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Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2009, 23:26
by muggins
Uploaded v9.0.
2009.12.14 v.9.0
+ HDR can now merge up to 10 images - the user can manipulate image
contributions while monitoring a live output image.
+ Tools > Convert RAW Files - revised to allow selection of one or
many files using a standard file chooser dialog.
+ File > Open RAW - removed. Use Convert RAW Files and select a
single file, which is then converted and opened.
+ Context help via F1 key was added to most dialogs - show relevant
section of the user guide in a popup window which runs parallel.

Posted: Sat 26 Dec 2009, 08:24
by muggins
Uploaded v9.1.
2009.12.24 v.9.1
+ bugfix: sharpen via unsharp mask was ignoring "threshold" input.
+ new function: tone mapping - used to improve local contrast and
detail in image areas that are too dark or washed out.

Good, simple effects

Posted: Sat 26 Dec 2009, 11:06
by drongo
Thankyou muggins,

I just tried this for the first time. i can't believe how easy this makes commonly required transforms such as rotation and cropping. The art transform tools are going to save me a heap of time with a current project.


menu entry

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2009, 22:04
by emil

I downloaded 9.1 but got no menu entry at installation.
How to run it?

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009, 12:30
by drongo
@ emil,

Open a console and type "fotoxx" (without quotes)

I don't get a menu entry either but I think this may be a feature of later Puppies. think I read this in one of the four pages on this topic but the Forum is too slow to check now.

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 19:53
by abushcrafter
Change the category in the .desktop file to a better one say....

Code: Select all


In the file /usr/share/applications/fotoxx.desktop

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Digital Photo Editor
Please read up on .desktop files for the future as you may want to teak menu entries!

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 21:49
by muggins
Mea culpa! I've re-uploaded it with .desktop file:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Fotoxx image viewer
GenericName=Digital Photo Editor

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 21:55
by abushcrafter
thanks muchly

fotoxx-9.1 no entry in graphic menu

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 20:37
by munichjohn
Happy New Year muggins! This is the same problem as the 8.5 version that I reported on 2nd Oct 2009. Please update.

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 10:02
by muggins
Uploaded v9.2.
fotoxx 9.2
DateJan 1, 2010 at 17:35

Select area by color was made easier: an optional radius of action was added to quickly incorporate excluded "islands" or push-out area edges. Area edge calculation and blending was made into a separate dialog. The defog function was removed - it duplicated the functions of the brightness and color saturation curves, and also the new tone mapping functions produce better results. For the Blur function, the minimum blur radius was reduced to 0.5 pixels, which is barely perceptible. Two bugs were fixed: (1) Tone mapping with edge blending was causing some pure black pixels to turn white. (2) The edge of a mouse-selected area which also hugs an image edge was not being omitted for the purporse of edge blending.
To Emil, abushcrafter, munichjohn, and anyone else interested, the problem with fotoxx not appearing in the menu, with p431, was because p431 clobbered the "Graphics" category, and apparently needs some sub-category. So I've changed the .desktop file to have:


and it definitely appears in menu for p412 & p431.

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 13:54
by abushcrafter
Don't worry about me I set a custom category anyway so I still have to edit it!

Code: Select all


Fotoxx menu entry working fine in Puppy 4.3.1

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 15:04
by drongo
Fotoxx menu entry working fine in Puppy 4.3.1


Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 22:25
by JustGreg
I use Fotoxx to convert a PSD to JPEG file. It worked fine. Fotoxx did complain about the exif tool/library not being available. The installation was to Puppy 4.3.1. Thanks for the pet!

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 23:15
by muggins

regarding the fotoxx's exiv complaint, just install exiftool, from the first post. See:
(N.B. This latest release requires the installation of the attached freeimage library .pet. It also supports usage of exiftool & ufraw, if these are installed.)

exiftool problem in 9.2

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2010, 18:45
by outtaspam
muggins wrote:JustGreg,

regarding the fotoxx's exiv complaint, just install exiftool, from the first post. See:
(N.B. This latest release requires the installation of the attached freeimage library .pet. It also supports usage of exiftool & ufraw, if these are installed.)
I have the same complaint about exiftool not being installed, despite having installed it. It was not a problem in 9,1, but beacma a problem in 9.2.


Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 01:06
by muggins

I wonder whether it's just a missing symlink...can you try just running fotoxx, in a console, and see if it gives more details?

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 03:38
by gulk
muggins wrote: I wonder whether it's just a missing symlink...can you try just running fotoxx, in a console, and see if it gives more details?
Same issue here. Running 9.2 from console gives:

Code: Select all

fotoxx v.9.2  2010.01.01
language: en_US 
using 1 threads 
FreeImage 3.11.0 
exiftool sh: exiftool: command not found
ufraw: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sh: printoxx: command not found
sh: /usr/bin/printoxx: No such file or directory
Regards and thanks for the pet.

[EDIT] (and solved... sorry muggins, I don't know how to read clearly explained posts...)
Sooooooo... to have fotoxx and ufraw working properly on puppy 4.2.1, here is what I had to install:
- libexiv (from ... h&id=10229) (not standard on puppy 4.2.1)
- (from
- (from (muggins, your main post points to version 0.15, which does not exist anymore)
- (from page 1 of this thread)
- (from page 1 of this thread)

Sorry again :oops:

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 13:05
by tubby
Your pet loads and works ok in puppy431 but the missing exif popup appears in my debian puppy, i compiled the missing printoxx and it is recognized as loading in terminal. I cannot test if it works as i do not have a printer connected.

exiftool problem in dpup 482 b5

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2010, 11:56
by stumpii
fotoxx pet runs well but i also have the problem with exif tool not loading, typing exiftool in console gives this output

# exiftool
Can't locate Image/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/bin/lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/bin/exiftool line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/exiftool line 26.

Exiftool-7.72-i486, Freeimage-3.11.0-i486 and ufraw-0.15-i486 were all installed prior to installing Fottox

Not too sure what the console output means but it may help someone.

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2010, 22:58
by gulk
Arf... I must be really distracted...

It is as muggins said, a symlink is missing.

After installing libexiv (from ... h&id=10229), please type in a terminal:

Code: Select all

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
This will create the missing symlink and everything should work after that.