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Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 17:04
by tlchost
Aitch wrote:
So, maybe we could/would have 2 separate databases, 1 for the user/dev interface, the other for hardware/software problems/solutions, and reviews/comparisons posted in the forum [and possibly elsewhere, if googlesearch or another webcrawler can be incorporated, without causing slowdowns/loadburdens]
We could have numerous databases for numerous purposes. I would prefer stand-alone databases, since they can have unique designs and data fields.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 17:48
by Aitch
Thom, if you can customise your database as WhoDo suggested, so it can be used as a user/dev interface, with user variable keys/tags to enable various search terms, that would be great, unless you can only have certain templates, maybe?

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 20:07
by Caneri
Hi All,

I strongly suggest using Thom and his resources for PLUG's future growth.

I brought him into the project at one time as a trusted contributor.


There is a resource that is untapped within Thom's knowledge.


EDIT: I see Murga has all my best to the PLUG

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 21:02
by nooby
I've been a puppy user since 2008. I am very active in puppy forum.

I love puppy linux very much. I don't want to be a burden to the puppy community.

I want the best for Puppy. I can only follow my honest conscience take on what goes on in the forum. I do my best to grasp what is going on.

I post when I find it relevant for to protect Puppy.

If I repeat a message then that is due to the responses show that my message has failed to be read as I intended at writing. To clarify.

Now without breaking any written or implied rule of the forum

I've received a PM that refer to my behavior in the forum.

I am not strong enough mentally in my self worth to confront that person in a PM so this message here is the only way I will deal with it.

I can assert that I do my best to live up to everybody's expectation of how I should fit in and I ask all of you to also follow that way of relating.

Puppy should be what we care about and we should not hijack Puppy for personal agendas.

That is my way to answer. I will not answer that PM.

I go to bed now late at night here locally

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 21:17
by Caneri
PM me.
I will speak for you when you can't.
It may be against you or for you..we will see.


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 23:34
by Bruce B
nooby wrote:Now without breaking any written or implied rule of the forum

I've received a PM that refer to my behavior in the forum.
Frankly, that bothers me.


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 23:49
by shariebeth
Bruce B wrote:
nooby wrote:Now without breaking any written or implied rule of the forum

I've received a PM that refer to my behavior in the forum.
Frankly, that bothers me.

Why? He has mentioned several times in this thread alone that is what he wants.
See below:
nooby wrote:I am not good at keeping down my own noise but friendly reminders from forum members should help too.
nooby wrote:When pemasu found my noise to get in his way in his threads then he just told me so and I managed to stay away from his thread for a whole month so one don't need total control at all. A bit friendly straight talk can do wonder.

Another friendly person told me in PM that I need to shape up and I have done my best to live up to that. I relapse now and then but a friendly reminder and I behave better. So humor and a smile can do it better than formal hunting down and kicking the ass of the bad guy is my experience. sorry poor grammar there

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 05:57
by Sylvander
Depends on the nature of the PM: it may not have been friendly, but rather unkind or worse. :(

He seemed to me to be upset by it, and if so I don't like that. :x

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 06:19
by Bruce B
Bert wrote:What is happening here is exactly what I feared would happen.

A forum where like-minded people exchange ideas is like a natural phenomenon. Ideas are proposed and if they contain value for the participants, these ideas start developing naturally, out of the enthusiasm of the members. This great forum has always worked like that.

{cut and snip}
I think you have it Bert. The website is very successful. Also, very few contributors are professional authors. Doesn't matter much even if someone says something dumb or controversial, their post may inspire the best of the posts.


Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 06:27
by Bruce B

Sometimes, I look at it this way, if you have to explain, it won't do any good.

It is understandable to some. I figure, if you understood it, you have a heart.



Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 09:06
by Stripe
unless something has been going on that I am unaware of.

Nooby is entitled to his opinion the same as anyone else, and for someone to pm him just about his behavior/veiws is not only wrong but very worrying and goes directly against what I believe in.

If any rules of the puppy linux forum has been broken it is only be the mods/admin that have the authority to sort it out

if someone has a legitimate complaint why not go to the mods/admin about it and do things properly.

without knowing all the facts this is all I have to say on the matter


ps: a huge personal thank you to eric and others for offering help to nooby. Its nice to know that some people still care about other people and not just themselves.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 10:14
by Stripe

thanks for getting PLUG back on track, I am right behind you.

I posted here to keep your devs topics clean


Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 10:27
by Aitch
I have been having pm's with nooby since he got the pm which clearly upset him, and have given him support, I like nooby, as he does help quite a few people and has good experience with many other OSes and forums

As Stripe said, without knowing the detail, it is hard to know what else to say, other than, I too, suggested contacting Flash, ttuuxxx, or Béèm as I don't like the idea of people sending disturbing pms to people, as it is far too easy to put on a nice face in the forum, yet be nasty in a pm

Nooby does have a right to be heard, I just wish he'd opened a new thread, as thread clarity and derailment is supposed to be one of our roles, so we should, if we had the ability move this conversation out, would you agree, as I would if I could, and leave an explanatory note, here

So please, can we move on?

This is one of my whoosh moments, as it's a bit energy zapping isn't it?!

edit; thanks Stripe! :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 10:54
by nooby
If ttuuxxx has the admin knobs and know how to do please edit out any derailing from me. That is okay with me. Totally off topic can be a good place.

But what is on topic is that I support what Bert and also others pointed out.

Devs have their own ways of doing things. Many of us have experienced that if we nag them too much to skip using Seamonkey or IceApe or something else then them tend to drop out of developing all together.

the motivation to code and the inner joy them need to feel for coding goes away very easily and one has to rather be supportive and praising them than to put a lot of structure and demand on them.

Such posts from me should remain because them are on topic and very relevant to what we talk about.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 11:04
by nooby
Not on topic I do trust the PM was very friendly and considerate seen from the perspective of the writer sending it to me.

That person could not have known how barely surviving I am. I maybe have a cocky attitude in the threads so one think I am thick skinned and can take any ordinary criticism.

But unfortunately I am not that strong. that is embarrassing but a fact.

My body got so scared that it has deleted the content from my memory for to survive. A mysterious feature I thought one could somehow have control over. But I have honestly no recall of the details only a strong feeling that never read this again or you could get too depressed knowing you are not okay and worthless.

But I trust that if any of you would read it then you would say. But there is nothing to get upset over there at all. Just the truth about how we see you Nooby. You are very annoying. Yes I know but it is how one say it.

Obviously I can only cope with that knowledge if I myself joke about it.

okay I try to not take this up again. I wanted to clarify that I have spent weeks of concentrated effort to find another place on the internet to be active on but failed at it. I have asked people where I live and I have asked people privately here in the forum if them know where I can be active.

I have thought of if I maybe would start a kind of low key naive noob forum for us that barely get what others write in forum.

But that maybe would trigger trolls to enter and tease us more challenged persons.

Linux for Us who are Computer Challenged? (LUCC)

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 14:04
by ttuuxxx
nooby wrote:If ttuuxxx has the admin knobs and know how to do please edit out any derailing from me. That is okay with me. Totally off topic can be a good place.
Naaaa I won't admin any post unless they are raciest or really over the top with swearing words, basically I would just keep this or any thread a "G" rated thread. I haven't seen any real extreme remarks what so ever. Plus nooby from what I've seen from your post over the past 2 or so years you've always been a somewhat of a gentleman and that does earn bonus points in my eyes :) If you ever did get out of hand, I would give you a second chance, not to worry.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 15:38
by Aitch
Welcome aboard ttuuxxx, nice of you to drop in, style counts a lot here, :wink: hope your busy fatherhood life won't cause too much of a problem

Appreciate your handling of that issue!

I'm in pm's with nooby, so he'll be OK, I trust

Hopefully when John M gets a bit more time, we can get you some help, as this may be a bumpy Section for a while

Care to comment here, please?

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 16:10
by nooby
Thanks ttuuxxx , being a father there is something one should enjoy and give some priority but you know such things.

I wish PLUG to succeed. I only wish we had more Devs that would chime in and tell their views that would calm me down. ttuuxxx you are a Dev so you must know how it feels when I and others are at it and us place a lot of demands and pressure and even flood poor devs with all our questions and demands.

I remember going nuts when I flood him with questions about pUpnGo.

I was most likely a was a PITA as we say over here.

Re Nooby being a trolling old timer teasing the community. Nope like Bruce say I am an old pensioner that has loved Personal computers since I first read about them in Popular Electronics and Byte. So what one can say is that I am as naive and friendly as I portray myself still I can be stubborn in an annoying way when I want result.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 21:42
by Hugh
As most here are aware "Devs" are a fiercely
independent lot.

They'll come in their own good time. Time permitting.

Every new venture has "human relations" difficulties.

We're all a bit warped and mis-programmed by our
upbringing and our education.

Time heals all wounds.

Yes, "PLUG Group" is poor grammar redundancy which
may detract from the credibility of the Group.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 23:08
by shariebeth
While we wait for the forum section to be properly configured (and yes please could someone remove the redundant word "group" in the PLUG name title?), I think a great project to get started would be to work on the spreadsheets/templates that Thom has offered us.

Since that would be offsite anyway, we can put the effort in without worrying it will be lost in any forum rearrangements.

I'd like to see one for the Puplet collection we have as Trobin mentioned.
and also as WhoDo suggested:
WhoDo wrote:1. PLUG organisers use it to quantify requests for specific features, support or fixes.

2. PLUG users search it to see if there is already a solution to their problem.
Somewhere I posted a suggested template of how the forum section should look but it's not in stone. If anybody has a better idea how to divvy it up, speak up.

Advanced Topics
Puppy Linux Users Group
-Documention System (needs to be consolidated desperately-can and should we organize it?)
-Official Stable Release (suggestions and bug fixes, which one IS it?)
-Creative Puplets (suggestions and bug fixes, what are they and what does each do? Where are they?)
-Help Desk (forums, IRC channel must be included in Puppy family, recommend a new one with control)

@Béèm: I am going to address one of your comments from the Developer thread here so I don't clutter it up off its main topic. There really wasn't supposed to be a group of founders per se. Yes there are a few of us who are trying to get this going, generally because we've all tried or been involved in this type of conversation before and strongly see a need. All are welcome. The moderator request issue isn't about trying to establish people "in charge" of PLUG but rather a "necessary evil" to make sure it stays clean and focused. It's a massive undertaking and can't afford to be derailed, as we've proven. It also needs constant supervision as we've proven and our last minute guest has doubly proven that.
Anyone who jumps in to help is a "founder".