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Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 17:36
by don570
I used the following code to get Thunar to work

Code: Select all

if [ -e /usr/bin/Thunar ];then
exec Thunar "${ROXPATH%/*}/"
rox -s "$ROXPATH"

Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 17:43
by don570
Some better icons are needed in recent pfind.
Note that the letter 'T' for Total is acceptable for
European languages --> French verb 'totaliser'
derived from Medieval Latin t

Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 19:17
by don570
Here's a couple more



Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2012, 11:00
by zigbert
Thank you for your suggestions. Please be aware that the icons in Pfind are hardcoded SVGs. They are temporary built to /tmp/pfind-*.svg while Pfind is running. To change the icons the svg-path has to be edited. Here is the code (/usr/local/pfind/func):

Code: Select all

	case $2 in
		ALL) SVG_PATH="m 2.5117521,2.5127521 v 2.277177 H 25.346752 V 2.5127521 H 2.5117521 z m 0,12.3183199 H 25.346752 V 12.553895 H 2.5117521 v 2.277177 z m 0,-5.0205715 H 25.346752 V 7.5333236 H 2.5117521 v 2.2771769 z m 0,10.0403835 H 25.346752 V 17.573707 H 2.5117521 v 2.277177 z";;
		DOC) SVG_PATH="M 24.58158,4.4375486 22.51587,1.8386698 C 21.994344,1.1834161 21.041743,1.0756732 20.384923,1.5966477 l -1.630128,1.2960629 3.952835,4.969455 1.630635,-1.295004 C 24.993795,6.0448528 25.10338,5.0920187 24.581578,4.4375484 z M 4.6752097,14.091718 8.6280453,19.061173 21.523793,8.8053582 17.568883,3.834293 4.6752097,14.091718 z M 2.4771543,17.867259 1.313071,20.820365 4.4530638,20.350927 7.3702447,19.916734 3.5572244,15.120571 2.4771543,17.867259 z";;
		PIC) SVG_PATH="M 2.5,1.6925041 V 20.886008 H 26.359504 V 1.6925041 H 2.5 z M 22.603841,19.238567 H 6.2556627 V 3.3399451 H 22.603841 V 19.238567 z M 10.232247,9.5704861 c 1.260135,0 2.282559,-0.994308 2.282559,-2.219791 0,-1.2263427 -1.022424,-2.2197917 -2.282559,-2.2197917 -1.2610193,0 -2.2825595,0.9943084 -2.2825595,2.2197917 0,1.225483 1.0215402,2.219791 2.2825595,2.219791 z M 21.72104,11.504102 17.375959,7.2785061 11.263507,13.222872 9.5694827,11.575431 7.1375807,13.940459 v 4.438723 H 21.72104 v -6.87508 z";;
		MUSIC) SVG_PATH="m 4.605438,7.4162562 v 7.8959998 h 4.495 l 6.729,5.526 0.004,-18.9479998 -6.73,5.526 h -4.498 z m 13.808,-0.908 c -0.393,-0.389 -1.024,-0.389 -1.415,0.002 -0.39,0.391 -0.39,1.024 0.002,1.416 v -0.002 c 0.863,0.864 1.395,2.049 1.395,3.3659998 0,1.316 -0.531,2.497 -1.393,3.361 -0.394,0.389 -0.394,1.022 -0.002,1.415 0.195,0.195 0.451,0.293 0.707,0.293 0.257,0 0.513,-0.098 0.708,-0.293 1.222,-1.22 1.98,-2.915 1.979,-4.776 10e-4,-1.8649998 -0.76,-3.5619998 -1.981,-4.7819998 z m 2.295,-2.294 c -0.393,-0.391 -1.024,-0.391 -1.413,0 -0.392,0.391 -0.392,1.025 0,1.414 1.45,1.451 2.344,3.447 2.344,5.6609998 0,2.212 -0.894,4.207 -2.342,5.659 -0.392,0.39 -0.392,1.023 0,1.414 0.195,0.195 0.451,0.293 0.708,0.293 0.256,0 0.512,-0.098 0.707,-0.293 1.808,-1.809 2.929,-4.315 2.927,-7.073 0.001,-2.7599998 -1.12,-5.2679998 -2.931,-7.0749998 z";;
		VIDEO) SVG_PATH="M 24.463361,2.5196281 V 3.3913179 H 20.604713 V 2.5196281 H 8.0632494 V 3.3913179 H 4.2046013 V 2.5196281 H 3.347124 V 19.451446 h 0.8574773 v -0.87169 h 3.8586481 v 0.87169 H 20.603856 v -0.87169 h 3.858648 v 0.87169 h 1.071847 V 2.5196281 h -1.07099 z M 8.0632494,17.534366 H 4.2046013 v -2.489973 h 3.8586481 v 2.489973 z m 0,-3.53616 H 4.2046013 v -2.489974 h 3.8586481 v 2.489974 z m 0,-3.535364 H 4.2046013 V 7.9728691 h 3.8586481 v 2.4899729 z m 0,-3.5361604 H 4.2046013 V 4.4367083 H 8.0632494 V 6.9266816 z M 10.794315,15.041206 V 6.4071736 l 8.044853,4.3170154 -8.044853,4.317017 z m 13.669046,2.49316 h -3.858648 v -2.489973 h 3.858648 v 2.489973 z m 0,-3.53616 h -3.858648 v -2.489974 h 3.858648 v 2.489974 z m 0,-3.535364 H 20.604713 V 7.9728691 h 3.858648 v 2.4899729 z m 0,-3.5361604 H 20.604713 V 4.4367083 h 3.858648 v 2.4899733 z";;
		ZIP) SVG_PATH="m 15.709362,16.119896 -1.558657,-3.259497 -1.779423,3.751302 -6.6664078,-2.596387 0.1542698,3.082667 8.366923,3.452903 9.67201,-4.235214 -0.132105,-3.938393 -8.05661,3.742619 z M 26.682027,3.9747385 16.988738,1.4201901 14.323594,3.5287188 11.583087,1.6664877 1.938562,5.222015 5.3032406,7.6281534 2.2595142,11.813634 11.904926,15.568883 14.148045,10.833969 16.14912,15.024186 26.250249,10.33348 23.49733,6.6161227 26.682027,3.9747385 z M 14.112581,10.258486 6.0807961,7.2350243 14.304088,3.9976316 l 8.518533,2.5695473 -8.71004,3.6913071 z";;
		CODE) SVG_PATH="m 9.1315157,2.7888182 -6.8467058,8.6629998 6.8474964,8.662 2.4904307,-3.15 -4.3578579,-5.512 4.3570669,-5.5109998 -2.4904303,-3.152 z m 10.0210153,0 -2.488849,3.151 4.357067,5.5109998 -4.357067,5.511 2.488849,3.15 6.848287,-8.662 -6.848287,-8.6609998 z";;
The icons are taken from this icontheme. technosaurus made them available here


Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2012, 23:39
by don570
When a file is chosen then an entry box
could be filled with command

Code: Select all

ls  -lh
or other useful data


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 13:37
by Argolance
Tested the latest release of Pfind (5.0): great!
I noticed 2 little things:
  • - I thing It is a pity that, like previous releases, Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text (from a work session to another)...
    - Icons are not visible enough using dark gtk themes...
Best regards.

Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 15:13
by zigbert
don570 wrote:When a file is chosen then an entry box
could be filled with command

Code: Select all

ls  -lh
or other useful data
I think all data is shown if you scroll horizontally


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 15:20
by zigbert
Argolance wrote:Tested the latest release of Pfind (5.0): great!
Thank you
Argolance wrote:- I thing It is a pity that, like previous releases, Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text (from a work session to another)...
Please explain more specific. I am a stupid guy.
Argolance wrote:- Icons are not visible enough using dark gtk themes...
True. The theme color is for now hardcoded and set in /usr/local/pfind/pfind line 17

Code: Select all

export THEME_COLOR=black
I hope and think we will see a global setting for SVGs in some future. - Or a way to detect the gtk-foreground color.

Your theme looks great, where can i find that?


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 17:07
by don570
Argolance wrote:Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text
I think Argolance was referring to pfilesearch
which always opens up with the same options
selected unless a directory search is made.

It is possible to make a list of mounted drives
to choose as a target. I did this in monkey find.



Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 07:51
by Argolance
Thank you for answering.
Please explain more specific. I am a stupid guy.
It is not always very easy to tell things in English, sorry!

So: Right of the welcome Pfind window, user can choose "Where to search" files. In previous releases, Pfind didn't forget the chosen option. Now it always comes back to the default value: "Personal files". It was nevertheless very convenient!
Your theme looks great, where can i find that?
Thank you.
This jwm-gtk theme is part of the Desktop Environment (2PDE) I made for the next release of Toutou Linux...

Best regards.

Posted: Wed 27 Jun 2012, 07:30
by zigbert
Argolance wrote:So: Right of the welcome Pfind window, user can choose "Where to search" files. In previous releases, Pfind didn't forget the chosen option. Now it always comes back to the default value: "Personal files". It was nevertheless very convenient!
Got it, thank you

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2012, 19:50
by don570
I'm converting pet packages to Porteus Linux distribution.

When converting pfind 5.0 to porteus, I came across
a terminal message at launch time. It said that
rm command doesn't support -d option.
I noticed this line of code at line 353.
I don't know if it's important but I did remove the d option
when I made my final porteus module

Code: Select all

*)	rm -dr /tmp/searchresult$PROGPID


I had to remove 'Advanced' button from window of pfind
because it wasn't opening pfilesearch properly. :cry:


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2012, 19:57
by don570
I noticed that SVG files are put on graphics format list,
but when trying to open it with a slideshow program
it just stalls (in porteus at least).

Few Slideshow programs support SVG format so
you need to be careful about opening this format

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2012, 20:51
by vovchik
Dear Don570,

Most GTK apps will load SVG files just fine if GTK contains the appropriate loader in /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders. Check yours out. It should have an entry such as:

Code: Select all

"svg" 2 "gtk20" "Scalable Vector Graphics"
"image/svg+xml" "image/svg" "image/svg-xml" "image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml" "text/xml-svg" "image/svg+xml-compressed" ""
"svg" "svgz" "svg.gz" ""
" <svg" "*    " 100
" <!DOCTYPE svg" "*             " 100
If it is there, the SVGs should show in most GTK apps automatically. If the app is not GTK-based, then you might encounter problems. I don't know what loaders Proteus includes, but forum member bigbass is also using Proteus and is happily displaying SVGs in gtk apps. It could be that the slideshow progs you mention are written to accommodate only certain file types (e.g. png, jpg, etc.).

With kind regards,

Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2012, 15:40
by don570
One of the nice things about the old Mac operating system(up to 7.5)
was the simple and neat way of finding a file on a hard drive.

Note that you specified the hard drive with a pull down menu.



Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2012, 16:13
by vovchik
Dear Don,

Thanks for that little screenshot of old Mac OS7x. It is useful to go back and see what was good about certain systems or programs and then to implement those features again. Newer is not always better and some good things get forgotten. :(

With kind regards,

Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2012, 19:09
by don570
I'm using the mini_vmac emulator on Puppy linux
mini_vmac site

If anyone is interested, just open the archive below and drag the file
'Disk.iso' on the mini_vmac emulation window which has the blinking
disk icon.

(I've also included the Sys7.0.1 image files in the archive
but these aren't needed)


Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2012, 21:55
by dk60902
don570 wrote:I'm using the mini_vmac emulator on Puppy linux
mini_vmac site

If anyone is interested, just open the archive below and drag the file
'Disk.iso' on the mini_vmac emulation window which has the blinking
disk icon.

(I've also included the Sys7.0.1 image files in the archive
but these aren't needed)

How did you get this to work? I downloaded the file to my / directory, extracted it, opened up the directory that was named Mac emulator (I think, as I deleted everythikng). There were 3 items in this folder, a sys 7 directory, a disk.iso and another file to install. When I went to the /, there was a gear shaped icon that was ? named Mac emulator. I clicked that, and the Mini vmac window opened up, but it was all black. There was no place to drag the disc.iso file to.

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 23:54
by don570
I've given a detailed explanation of Min vMac emulation here. ... 450#639450

Remember that you must find and download an old mac plus ROM
for this method to work. I think you forgot that step. Try here
and put it in the same folder.

The basic instructions are here


Posted: Sat 14 Jul 2012, 21:22
by sc0ttman
can we please have the option to not only export to text editor, but to append to exported file? I like to perform many searches in one session, and often want all the results of each search added to a single file, opened in the text editor.

ideally this would be possible from the console interface as well, so that a number of pfind commands could be run inside a script - appending all the results to one file.