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Browser crashes

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 06:51
by Volhout
Running 106 from USB stick (Universal installer: Wary) on Intel dual core.

Installed flash player when prompted.
Press search button (google search) in browser. Browser crashes and closes.

May be related to the animated Google theme.
Browser works okay on forum (static pages)

Problem remains when restarting (after creating save file).

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 07:46
by BarryK
There was a report that the 'save' desktop icon when booting off USB, is broken.

Yes, the message at the top won't go away. I fixed it, plus improved a couple other messages that popup at the top of screen.

The two attached scripts can be used in all recent Woof-built puppies, including Wary, Racy and Slacko.

Gunzip 'save2flash.gz' to /usr/sbin, make sure it is executable.
Gunzip 'pup_event_frontend_d.gz' to /sbin, make sure it is executable.

You then need to restart X.

Then click the 'save' icon on desktop. There should be a momentary yellow window in the center of the screen, then an orange message at top of screen while session is saving -- and you should see the LED flickering on your USB drive.

Re: slow video -- acer Aspire ONE

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 08:17
by BarryK
broomdodger wrote:ok, I found a better xorg driver, quite a difference!

With xorg 'intel' video driver chosen by 'Probe'

# glxgears
313 frames in 7.3 seconds = 42.988 FPS
276 frames in 6.4 seconds = 43.285 FPS
276 frames in 6.3 seconds = 43.473 FPS
276 frames in 6.3 seconds = 43.800 FPS
284 frames in 6.4 seconds = 44.417 FPS
284 frames in 6.4 seconds = 44.574 FPS

" -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----
With xorg 'i810' video driver chosen by 'me'

# glxgears
1120 frames in 5.6 seconds = 198.541 FPS
1163 frames in 5.6 seconds = 207.757 FPS
1069 frames in 5.0 seconds = 213.800 FPS
1242 frames in 5.2 seconds = 239.072 FPS
1260 frames in 5.2 seconds = 243.604 FPS
1392 frames in 5.2 seconds = 269.446 FPS

" -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----
Yes, the 'intel' driver running on my old laptop, also seems sluggish. if I recall rightly, I upgraded the version of the 'intel' driver, from that used in earlier Wary's, that is, back in Wary 5.1.4 and earlier.

I will test an earlier 'intel' driver.

Re: Wary Puppy 5.1.106 (5.2beta2)

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 08:21
by BarryK
Billtoo wrote: I plugged the usb cable for my canon powershot A570 camera and it was
detected and I was able to transfer the photos to the hard disk by
dragging and dropping the folder to the my-documents directory.
Yay :D That's two cameras working (yours and mine)!

Anyone else got a camera to test?

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 08:25
by BarryK
In case you guys haven't noticed, Wary now has tazoc's superb Lighthouse sys-info, so if you report a bug, you can also post a tarball of your hardware (no personal info will be in it -- tazoc's sys-info displays the contents of the tarball so that you can verify nothing personal in it before posting it).

Look in the System menu.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 12:09
by BarryK
The script /usr/sbin/shutdownconfig has some text in one of the windows that is not appropriate for when X is running. I fixed it, attached.

This script is only used at the first shutdown. Slacko will need this too, I will send a pm to 01micko.

Digital Camera Olynpus FE 100

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 13:37
by tronkel
I've done some testing on pupcamera with my Olymous FE-100 model. An oldie that I have owned for about 5 years. Later today, I'll repeat this experiment with the camera on the Android smartphone as well and report back how that went.

Since the days of Puppy 3 series (I think) GTKAM has never been able to detect this camera. However, every Puppy has always been able to show me all my pics by simply clicking on the detected USB device icon at the bottom of this desktop. It shows a folder named DCIM, inside of which are all the photos. This Wary is no exception and does exactly the same thing as all previous Puppy versions have done.

So experiment went like this:

1. Power up the camera, hot-plug the USB cable and as always successfully displays the USB icon which is successfully mounted as has always been the case.

Result: no auto-mount of device via pupcamera

Next, unmount the camera unplug the cable and start again.

2. This time start the pupcamera script.

Result: Message box displays saying that gphoto2 has not detected a camera.

Close pupcamera down, mount the device from the desktop icon and leave the device mounted.

Start pupcamera again. This time camera gets detected, mounts and opens device /dev/sdc1.

Result: Photos get displayed in DCIM

Should the pupcamera script not be mounting a folder called /mnt/camera?

To summarise then, device has to be manually mounted first in order that camera gets detected by gphoto2

From a terminal, running "gphoto2 --auto-detect" mirrors the same behaviour as the pupcamera script.

This version is great though. The JWM menu items text displays bolder in the version than in previous versions which suits my aging vision. As these Puppy versions mature, I have to do less and less tweaking to configure the system to my needs. Great work indeed!

More info

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 13:53
by Volhout
Find attached sysinfo in system.gz

Bug: Seamonkey browser crashes at Google homepage, but works fine on other web pages. May be related to animated objects on the page.

- homepage = (not .com)
- method: clear the hypelink field (adress), and press button with magnify glass.

Normally this brings me with a search for nothing to the google homeplage. In this release it crashes the browser. There could be a relation to the empty adress field when pressing the magnifying glass. The search for anything but an empty field goes well, but it does not end up at

Manual entry shows that the problem resides at page. Not the way you get there.

Tried on a different (AMD64 system) and the problem does not occur. Please find attached system info in: sys-info-111012.gz

Smartphone camera gets detectd by pupcamera

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 14:02
by tronkel
Second digital camera experiment. Entirely different outcome compared with the Olympus FE-100

Pupcamera detected the Motorola Defy MB525 device instantly, displaying the model number and a usb reference.

Using the open button it displayed the root file system of the phone underneath which lies the dcim folder containing the pics. This time the desktop device icon did not required to be mounted manually. The device mount point is now /mnt/camera1 as I think it ought to be.

So whether or not you get the camera auto-detected seems to depend on what sort of device it is.

This cool auto-mount of your smart-phone is going to impress your mates - impressive or what?

External USB 3G Modems

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 17:52
by alec78
Hi all,
Has anybody else noticed that in regular use external USB 3G modems now take appreciably longer to prepare themselves than in previous puppies?
Since 5.1.103, I think, the initial set up of an USB 3G modem has been easier, you only need to tick the "external modem" box when running the set up wizard. Previously I needed to click the delete button and then the probe button, because the wizard had latched onto an on board dial-up modem.
Now, however, each time the modem is plugged in it takes the same 12 seconds approx. for the sr0 icon to appear on the desktop, but a further 50 seconds approx. for the probing box to disappear from the desktop, and the modem be ready for use.
In Lucid once the sr0 icon appears on the desktop the modem is ready to use.
BTW I too think lettering and icons in 5.1.106 have far better definition.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:04
by DaveS
Is there going to be a Racy update?

Re: Digital Camera Olynpus FE 100

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 22:19
by aragon
tronkel wrote:I've done some testing on pupcamera with my Olymous FE-100 model. An oldie that I have owned for about 5 years. Later today, I'll repeat this experiment with the camera on the Android smartphone as well and report back how that went.

Since the days of Puppy 3 series (I think) GTKAM has never been able to detect this camera. However, every Puppy has always been able to show me all my pics by simply clicking on the detected USB device icon at the bottom of this desktop. It shows a folder named DCIM, inside of which are all the photos. This Wary is no exception and does exactly the same thing as all previous Puppy versions have done.

So experiment went like this:

1. Power up the camera, hot-plug the USB cable and as always successfully displays the USB icon which is successfully mounted as has always been the case.

Result: no auto-mount of device via pupcamera

Next, unmount the camera unplug the cable and start again.

2. This time start the pupcamera script.

Result: Message box displays saying that gphoto2 has not detected a camera.

Close pupcamera down, mount the device from the desktop icon and leave the device mounted.

Start pupcamera again. This time camera gets detected, mounts and opens device /dev/sdc1.

Result: Photos get displayed in DCIM

Should the pupcamera script not be mounting a folder called /mnt/camera?

To summarise then, device has to be manually mounted first in order that camera gets detected by gphoto2

From a terminal, running "gphoto2 --auto-detect" mirrors the same behaviour as the pupcamera script.
Hi tronkel,

The behavior might be due to the fact that the cam is using the mass storage protocol and not the picture transfer protocol. So in terms of the OS it's just like an external drive (thus the naming). In my opinion this is positive, but the udev-rules to control the gui and so on might be a problem for that kind of cams. But Barry is using a simple udev-rule, so maybe the 'problem' could be solved with a larger subset of the rules.


Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 00:24
by BarryK
Over in the Racy thread, Karl Godt reported a problem with /usr/sbin/background_reshape, for some non-English locales: ... 727#572727

Here is the fixed script:

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 00:55
by BarryK
USB boot, installing PETs has a problem. It seems that recent version of aufs has a problem, exhibited in both Wary with 2.6.32 kernel, and Racy with kernel.

Shinobar reported it, see post: ... 735#572735

The script goes into /usr/local/petget, gunzip it and make it executable. Attached:

I have decided to revert this change, so please ignore the attachment.

I found that the script does work for me, but there is another problem with it, that will need attention. For now, leave as-is.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 01:59
by rjbrewer
Comparing 5.1.106-smp and
Inspiron 700m notebook, 7 yrs. old.
1.6Ghz cpu, 1Gb ram. single core.

5.1.106 is using about 20mb more ram at startup and uses
about 10 to 15% more cpu in general.
Not a problem on this laptop, as they both play full screen
video files and streams very smoothly.

Uni would be better for older gear.

Comparing these 2 Warys' with Lucid 5.2.8 and Slacko.
Lucid and Slacko suck cpu power like crazy.
Video files and streams that Wary plays perfectly with
30 to 70% cpu are pegged at 100% in Lucid and Slacko,
with jerky video and out of sync sound.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 02:24
by Flash
5.1.106 multisession Blu-Ray disk.

Burned the 5.1.106 iso to a rewritable Blu-Ray (BD-RE) disk using Burniso2cd, booted the Blu-Ray disk (it seemed to boot faster than a DVD but I didn't do a comparison), did a little configuring to get online and put SeaMonkey's cache in /tmp, then saved to the BD-RE to create a multisession Puppy. It booted fine with the saved settings, though SeaMonkey does not create a cache folder in /tmp as it said it would do. I don't know where it's putting its cache.

Then I tried to install Flashblock in SeaMonkey from the Puppy Package Manager. It seemed to install, reporting no problems or missing dependencies, but I couldn't find it in the Internet menu and after that SeaMonkey wouldn't start any more, even from the console. Said 'seamonkey not found'.

Then I booted the same BD-RE in a different computer which also has a Blu-Ray drive. It booted all the way to the desktop without asking any configuration questions, though the desktop icons that were supposed to be round were oval instead. Everything else seemed to work fine, including the sound. Incredible.

While I had it booted in the other computer I backed up a bunch of audio files that were in directories. When I dragged a directory from the first drive, which was a VFAT USB flash drive, to the second drive, which was a NTFS hdd, the transfer apparently went ok even though ROX reported when everything was done that there was an "ERROR: process not allowed" or something like that. I copied many directories this way and every one gave the same error. After I was done backing up, I rebooted into Windows XP to check that the drive was still readable. It was, and everything I had copied to it was where it was supposed to be. I think there might have been some sort of permissions issue, but ROX and Puppy powered right through it. :lol:

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 07:00
by BarryK
Flash wrote:Then I tried to install Flashblock in SeaMonkey from the Puppy Package Manager. It seemed to install, reporting no problems or missing dependencies, but I couldn't find it in the Internet menu and after that SeaMonkey wouldn't start any more, even from the console. Said 'seamonkey not found'.
Flashblock PET, if I recall rightly, that is for SeaMonkey 1.1.x.

I will have to revise those SM plugin PETs, so that they state what version of SM they are for.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 13:43
by gerry
Oops, wrong forum.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 13:59
by Flash
Barry, any chance you would include flashblock as standard in all your Puppys? I find the moving pictures that seem to be on every web page these days to be so distracting that sometimes I have to cover them up in order to concentrate on what I'm trying to read. I imagine that the people who design web pages don't realize the effect is counterproductive.

Oh, and here's a suggestion: have one of those tooltips, I think they're called, pop up when the cursor is rested on the Puppy logo and tell which version of Puppy it is. :)

pupcamera with Fuji AV200

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2011, 18:29
by tronkel
Spotted a bargain here today in Vienna. Hartlauer are selling the Fuji AV200 still/movie digital camera for €40 without storage.

Pupcamera couldn't detect it without re-booting Wary, but after doing that, it did auto-detect, whereupon the pics showed up in /mnt/camera1 as intended.

So pupcamera seems to be working ok. Goodie!