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Re: Chromium Chromecast

Posted: Tue 01 May 2018, 14:53
by ETP
WiZard wrote:@ally

Thanks for weighing in on this, have you tried casting from puppy chromium with any success?

Hi WiZard,

That problem has perplexed many people in recent versions of Chromium 32-bit.
The solution, which is very simple i.e. It has to be turned on, is described in the following video.

(Tested today with Peebee's latest pet in his upupbb_18.05)

Posted: Tue 08 May 2018, 08:50
by peebee
Now: chromium_66.0.3359.139+pepper_29.0.0.171_lx_spot
see above

Chromium will not run in xenialpup

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 21:55
by tpadesihelp
Moving forward with Xennialpup64-7.5and wanted to install Chromium...
I downloaded ----> chromium64_66.0.3359.139+pepper_29.0.0.171_lx_spot.sfs from PeeBee and follwed his directions (below)

For the 64-bit version.....
xenialpup64-7.5 requires the 64-bit .sfs to be converted - see: ... 205#867205 (use option 2)

I did that and after the convert_sfs ran with Option 2, it gave me this...



Then System - Boot Manager and loaded the above SFS to it.

Rebooted computer... Next Setup--->Quick Setup at first run settings checked box Run Internet apps as spot and told to do so with Chromium.
Menu-->Internet---> Chromium Web Brower. Got the yellow box reminder and then NOTHING.

Went to Terminal

root# pwd


root# su spot

root$ whoami


root$ chromium

/usr/lib64/chromium/chromium: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

chown: /root/spot/Downloads/*: No such file or directory

root$ /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: line 273: /tmp/gtkdialog-splash_gtkrc: Permission denied

EXIT="Exit on timeout"

I followed the directions as best as I could understand. Perhaps, I mis-understood some step.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Chromium will not run in xenialpup

Posted: Fri 11 May 2018, 06:27
by peebee
tpadesihelp wrote:Next Setup--->Quick Setup at first run settings checked box Run Internet apps as spot and told to do so with Chromium.
This may be your problem....

Chromium runs as Spot automatically - you don't need to tell Puppy to run it as Spot so if you do you're probably getting (run-as-spot)*2 which won't work.

I've not tested Chromium v66 on Xenial64 so not 100% sure it will run - please try again but just install and run it "direct" and let me know result - thanks.

Posted: Sun 20 May 2018, 06:27
by peebee
Now: chromium_66.0.3359.181+pepper_29.0.0.171_lx_spot
see above

chromium enable chromecast

Posted: Mon 21 May 2018, 13:40
by WiZard

Sorry for this late response, I somehow missed your message on May 1 about enabling chromecast in Chromium. Great find of this apparently little known fix. I tried it in Slacko 6.3.0 with peebee's Chromium 52, but it did not have the necessary flag so it did not work. I also tried dpup stretch 7.5 with Oscar Talks Iron 63 and that works fine.

Here's a summary of the fix from the youtube video.

-open chromium or iron browser tab
-on the address line, type: about:flags
-find: Load Media Router Component Extension
-set to enable
-restart the browser


chromium enable chromecast

Posted: Mon 21 May 2018, 15:27
by ETP
Hi WiZard,

Nice to hear that it worked for you.
Here are a few more flags that I currently use should anyone wish to try them.

Posted: Sat 02 Jun 2018, 15:40
by peebee
Now: chromium_67.0.3396.62+pepperflash_29.0.0.171_lx_spot
see above

Posted: Thu 07 Jun 2018, 16:56
by peebee
Now: chromium_67.0.3396.62+pepperflash_30.0.0.113_lx_spot
see above

Posted: Fri 08 Jun 2018, 11:55
by hamoudoudou
Traduction par clic droit avec chromium
Voice available Improve your accent
Surf the Web by vocal commands, that is the fun with Chromium. It works very well now.
Just set your micro recognized by Chromium.. How ? another topic for that, in french first

Posted: Sat 09 Jun 2018, 06:50
by peebee
Now: chromium_67.0.3396.79+pepperflash_30.0.0.134_lx_spot
see above

Posted: Thu 14 Jun 2018, 15:26
by peebee
see later

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 10:41
by backi
Hi !
Does anybody know how to import Bookmarks (html) to this Chromium .
Normal Procedure somehow does not work .

Thanks in Advance !

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 13:32
by mikeslr
backi wrote:Hi !
Does anybody know how to import Bookmarks (html) to this Chromium .
Normal Procedure somehow does not work .

Thanks in Advance !
Spot being a limited user can only use files in its own folder. To import bookmarks I use two rox windows to first copy them from /mnt/home/XXX/bookmarks to /root/spot/downloads. From that location they can be imported. Remember to execute a Save after importing. To back them up I export them to /root/spot/downloads. Then use rox to move them to /mnt/home/XXX/bookmarks.


Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2018, 12:21
by backi
Hi !
Thanks mikeslr .....will give it a try.... :)


Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2018, 13:27
by mikeslr
Hi Backi,

You might be interested in Mike Walsh's ... 040#985040. As browsers running as Spot can only download to /root/spot, Mike's pet automates the process of moving downloaded files to a more convenient location -- I believe /root. I think this thread deals with placing an associated launcher on the task-bar.

I haven't used the Spot2Root pet in part because, /root, itself, being in RAM when Puppies are run with Automatic Save Removed --RAM being cleared on shutdown/reboot-- I don't allow anything to remain in /root and would have to re-write the pet. And as I understand it, the pet changes permissions of the file from the limited permissions allowed to Spot to the unlimited permissions of files used by /root.

I haven't run into any permissions problem merely moving files from /root/spot/downloads, even if I've decompressed them at that location. But I know little about permissions. So rather than re-write the pet for my own use, I've noted it on my ToDo List for further examination.


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2018, 17:52
by peebee

see above

Posted: Sat 14 Jul 2018, 07:34
by peebee
From ArchLinux32.....

for LxPupSc-18.06 or later only....


Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2018, 05:55
by peebee
Now: chromium_67.0.3396.99+pepperflash_30.0.0.134_lx_spot
see above

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2018, 07:45
by peebee
From ArchLinux32.....

for LxPupSc-18.06 or later only....
