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Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2010, 11:40
by Colonel Panic
Frank Cox wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:Is this still active? I thought the free download ended on New Year's Eve.
As for now some of those who downloaded a key were given an opportunity to beta test the 2010 version.

We hope the 2008 version goes GPL . If you have no key it is over for know.

Never know though, you could write them an e-mail and ask if they would make an exception, all they can do is say no.

The 2008 pet I downloaded was 59 mg , it still had all the locals, when I build my new puppy I will cut it down as well.
Yeah, I need something better than Abiword for opening Word documents with as it crashed and burned with an application form recently.

My guess is that Softmaker would say no if I asked, they presumably rely on the income from their suite to stay in business.


Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2010, 21:54
by Frank Cox

Yeah, I need something better than Abiword for opening Word documents with as it crashed and burned with an application form recently.

My guess is that Softmaker would say no if I asked, they presumably rely on the income from their suite to stay in business.
Again, all they can say is yes or no. They rely on windows users for their income, Linux is a tiny fraction of the market so I would try if I was you.

They might let you try it for a month and then offer you a very low price, the only reason they gave it away at all was for advertising their 2010 version. If they give you a 2008 version there is a chance you will buy the 2010 and if not what have they lost?

You would be amazed at the things I have gotten , not just software , from lots of companies just by asking.

The other alternative is open office. If you have enough ram it will run fine and if you get the sfs file for it you don't have to boot it every time.


Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 10:24
by Colonel Panic
Thanks, I'll consider it. I've got Open Office 3.1 but it's quite big and unwieldy so a smaller suite which opens Word documents properly would be a great asset to have.

Taken for a test drive!

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 11:31
by Tui
Yes I took this Softmaker package for a test using a layout
that I have used in the MS 2003 office package which included a
a jpeg pix I had no problem in it's use and on finishing I saved it in
the dot.doc format and sent it off too an MS Windows machine that I use for client support which has the MS Office suite.

On reading this doc file, the text came out as a different font and
all out of alignment. - So I have to conclude that it's not a prog
that one could use in the everyday business via electronic exchange
of information.

I would like to see if the prog Open Office gave the same or similar

As for using the spreadsheet prog and saving as a dot xl would it have same result ?

Your comments please

Thank you Tui

Font Problem

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 22:20
by Frank Cox
Hi Tui:

So far I have not had a problem with that . There are several possibilities. It may be that when the pet file was created that particular font was eliminated and it is also possible you did not save it in the proper format. It may be it needs to be added.

The program will save in word 97-2000,2003 , 6/95.and 2007 formats..
Did you try all of them?

I had trouble with the pet, one of them I downloaded was almost 60 mgs, the other only 4 so I downloaded the tarball tgz and cut it down to 34 mb.
So far no worries. I would try saving it in the different formats and if that does not work download the tarball. Open it with pupzip and be sure to to work off a copy . Delete all the language files you know you will not use and if you are absolutely sure the fonts as well.
When you are through deleting close the file and be absolutely sure you tell it to update itself, it will ask you.
I left Spanish and English and 95% of the fonts and ended up with 34 megs.

To install extract both files to a temporary folder and click on the tarball, the file that says install just leave alone. It will tell you the file installed and it is listed in Utility in the Menu bar at the lower left of the desktop. You won't find it there but you will find near the bottom of the list a button that says-Gexec-execute a command. Type in Textmaker and it will bring up the screen for your name,e-mail , and install key.
Once you give it that information it will automatically ad a button to menu/document for Textmaker , graphics,SoftMaker Presentations and
business ,PlanMaker.

The icons for the desktop are in share/icons I think. I used a pic from one of their ads and replaced Abiword as default write.

If the file is not confidential post it on the softmaker forum or here and maybe someone can find a work around.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010, 21:12
by Frank Cox
Hi Everyone

As I was reading through this thread again i did not see the answer for the printing problem or the Docx files.

To print in Textmaker you have to make it the default cups printer.It works fine after that. I have yet to try to print from Planmaker or the Softmaker Presentations program so I don;t know if you have to stop and reset the default cups printer or not, I suspect you do which would be a pain. When I get a chance I fill find out. It is not that big of a deal if it is only occasionally . Of course I have the program on all my windows machines so if I have to I can print from there.

As far as Docx all you have to do is download the free Softmaker docx to doc converter , it works fine.

So far the only things I have trouble with are minor like the fact you cannot print fonts as outlines which I do to make signs occasionally but I can do that from OO or Word .

One of these days I will buy the 2010 version but for now if you gave me either Word,OO, or SM to use I would take the SM, even the 2008 version in a second, it is super fast, does almost everything I ask it to and no Bill "Are You Really ,Really ,Really Sure?" included! Second I would have to take Word over OO .
One of these days the OO people might realize how good SM is and try to make that program more like it. At 50.00 for 3 licenses I would buy SM if I had to choose between either of the others , even if Word was free as well. Kind of surprised SM does not make a Mac version but I guess you could run it under Wine there.

Bug Help?

Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2010, 18:27
by theinfamousj
I know that the dotpet has been removed from this site, but I downloaded it before it had gone.

I've been using Softmaker's Textmaker 2008 as a wonderful replacement for Abiword (as it gives me more control over the location of embedded graphics, a must as a teacher).

However, I have one little problem. Every time I start up Textmaker (I haven't used the other components), I get this [see pic] window. I always click "okay" and then it lets me use it as normal.

I don't know much about configuration files, nor where to find them, but would be willing to do whatever is necessary to remove the popup. Now that we are into 2010, that popup is getting annoying.


2002 for Linux

Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 21:34
by Frank Cox
Has anyone tried the 2002 Linux version available here?

The 2006 has a platinum rating under wine but if the programs are not much different? Personally I don't care as I got licenses for 2008 during Christmas last year and am getting set up to be a reseller for them so i will have 2010 as well but I would like to know this for people who can't afford to purchase a new version.

Puppy users should recommend this software and asks those that buy it to tell them a PL user recommended it. Puppy users who have a computer shop, school. system admins etc. should get set up as a reseller. If we make them a lot of money they just might give us 2008 to use to replace Abi-Word.

2008 is Available Free again!

Posted: Tue 07 Dec 2010, 05:52
by Frank Cox
You can download 2008 for Linux and Windows for free again!

Maybe its time to get permission to add it to puppy!

Posted: Mon 13 Dec 2010, 15:14
by Colonel Panic
Great news! Thanks for posting it.


CP .

Your Welcome

Posted: Mon 13 Dec 2010, 19:36
by Frank Cox
Welcome, enjoy.

Funny but I found the link right after-within hours, of ordering 2010.
Not that it would have mattered

Free Fonts end Christmas! Dec 31

Posted: Tue 14 Dec 2010, 16:07
by Frank Cox
I had not looked at their site, apparently this is just like last year ,temporary-be sure to get the fonts!

I find the tarball superior to any other method as it allows you to cut the file almost in half . Just open the tarball in root and paste the installs office file in terminal or run a program and be sure to run fixmenus .

Christmas is coming early this year!

You can now download SoftMaker Office 2008 and a font package free of charge – and do good at the same time: Until December 31, SoftMaker donates 10 Euro cents for every download, supporting aid and development projects around the world.

Tell your friends and colleagues about our Load and Help 2010 campaign. Our goal is to surpass last year's donations of € 6089!

Visit the Load and Help campaign

Posted: Tue 21 Dec 2010, 15:07
by Colonel Panic
I've now downloaded and installed Softmaker, so thanks! As for the fonts, the ones which are actually used for writing / printing look fine but the ones used in the menus look a bit "blocky."


Posted: Tue 21 Dec 2010, 15:54
by Frank Cox
Colonel Panic wrote:I've now downloaded and installed Softmaker, so thanks! As for the fonts, the ones which are actually used for writing / printing look fine but the ones used in the menus look a bit "blocky."
Seems last year someone had found a fix for that. Since it printed fine i have not worried about it. My bug is that 2010 is not allowing me to access my other drives to save to so I have to save a file and then move it.

The SoftMaker forums should be able to help with both issues, when I find th4 fix I will post it.

Posted: Fri 24 Dec 2010, 18:08
by Colonel Panic
Thanks for replying Frank. It's only a minor issue but I'd appreciate that fix if it's not too difficult.


CP .

Posted: Fri 24 Dec 2010, 19:39
by maxpro4u
I downloaded and extracted the fonts. Where do I put them??

Posted: Fri 24 Dec 2010, 20:49
by seaside
maxpro4u wrote:I downloaded and extracted the fonts. Where do I put them??

Place the font files in the hidden directory "/root/.fonts"

If you don't have that directory, just create it. You can check by clicking menu>desktop>Gfontsel to see if the fonts show up.


Posted: Fri 24 Dec 2010, 21:41
by maxpro4u
seaside wrote:
maxpro4u wrote:I downloaded and extracted the fonts. Where do I put them??

Place the font files in the hidden directory "/root/.fonts"

If you don't have that directory, just create it. You can check by clicking menu>desktop>Gfontsel to see if the fonts show up.

and happy holidays to you and yours!

When I can

Posted: Fri 24 Dec 2010, 23:25
by Frank Cox
Colonel Panic wrote:Thanks for replying Frank. It's only a minor issue but I'd appreciate that fix if it's not too difficult.


CP .
It may be a while but i will try.

Posted: Sun 23 Oct 2011, 20:36
by Dewbie
BarryK recently compiled a cut-down (12.1MB) SoftMaker Office 2008 .pet.
See here and here.