Page 3 of 18

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 10:24
by linuxcbon
From April64

detected only 1280x1024 instead of 1920x1080
And not fullscreen

Code: Select all

[    8.535599] radeon 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for radeon/BARTS_pfp.bin failed with error -2
[    8.535604] ni_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/BARTS_pfp.bin"
[    8.535607] [drm:evergreen_init] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!
[    8.535610] radeon 0000:01:00.0: Fatal error during GPU init
[    8.535614] [drm] radeon: finishing device.

setting keyboard language didnt work

Code: Select all

# /usr/sbin/quicksetup
cat: /root/.packages/user-installed-packages: No such file or directory
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Loading "fr" keyboard map... /usr/sbin/keymap-set: line 198: setxkbmap: command not found


Code: Select all

[    1.167956] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
[    1.168050] fusbh200_hcd: FUSBH200 Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[    1.168051] Warning! fusbh200_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after
[    1.168061] fotg210_hcd: FOTG210 Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[    1.168063] 4Warning! fotg210_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 11:09
by linuxcbon

Code: Select all

# defaultmediaplayer
/usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer: line 2: exec: gxineshell: not found

not sure which program did this ?

Code: Select all

ERROR: Caught a segmentation fault while loading plugin file:
Please either:
- remove it and restart.
- run with --gst-disable-segtrap --gst-disable-registry-fork and debug.

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 11:14
by linuxcbon

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 11:26
by linuxcbon
April 64

Code: Select all

# pmount 
/usr/sbin/pmount: line 183: printf: 596.171: invalid number
/usr/sbin/pmount: line 207: printf: 493.228: invalid number
/usr/sbin/pmount: line 183: printf: 1.89063: invalid number
/usr/sbin/pmount: line 303:  3447 Terminated              yaf-splash -bg orange -fg black -close never -fontsize large -text "$(gettext 'Please wait, probing hardware...')"

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 14:48
by linuxcbon
CUPS doesnt work

# /usr/sbin/cups_shell
/usr/sbin/cups_shell: line 57: /etc/init.d/cups: No such file or directory

Failed to Connect


for hardinfo
to read the memory spd , it needs the "eeprom" module.

Some feedback ;-)

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 16:21
by pakt
Hi Barry, it's been a while. You've enticed me back to 'testing' Puppy with April64, your latest achievement - nice work :-)

I may be able to help with two items:

1) You can add detection of 'mksquashfs' in your install script(s), requiring installation of 'squashfs-tools' (missing in xubuntu).

2) Possible solution to the Seamonkey 'first run notice repeating' problem: It may depend on if you choose to run Seamonkey as 'spot' or 'root'. As user 'spot', it looks like sm-startup-wait-script is being run by spot thus not having permission to make changes to the file system.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 16:44
by rufwoof
musher0 wrote:If it's useless crap, it shouldn't be in Puppy, period. Viewed from another angle, maybe you think abiword is crap because you've always been presented a crippled version of it?

Conversely, if it's in Puppy, it's worth something, and a complete version should then be presented to avoid misrepresentation, especially to newcomers.
Full abiword initially takes as long if not longer to load than Libre Office IME. Libre also has the option to remain resident (taskbar menu) and is often quicker on subsequent usage as well.

Abiword, gnumeric, inkscape cut down's (Puppy style) are obviously much quicker, but not all-there and with disk/memory space at a much lower cost than in the past and the option to dynamically load more bloated sfs's such as Libre - with its better inter-working is a choice that some prefer over Abi/Gnu/Ink. Personally I strip the crippled abi/gnu/ink versions out - along with the integral browser, replacing those with portable (external) versions of the Office/Browser I prefer (Libre/FireFox).

Puppy with no default browser nor office is a forward step IMO. Increasing the bloat of applications that some users might rarely/never use is a backward step, even if it may be more accommodating of those that do choose to use the particular choice of office/browser.

I have a second menu popup on my system that includes the option to load abiword (gnumeric, inkscape), ooo4kids, softmaker and Libre Office. Coming from a XP Excel background 10 months ago (when MS stopped support of XP) - the sfs that I most commonly load is the Libre choice. Combined with Shinobar's portable firefox my core puppy remains the same, so much so that I don't use a savefile but just remaster whenever a change is desired (and a lightweight core puppy remasters in <30 seconds i.e. I merge puppy sfs into initrd and grub4dos boot so modified remaster script runs through the normal puppy sfs create, cpio initrd and copy in that puppy, cpio and compress output directly to where my grub4dos looks for initrd). [Keenly awaiting Barry to put out a initrd/frugal choice for April64].

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 16:54
by musher0
Hi, rufwoof.

If I understand the above correctly, you're making yourself an "NOP" Puppy, like
member "grey" used to provide, and then you add your "production" sfs's.

Allowing the user to choose the bigger production apps according to his/her
needs is a good path to follow, I think.

My 2ยข. BFN.


Introducing April64

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 17:33
by Billtoo
I installed to the hard drive of my lenovo ThinkCentre desktop.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Quirky April64, version 6.89

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0de1 (rev a1)

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1024x768x16
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: dbe

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): nv
Loaded modules: dbe extmod fb kbd modesetting mouse shadow

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 1920x1080 pixels (508x285 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
Processor 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
Memory 4056MB (300MB used)
Machine Type Physical machine
Operating System Quirky April64
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Tue Jan 6 12:25:52 2015

I've added quite a few applications, compiled QT-482 so added
Qupzilla-1.8.5 which is working well.

I made pet of grun which is an application launcher, shows up in the
Utility section of the menu.

april 64 runs much better on this hard drive install.

EDIT: I added 3 more file managers.

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 17:46
by rufwoof
musher0 wrote:If I understand the above correctly, you're making yourself an "NOP" Puppy, like
member "grey" used to provide, and then you add your "production" sfs's.

Allowing the user to choose the bigger production apps according to his/her
needs is a good path to follow, I think.
Yes indeed Musher. Operational and functional basic core - leafpad, gcalculator, mplayer, CD/DVD utils .. etc and of course all of the desktop/GUI and op-sys admin functions. i.e. core puppy that boots kernel, initrd ... establishes hardware/interface stuff and provides a desktop.

The rest the user can choose for themselves (which additional PET's/SFS's) according to their own preferences/desires. Also easier to swap out one of those choices for another at a later date.

Given a lighter 'core' puppy, there may be some sway for users to focus upon developing/maintaining applications/programs - rather than expending time/effort to develop and present what amounts to the same/similar core, but with different choices of apps/desktops built in as would seem to be the more current focus.

My basic puppy boots and remasters really quick, so I can run without a savefile considering that's hardly ever changed now. Which means filespace is all of ram + swap rather than being limited by 512MB of savefile space or whatever. And all of the others apps can be a couple of clicks away (as per my popup second menu).

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 18:32
by musher0
Hi, rufwoof.

Thanks for the add'l info.
Where do we find this "popup second menu"? :)
Or does it already exist in Puppy and you modified it?
(Looks familiar, but I can't quite place it.)



Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 20:25
by rufwoof
musher0 wrote:Hi, rufwoof.

Thanks for the add'l info.
Where do we find this "popup second menu"? :)
Or does it already exist in Puppy and you modified it?
(Looks familiar, but I can't quite place it.)
Just something I added myself. I keep all sfs's in a single directory - which can be read only. I convert Pet's to sfs's using the usual tools. Not my current arrangement, but my future/current intent is to add a wrapper code inside each sfs that repoints its config file/directory (sym link) to a read/write based directory - again all such config files/directories stored in a single R/W folder/directory. Currently I wrap the sfs inside a script (that does the repointing/sym linking).

i.e. the menu calls a script that displays the available sfs's, whichever is selected is invoked - say abiword.sfs and in the abiword.sfs /root/Startup/ repoints puppy /root/.config/abiword to /mnt/home/configs/abiword so that any config changes to abiword are preserved across reboots.

Core more or less fixed puppy, sfs's read only stored together, programs configs files all stored together outside of puppy on a RW HDD/device. No save file required.

Currently my config storage space is (somewhat surprisingly) 34MB in size
SFS folder is over 1GB
Puppy sfs non compressed 240MB
Initrd.lzo when puppy sfs dropped into that (cpi'd, lzop -c1 (i.e. low/fast) compressed) = 140MB (with high compression that can shrink down to 75MB, but I prefer to have puppy non compressed in ram for the extra running speed).

Puppy basic/core is pretty much fixed, remaster when changes are required (30 second activity)
SFS's all together and individuals can be replaced/updated (read only)
Configs all stored in a single folder, to which /root/.config (or whatever) are repointed to
All data/docs stored outside of puppy space.
Portable firefox (latest version (auto updates) stored outside of puppy space so bookmarks etc preserved)
Online email

That could be taken further - such as storing jwm menu, etc profile ...etcetera also in the /mnt/home (or wherever) RW area so that a remaster would be required if changed.

Re: Some feedback ;-)

Posted: Wed 07 Jan 2015, 09:54
by BarryK
pakt wrote:2) Possible solution to the Seamonkey 'first run notice repeating' problem: It may depend on if you choose to run Seamonkey as 'spot' or 'root'. As user 'spot', it looks like sm-startup-wait-script is being run by spot thus not having permission to make changes to the file system.
Now that is something I never asked!

Billtoo, in the QuickSetup window, do you choose to run SeaMonkey as user 'spot'?

if so, that will explain the cause of the persistent popup!

Re: Some feedback ;-)

Posted: Wed 07 Jan 2015, 11:53
by Billtoo
BarryK wrote:
pakt wrote:2) Possible solution to the Seamonkey 'first run notice repeating' problem: It may depend on if you choose to run Seamonkey as 'spot' or 'root'. As user 'spot', it looks like sm-startup-wait-script is being run by spot thus not having permission to make changes to the file system.
Now that is something I never asked!

Billtoo, in the QuickSetup window, do you choose to run SeaMonkey as user 'spot'?

if so, that will explain the cause of the persistent popup!
Yes I do run SeaMonkey as user spot, after starting it the first time the alert comes up each time but any bookmarks that I've made are there,font size the way I set it,etc.

Persistant Seamonkey popup

Posted: Wed 07 Jan 2015, 14:07
by pakt
Just tested with a second April64 flash drive set up the same way except that I chose to run Seamonkey as root.

This time I only got the popup once.

When I ran it as spot, the popup came up every time I started Seamonkey.

p.s. Changing keyboard (to SE) in the startup window does not 'take' after X restarts.

I had to run 'Choose keyboard layout for your country' from the menu, restart X again, to get it to work.

Re: Some feedback ;-)

Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2015, 00:42
by BarryK
pakt wrote:Hi Barry, it's been a while. You've enticed me back to 'testing' Puppy with April64, your latest achievement - nice work :-)
Paul, welcome back!

I was "away" from the Forum for several months in 2014, been "back" a couple of months.

But for you, it has been far longer. I just checked, your last post, prior to the two in this thread, was in 2010!

Good that you are still around.

Another old-timer is rerwin (Richard). I sent him a pm, asking a question about wvdial, as that area is his forte. He hasn't read it yet, I think he only drops into the forum occasionally these days.

But, as I recall, you were also into modems and connectivity.
You might know -- there was a reason why we moved on from wvdial 1.41, to 1.5x and then 1.6x.

But, I don't recall the reason. If you scan back through this thread, I reported that wvdial 1.6x doesn't work in 64-bit April, however the old wvdial 1.41 does.
Works great.

Maybe it was the old 'wvdialconf', not being suitable for 3G modems? Or, the old wvdial not able to read later wvdial.conf files?

If you would like to experiment, I have attached 'modem-stats', 'wvdial' and 'wvdialconf', gzipped. Ungzip them, chmod 755, and place in /usr/bin.

modem-stats is needed, it was accidentally left out of the April64 build.

The wvdial is 1.41, and does not need wvstreams.

Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2015, 01:32
by don570
I made a right click menu utility for quirky 64 bit.
Video file right clicks don't work but most of the others do

Developers need to be careful about installing this software
since it adds a lot of new files to your install.


Here is an alarm clock that will work with Quirky. I need to gettext it .


Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2015, 01:43
by don570
Bug report:

1) mtpaint doesn't seem to be internationalized. It needs to be compiled

Code: Select all

./configure  prefix=/usr  release intl
There is now a new version available at git.

2) mhwaveedit --> this version doesn't support ladspa plugins
It need to be compiled specifically for these plugins Explained here...

3) When I type gdmap (Graphical Disk Map) in terminal , I get segmentation fault

4) ghostview isn't install but it's probably not needed

5) There was a mistake with the naming of an icon

/usr/share/pixmaps/inkscapelite.png should be named

/usr/share/pixmaps/inscape.png to be consistent with previous distros.

6) I wish puppy units was installed.

Introducing April64

Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2015, 05:41
by Billtoo
Installed to the hard drive of my emachines D620 laptop.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Quirky April64, version 6.89

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1280x800
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: synaptics dbe

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): modesetting
Loaded modules: dbe extmod fb kbd mouse shadow synaptics

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 1280x800 pixels (338x211 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
Processor AMD Athlon(tm) Processor 2650e
Memory 1795MB (77MB used)
Machine Type Physical machine
Operating System Quirky April64
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Thu Jan 8 00:16:03 2015

AMD Athlon(tm) Processor 2650e
Core 0: @1595 MHz

Network controller Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)

It's working well on this 6 year old laptop.

Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2015, 12:11
by BarryK
smokey01 wrote:pmount doesn't appear to work.
Thanks for that report.

I have fixed Pmount.