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Gramps Lucid 5.2.8 perfect !

Posted: Sun 06 Oct 2013, 04:53
by Pelo
Gramps Lucid 5.2.8 perfect ! The same for Slacko 5.5.
Very nice product.
Nice too with Puppy : DataCrow collections
click here

Launching Gramps

Posted: Tue 15 Oct 2013, 03:35
by fplum
First let me introduce myself. I am Forrest Plumstead. I have used Ubuntu off and on for years. (More off then on.) I have just started using Puppy because it is lighter, and doesn't slow my older computer down.

I have also used Gramps before but not very much. So please treat me as ignorant with both Puppy and Gramps. Speak slowly use one syllable words. Use the Idiots guide and 101 approach. Thank you.

Now my problem. I used Puppy Package Manager to download and install
Gramps. I said yes to all the dependencies, and libraries. I found Gramps under Utilities, but when I click on it nothing happens.

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions, HELP!?!

Launching Gramps

Posted: Tue 15 Oct 2013, 19:24
by fplum
Today I ran Check Dependencies installed package. I received this message: gnome-mime-data keyutils krb5 libcanberra libgnome-keyring missing dependencies.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2014, 21:15
by slackfan

Until yet, to use Gramps I did restart my PC and use Ubuntu (actually 13.10) because I didn't know some SFS with Gramps for Puppy.

I did now discover in the last day that there is some one at the depository from RHS for its modulary system available for different Puplets (I am using the LazzYTHD_100 today because it starts on my PC without some Dialog directly in Xorg and works perfectly. it is enough for me!) and I did start gramps:

it works!


and it is not a Puppy question

how to make my data on Ubuntu usuable in Puppy in Gramps?

(if it is not possible, It make no sense to try to use gramps in Puppy as my genealogy is about ready in Ubuntu: I can and will not begin again! I will only add some lateral parents if I discover new data on the web).

kind regards ... 273#766273

Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2014, 21:57
by slackfan

it seems so, that it is perhaps necessary to start gramps in console mode to pass the name of the file. so the manpage of gramps if I do understand correctly.

but how to start a Python application out a LP2_xxx.sfs from console as it is not in the usual file system?

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2014, 02:57
by tallboy
slackfan wrote:how to make my data on Ubuntu usuable in Puppy in Gramps?
In puppy, Gramps makes a hidden directory /root/.gramps that contain all settings, preferences and data, upon first run.
If the Gramps in puppy containes no saved files, remove the hidden /root/.gramps directory in your puppy, and replace it with a copy of the .gramps in your /home/, or whatever they use, in Ubuntu. Always make a backup of that directory! If it is the first time you open a .gramps from an earlier version, Gramps will ask if it should convert it to the newer version (which cannot be opened by an older Gramps).


Gramps, lost data

Posted: Sun 04 May 2014, 15:02
by Pelo
Gramps, lost data. I Enjoy the previous post, tallboy, I lost my previous session. I am a new comer to Gramps.

Gramps, an genealogiy appli, not only !

Posted: Mon 16 Jun 2014, 03:18
by Pelo
Runs perfectly on all Puppies;
Oui answers all my questions here

This topic should be the one here all topics gramps are link

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2016, 01:01
by Pelo
This topic should be the one here all topics gramps are linked. In My Opinion.
Database of people Dead ... or Alive

XenialDog and Antix provide Gramps using Synaptic

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2017, 09:59
by Pelo
Gramps installed on my XenialDog (USB SmileyWorld) and Antix (USB Flash Voyager). Application downloaded with Synaptic with no trouble.
alternative genealogy appli for Puppy Linux
Beware data between Gramps versions are not fully interchangeable :!:

Posted: Tue 10 Jan 2017, 13:42
by tallboy
Great work, Pelo!


Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 09:06
by Sylvander
Is there a means of copying or transferring a familytree from Rootsmagic [installed in WinXP, and the Windows program run using Puppy->WINE] to a Gramps installed [or run using an SFS] in a Puppy?

i would say 'yes, you can'.

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2017, 08:12
by Pelo
I Dont't know, but i would say 'yes, you can'. Create a new tree, then import files.
What i am sure, you can import trees fulfilled with different Puppies or Linux OS. About Windows please feed back success or not.

Try a gedcom?

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2017, 20:44
by davids45

I think Roots Magic can export a text GEDCOM file of your basic genealogical data. Gedcoms can miss some program-particular details but I've found the essentials generally get copied.

So why not try the export from RM (say, to a USB thumb drive) and then import the gedcom file into Gramps from the same thumb drive?

I did this when trying Gramps - I use Legacy as my main genealogy program.

David S.

Version Windows installed

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 16:33
by Pelo
Version Windows installed, fully intercheangeable with versions Linux.
Remember howerver ; a newer version will refuse gkpg from older Gramps.

tutorial clipboard

Posted: Fri 08 Sep 2017, 08:04
by hamoudoudou
tutorial clipboard very useful
"This is a good video for someone who got his hands on the program. I am starting new and honestly, I don't find it user friendly. I am going through documentation but still not that easy."

Dpup Stretch and Artfulpup : Gramps refused to run

Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2018, 09:07
by hamoudoudou
Dpup Stretch and Artfulpup : Gramps refused to run
Ok With OBPrecise - 15.01
Some applications are very popular, genealogy database is necessary for me.
:) solved with Artfulpup, python 2.6 was needed

Gramps 3.2.0-1.AppImage

Posted: Sat 13 Jan 2018, 19:10
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Searching for Gramps applications, I found Gramps 3.2.0-1.AppImage here: This appears to be a 32-bit version, circa 2010. But it seems to be functional OOTB on Xenialpup64 with 32-bit libs loaded.


LP2_Gramps-3.4.1.sfs: 13 M

Posted: Tue 16 Jan 2018, 16:06
by hamoudoudou
LP2_Gramps-3.4.1.sfs: 13 M
provided by Lazy Puppy RSH does enough to spend time searching your origins.. Gramps is only the recording tool, the data base to fulfill. I have the chance to be born in the area where they destroyed all archives about christians.. Its very hard to go before 1789. And docs written with feathers are quite unserviceable for us.
No need to spend your time if nobody ask for new versions. Often new versions need libs that are not available . If RHS version does not work, just install the old Python. The older, not the newer.
I use an SFS done by ASRI Education including french translation. He dit it for students and even teachers when Puppy Precise 5.7.3 was installed in a dozen of schools in France.