Slaxer_Pup 4.12 solid and stable non woof build

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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#441 Post by big_bass »


I have been working on updating the official slackware package management tools to include a X version
whereas slackware uses a console version tried and true

but lets give that a face lift when we are in X

while doing this I have separated each function into subroutines
also in doing it this way I have maintained not to clobber any files used by the official tools and at the same time keeping thing compatible

there are some tools I use to make my life easier one is dragNdrop
scripts to install but I use a better way when there are many packages to install and that is a new script I wrote called xinstallpkg

it doesnt use any installpkg code in the front end GUI but uses the official installpkg as the backend so as not to break any (sacred rules ) lol

you can place this script anywhere you have a folder with *tgz packages and just click a GUI opens allowing you to use check boxes
to select what you want to install

then everything from there is automatic :D

in slackware you have KDE frontend that does this type of work looks great but its big and bloated
doing it all in Xdialog makes it very very fast and light

*you have to have installpkg already installed

the trick is a making Xdialog work with dynamic

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#442 Post by big_bass »

having fun coding these things
a simple but useful drag N drop diff maker using Xdialog
for comparing two files

Code: Select all


# just a simple diff tool for the lazy
# there are better but this is easy :D 
# Joe Arose 
# call this dnd_diff

$DIALOG --title "first file for DIFF   " \
        --inputbox "Type in a value or Drag N drop.
         enter first file to diff now
        the name will be given from the this file.diff
        and placed in root\n
" 10 70 2> /tmp/one.txt


input=`cat /tmp/one.txt`

case $retval in
    echo "Input string is '$input'";;
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

$DIALOG --title "second file for DIFF   " \
        --inputbox "Type in a value or Drag N drop.
        you enter second file to diff now\n
" 10 70 2>/tmp/two.txt


input2=`cat /tmp/two.txt`

case $retval in
    echo "Input string is '$input2'";;
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

diff -pruN $input $input2 >/root/`basename $input`.diff

#or you could do this if you have another editor installed 
$DEFAULTTEXTEDITOR  /root/`basename $input`.diff

#geany is the default editor change this if you have another editor
#geany /root/`basename $input`.diff

rm -f /tmp/two.txt
rm -f /tmp/one.txt

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Location: Radfordia QLD

#443 Post by gronos04 »

Thanks for all your work on the package installers.
I needed python version 2.4.3 to work on some idigi modules.
Downloaded the source then used src2pkg.
Then used the installer and all went well.
However I get this when I run python
# python
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Mar 1 2010, 19:56:10)
[GCC 4.1.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

It still works but ......

Also what do you use to programme ICs with?
Tried to get the Arduino ide going but could not get avr-gcc to compile so avr-libc was no go. Got these as Slackware sources.

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#444 Post by big_bass »


its good that your using src2pkg
python is a "python" when you need to compile
it keeps growing a hungry snake it is

but here is a later version of python I complied for slaxer if you need it ... &start=317

*depending what ic's you need to write to?


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#445 Post by big_bass »

Tried to get the Arduino ide going but could not get avr-gcc to compile so avr-libc was no go. Got these as Slackware sources.
you need java installed

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Location: Radfordia QLD

#446 Post by gronos04 »


Yes, I had installed java first.

Will go through the process again when time permits


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#447 Post by big_bass »

minor update to improve speed 3-16-2010
minor update to improve names by using only one underscore when many spaces are found 3-17-2010

this is something I wanted to do for awhile
fix spaces in directory names and files
convert them to use the underscore

many problems are caused by having spaces in file names or directory names even firefox is guilty of this bad habit !

try this one first to see what it does
two scripts here the first is dragN drop or command line call it s2u what it does is space2underscore

the second is auto find fix and repair
call it s2u_auto that does all the work for you
and may take awhile if you have a lot of bad files

call it s2u what it does is space2underscore

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose version 1.02  
# s2u = space2underscore  
# drag N drop rename files that have spaces placed in the name 
# to a corrected format with underscores 
# many spaces get replaced with underscores also  
# programs will not function correctly with spaces placed in the name 
# added to rox right clicks is even better than drag N drop
# this also works from command line  an example   s2u /path/name of file
# so it can clean up and correct a list of files  also 
# note that permissions are preseved !

rm -f /tmp/space2question
rm -f /tmp/space2underscore     
rm -f /tmp/fix_spaces.txt

#this is to show how many files you have spaces it the name
#this is faster 

find $pwd -type f |tr " " "?" | grep '?'>>/tmp/fix_spaces.txt

echo  "$@" | tr " " "?" >/tmp/space2question
echo  "$@" | tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/space2underscore     

##special function to clean everything 
echo  "$@" |tr -d  '=;:`"<>,?!@#$%^*&(){}[]' |tr -s ' ' '_*'  >/tmp/sanitized

rename_this=`cat /tmp/space2question`

for_this=`cat /tmp/space2underscore`

mv $rename_this $for_this

 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nConversion to $for_this has finished.\n" 0 0 2000

rm -f /tmp/space2question
rm -f /tmp/space2underscore     

call it s2u_auto that does all the work for you

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose version 1.02  
# s2u_auto  = space2underscore  auto find and repair 
# rename files that have spaces placed in the name 
# to a corrected format with underscores 
# many spaces get replaced with underscores also  
# programs will not function correctly with spaces placed in the name 
# note that permissions are preseved !

rm -f /tmp/space2underscore
rm -f /tmp/space2question
rm -f /tmp/fix_spaces.txt

#this is to show how many folders you have spaces in the name
#this is faster fix directories first later it will fix the files 

find $pwd -type d |tr " " "?" | grep '?'>>/tmp/fix_spaces.txt

for pkg in `cat /tmp/fix_spaces.txt` ;do
echo "$pkg" | tr " " "?" >/tmp/space2question
echo "$pkg" | tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/space2underscore  

rename_this=`cat /tmp/space2question`
for_this=`cat /tmp/space2underscore`

mv $rename_this $for_this

# just in case give it some time to process example n" 0 0 1000
# the delay here is one second 1000 =1sec

Xdialog --title "working" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion  working $for_this.\n" 0 0 1000


 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion folders  finished.\n" 0 0 3000

#  fix all the files now
rm -f /tmp/space2underscore
rm -f /tmp/space2question
rm -f /tmp/fix_spaces.txt

#this is to show how many files you have spaces in the name
#this is faster 
find $pwd -type f |tr " " "?" | grep '?'>>/tmp/fix_spaces.txt

for pkg in `cat /tmp/fix_spaces.txt` ;do
echo "$pkg"| tr " " "?" >/tmp/space2question
echo "$pkg" |tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/space2underscore

rename_this=`cat /tmp/space2question`
for_this=`cat /tmp/space2underscore`

mv $rename_this $for_this

#just in case give it some time to process

Xdialog --title "working" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion  working $for_this.\n" 0 0 1000


 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion files  finished.\n" 0 0 3000

rm -f /tmp/space2underscore
rm -f /tmp/space2question
rm -f /tmp/fix_spaces.txt

I also did a complete rewrite of a light xdialog pkgtools
for those wondering why ?
package management
is what sets down the standard of the distro the packages used
and its future development direction

@amigo I would like to add your fixes to the dependency
database checking that you worked on if you have a subroutine for it


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#448 Post by big_bass »

this is a drag N drop sanitize bad names of directories or files
one a at time will come in handy if your fixing downloaded files too

call it sana
sana = sana sana colita de rana "for the spanish translation"

**I need to run some checks of packages and files for the package tools and an indexer for html so these are some small routines I am using to filter and clean with and they come in handy as small stand alone apps

make a new file and call it this

now drag n drop it on the script you named sana

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose version 1.05 

# added to rox right clicks is even better than drag N drop
# this also works from command line  an example   sana /path/name of file
# so it can clean up and correct a list of files  also 
# note that permissions are preseved !

#one at a time 

rm -f /tmp/tmp/sanitized
rm -f /tmp/borked_name   

##special function to clean everything 
echo  "$@" | tr -d '=;:`"<>,?!@#$%^*&(){}[]' |tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/sanitized
echo  "$@" | tr " " "?" | tr  '=;:"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]' '?' >/tmp/borked_name

rename_bork=`cat /tmp/borked_name`
echo  "$rename_bork"

for_cleaned=`cat /tmp/sanitized`
echo "$for_cleaned"

mv $rename_bork $for_cleaned 

 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nConversion to $for_cleaned has finished.\n" 0 0 2000

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#449 Post by big_bass »

This auto detects and renames badly named files and directories
anywhere you place it


# this is disabled to allow you to test first uncomment lines 44;91 when you know what will be renamed

so its safe to test as is with to see which files would be renamed if you uncommented those lines

wow ! this nice 8)

I ran this on three of my partitions without any problems
all the files were renamed correctly

I thought of another good use for this when you want to burn to CD sometimes there are problems with long mis-formatted names this will fix those types of problems

will save hours of work
a small but powerful app

take a look at this file it shows what will be renamed

theses files show what will be renamed

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose version 1.06  
# sana_auto  =  auto find and repair 
# sana =  sanitize  these =;"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]
# sana =  sana sana colita de rana   "for the spanish translation" 
# kde mime images have a ":" so leave them alone 
# to a corrected format with underscores 
# many bad characters get deleted  
# programs will not function correctly with spaces placed in the name 
# note that permissions are preseved !

# this is disabled to allow you to test first uncomment lines 44;91 when you know what will be renamed  
so its safe to test 

# if you plan to edit this comment out the "mv"  lines for safety while testing line 44 ;91

rm -f /tmp/sanitized
rm -f /tmp/borked_name
rm -f /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt

#this is faster fix directories first later it will fix the files 

find $pwd -type d | tr " " "?" | tr  '=;"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]' '?'| grep '?' >>/tmp/fix_borked_names.txt

#so you have a list of changed files that have ???
cp /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt /tmp/fix_borked_names_dir$$

##special function to clean everything 

for pkg in `cat /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt` ;do
echo "$pkg" | tr -d '=;`"<>,?!@#$%^*&(){}[]' |tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/sanitized
echo "$pkg" | tr " " "?" | tr  '=;"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]' '?' >/tmp/borked_name

rename_bork=`cat /tmp/borked_name`
echo  "$rename_bork"

for_cleaned=`cat /tmp/sanitized`
echo "$for_cleaned"

#mv $rename_bork $for_cleaned 

 Xdialog --title "working on directories" \
        	--infobox "\nConversion to $for_cleaned has finished.\n" 0 0 1000


 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion folders  finished.\n" 0 0 3000

#  fix all the files now

rm -f /tmp/sanitized
rm -f /tmp/borked_name
rm -f /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt

find $pwd -type f | tr " " "?" | tr  '=;"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]' '?'| grep '?' >>/tmp/fix_borked_names.txt

#so you have a list of changed files that have ???
cp /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt /tmp/fix_borked_names_files$$

##special function to clean everything 

for pkg in `cat /tmp/fix_borked_names.txt` ;do
echo "$pkg" | tr -d '=;`"<>,?!@#$%^*&(){}[]' |tr -s ' ' '_*' >/tmp/sanitized
echo "$pkg" | tr " " "?" | tr  '=;"`<>,!@#$?%^*&(){}[]' '?' >/tmp/borked_name

rename_bork=`cat /tmp/borked_name`
echo  "$rename_bork"

for_cleaned=`cat /tmp/sanitized`
echo "$for_cleaned"

#mv $rename_bork $for_cleaned 

 Xdialog --title "working on files" \
        	--infobox "\nConversion to $for_cleaned has finished.\n" 0 0 1000


 Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\n Auto conversion files  finished.\n" 0 0 3000

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#450 Post by gronos04 »

I would like to upgrade some base apps.
I wanted to install the latests alsa 1.0.22.
src2pkg worked perfectly, compiled and gave me a .tgz package.
Used pkgtool on the package thinking that it might just overwrite it but no luck.
Could someone please outline the steps to upgrade applications that were never installed by pkgtool?
I am running slaxer_pup as a frugal install.

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#451 Post by amigo »

installpkg name-of-package.tgz will install it -ovberwriting any existing files of the same name. To upgrade use: upgradepkg name-of-package.*tgz
If you have something already installed with installpkg, trying to use installpkg will not work (with same package name).

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#452 Post by gronos04 »


Thanks very much Amigo

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#453 Post by big_bass »

I improved the dragNdrop unzipper and it looks better with Xdialog

I also added tazpkg support for slitaz

*I have a lot of good stuff coming I just have to upload it
I wrote a whole new package manager
it took two months of work so I have been busy coding

slaxer pup is what I use everyday and it will be kept up to date
without burning a new CD with add on packages

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xdialog package tools

#454 Post by big_bass »

download the slaxerPup_updater2

small edit 4-20-2010 updated the makepkg in pkgtools to allow building in current directory the official makepkg doesnt allow it *rust rerun the updater the package was fixed on the server

you only need to run it once
unzip it then click on it

packages will be downloaded and installed
only the pet package asks you if you want to install it

all the tgz packages are automatic

this makes slaxer_pup updated to the latest stable version

maybe you'll get why I am using slackwares format
it is a standard that all linux developers are familiar with

throwing everything into a remastered iso
will only lead to confusion and is very anti- friendly
to the open source community
thats why

slaxer pup will be built using packages so work can be shared on other linux systems


now you have a new beautiful (tgz and txz )and fast installer for the x environment

slaxer installer image .png
(23.87 KiB) Downloaded 1377 times
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Last edited by big_bass on Fri 23 Apr 2010, 02:12, edited 1 time in total.

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#455 Post by Nikukyu »

Hi big_bass
I'm Puppy Linux Japanese Forum Member
Nikukyu :D

I made a improvement of
They were made to correspond to deb,rpm and tbz.
It tries. made them correspond to arj, lha, rar, and zip in addition.
However, only a simple decompression corresponds to rar.

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#456 Post by big_bass »

Hey Nikukyu
I made a improvement of
They were made to correspond to deb,rpm and tbz.
It tries. made them correspond to arj, lha, rar, and zip in addition.

thank you for posting

It´s nice to hear from friends in Japan :D

I downloaded a copy

*I didn´t say much about the slaxer updater it adds several hundreds of new mime types so even more formats to use and has the new file command


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#457 Post by fyujj »

Hi, I'm setting up a frugal install of S.P. and would like an advice on what to do as the first set up to bring it up-to-date.
Should I download and run the updater2 as the first thing? Would it be still needed then to fix the insert crash or update to the latest network wizard as in the first post?
Does the updater include the package build tools from the first post or should I install them separately?
Thank you.

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update slaxercpup

#458 Post by big_bass »

fyujj wrote:Hi, I'm setting up a frugal install of S.P. and would like an advice on what to do as the first set up to bring it up-to-date.
Should I download and run the updater2 as the first thing? Would it be still needed then to fix the insert crash or update to the latest network wizard as in the first post?
Does the updater include the package build tools from the first post or should I install them separately?
Thank you.
Hey fyujj

well ,I know that alot of people want to just down load a cd
which would be easy for me to do... I made many

when I started slaxer_pup there were talks of retirement
so I remained on course with the last version that was "official"
since then many things have come and gone but I remained on course
and worked on a stable branch /fork of puppy
whatever you want to call it

but what I like is to give the minimum fixes
that upgrade the core stuff *the area that most people don't like to work on
then allow the people to build it

this permits stability and removes the need of continually reinstalling
you just run a few scripts and "magic" you are on a stable base

I built many packages all hand built for slaxer_pup on the website

the most interesting feature I have spent alot of time perfecting
is the ability to auto make packages from source then install them with my customized front end for slackware type packages
and soon package dependency checking

note: forum member amigo built and maintains src2pkg
the source to package tool (good thing we are friends so
there is much more to come soon)

all of the packages I made with the .tgz extension were compiled by me so the are 100% compatible

just use the two scripts I posted

in order the first then the second
you could even just copy then paste the first one in the console

when its done do the same for the second or ( better to save them and make the executable )

if you have any questions about anything let me know

there is also a fun factor watching how things are modified
listed nicely with the scripts (an auto updater ) :D


Code: Select all


#SlaxerPup_updater version 1-7-2010

# code by Joe Arose   {big_bass}
# this is to keep slaxer pup updated 
# in a logical organized way for 
# experts and new users 

#when petget asks to install just say yes  
#the tgz packages are installed without prompting from the list

mkdir -p /root/slaxer_updater
cd /root/slaxer_updater


$DIALOG --backtitle "Slaxer Pup updater version 1-7-2010" \
	--title "Select your packages" \
        --checklist "The packages you should install
are already selected for you preset on the list of choices
which could be turned on or off . \n" 0 0 0 \
        ""  "" ON \
        ""  "" ON \
        ""    "" ON \
        "gtk+-2.12.9-i486-slxr.tgz"   "" ON \
        "network-wizard-apr-1st-i486-slxr.tgz"   "" ON \
        "ndiswrapper-1.54-i486-1.tgz"   "" ON \
        "numlockx-1.1-i486-2-slxr.tgz"   "" ON \
        "gtk+-i486-2-slxr.tgz"   "" ON \
        "gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-i486-2-slxr.tgz"   "" ON \
        "glib-1.2.10-i486-2-slxr.tgz"  "" ON 2> /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp


choice=`cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp`
#rm -f /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp
case $retval in
    echo "'$choice' chosen."
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

#----------------start URL downloader----------------------------------

#reformat the file for input of the URL downloader
# I did it this way to be clear and simple to read

#raw original convert slash to space
cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp|sed 's/\// /g'>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp2

#convert space to new line 
cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp2 |tr ' ' '\n' >/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3

#filter pets
grep '.pet$' /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4

#filter tgz packages
grep '.tgz$' /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5


#where the packages are downloaded to 
cd  /root/slaxer_updater
for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3`
do rxvt -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e  wget -c -N $MYURL$package
echo $package  

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nAll Packages downloaded to /root/slaxer_updater finished.\n" 0 0 4000

#----------------start installer pets (tmp4)----------------

#auto installer pets 

#check the file 
 if [ -s /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4 ]
for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4`; do
echo $package 
petget /root/slaxer_updater/$package
Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nInstalling pets has finished.\n" 0 0 3000


#----------------start installer tgz (tmp5)----------------

#auto installer tgz

#check the file 
if [ -s /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5 ]

for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5`; do
installpkg /root/slaxer_updater/$package
echo $package  

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nInstalling *tgz packages with pkgtools has finished.\n" 0 0 4000

rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp
rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp2
#rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3
#rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4
#rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5

#get the menus updated 
/usr/sbin/fixmenus #hack for JWM and ICEWM  
jwm -restart       #hack for JWM and ICEWM  Joe Arose aka big_bass 

Code: Select all


#SlaxerPup_updater2 version 4-6-2010

# code by Joe Arose   {big_bass}
# this is to keep slaxer pup updated 
# in a logical organized way for 
# experts and new users 

#when petget asks to install just say yes  
#the tgz packages are installed without prompting from the list

rm /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp*
mkdir -p /root/slaxer_updater
cd /root/slaxer_updater


$DIALOG --backtitle "Slaxer Pup updater version 4-6-2010" \
	--title "Select your packages" \
        --checklist "The packages you should install
are already selected for you preset on the list of choices
which could be turned on or off . \n" 0 0 0 \
        ""  "" ON \
        "file-5.03-i486-1slxr.tgz"    "" ON \
        "mime-fix-5.03-i486-4slxr.tgz"  "" ON \
        "Xdialog-2.3.1-i486-7slxr.tgz"    "" ON \
        "xz-4.999.8beta-i486-2slxr.tgz"  "" ON \
        "tools-472010-i486-1slxr.tgz" "" ON 2> /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp


choice=`cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp`
#rm -f /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp
case $retval in
    echo "'$choice' chosen.";;
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

#----------------start URL downloader----------------------------------

#reformat the file for input of the URL downloader
# I did it this way to be clear and simple to read

#raw original convert slash to space
cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp|sed 's/\// /g'>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp2

#convert space to new line 
cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp2 |tr ' ' '\n' >/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3

#filter pets
grep '.pet$' /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4

#filter tgz packages
grep '.tgz$' /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3>/root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5


#where the packages are downloaded to 
cd  /root/slaxer_updater
for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp3`
do rxvt -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e  wget -c -N $MYURL$package
echo $package  

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nAll Packages downloaded to /root/slaxer_updater finished.\n" 0 0 4000

#----------------start installer pets (tmp4)----------------

#auto installer pets 

#check the file 
 if [ -s /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4 ]
for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp4`; do
echo $package 
petget /root/slaxer_updater/$package
Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nInstalling pets has finished.\n" 0 0 3000


#----------------start installer tgz (tmp5)----------------

#auto installer tgz

#check the file 
if [ -s /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5 ]

for package in `cat /root/slaxer_updater/checklist.tmp5`; do
installpkg /root/slaxer_updater/$package
echo $package  

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
        	--infobox "\nInstalling *tgz packages with pkgtools has finished.\n" 0 0 4000

#get the menus updated 
/usr/sbin/fixmenus #hack for JWM and ICEWM  
jwm -restart       #hack for JWM and ICEWM  Joe Arose aka big_bass 

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Posts: 1740
Joined: Mon 13 Aug 2007, 12:21

#459 Post by big_bass »

here is an simple Xdialog mount tool

updated 4-26-2010 to add cd dvd support

called xmounter2

have fun

works on any linux that has Xdialog installed with Rox-Filer

great in an emergency or day to day use
(1.41 KiB) Downloaded 702 times
Last edited by big_bass on Mon 26 Apr 2010, 15:52, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 102
Joined: Sat 04 Apr 2009, 17:40

#460 Post by fyujj »

Thank you very much, big_bass. I'm posting from an updated Slaxer Pup (minus netmodules and ndiswrapper, plus NVIDIA driver).
Now I must check all the extra apps in this thread or in Slaxer's home page.

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