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Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 10:00
by Brown Mouse
Seem to be having trouble booting.
I downloaded the .iso and extracted the usual files to a test directory as I normally do but when I try to boot it from grub it says it is unable to locate 'dpup-476.sfs'
Any ideas or will it only boot from a disc?

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 11:59
by maxpro4u
Dpup booted fine-frugal install-but there are no drivers that work for my D-Link DWL-G650 wireless card.

Posted: Thu 27 Jan 2011, 04:32
by aarf
dpup476-03 - copy 3 files to a directory and grub boot.

I'm with dejan. this version has bugs that are already fixed. mostly i avoid this going backwards stuff and the re-finding old bugs, but for you ttuuxxx i make an exception.
ath5 module needed for my wifi and many other newer laptop isn't working. stopped there and was going to junk it but will persist if you do delta file upgrades.
mainly i wanted to test for the blackscreen freeze that started first with dpup. it didn't happen in the few minutes i use it, but will need wifi connection to go do further . yes i know there are pets to get the wifi going but I'll wait till it is in the main iso.
as for the browser i wont be using either firefox or seamonkey so it is MB's i don't need. opera for me. my vote would be for a small basic browser then user choice download of main browser as in other puppies.
but i go with jemimahs do-ocracy idea, the person doing the work makes the key decisions.
best of luck and congrats with the new mini-ttuuxxx

Ralink RT2561/61 appears not to be supported

Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011, 19:47
by mikeslr
Hi ttuuxxx & all;

I'm currently posting from Lupu 520. I downloaded the dpup476.iso, unpacked necessary files into its own directory, modified grub4dos and rebooted. Booted fine, but the first thing I do is see if I can access the internet as I'm on wireless. Lupu ( and others) recognize my controller as being Ralink RT2561/61. dpup476's network wizard only recognizes my ethernet port. Loading each of the included drivers disclosed no active network. On the off chance that the RT pet developed for 2.14x might help, I installed it. No wireless networks were located. Until I can connect to the internet, this is a show stopper.

Because the "old" network wizard sometimes is inaccurate, I also tried pwireless and Frisbee. Neither showed an active network.


Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 15:20
by Lobster
Ttuuxxx, good luck with your new babies (human and penguin)

As far as I remember Quickpet was developed by Mick to be
Puplet/wooflet independent. Would it work with a non woof built dpup?
Could not find the right link for that but maybe these tools are of use . . .
The latest PPM code is very good and may be sufficient?

Ttuuxxx I seem to remember from using Guys dpup you are using, that it had no Flash video viewing problems that have surfaced (for me) in Puppy Lucid 5.2

I also wonder if some of these will work in dpup?

These are the ones working with Lucid (as a guide) ... 865#489865

Puppy Linux
Our Baby

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 18:20
by aarf
put this wifi driver into dpup but still cannot see a wifi interface. ... 166#242166 cant find any other drivers to try.

pupdail works over my phone.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 18:35
by nooby
aarf that is my experience too.

Here is what did happen to me when I had linux on USB. Some 75 different Distro versions one by one using Unetboot in from Windows and made new install to the USB mostly live isos.

Then trying to boot up on my Acer D250 when it was newly bought.

Some distros shut down the ethernet card during the probe they do while booting.

So the only way to get that ethernet card booting in other linuxes that had been able to see just minutes ago and now did not see it the solution was to shut the os down to halt and then pull the power plug and take out the battery and let it rest long enough to forget about the abusive distro.

Then sometimes I even had to boot up one time in windows for to activate the ethernet card so it could be used by other distros.

It was that sensitive to the wrong distros doing something that shut the ethernet card down so it got invisible despite one had the right drivers. they found not device. Not listed even .

Very weird behavior. So who knows if that is what happens to you?

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 20:14
by aarf
Nooby: My other puppies still see the Wifi connection. it is only this dpup that wont see it.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 22:31
by nooby
Yes that is how it appears hear too but sometimes some distros actually shut the ethernet card and wifi card so they become invisible even to windows despite them being there just minutes ago. I trust it is some kind of defence against destruction and one need to make the computer forget that it should keep them shut down but letting the inner memory discharge by taking out all power to the Mobo.

Posted: Thu 10 Feb 2011, 00:09
by aarf
There is a new debian stable out in the past few days. If you test this new debian nooby your menu.lst entry and method would be nice.

Posted: Thu 10 Feb 2011, 00:49
by nooby
see next post.

I am taking a break from the difficult to get going distros.

I found an easy going one based on Slax. It is from China and named
CDLinux. Boot frugally and it just works. Rather lite to have so much that works. I can mount my NTFS HDD which very few distros do.

TCL did not. Neither did AntiX and Swift did not either. SuperOS failed too.

But CDLinux just worked from out of the box. Does Swedish ÅÄÖ too.
It plays streaming video and do youtube.

The only thing lacking is the IPtables set to Accept instead of Drop so that is bad.

Another bad thing is that support is only in Chinese. Apart from their FAQ.

which did not help me set up the iptables. But apart from that it is what I I've been looking for for a long time.

Posted: Thu 10 Feb 2011, 07:49
by nooby
No I failed to find a lite version. Debian are mega big. So unless someone tells me a small version that can do ntfs read and write then I refuse to try it out :)

Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2011, 00:05
by harii4
how about an name change?
"Dpupd revisited" to "Dpup476 Remixed" or "D476pup ReLoad"

See Dpup 487 renewed 2015.

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2015, 02:46
by Pelo
See Dpup 487 renewed 2015.
Once upon a time (2012) i burn Puppies on CD-RW.
I am checking my Juke-box. Dpup484 was fine. But Dpup 487 2015 would be better.
I am remasterizing it with ... Slacko 5.7, and all is going "comme sur des roulettes" !
Remaster your best Puppies, as black and white movies are colorized to give them a new youth.