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Re: Puppy frugal 2.14X

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:49
by MinHundHettePerro
sheldonisaac wrote:Folks, please excuse: have struggled with this for days.

I got a Puppy 2.14X from

It boots fine off the CD-RW on this ASUS P5A (motherboard) computer.

I tried to do a frugal install on an HD (connected to IDE port of a
Promise controller; see )

It sort of works, but always asks which pupsave to use: 0 (none) or 1
or 2 (they are both the same, that is

How can I make the booting use that file, without offering the 3 (actually 2) choices?

Below is E:\boot\grub\menu.lst

Code: Select all

default 0
timeout 10

title Windows 98se
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Puppy Linux 214 frugal
rootnoverify (hd0,2)
kernel /puppy214/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd root=/dev/ram0 PDEV1=hde3 acpi=force psubdir=puppy214
initrd /puppy214/initrd.gz
Many thanks,
Sheldon Isaac
Perhaps, that since you state

Code: Select all

rootnoverify (hd0,2)

Code: Select all

......  PDEV1=hde3 ...
the init-scripts get confused if there are no puppy files in hde3 (hd(4,2)).

Anyway, many, many pages (and moons) ago it was discussed how to specify a specific pup_save-file to be automatically loaded and used; the full blast boot lines would look something like this for a pup_save-214XRC5.2fs in /dev/hda5/puppy_214XRC5/ ((hd0,4), ext2-formatted):

Code: Select all

title Puppy 214XRC5 on hda5/puppy_214XRC5_ext2FS
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /puppy_214XRC5/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda5 PUPMODE=12 DEV1FS=ext2 SFSFILE=ext2,hda5,/puppy_214XRC5/pup_214X.sfs ZDRV=ext2,hda5,/puppy_214XRC5/zdrv_214X.sfs PUPSAVE=ext2,hda5,/puppy_214XRC5/pup_save-214XRC5.2fs PKEYS=se
initrd /puppy_214XRC5/initrd.gz
Not everything in the above boot stanza is needed, though :shock:. Please, simplify as needed ....

No promises it will work for your Promise controller thingy, though ........

Hth :)/

Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 07:04
by ttuuxxx
Qasim <------ spammer :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:

Frugal puppy

Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 23:15
by sheldonisaac
No promises it will work for your Promise controller thingy, though ........

Thanks; since then. I lost the ability to boot 214X.

Got various errors (in red), apparently arising from not finding the main .sfs file.

I have just moved the Puppy files to the root of the vfat partition, and it works.

Here's relevant part of menu.lst:

Code: Select all

Title Puppy Linux 214 frugal
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=atahd PDEV1=hde5 acpi=force
initrd /initrd.gz
I'll put a link to this by your post in the beginners forum.

Have seen several people comment that definitive information and explanation of what the kernel parameters do is too hard to find.

Thanks again,

Posted: Sat 18 Dec 2010, 16:56
by ttuuxxx
If people are still having winkey issue's with metacity could you install this and restartX server basically it removes all winkey bindings, so if the key is held down it shouldn't register anything

Posted: Sat 18 Dec 2010, 23:11
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, ttuuxxx :)!

Metacity WinKey-bindings:
Original bindings-conf + Xorg + pc102; doesn't work, but doesn't do any harm :).
Original bindings-conf + Xorg + pc105; WORKS :D :D :).

Original bindings-conf + Xvesa; the strange behaviour that's been reported before, and recently in the Beginners' forum :( :( .
Of course, your latest .pet in the post above solves the issue for Xvesa, but also makes it impossible to utilise the key-bindings, should one later on succed in running Xorg :shock:.

Just a thought:
(and forgive me if it's too obvious and simple ..., anyways, here goes)
Perhaps put %gconf_Xvesa.xml (from your .pet above) and %gconf_Xorg.xml (the original %gconf.xml) somewhere like /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/ and run something like the following after X is started, but before Metacity is initiated:

Code: Select all

# MHHP 101218
if [ `readlink /usr/X11R7/bin/X` = "Xorg" ]; then
  S=`grep -i 'Super' /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml`
  if [ "$S" = "" ]; then
    cp -af /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/%gconf_Xorg.xml /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml 2> /dev/null

if [ `readlink /usr/X11R7/bin/X` = "Xvesa" ]; then
 S=`grep -i 'Super' /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml`
  echo "Xvesa"
  if [ ! "$S" = "" ]; then
    cp -af /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/%gconf_Xvesa.xml /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml 2> /dev/null
I only tried it from a script, and it worked :shock:.

You would, of course, know better into which start-up script something like this could be included, or if there'd be other implications.... :).

Just tinkerin' along ..... :)

Cheers :)/

Posted: Sun 19 Dec 2010, 04:42
by ttuuxxx
MinHundHettePerro wrote:Hello, ttuuxxx :)!

Metacity WinKey-bindings:
Original bindings-conf + Xorg + pc102; doesn't work, but doesn't do any harm :).
Original bindings-conf + Xorg + pc105; WORKS :D :D :).

Original bindings-conf + Xvesa; the strange behaviour that's been reported before, and recently in the Beginners' forum :( :( .
Of course, your latest .pet in the post above solves the issue for Xvesa, but also makes it impossible to utilise the key-bindings, should one later on succed in running Xorg :shock:.

Just a thought:
(and forgive me if it's too obvious and simple ..., anyways, here goes)
Perhaps put %gconf_Xvesa.xml (from your .pet above) and %gconf_Xorg.xml (the original %gconf.xml) somewhere like /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/ and run something like the following after X is started, but before Metacity is initiated:

Code: Select all

# MHHP 101218
if [ `readlink /usr/X11R7/bin/X` = "Xorg" ]; then
  S=`grep -i 'Super' /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml`
  if [ "$S" = "" ]; then
    cp -af /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/%gconf_Xorg.xml /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml 2> /dev/null

if [ `readlink /usr/X11R7/bin/X` = "Xvesa" ]; then
 S=`grep -i 'Super' /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml`
  echo "Xvesa"
  if [ ! "$S" = "" ]; then
    cp -af /root/.Mcity_KeyBind_bak/%gconf_Xvesa.xml /root/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml 2> /dev/null
I only tried it from a script, and it worked :shock:.

You would, of course, know better into which start-up script something like this could be included, or if there'd be other implications.... :).

Just tinkerin' along ..... :)

Cheers :)/
hmmmin theory it should work, either I'll use this in the next release or I'll have 3 options, hack vesa and remove winkey bindings, remove keybindings with xorg/vesa with the pet I posted, or use your keybinding switch. I never had any real use for winkey bindings, but I guess others are used to some shortcuts. The keybinding I mostly use is Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

Posted: Sun 19 Dec 2010, 17:08
by James C
ttuuxxx wrote: I never had any real use for winkey bindings, but I guess others are used to some shortcuts. The keybinding I mostly use is Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Same here,that's about the only one I use too.

thanks ttuuxxx

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 06:41
by wanderer
hey ttuuxxx

just wanted to thank you for 214x

i use it as my main pup

the old initrd i like it better than cpio

the list goes on and on

thanks again


Re: thanks ttuuxxx

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 07:54
by ttuuxxx
wanderer wrote:hey ttuuxxx

just wanted to thank you for 214x

i use it as my main pup

the old initrd i like it better than cpio

the list goes on and on

thanks again

Your welcome wanderer, glad you like it :)

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 20:40
by hayden
What kind of chance of this [some Puppy] working on this:

Dell Latitude LT: 266 MHz MMX, maxed at 64 MB RAM, 6GB HDD, with external CD, no floppy, and a BIOS that won't allow USB boot.

I've tried various Live-CDs from 4.3 down to 3.01(2.6.18 something kernel). They all hang up at
"Searching for Puppy files in computer drives... pup_xxx.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console.../bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"
I think this is an old Linux problem going way back. Usually it means that the code on the CD is looking for that CD in the wrong place -- probably on an internal IDE drive. Your mention of an external dive makes me suspicious. On the machine I am typing on right now some older Puppy versions behave this way. I think it is because the CD drive is on the SATA bus.

I run Puppy 2.x on a Pentium 200 that is too old to boot from CD. It's been a long time but I think I ran DOS and got the CD working and then manually copied the Puppy files to the hard drive. I do know that I have to boot Puppy from a floppy. It takes a while for the floppy to find Puppy, but Puppy runs fine once it does. The CD drive is actually a burner which DOS does not support but with Puppy running I can burn the DOS partition to a CD as a backup.

You may also need to create a swap file somewhere.

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 20:37
by James C

Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2011, 00:51
by harii4
mine system is not the same but it did that at the same spot.
i used:
puppy acpi=off ide=nodma pfix=ram
i have twice that ram.

Click-mount squash-files of later versions than 3.0

Posted: Tue 18 Jan 2011, 18:26
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello :)!

A long-time annoyance with 214X for me has been the inability to click-mount sfs-files created in later puppies (yes, I've converted a few to 214's squashfs version 3.0).

Just before completely disappeared, I downloaded the following files for future needs

Code: Select all

But, like with so many files downloaded from during the last quivering days of its existence, they were bumshots :(.

Anyway, I had the file names, indicating what patches had been applied. And there seems to only be one extra patch, ksize, applied to pup216's kernel.
Therefore, I downloaded pup216's kernel sources

Code: Select all
Unsquashed and copied the sources

Code: Select all

unsqashfs -d  Puppy-kernel-source_216_sfs Puppy-kernel-source_216.sfs
cp -a -R Puppy-kernel-source_216_sfs Puppy-kernel-source_216_sfs_orig
Could only find squashfs-3.0 sources for up to K2.6.15 at sourceforge ( ... /squashfs/).

Since I only had access to BK's already patched sources, I compared the squashfs-3.0 kernel patch for K2.6.15 and the squashfs-3.4 kernel patch for K2.6.18.1 and manually applied the differences to the kernel source tree (only ten files, a few of which were unchanged and some were exclusive to squashfs).

Compiled the kernel using the same DOTconfig-1FEB07 as the original kernel for 214 (and 214R and 214X) was compiled with.
The new .config-file was saved as DOTconfig-K2.6.18.1-patched_sqfs34-20110118.
A diff between the two DOTconfig-files show

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# diff DOTconfig-1FEB07 DOTconfig-K2.6.18.1-patched_sqfs34-20110118 
< # Thu Feb  1 21:19:11 2007
> # Tue Jan 18 12:34:43 2011
i.e. identical, except for the CONFIG_SQUASHFS_VMALLOC, which seems to be deprecated in squashfs-3.4.

Since squashfs was built into the kernel and not as modules, and all other settings the same as before, it is reasonable to keep all the modules in initrd, the pupsfs-file and the zdrv. Therefore, just replacing vmlinuz should be sufficient to have built-in kernel support for handling squashfs3.0 (pup2/3) and squashfs3.1 (pup4 <= 4.21).

All my tests show the same results - it works!
It is now possible to click-mount sfs-files created for pup2/3/<=4.21, and also to have them loaded by the bootmanager!

To complete the upgrade the squashfs-tools-3.4 (mksquashfs and unsquashfs) were compiled - just toss them in /usr/bin/.

Should anyone want to check it, the output from a diff of original pup216 sources and my patched sources

Code: Select all

diff -rupN Puppy-kernel-source_216_sfs_orig/ Puppy-kernel-source_216_sfs/ >squashfs30_34_MHHP.patch
is included.

I also made a, but have nowhere to upload 40+ MB.

Yet, another lengthy MHHP post, but I just wanted to share my improvements to pup214X :).

And, for ye brave, try it out!

Cheers :)/

Re: Click-mount squash-files of later versions than 3.0

Posted: Wed 19 Jan 2011, 01:29
by ttuuxxx
MinHundHettePerro wrote:Hello :)!

I also made a, but have nowhere to upload 40+ MB.

Yet, another lengthy MHHP post, but I just wanted to share my improvements to pup214X :).

And, for ye brave, try it out!

Cheers :)/
excellent looking forward to the 40MB pet

Posted: Wed 19 Jan 2011, 01:44
by ttuuxxx
hmm kernel patches for the surfboard would also be nice, because the more different versions of puppy I support the more spread-out my time gets.
If I could combine a couple, it would be much nicer.

Posted: Wed 19 Jan 2011, 03:13
by Aitch
MinHundHettePerro wrote:I also made a, but have nowhere to upload 40+ MB.
Try Mediafire

Aitch :)

Posted: Wed 19 Jan 2011, 07:15
by ttuuxxx
MinHundHettePerro I uploaded the early 2 series kernels that Barry prepared, located in

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 01:11
by sfeeley
First, I want to say many many thanks. I've been using classic pup RC3-version for about a year on an old windows 98-era sony laptop. Love it. I think this is a great project. I've also installed it on a few relatives computers. I look at this thread occasionally and am always impressed at how helpful everyone seems.

Two questions/requests:

1) Is there a recommended version of Wine? I looked at wisdom seekers but don't see anything.
(I'd like to use it to try to install msoffice97. I managed this on another computer running Lucid 5.2.--I know its blasphemy in these parts but openoffice and abiword wreak havoc on the hundreds of footnotes in my manuscript)

2) Any nooby-friendly tips on installing pianobar?

Explanation: pianobar is a console version of Pandora--a popular music streaming site in the US. Pandora is a flash-heavy resource hog. But I've got pianobar going on a different machine with lucid 5.2, and it is great.

I tried installing the pet from here:

After intalling in Classicpup, when I run pianobar I get:
'Glib_2.7' not found (required by pianobar)

Is this a difficult fix? (keep in mind that I'm still a noob)

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 03:13
by wdm
Hi sfeeley
1) Is there a recommended version of Wine? I looked at wisdom seekers but don't see anything.
(I'd like to use it to try to install msoffice97. I managed this on another computer running Lucid 5.2.--I know its blasphemy in these parts but openoffice and abiword wreak havoc on the hundreds of footnotes in my manuscript)
I was able to get wine 1.1.23 working on rc5 using information found here

I used it to install an older version of Quicken. I've never tried msoffice in wine so don't know if this is what you are looking for or not.

Posted: Mon 24 Jan 2011, 08:13
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello :)!

Kernel patched with squashfs-3.4:
patch, patched sources, DOTconfig, vmlinuz and squashfs-tools-3.4 can be found here, thanks to smokey01 :).

Cheers :)/