears :roll: ..hmmmm..)


Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 20:30
by DaveS
01micko wrote:
edoc wrote:Agree with DAVES, printing is the best so far AND Wifi is very reliable as well -- and it remembers settings from boot to boot.
rcrsn51did his fair share in that department, I know playdayz had a good cups template too. I tested printing in every lupu since 502... I got me a new printer :wink: (er... wifey had the printer under her "work station", a bobby pin fell into the old printer and stripped the gears :roll: ..hmmmm..)

The print QUALITY is important to me Mick as I am printing accounts and invoices, and this Puppy is the best so far.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 21:26
by tasmod
Hmmm, same as Beem, but now worse.

Started yesterday after upgrade.

I run Firefox, first click showed server error for any webpage, then connected on second click.

Finally, it suddenly shutdown my router connection!

Today on starting Firefox again, it did same. Disconnected router from DSL.

Just now same again, run up Firefox and accessed forum plus ebay and boom, DSL disconnected again.

I have to reboot the router and run the Internet Wizard each time to get network up.

I also noticed that compared to normal the DHCP connect is much much longer, it nearly times out.

I'll monitor it and maybe start a fresh frugal and pupsave.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 21:54
by nooby
Testing 5.1 for first time. Edit. Forgot to tell everybody "Thanks for a very good job. Looks cool and as far as I get it does work very good apart from what I write below.

A kind of bug or user failure maybe.

I fail to make it remember me a Swede. You know crazy chars like åäö and such.

I have to give it setxkbmap se each time me start up.

In menu.lst I told it to pkeys=se and thought that would do it.

It does say that it does load the se table but still when testing in console it shows [ instead of å or whatever it is supposed to on a US keyboard.

Yes I know one can do a special set up but I have already done the High pet to give it the best Intel driver so I don't want to do all that again.

So either it is me taking things in wrong order or it fail to make use of the pkeys=se

I looked in /lib/ and the se.gz is there.

What is best way to get Swedish keyboard?

I go to bed now so hope to find some suggestion within 20 hours or so :)

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 22:33
by scsijon
01micko wrote:
OK, I took a look in petget and Barry has the "-T" param set to "-T 20".. ok so I did that, doesn't make sense to me to add it to the loop.

Also added the sleep preference, it was easy and may be useful to some, especially on slow equipment and connection.

Also added delete if petget fails to install, but it stays if only download fails.

scsijon and Kevin Bowers please test, and anyone else can test too.

much better mick, still failed but it did attempt to download :lol:

just timed out, will try again later when i've rebooted in case that's all that is needed
EDIT: OK after reboot, downloaded and installed ok

ps i've had no firefox problems, are those having problems using 3.6.8?

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 22:55
by tasmod
Yes, I'm using 3.6.8 .

Hmmm, maybe, just maybe. FF updated, generated problem.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 01:06
by scsijon
tasmod wrote:Yes, I'm using 3.6.8 .

Hmmm, maybe, just maybe. FF updated, generated problem.
two thoughts:

last time I saw your type of problem was when an isp addedan extra dhcp server and moved some services rather than adding and copying all services, try running the autodhcp script and see if that fixes it. The setdhcp only shows the first two though (01mick can this be changed as most isp's have at least three if not four nowadays).

The second is that someone is trying to break into your system and your loosing connections due to timeouts, ?you have run the firewall script I take it, as it doesn't seem to be run automatically on install.

just a couple of thoughts

Quickpet and satellite internet

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 01:21
by kevin bowers
01Micko, scsijon,

For my system, Quickpet is now fixed with Muchas grass!

ps thanks also for the rest of it. Great stuff! Maybe some of my Linux-phobic buddies might actually try this one!

Is Good - just 1 issue

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 03:20
by ozsouth
This is good. Some nice options. One problem with my Compaq C61 - Intel G45 soundcard detected & plays, but mics don't go - neither onboard or plugin type. Alsamixer doesn't show boost.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 06:39
by charlie6
Hi Playdayz and 01micko,
many thanks for this nice works!
On a first live-cd session (on PIV 2.5GHz+Intel graphic 82845 onboard + 1GB Ram) + fr_be@euro locale)

a. the htop's "command" column displays truncated comments even if the rxvt window's size is maximized.

b. The resolution at live-cd bootup is very nice.
After locale setup and X restarted, the resolution is dramatically downgraded (said to be 1024x768);
If the higher resolution is choosen from video resolution setup
(i.e the only one higher than 1024x768) then the resolution looks OK but the menutraybar lays at middle height of the screen :shock:

How to fix those points?
Thanks for any answer.
Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 06:50
by ArnaudN
edoc wrote:Agree with DAVES, printing is the best so far AND Wifi is very reliable as well -- and it remembers settings from boot to boot.
How can you generalize your case in such a way ?
In the same manner, I would say "it never remembers settings from boot to boot", because, as I have already reported, I need to reload my wifi profile at each boot, even with the final release.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 09:46
by tasmod
Hmm, scsijon,

"Have I run the firewall script"

Irony eh ?

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 09:57
by tasmod
Well this is more interesting.

This morning I boot up and open FF. Usual first selection, nothing, second click on Try Again opens pages.

Happen to notice that my virtual windows are back to two from four?
Close back to desktop and previous removed icons have reappeared ?
Try default web browser icon and I'm presented with browser installer window? (Was FF as default)

Seems my system has done a reboot back to base level.

Just a thought.
I'm writing and testing two C apps right now on this machine, so I will refrain from posting any more bug issues as it may be something of my own doing. One is using pop3 and sockets, so I may be affecting my own machine.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 10:53
by Gyle
@ ArnaudN I have already reported, I need to reload my wifi profile at each boot, even with the final release.
Is your WIFI already active before you boot ?
In my case the profile is reloaded ONLY when the wifi is already ON before boot.(on my modem-router, I don't know for console like Freebox, etc... )
If I push the wifi button ON after boot-up the profile is not reloaded
because WIFI and Ethernet are detected at the very beginning of boot.
If there is no active WIFI detected there is no need for the computer
to search any profile.
Hope that helps for you.

Re: Is Good - just 1 issue

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 11:36
by sinc
ozsouth wrote: but mics don't go
playdayz taught me this one a couple of days ago but try right-clicking on the volume icon in the task bar, click full window, maximize the screen to see all options and adjust the mic options. hope that helps.

Mic input

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 12:59
by kevin bowers

I suggest also trying alsamixer. The GUI leaves something to be desired but if you use your <tab> key it lets you access everything alsa sees.

Re: Found update

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 14:14
by shinobar
Minnesota wrote:Yes, as part of Quickpet.
That should be on the desktop... kind of hidden tab.. now I know where to look. Also add the link to all the browsers if possible in the bookmarks :)
How about the 'News' tab at the top of the quickpet tabs instead of 'Popular Pets'.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 20:28
by edoc
Is Conky supposed to display wireless network activity or only wired?

It stays on 0 rx and tx.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 20:38
by DaveS
edoc wrote:Is Conky supposed to display wireless network activity or only wired?

It stays on 0 rx and tx.
Conky can display both, but you have to configure it. Normally, your wireless network will be wlan0. I forget exactly how to configure it, but if you search for conky configuration, you should get overwhelmed with hits.

Posted: Fri 13 Aug 2010, 20:50
by edoc
Someone somewhere on the Forum at one point posted Conky configured across the bottom, just above the toolbar, with not only system info but a scrolling news headline bar, etc.

I have not been able to find that again ... arghhh!