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Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2015, 15:53
by don570
New version 4.0 :lol:

New features:

1) 'Search for text' button

2) Avoids putting 'home' at top of search locations --> instead use /mnt/home

3) width of window is greater

4) changed name of button to 'Export list'

5) checked that it worked with foreign characters

Instructions: 'Search for text' button

First determine extension such as .htm

Put '.htm' in search box to obtain the list of files.

Next click 'Search for text' button. Enter the expression in box.
You can change the name of the output file as well and click 'Proceed'. You may
have to wait say 15 sec if you have a large number of files (hundreds) to examine.

You will get an orange warning screen after the search.

The output file will be found in /root. Open it with texteditor and you will
find the filenames and the line numbers where the text was found.
The line of text will be shown as well.


Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2015, 16:16
by don570
Version 4.1 - fixed a minor gettext problem