Page 3 of 4

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 18:02
by efiabruni
There are two ways to do this. The easiest is to unzip the blog in the web server root directory as is and put an index.php file in the web-server/blog directory with the following:

Code: Select all

	if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
		$uri = 'https://';
	} else {
		$uri = 'http://';
	$uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
	header('Location: '.$uri.'/');
this will redirect any request to localhost/blog to localhost/ without any need for .htacces files or the like.

if you don't like the .pl ending showing put the blog directory of the zip file into the blog directory of the web-server. For example the file would then be located in web-server/blog/blog/
Move the and to web-server/blog.
Leave the /css /js and /image folders in web-server.
Add an .htacces file to the web-server/blog folder with

Code: Select all

These directions assume the server is an Apache web-server

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 23:21
by smokey01
Neither suggestion worked. I am getting a 403 (forbidden) error.

I have check the permissions. Directories are 755 and files 644.

From the my directory structure is:

|-- blog
| |--
| |-- comments
| |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
| |-- posts
| | |-- 00000.ppl
| | `-- hits.ppl.hits
| |-- readme
| | |-- README
| | |-- README_GER
| | |-- README_GERhiawatha
| | `-- README_GERzip
| `--
|-- css
| |-- menu2.jpg
| |-- menu3.jpg
| |-- menu.jpg
| |-- m_menu2.jpg
| |-- m_menu3.jpg
| |-- m_menu.jpg
| |-- mobile.css
| `-- style.css
|-- images
| |-- news-feed.png
| |-- prettyPhoto
| | |-- dark_rounded
| | | |-- btnNext.png
| | | |-- btnPrevious.png
| | | |-- contentPattern.png
| | | |-- default_thumbnail.gif
| | | |-- loader.gif
| | | `-- sprite.png
| | |-- dark_square
| | | |-- btnNext.png
| | | |-- btnPrevious.png
| | | |-- contentPattern.png
| | | |-- default_thumbnail.gif
| | | |-- loader.gif
| | | `-- sprite.png
| | |-- default
| | | |-- default_thumb.png
| | | |-- loader.gif
| | | |-- sprite_next.png
| | | |-- sprite.png
| | | |-- sprite_prev.png
| | | |-- sprite_x.png
| | | `-- sprite_y.png
| | |-- facebook
| | | |-- btnNext.png
| | | |-- btnPrevious.png
| | | |-- contentPatternBottom.png
| | | |-- contentPatternLeft.png
| | | |-- contentPatternRight.png
| | | |-- contentPatternTop.png
| | | |-- default_thumbnail.gif
| | | |-- loader.gif
| | | `-- sprite.png
| | |-- light_rounded
| | | |-- btnNext.png
| | | |-- btnPrevious.png
| | | |-- default_thumbnail.gif
| | | |-- loader.gif
| | | `-- sprite.png
| | `-- light_square
| | |-- btnNext.png
| | |-- btnPrevious.png
| | |-- default_thumbnail.gif
| | |-- loader.gif
| | `-- sprite.png
| `-- smilies
| |-- angry.png
| |-- cry.png
| |-- dilemma.png
| |-- happy.png
| |-- heart.png
| |-- lol.png
| |-- mmh.png
| |-- oh.png
| |-- ouch.png
| |-- sad.png
| |-- shock.png
| |-- surprised.png
| `-- wink.png
|-- js
| |-- jquery.prettyPhoto.js
| |-- prettyPhoto.css
| `-- README
|-- .htaccess
|-- index.php

Server Software
Apache: 2.2.23
CentOS: CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
cPanel: 11.36.2 (build 4)
Curl: 7.12.1
MySQL 5.5.33
phpMyAdmin 3.5.5
Python: 2.6.6
Perl: 5.8.8
PHP: 5.2.17
ionCube Loader: 4.2.2
Zend Optimizer: 3.3.9
Ruby: 1.8.7
Rails: 2.3.18
OpenSSL: 1.0.0-fips

My other blog runs fine but it's written in php not perl.

I'm running out of ideas.


Posted: Sun 20 Oct 2013, 04:28
by efiabruni
Ok, I see three possibilities
1. The server is not set up to allow .htaccess files. In this case the 403 Error should read like:
You don't have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.
In this case use the solution with the php script

2. I think this is the case here:
The server is not set up to run cgi files from outside of the cgi-bin folder.

then error message is likely:
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
try and add the following to your .htacces file:
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
Options +ExecCGI
3. The server does neither allow for htaccess files nor cgi scripts outside of the cgi-bin

In this case, rename the and to pe_pplog and pe_admin, make them executable and move them to the cgi-bin.
Move the blog folder to the cgi-bin
change the index.php file to:

Code: Select all

   if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
      $uri = 'https://';
   } else {
      $uri = 'http://';
   $uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
   header('Location: '.$uri.'/cgi-bin/');

Posted: Sun 20 Oct 2013, 22:38
by smokey01
efiabruni wrote:Ok, I see three possibilities
1. The server is not set up to allow .htaccess files. In this case the 403 Error should read like:
You don't have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.
In this case use the solution with the php script
The server is fine with .htaccess files, in fact I use them to assign icons and descriptions like:
efiabruni wrote: 2. I think this is the case here:
The server is not set up to run cgi files from outside of the cgi-bin folder.

then error message is likely:
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
try and add the following to your .htacces file:
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
Options +ExecCGI
This didn't fix the problem either. It really seems to be some sort of permissions problem
efiabruni wrote: 3. The server does neither allow for htaccess files nor cgi scripts outside of the cgi-bin

In this case, rename the and to pe_pplog and pe_admin, make them executable and move them to the cgi-bin.
Move the blog folder to the cgi-bin
change the index.php file to:

Code: Select all

   if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
      $uri = 'https://';
   } else {
      $uri = 'http://';
   $uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
   header('Location: '.$uri.'/cgi-bin/');
Option three didn't work either.

Here is the really strange bit. CatDude has exactly the same blog set up on the same company's server but under a different account.

It really seems like I have to enable perl scripts to run. Hostgator allows perl as you can see from a previous post. I guess I might need to put some definition in the .htaccess to do this, I just need to work out what that syntax is.


Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2013, 00:19
by efiabruni
Ok, I'm out of ideas as well. Hosting companies can be specific with cgi script set ups, I guess. Let me know if you solve this problem. Sorry I couldn't help :(

Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2013, 05:42
by smokey01
efiabruni your advice was very close and on the right track.

You suggested adding this to the .htaccess file:
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
Options +ExecCGI
This is what got it working:

Code: Select all

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .py .pl .cgi
Thanks again

Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2013, 19:59
by smokey01
efia, I sent you a couple of messages to your gmail account.

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 02:11
by efiabruni
I saw the messages and answered :)

some lessons learned from the epic battle of setting the pe_pplog up on a live server:

the zip file is set up to extract in the web-server root, not a sub-folder (I will change this in the next version, but for know to avoid headaches it might be easier to follow this)

To execute cgi-scripts write the following in the .htaccess file:
[quote=smokey01]Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .py .pl .cgi[/quote]
without MultiViews, as this might mess with js files (according to my experience, though I cannot explain why)

To get prettyPhoto to work add the following in $config_customHTMLhead:

Code: Select all

<script src=js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js></script>

new Release!

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 18:09
by efiabruni
I proudly present the latest version of the pe_pplog. Thank you to Grant and Chris for suggestions :)

Some changes:
Fixing some path issues and adding an htaccess file to make it easier to upload and run the zip file on a live server.

replaced prettyPhoto with a css solution, lightboxes are now made with the "box" button. {box=thumbnail title=title}photo or text(any bbcode works in here){/box}. If there is no thumbnail the title will be clickable. Example.

possibility to use other programs than sendmail to send mail or to save mails locally and read them from the admin page.

notes to save and publish later

smiley buttons (like in this forum)

See first post for more info and download

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 01:54
by BarryK
I like your pe_pplog very much! :D

I have installed it, see here:

As you can see, I have worked on the theme a bit.

I turned off jquery, as it seems that calls to slow the first page load down a bit?

I am using your latest version.

I put back the option to have numeric-only security code, coz I like that.

I found a bug. When I made the fourth entry, number 00004, the last line in file posts/00004.ppl had this:

Code: Select all

<br />¬23 Nov 2013, 9:36¬Insight¬posts
whereas it should have been:

Code: Select all

<br />¬23 Nov 2013, 9:36¬Insight¬00004
This meant that the entry did not display when I clicked on that post (it was listed in the menu).
I manually fixed it by downloading file 00004.ppl and editing it.


Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 03:06
by efiabruni
I noticed the same bug. It seems that it appears if one writes a new post and then edits immediately. I have not figured out why, yet. For now I would advice clicking on index after writing a post and then go back to edit it.

there is a bug with the lightboxes as well, they only work in firefox, but this is easily fixed by changing the following in the css file

Code: Select all

input:focus + .box {width:100%; padding:2%; font-size:14px; }

Code: Select all

input:focus + .box {width:100%; padding:2%; font-size:14px; height:100%;}

Code: Select all

    position: fixed;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

Code: Select all

    position: fixed;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 10:31
by BarryK
I have a couple of feature requests!

Sage commented on my blog that he would like to be able to edit his comments.

I don't really know if I want to give people the right to go back at any time and edit their comments, however what would be really great is a Preview window.

So, alongside the Submit button, have a Preview button, so the person can see what their comment will look like, and if required go back to the edit window and fix any typos, links, etc., then submit.

It would be good to have the (optional) security question in the Contact Me page also.

contact me page with bugfix and new feature

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 18:51
by efiabruni
I fixed a bug in the contact me page for the blog (when saving messages locally the new one would overwrite the previous one) and added the possibility to use a security question.

Settings for security question or captcha is now chosen as with comments ($config_commentsSecurityCode etc) in the file

I have a contact me page as a stand alone page outside of the blog, which I have fixed/updated as above.

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 00:45
by BarryK
Thanks, I have applied your latest fixes.

wrong password but still posted

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 01:39
by broomdodger
Hello Efia

I posted a comment on Bary Kauler's blog:

The first time I mistyped my password, got an error, but the comment was posted.

I assumed it would not be posted, and tried again with the correct password. Now there are two of the same post.

I posted a comment to Barry, and he suggested filing a bug report with you.

Santa Cruz, California

post with wrong password

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 03:37
by efiabruni
I tried to recreate the error, but do not seem to be able to, neither on mine nor Barrys blog. Can you tell me exactly what happened?

Re: post with wrong password

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 05:04
by broomdodger
efiabruni wrote:I tried to recreate the error, but do not seem to be able to, neither on mine nor Barrys blog. Can you tell me exactly what happened?

I posted 'passwd test 01' with a bad password and got this error:

Wrong password for this nickname. Please try again or choose another nickname.

So far, today, I do NOT see the 'passwd test 01' post using a bad password!

Then I posted 'passwd test 02' with the good password and it is shown on the blog.

Early yesterday, I could not enter into the comment fields or select any of the blog text using Mac Safari or the RSS reader Vienna. Today everything works!

There are other double posts, and I wonder if the same wrong password message prompted the second post.


Re: post with wrong password

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 14:49
by jrb
broomdodger wrote:There are other double posts, and I wonder if the same wrong password message prompted the second post.

I just managed to create a double post on Barry's blog. I posted last night and all looked fine, just a single post. I went to bed without shutting down the webpage. When I came back to the computer this morning I simply refreshed the webpage to see if there were any new comments and lo and behold, double comment. :oops:

bugfixes and new features

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2013, 03:37
by efiabruni
I'm currently working on bugfixes for the blog.
Bugs I fixed:
bug in the lightbox as described above
bug for the "contact me" page also as described above
posts being printed instead of the entry number as described by Barry
changed the way entries were sorted out from posts as the old way could lead to no entries per page for the index
some spelling and css changes

the double post problem is still a mystery to me, as I cannot recreate it (except hitting refresh, as jrb described)

new features
delete emails when they are saved locally
comment preview (see here)

any other bugs you found, let me know :)

Re: double post problem

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2013, 11:37
by L18L
efiabruni wrote:...the double post problem is still a mystery to me, as I cannot recreate it (except hitting refresh, as jrb described)
...just check : if the post already exists then do not insert it :wink:

[edit]derivated from the rule: Check all user input[/edit]