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Posted: Fri 06 Jul 2012, 16:20
by Lobster
Was able to improve my recording technique (thanks Mick)
and produce an improved video (still working on it)

Here is the code and resources if you want to play with it ... 815#638815

Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012, 04:23
by Lobster
In a couple of days, we should have a new compile of puppi. For those with SD cards at the ready . . . Expect Debian Wheezy code base and alpha1 quality.

You can now order as many Pi's as you want

A 5 mega pixel camera 'Gert' daughter board will be available in coming months. I wish it had been 14 mega pixel but 5 is decent enough . . . Expect other fun stuff . . .

The smarter the dog.
The better the tricks.

Posted: Fri 20 Jul 2012, 06:13
by Lobster
Guys yesterday we had two releases of Debian Puppi.
check 19 Jul 2012 entry :D

Sadly I had difficulties with dd and was only able to play a little with Micks first alpha using ARM woof Debian wheezy code.
I got real recognizable sound - oh yeah 8)
and it seems that Barry will producing a Wheezy woof build too . . . :)

Some very interesting things are emerging.
Wot browser? We need testers and recommendations. So far I have been happiest with Chrome and Iceape (A Debian version of Seamonkey)
Because we now have a ppm other browsers can be tried. So some experiments welcome.
Mick has made the point that Midori only seems stable under Slack build. Could be.

The difficulties with dd amaze me. I use this from Slacko ( and am tempted to write a utility program but frankly testing might cause more writes to my SD card than it can take.
Is it just me or it a surprisingly flaky technology, why is it so less reliable than USB keydrives?

When Puppi joins the space program and other amazing projects we should find some further innovations.

We have the builders in at the moment.
That is mostly me in green overalls. Guttering fixed. Outside 'Dunny' concreting continues . . .
Well . . . OK no sheep skull and it flushes . . .
I rather like that skull image . . . m m m I have some deer antlers I might hang on the outside loo (english slang - originally from the French)

[Lobster rambles off into the distance . . .]

Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 11:27
by Lobster
Puppi so far . . .
We are still in Puppi alpha but the builds are progressively more complete. We will become more functional and the speed and optimisation will come. I am working on a promotional video and was delighted when database code could be just moved and work on SAP alpha 4.
more info and complete text ... ppi-so-far

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012, 00:33
by don570
There's interesting info about VLC player on this page

The current beta doesn't work for Arm v6 --> that means Raspberry
The beta release published to the Google Play Store today is only
compatible with ARM systems that use the ARMv7 architecture set and
support the NEON instruction set. That means that there are several
devices — mostly those released before the Samsung Galaxy S in late
2010 — that cannot run the current beta. The major exception here is the
Nvidia Tegra platform. Nvidia’s Tegra 2 (which is a popular choice for
many Android device makers) cannot run this beta because it lacks the
NEON instruction set.

Many low end devices (as well as high end devices from 2009) use ARM
chips that utilize ARM core designs that are referred to as the ARMv6
architecture family. The ARM11 family of chips utilized this architecture.
When ARM Holdings created the new Cortex series of ARM cores, it
developed a new ARM architecture called ARMv7. ARMv6 and ARMv7 are
incompatible, as ARM made different design choices for the architectures.

..But it will have an arm v6 version soon
Within the next few days, a version of VLC that does not depend
on NEON will become available on the Play Store, as well as a version for
ARMv6 processors.


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 20:04
by Flash

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 20:39
by 01micko

I got the 'Built to spec' kit, pretty cool. Pretty fast delivery, easy to assemble.

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 09:22
by Iguleder
Just placed my Raspberry Pi order (through Farnell), should arrive within 3 weeks.

Meanwhile, I'm working on more build scripts for Puppy's PET packages. So far, I have 42 packages - most of the rest (about 250 packages) is architecture-independent (e.g consisting of scripts, like Pburn), so I think progress is awesome - porting stuff to ARM was never easier :wink:

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 09:35
by nooby
The future looks bright apart from that one need to buy
a new monitor or use the family TV that is in another room.

Then those that have only one TV would get very upset :)

RPi is for Scool or loners that have TV in the computer shack :)

ooups or are rich enough to have one TV for each family member.

Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2012, 19:29
by puppy_apprentice
Mozilla's Firefox OS Ported to Raspberry Pi ... 16883.html

Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2012, 03:01
by Lobster

Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2012, 04:19
by Evil20071
Ok... I've seen these... Watched them for a while in CPU mag... I want one now... Especially if it's a Puppy. :D

Posted: Wed 26 Sep 2012, 20:33
by michaellowe
rhadon wrote:Hi,

started ordering at 6.00 GMT, took me more than 2 hours to finish (farnell).
Got a sales confirmation but no delivery date (they will tell me later). So I don't know, am I with the winners :D or not :cry: .

It's hard to wait :? ,
HI rhadon, I'm there with you on that one!
I ordered my raspi 3 months ago from farnell and it took them 2 months just to tell me there is a shipping delay but very vaguely so I don't actually know whether the email is referring to 8 weeks delay from when I made my order 3 months ago or whether it's 8 weeks still to go in which case I might be lucky if it arrives in my christmas stocking?!!???? :evil:
to be honest I have lost all interest in the damn raspberry pi, by the time it eventually arrives , if it ever does it will have become outdated by the
FXI Cotton Candy (a tiny computer on a usb stick) these babies are so hot they are already sold out, don't know if I could part with $74 dollars though just to end up maybe waiting just as long as I have for the Pi, well in any case on a bright note at least you live in sunny Oz and not blinking stinking muddy uk! I am at my wits end! cheers!

Posted: Thu 27 Sep 2012, 01:24
by technosaurus
IDK if anyone has tried it, but the Rpi _should_ fit in a deep electrical wall receptacle enclosure (the heavy duty 22 cubic inch or larger pvc type) and still have room for a shallow outlet and maybe some custom dongles (hdmi/rca, etc...) and small usb devices (wifi/bluetooth...). even if you don't add AC sockets or put it in a wall it could be a good way to mount it out of the way, in which case you could even use the shallow type ... all for less than a buck (though not as cheap as the printable cases - still not bad)
for USA, seems to have most of the necessities, but shipping seems high
$35 Raspberry pi
$6.99 hdmi wall plate
$1.79 1.5ft m-m hdmi cable
$14.99 wireless keyboard and mouse
$6.99 1A AC->micro usb adapter
opening up the AC adapter to connect to existing electrical would require some tech skill, perhaps someone has a better solution

Posted: Thu 27 Sep 2012, 09:29
by darkcity
Whats the latest with Puppi, I know Barry has been busy on Precise for x86 ?


Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 10:24
by Lobster
Personally I have been using an ARM chip most of the time.
However it is in an Ipad.

The Arm chip and specifically the Rpi board chip can be compiled with woof. So improvements to woof will improve the Rpi compilation.
However woof compilation has not been done for ARM for a while . . .


Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 11:07
by cthisbear
I thought the Official Crustacean had gone walkabout.

Hope you are OK.Lob....Chris.

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 12:01
by darkcity
Lobster wrote:Personally I have been using an ARM chip most of the time.
However it is in an Ipad.

The Arm chip and specifically the Rpi board chip can be compiled with woof. So improvements to woof will improve the Rpi compilation.
However woof compilation has not been done for ARM for a while . . .

Nice to hear from you, I've updated the Woof page But would guess some of it is out of date. 8)

Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2012, 15:53
by Lobster
I have been using my Ipad to engage in weird Buddhist practices . . . not using Puppy much at all . . . (I am using 5.3.3)

Glad to see new Spanish pages on Wiki and updates :)
- Asta La Vista Baby . . . (I learned all my Spanish from a cyborg)

Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2012, 16:54
by darkcity
vicmz is doing a great job, and coolpup is as busy as ever 8)

What is the origin of the YinYana technique?